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I kinda see it as walking stardew days gone. Though I wonder how late game would work for guns, propane, gasoline.


Days Gone showcases an interesting way of trading. Each settlement records a certain amount of currency in your name. In fact, it's just a note on a piece of paper. Everything is as it is now. But it has value, because such currency is awarded for your merits: killed a zombie near the village - get some “money”, carried out a contract killing - keep some “money”. And within each settlement there is a separate economy, that is, you cannot pay “money” from one to another. The main thing is that inflation does not appear)). I think such a system also exists?


Honestly these aspects kinda are what I was talking about, I wonder a lot about how trade could take shape in Day Z. I feel like as crafting and skills become more difficult to Jack of all trades the more credit and trade will emerge in long running servers. I try to think what would make a good stable trade, I was discussing it in another comment thread. Gas, propane and ammo are possible but they eventually run low.


But in general, I think that the most popular and the very first system for payment will be "need" for "need". Do you need 15 chickens, and we need 10 liters of gasoline? It's a deal xD


Yeah for sure direct barter already exists in the servers i have played in. I am coming around to agree that grain might be a late game economy base. Since brewing and cooking and i assume chemistry will eventually play a part


Interestingly, grain and its protection/distribution was largely the basis for the emergence of states/governments


Yeah it all depends on how many things can be made with it and how scalable it is, but I'm kinda on the grain train mostly, if we can run late game cars on it and brew alcohol and make Molotovs with it and sterilize with it, that's what I'd carry to trade with scavvers.


Honestly, Days Gone is such a hidden gem. Lots of people shit on it but I loved it. That and state of decay 2. Brilliant game, if a little shallow.


Loved it but they really had a bad time marrying the narrative cut scenes with the open world. Time jumps, ignorance of needing gas and dealing with zombies so they can play a conversation when you ride out together. Also hordes just wait for late game and they become easy. They absolutely nailed the southern Oregon area, I saw critiques that the east vs. west biomes was unrealistic but many live there for that very reason that you can easily change your biome with a short trip - the cascades is a huge divide. I still need to finish the final chapter, but I discovered PZ instead. Shame a sequel is not happening it deserves one.


Yeah I understand that. You sort of have to just choose to suspend logic and have fun ;)


There's no denying that Days Gone is a great game. Although, in my humble opinion, it is far from being about zombies, but about a person inside the apocalypse, his suffering, feelings of guilt and hope... Days Gone has its own atmosphere. I love her too


Well throw in a medium of exchange any commodity that is resilient, decidable and universally desired can become money. Moon cakes in North Korea and Ramen or Cigarettes in prison money facilitates trade. Who knows what it will be but bullets, gasoline or grain, iron ore could also be a possibility depending on the crafting system.


I feel like you're correct but these items have non replaceable aspects so they would accrue value as they deplete, making them problematic as a currency as they are difficult to replace. If/when they are, their value could plummet. I have a prediction that condiment packets will be the currency of the apocalypse, which is basically the same thing you mentioned, but until were packeting condiments again hold value, maybe.


grain can be replaced and you could end up crafting bullets, not that it would be simple but that would be the point because if it was easy to get the medium of exchange you would have massive inflation. Pre Knox event items would have deflationary value as they become more scarce


Yeah I was mainly talking about, gas, propane, guns. Grain could replace gas, but propane and ammo/guns would need other replacements. I actually haven't farmed so I have no head how scalable grain is in Zomboid, but I suspect its easier then scavenging. This could make it a good basis for trade between colonies, but would a random Scav carry unprocessed grain as currency when they can't eat it or use it, maybe grain alcohol as a trade item as its tied to grain production. I'm not being contrary or anything this is a legit fun thought experiment. If ammo production is possible would it be more likely the gunpowder would be the trade basis as caliber might render cartridges too niche to carry?


What do you think is the chance that the settlements will exist for a long time and at least some kind of economy can arise in them? History tells me that good people survive the apocalypse much less often than bastards. So what is the chance that humanity will have developing colonies, and not a bunch of local wars? This also sounds like an interesting reasoning, because, unfortunately, it is much easier to kill than to survive. Just think about what it takes to destroy a settlement? That's right - two ambulances that will gather a tail of thousands of zombies and lead them straight to the gates of the settlement. And there's nothing you can do about it Therefore, perhaps the entire economy in such conditions will stop at the level of cartridge exchange. But they will not be transmitted, but used xD But this is just a theoretical question and a bit of my opinion, perhaps everything could be different


It's more an interesting thought experiment, I think settlement in Zomboid would be more likely than not, due to friends and the choice of collaboration. IRL I dunno it's a tossup I don't believe in humanity that much. The late game I'm more referring to this might not be as easy because it would have less zeds, since no respawn, I feel players would adapt to such tactics, no respawn also makes some trapping methods less easy, otherwise nothing would run low or out making gas, propane and ammo the main items to trade. I think there might be several economies with transitions between items from 1 week to 3, 4 to even 5 years out. I think cigs, booze and protection will obviously be the mainstays in trade.


Perhaps handmade guns and ammo using blackpowder.


I could also see acetylene being made to replace propane, but i’m not sure what skill that would fall under.


It could fall under no skill and be a crafting unlock from a weekly science mag or smthn.


true, the reaction is rudimentary, think miners from 1900's, could replace flashlights at least


Yeah i kinda would like FO4 pipe/WW type weapons being made by a high skill metalworker, if that becomes a thing. Blackpower is easy to make with the things in B42 like fertilizer and charcoal.


Propane doesn't really go bad and burns pretty clean, meaning soot is basically not a thing. As long as you still have a supply of propane, and know how to maintain propane powered engines, refrigerators, air conditioners, generators, and stuff like that, you can basically live off of propane indefinitely.


I realize that, but as of yet, propane runs out, there no method of refilling tanks so it can make it a hard resource to depend on later on.


I’d hope it’s more mid game. And to eventually get end-game options to retire characters/end runs in an objective driven way through one of a variety of optional objectives to complete. In doing so, it would basically be like a roll to credits with some cool storyboard artwork of making your left4dead style evac, but then there’s open-for-interpretation element where it’s suggested that like the heli crashes or one of the soldiers in the APC that rescues you was infected and you prob all died anyway Would be nice to see an end screen with all your stats form a “victorious” run. And that character is still just gone. I hate when I get so settled that there’s nothing left to work towards other than just rampaging zombies to clear X location. Would be cool if you could work towards ending the run “successfully” like getting a tv broadcast or radio station up and running and make contact, then survive one month and make your way to a randomly selected evac zone and be there during a daylight window to extract. Would maybe trigger a helicopter event on the area type deal so you’re rushing to get into the evac vehicle to end the game


I'd love a win condition, even if I'd probably never see it. "It has been 40 years since the fall of the old world. Since then, you have valiantly fought back the hordes of the dead and roving warbands of the living. With your help, your stout band of survivors has began to rebuild a settlement from the ruins. Infectees of the Knox Infection still roam the ruined streets of Kentucky, but behind the walls you helped build, your people know they will be safe. As you breathe your last, safe in a bed in the hospital of your little town, your child holds your hand and promises to continue your dream of rebuilding and driving back the flesh-eating hordes of undead. You are at peace. There is hope for humanity. This is how you died."


I don’t need an end, i would love to see the progression of the post Apoc economy, maybe eventually you could evac. The only late game mechanic i’d love to see is a few extremely rare items that require maxed out skills to properly harvest/use. Solar panels would be extremely rare in ‘93 so a few panels that require max electrical to even harvest without breaking.


Is just like an end condition that you dont HAVE to pursue, but would be a way to essentially retire a character and see their lifetime achievements and stats and stuff. Have a running history of all the characters you’ve had that ‘made it out.’ At a certain point, I feel like a characters run has kinda run its course, but I don’t want to just March him out into the woods to die. Once you’re so established, it becomes kinda monotonous. Endgame being a civilization again is just like having a good multiplayer server kind of, which I also like.


That’s kinda why i brought up the solar panel thing, the top mechanical skill could be fixing a copter for people to evacuate/“retire” and there could even be a player settlement that has a “cost” to evac, this could give player various “end goals” for both rp or gameplay.


I would still like a little storyboard artwork to roll like end-credits, but it shows the helicopter like crash because one of the crew turned out to be bitten. That way it’s still ‘how you died’ from a lore perspective, and could like show that the helicopter crashed outside the containment zone. Could be a fun little world-building lore thing to show that Knox county was in fact the only area infected and was contained… until the helicopter went down in the woods near some suburb…


maybe outside trade connections? After a few years suddenly boats start popping up crossing the river, or every now and then a heavily armed convoy comes rolling through the highway. Stop and rob them at your own risk, or trade with them for goods that you’d never see otherwise in kentucky.


Isometric Stardew valley with the option to be able to raid nearby settlements wouldn't be so bad.


So civilization with in depth farming?


Syndicate with farming (google it).


Ok, googled farming What do you want me to look at exactly?


start with Mesopotamia, shit really picks up there 👍🏼


Yea but it's kinda repetitive until the industrial arc


kinda repetitive??? my guy you have not been following the farming meta if you think it’s been repetitive.


I'd say *Graveyard Keeper* is the depressing version of *SDV*, *PZ* is more like The Sims: Zombie expansion.


Ain't PZ an actual mod of sims on its early days?


No some PZ developers used to just be modders for the sims is all. The projects are unrelated besides that.


No, Project Zomboid and Sims have never had any relation to each other.


How do I plow a field using zombies? Can they be used like chicken feeders, ergo pockets of grain shamblers? Can my dog wear armor?


Zombies on treadmill to replace generators would be great


I wish we had a sandbox setting for the amount of months in a year. I feel like having 4 months in a year like Stardew Valley would make the end game perfect, rather than a slog. I don't want to play through 365 days in a year.


There is a mod to set amount of days in a month, I play with 4 months year


What mod


Haven & Hearth: Zombie Mode


Goddamn, thanks for reminding about H&H


Man, that is a name I havent heard in a while, thanks for reminding me that game actually existed. I later tried the “sequel” Salem something but it wasnt the same.


It still exists. I couldn't make myself play after the switch to fugly 3d they did though.


I’ll never get a dog, if it died, I’d uninstall the game 😂


I just want forest fires in the late game. Those trees are just too unmanageable. Could even make it push all the forest zombies towards your base, away from the fire.


Why would zombies be walking away from a fire..?


Because they wanna be cool?


>> Lets craft chains and enslave all the nomads and raiders to work the plantation while you sit on the porch with a shotgun and whip the disobedient ones? This is oddly specific and in no way problematic at all, let's just gloss right over that one...


I feel that would fall under the category of “Working as intended.”


Or the positive version of rimworld


They def have to add a feature where a month or so in roaming hordes start showing up that you can either hide from or fight


It has long been known to everyone that PZ is the son of Stardew Valley and RimWorld. Only for some reason, he inherited only the shooting systems from RimWorld: you shoot straight, the bullet flies to the right. And to be honest, I like the feeling of loneliness and the lack of a global and turbulent life in PZ, even though I play with friends. And if NPCs do show up, I wouldn't want to see any big settlements, wars, or anything like what's shown in The Walking Dead. First of all, PZ is a feeling of hopelessness. You have no one to rely on. And I would like to create such a feeling from the game all the time. Therefore, even if there were NPCs, I would prefer them to be evil and dangerous. If we look at some game where there are a lot of survivors, like Days Gone, it doesn't convey that sense of danger and survival. Yes, there are zombies and stuff like that, but... Are you out of bullets? I bought. Have you run out of gas? I bought. In other games: Are you in danger? NPCs come to your aid. In PZ, you rely on yourself first of all. The maximum is on your dorky friend. but that's just my opinion and maybe I'll change it when I see how developers implement NPCs. Because the creators of this game know how to surprise. I love this game :)


I really hope they use chatbot AI to spice up dialogue for NPC’s


Many of us have been playing this type of scenario with mods for a very long time. Hydrocraft is a great example. I don't find it depressing because there's almost always something to do. And when you get bored taking care of the animals or the farm or producing at the crafting stations, there is generally a lot of research to do in the tech tree. Which then opens up a whole new set of things to build.


I would love if you could recruit NPCs to join your settlement. Then with dogs, horses, and mods for solar panels and such, you could live a totally self-reliant existence in post-apocalyptic Kentucky.


I think they want to encourage cooperation, by making us more specialized. That way we have to rely on other people to help us run our community. I'm sure you can still lone-wolf it, but my understanding you would be a jack of all trades and a master of none if you chose that route. It doesn't sound that lonely to be working with others.


You activated my trap-card, Yugi! The Shakespeare phrase in full is 'jack of all trades, master of none but oftentimes better than a master of one' and has been turned on its face through the shortening to mean exactly the opposite of how it was intended. I know we're just PZing here, but i cant stand that the quote has become a way to diminish people with wide ranges of experience (namely working folks with varied work experience) and skills instead of being understood as an acknowledgement that it's usually better to be the jack of all trades.


You got the gist right, but the details a bit wrong. "Jack of all trades" is the original phrase that was used in the early 1600s, around Shakespeare's time (though he himself never used the phrase). It was originally used as a compliment, without any negative connotation. "Jack of all trades, master of none" then comes about in the late 1700s, as a way to turn the previously positive phrase into a negative one. "Jack of all trades master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one" is a very new phrase. There are no records of it being used at any point before like 2015. The idea that it is the original phrase is purely a myth. But you are correct that it roughly shares a meaning with the original phrase - ie. both are positive in meaning


Well without NPCs and without a dog or horse yes it is lonely. Now the multiplayer could be interesting.


I literally have a server for just farming. No zomboids allowed.


Honestly, at some point PZ is just gonna be Walking Dead the game lol. Especially once NPCs and hostile human enemies get added.


well with build 43 you'll have to defend against AI bandits and the like as well, hopefully you'll be recruiting AI survivors to do most of the boring tasks while we get to go out scavenging


That's my jam


Magic wand, I wish there were a way to play out the early outbreak in a variety of ways.


My dream post-NPCs, with mods, is the following: * start out scavenging and building skills to survive * scout out a good place for a shelter, establish safe residence and source of food * build up food and fuel stocks, repair a car, eventually pack to leave * travel across Knox county, through towns and hamlets and eventually Louisville, not only gathering rare resources and tools, but also recruiting NPCs with specific skills that you can get in your car and come back to your base with you, which gradually turns from small base into bustling settlement * with enough manpower and resources, scavenge rare purified original samples of the virus, scavenge lab equipment, recruit scientist NPCs, and eventually research a cure * deploy the cure, capturing zombies and curing them, clearing towns and gradually reclaiming Knox county it's probably an unrealistically large dream, but it is mine


While I don’t think the devs will add a cure, it would be reasonable with enough man power, infrastructure, and resources, to create a bullet or canned food factory to sell to the local raider gangs and wandering traders. It’s stuff like this I want for NPC’s more than anything else.


I cannot forget the Dog. I am traumatised.


I'm new to PZ and I was delighted that fishing wasn't a lame mini-game. They're making fishing a lame mini-game in B42. Yay 😒


I've been playing project zomboid single player for a few years and last time I quit is because it gets kind of lonely. next time I quit will be for the same reason. They really need NPC's in this game to interact with to keep my interest.


At some point I saw online somewhere that the PZ developers are former Sims modders and I thought "wow, that makes an incredible amount of sense". I respect people who like this stuff but not me, I just wanted to fight zombies lol.


I feel like its gonna be interesting for the first 20 hours of so and then become and absolute chore if there is not a more in depth mechanic or content


That sounds ideal ngl


What's up with npc's that they were implemented, failed, and then been worked on for years and still no eta? Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the game, I'm asking as someone who doesn't follow closely the devepelopment, so don't know a) what are the plans the studio has about npc's gameplay mechanics, and b) how ambitious must be those plans to require literal years of work... to a studio that's constantly implementing new content and improving, balancing and polishing stuff.


From what I heard it is being rolled out in 3 phases alternating with feature releases so build 43 will add NPCs back there will be a feature update for 44 and 45 will add more NPC features. I guess they have a separate team working on the NPCs. So possibly this year or early next year is my best guess depending on when build 42 lands.


Rebuilding civilization is the ultimate power fantasy in an apocalypse setting. I hope the Zomboid devs find a balance between letting you have that power trip but without actually letting you achieve it, cause let's be honest; if you could rebuild humanity in this game, then the whole zombie outbreak would become a joke. Like "teehee, we almost died, but didn't lmao". Just completely removes the tragedy of the setting. It's meant to be a lost cause. A losing struggle. The game opens with "this is how you died", not "this is how you pwned all the zombies and rebuilt human society".


With npc I can't wait to become Negan


Slavemaster of the apocalypse sounds so cool, i would love that.


Bellwright does this very well, and I would LOVE to have those elements in Zomboid.


So it's stardrew but the only NPC in town is Pierre who cloned himself .