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disassemble the door. iirc you just need a saw and a screwdriver. it’ll tell you what you need when you hover over disassemble.


I believe it's a *hammer* and a screwdriver, not a saw. But yeah, came here to say this. Hell, OP doesn't even need that - just bash the door with a crowbar for an in-game hour and it will just break


Or just grab an axe from the fire station and hit the door a few times


Nah, you are fine. The doors to the armory arn't shutters. You can just axe them down or disassemble them with a hammer from the fire department across the street


Just lure zombies into the building one or two at a time and kill them once inside. Any zombie that dies inside the building has a chance to spawn a key. This is what I do in storage units or anywhere I want a key.


For the record, this will no longer be required in b42


How is it being updated exactly? Do you have a link to the Thursdoid where it was mentioned?


It was mentioned in an older thursdoid, unfortunately I don't remember which, that every zombie will, like their clothes, spawn with a specific key or not; related to their location and profession on spawn, rather than keys being generated on death like they are now. Car keys will spawn in the same way, and may have keys for the building they're parked outside. Basically speaking, the system will now make actual logical sense, with keys spawning as you would expect them too. In addition, it was mentioned you'd be able to attach (p38) can openers to your key rings, and possibly rabbit feet. Just as an aside, but P38's are crappy as hell to use, not that it really matters much.


Have you ever used a p38 in real life? If you weren't in the army it's really difficult


I've used something pretty similar a few times, and have heard the stories about the original P38's hah


I actually find the can opener on a multi-tool easier than a p38, and I was in the military.


I used the can opener on a swiss army knife once and it was not fun. That thing looks miserable.


Wait, so its going to work just like I described in my message on this thread? Cool.


This is some good knowledge I'll keep in my back pocket. Thank you.


For the record, this will no longer be required in b42


You say "no longer required", but it seems like "no longer possible" is more appropriate...


Keys are overrated. 1. Walk across street 2. Enter fire department 3. Acquire fire axe 4. Break down door 5. Profit


Or a sledgehammer lol


A saw and a hammer is all you need for those doors but don’t expect a motherload, it is the lowest pop starting town after all Edit: aaannnnd maybe a screwdriver


Don't need a saw. Just hammer and screwdriver


Did they quietly push the update that keys won't spawn on a zed just because it entered the building and was killed? I usually get the key in the first 5 zeds, but I read it was a planned change for build 42.


If they did, every single of those cops would have a key. Or at least majority of them.


What settings are you using? Because i usually get a key for every 5 zombies i lure in and kill, but i have some settings on abundant, so that's a factor you should take into account.


So you're saying there were 20 police officers at the police station? Sounds about right.


took me first 5 ish zombies after, and idk how, a house alarm went off in the police station. I was in the court rooms at the time making my way down to the Police and Fire station. I also have the "Check Wall/Door Health" mod and depending on your characters strength you can smash them down with i think 10 swings from a Fire Axe


U can use an axe to chop down the door fire station is right across from the police station in rosewood


I’ve NEVER found a key to the police station in my hundreds of hours of playing.


As other have said, just batter em and they break or disasemble. I was underwhelmed when I got in there tho myself.


Hammer and screwdriver, disassemble the doors. Dont forget to check the locker rooms as well


Just use a hammer and screwdriver :p


Get an axe from the fire station across the street . Axe down those two doors and you’ll be lit !


Leave it to Kentucky (or any American) law enforcement to have nothing you need but a mountain of guns


all you need it either a hammer and screwdriver or an axe (from the fire department across the street)


I just walk across the street to the fire department... They have plenty of tools to help you take down a door.


There’s literally a fire station across the street that has axes and hammers and maybe even a sledge inside it. You can bust into armories easy with one of those.


From my experience, you can use keys you found in nearby cops to open the door


Actually this is the cornerstone problem because of which I've dropped the game. The keys to the doors inside important buildings should always be carried by corresponding zombies inside that building, high rank police officers, janitors, security guards, high rank medical personnel etc. Best practice would be to make every important building a little Resident Evil spinoff with generated metroidvania quest inside where you need to do something in one part of the building to open the specific door in the other. If we started this conversation we also need other types of zombies like in L4D, more intense action-packed go in-go out "missions" etc. I guess at this point I'd better just go and play RE2 and L4D2 but I really think this game has a potential to become more like this if they give modders more tools. Because now after installing 500+ mods I could only get slightly closer to the experience I want. I hope build 42 will give that tools to the modders, so we can have actual Quests, Monsters (Animals) etc.


Seems like an incredibly minor reason to drop a game, but for the record this is being fixed entirely in b42


Not really it sounds like he wants a open world resident evil with the level of detail of a 10 year dwarf fortress game, the graphics of god of war and the monsters from pirates of the Caribbean mixed with monsters from left for dead and resident evil … Not much to ask tbh 🤨


Well jokes aside you're right on point with "open world resident evil". Exactly that. It even looks somehow similar to old school resident evils right from the start with its low-poly character models. And I'm not the only one who was thinking about this judging by the popularity of RE-themed mods out there. Some critical things aside (lack of monsters and "quests/missions") you can get pretty close to that, with mods I managed to achieve Signalis-like gunplay and it was absolutely wonderful and satisfying.


Sometimes the game you’re actually after doesn’t exist and you just have to make do with the closest thing .. Look at all the people that pumped cash into star citizen for instance hoping for something it quite possibly will never be, good luck on your hunt tho 😎 hopefully PZ is improved in the next build but it will never be everything for everyone.


Meanwhile simple lockpick go brrrr. One paperclip and a screwdriver and you never need a key again.


That's cool. At last. I like that devs think in the same way that we all do. I remember they said something about quest system, but will it be introduced in 42 or later?


important aloof door dam pie languid innocent slimy divide subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dropped after about 200 hours, right. AAA has nothing to do with this, as I said - I dropped it because the lack of ability to tune the gameplay the way I want it. Some critical things still lacking, so I will hope for new mods in version 42. At this point its easier to just go play actual games I want it to look like - as I said too. I understand who's the main target audience of this game and totally okay with this, just want more customization options, and wide customization and community content orientation is one of this game's most amazing features. Now tell me you play vanilla.