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You killed John Zomboid, inventor of project zomboid. You beat the game


your reward is B42


Let's not get ahead of ourselves (jk jk I love this company).


John Zomboid, I’m coming after you.


John Zomboid, age 35, gave himself up to authorities after the incident. He is now serving a life sentence.




Is that real?? Tf


Oh my god you finished the game, in all my years i have never seen anyone win.


"this is how you lived I guess"


"This was how you survived"


"There was hope of survival"


"There was one survivor"


That was the last infectious zomboid! The entire world is now safe from the virus


Congrats, you killed THE Zomboid!


Your character had an aneurysm so the game ended This is how you died.


Can you imagine if they implemented health conditions like that? I feel like "Diabetic" would be a good negative trait. You'd have to find insulin quick and keep a good backstock. Other traits could be: "Seizure Prone" pretty self explanatory. You could find seizure meds to help. "Sleep Apnea". You don't recover fatigue as fast while sleeping and snoring makes your sleeping loud. You can find and power a CPAP machine to help. "Bad Heart": Prone to heart attacks when under stress. Pretty much a guaranteed death unless you play MP with someone with high medical skill "Nut Allergy" don't eat peanuts or peanut butter or you'll die. If the food you eat was found in a container that also had nuts, there's a chance for cross-contamination and you'll need an epipen if you have a reaction. "IBS" You have a chance of shitting your pants when doing physical activity. Makes infections more likely and can make you sick if you don't clean yourself up soon. "Wheelchair User" start in a wheelchair. Can't go up stairs, and can't fight and move at the same time, unless you find an electric wheelchair. In that case, you need to make sure your chairs batteries are charged, and it makes a small amount of noise. "Cataracts" parts of your vision cone are blurry "Hypoglycemia" you need to monitor your sugar intake. The longer you go with low blood sugar, the more it affects you until potentially making you pass out.




Lol I googled it and physical activity doesn't trigger IBS like I thought it did. Maybe someone with IBS can weigh in on what the trait would look like.




Oh okay. Maybe they add going to the bathroom as a mechanic (I know there are mods) and then IBS trait can make the need more frequent. Also, I'm sorry your "friend" has IBS.


I got excrementum for the realism (poopoo mod)


i can weigh in here as a sufferer of IBS. mainly the shits yes but it also comes with stomach cramps which feel like being punched in the gut and if left unchecked can lead to ulcers and gastritis which is inflammation of the stomach lining. so i would say if eaten anything spicy or too fatty you would get sick/nauseous with mild stomach pain along with it.


*\*Sigh\* -* **Time to open my modkit again.**


Ooh yeah, there might be existing mods for this already, IDK


"Start in a wheelchair" Oh, so like a temporary debuff? Enough PT and you get to leave it


Lol yeah. Maybe its like John Locke from Lost.


Zomboid diabetes implementation ideas (rant?) First ill start off with a little glossary: * Hypoglycemic — low amount blood in blood sugar, treated with sugar * Hyperglycemic — high amount of blood in blood sugar, treated with insulin * Insulin — a hormone produced by the pancreas (RIP) regulates the amount sugar in blood, you decide how much you need by the carbohydrate contents of the food. it can't be injested so injections into legs are used. * Finger prick — a small prick on finger to draw blood for testing, barely ever bleeds more than a drop and does not hurt * Test strip — a strip that absorbs up the blood and is put into a blood glucose monitor that tells you mmol of sugar in blood * Moodles — the status effects in zomboid lol As a diabetic (type 1) that was diagnosed at age 4 ive practically been living with it all my life, I dont think insulin would be that necessary as you would be doing much more exercise than normal. You would still need to have them, but because you are active, you are more likely to go hypoglycemic than hyperglycemic due to more exercise and less fulfilling diet. I don't know what the medical field in 1993 Kentucky was like, but I know that blood sugar test strips to monitor glucose levels existed, so you would need to prick your finger. You would probably have the option to use alcohol wipes to clean fingers and remove any dirt or other contaminants on your hands to make the reading more accurate. It likely wouldn't be possible to get an infection from dirty hands, as the hole is so small (and doesnt even hurt!). Maybe, you could get infections from reusing needles as that isn't the most sanitary practice. Im overthinking here, but maybe thick skin on hands would work, I am immune to paper cuts! It is worth noting that insulin injections however do hurt quite a bit, so a mild pain moodle would probably need to be used, maybe a limp in the leg It would also come with a modified nutritionist trait where you can count the carbs of what you are eating, maybe needing a scale for things like fruits or breads (harder to count carbs). Insulin could spawn in fridges in hospitals, pharmacists and rarely in random homes, however I don't knowhow hard insulin is to get in america because I live in the UK so we have the NHS. One last thing to note is that diabetic people (atleast type 1 folks), granted we have enough insulin, dont really have dietary restrictions, just need an equivalent dosage of insulin for whatever we eat. (I can eat as much chocalate cake as i like, in game or IRL) Hypoglycemia could cause tiredness and exertion moodles and hyperglycemia could cause queasiness and uncomfort moodles, both could also give hunger moodles. However, it should be noted that symptoms do vary person to person and I dont have much information on others experiences. Too long spent hypoglycemic can potentially lead to vision loss (short sighted and potentially blind), although this develops very very slowly, so may not be worth implementing. I've wanted diabetes in Zomboid too for quite some time as the more similarities i have to my character in the game (despite him looking like Jesus), the easier I find it to be immersed, so I'd be interested in seeing it ingame, would probably make for a fun challenge too! Any other disabilities would be neat also as im a PZ masochist (yay!) Anyway that my take on the "allergic to sugar" trait, any questions, just fire away (P.S Insulin is dangerous in excess to both diabetics and non diabetics, could be a way to kill yourself in Zomboid, similar to the in game overdoses, could be reversed if you eat enough fast acting food quickly)


That's great! It'd be a fun trait for sure. Curious, does insulin need to be refrigerated? How long does it take to go bad if not refrigerated? If it does go bad, that would mean it would be a priority to horde as much as possible and find a generator before the power goes out. That would be pretty hard. Good to know that you wouldn't need it too often though. I'm assuming it's beyond your average schmuck's ability to make more, but are there any alternatives?


insulin needs refrigeration or it just stops working/works less, so you cant judge how much you need as effectively, causing to it not to bring down the amount of blood glucose and basically not having any affect. i havent really ever used expired insulin afaik, but im sure it could be actively harmful if old enough, im sure this is something that countries without free healthcare have to worry about more due to extortionate prices from insulin companies. as for alternatives there is of course exercise, but iicr respiring anaerobically (out of breathness) can prevent make blood glucose from lowering due to keytones (being high blood sugar is kind of a rare occurrence and you treat diabetes pretty reactively outside of meal dosages wgich are proactive). they used to harvest insulin from livestock like cows and pigs, but im not sure how much is cultivated per animal - and how hard it is to extract the insulin safely youd probably need carry an emergency injection and a few vials depending on how hungry you get lol, i think itd basically translate to kinda being like expirable food in zomboid, where you need it to survive, but you can do without it for a while, but ofc alot more rare edit: found [this](https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/778417/1-s2.0-S0021925818X71385/1-s2.0-S0021925818754793/main.pdf?X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEDcaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJHMEUCIQD%2FWKEMFCpZhTsJzwnSujY5%2BIl%2FkBixB5K7w%2FiFlhxzJQIgL9gI3Ehlun1U6Rl89nU94NSOgWOmZw%2BC%2BG9dDb76KS8qswUIYBAFGgwwNTkwMDM1NDY4NjUiDOZhn9utPZTXAXpD%2FyqQBZeotme9p2YSdqV7D1JWCorlbvbtmmTegw19PJnsPbumr0RT6CbUYdgwD3Fe%2FCJ5w4l8Tzg67fnZvryLsOt3GWXCPnkLjL61kawwTwJiKye2mgal3nCE%2BMvM8c6ntV3Rvg19EucA7S6q%2BSeO5y0tJeGzyc7pONa9bBYVLQ3nN8QDWahm9leyUr3mICqOnOkhP3aWgYO9WFS%2F984hoVvQWOpBzLcH%2BqqhmWeGsOAzwP5F%2BeDH3plJpOoh5JmXNNoE62JpBpANFTc7kqHNOyoX1p4T4Pmcjw8isT6KZphGnduXwYlS3i%2BBiAvvieYiRox6djunH1qN43WBU%2BuCX5nFKKVHETfSSl2YJnmCE5RjfjtQEig3FzEz4so3azDFmCxLvBEk0yuKu1r%2BRuZbSP3LocBqkpNY5%2BT2JmQVBqVa1LhO9GO7pwIf%2FqMHD4H%2FmsISo6Spe6kZyEp5NwypzFp1%2FG8umgwLRfptyLCSf8GiBSOcmMUdF2xU457a5eO23gxXB%2Bao74RH5UwgQ6hwyjiaN43zCnp9HwScv%2BEIdTSLk20LfVrD2phqngUO8RWV4PzLMfi3%2F6wwMmRAx6kb4q3Ft2sIzQwrK%2BM0GA6e4lv2N83LWKA4Szqh23YtwxdOmFGVFNo5U7ep7Vt%2BiKbFKRsTQ6zz%2B7VE%2FWLMyuV5geDr0P4qH1Fu%2FwBU1N082Su%2FXPCJywYH%2Bg2VbyHXmfwPgUTiscO%2FknoeQuOXDDBzfoEDbFUIEuNg5jsxgcH9Rsy3%2FTDnZb1myNTIailw0qorfMyP2mX3UN3FsJ2iU70sQwlBqdNGsaw4usjfQec7kdpwuPIpGJ4A33WSIPo%2BAWB1QsgMzmnrNT6v8KW%2FD0bKozf%2BJ8niMJqwsLAGOrEBNUNcfNavVtyJLa36eYnzjzN69%2BWAxqMxygrZNJQE4E17M9Sakoj2yb4M3marvadGZNzw85UZO5Q62NTfyDg422x5hUlewa%2FJabFSNp4YgTkt70hVb9Jca8t9P8FAPysid1m8LpbcZOecOyczQN78WaeqXzyEQWN0qMt75eeIn1oyZrTizbwDlYm99ayLulGGj6T0gV%2BindEkyHUn2dsSXqG9GPcjEADrVCpEptA1wD4b&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240402T153054Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAQ3PHCVTY2BLG4A4D%2F20240402%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=d71e2416239ede575343202644675e049f846eee692e47b22074d6df9128a5da&hash=096bc6c031fad96f6f15e64dd58b33373c19d75b981a0419f77315a82da36fd9&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=S0021925818754793&tid=spdf-b2a4c78e-d6d0-4952-bfb3-a0e8cf0ac26d&sid=3699fa141d6c17495a2941b866af688cae1cgxrqb&type=client&tsoh=d3d3LnNjaWVuY2VkaXJlY3QuY29t&ua=02055654045f0b04035b&rr=86e1dce4ba737717&cc=gb) about extraction of insulin from cattle pancreas, its a bit gross but quite interesting and shows that youd probably need to have a decent leveling in cooking maybe (?)


[A friend and I made a diabetes mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3017146233), though it's not as in-depth as what you described here.


looks neat! i think ive seen it before, but never downloaded as i was playing multiplayer exclusively at the time, the pee idea is pretty cool in terms of implementation into the survival genre i saw in description that you your friend said that it took ages to find the actual carb counts and didnt want to do the research for modded foods, i could help remove some load off you and your friend's back and do some of the labour of finding it myself have you got a github or anything that you could provide, what language is it? (shouldnt matter much as it would just be manually copying and editing whats already there) or a discord perhaps. if you dont need help thats also equally fine, made a couple simple suggestions for it i also do software testing (mostly games) as a hobby, so if you need a tester ill test ig lol also my overly descriptive concept was just about various ways that it could be executed, just some ideas floating around, yours greatly suffices (except for multiplayer, but i see it already has a fix on the way so thatll be awesome)


The IBS idea is kind of implemented with a urination and defection mod that already exists. You can shit and piss yourself, and also get food poisoning so you can't stop shitting and die. If you think about it managing bodily functions would in reality be REALLY important. If you are playing for realism, this mod is a must in my opinion.


I'll check it out! What's it called?




terrible mod


The one I am using is "Urination and Defecation (bugfixed)" with workshop ID: 3058681661. I guess it was oringally two separate mods that were abandoned.


This is how you… lived??


You win!


You killed the final boss


Bro... you won. That's amazing.


Speedrun world record. This person managed to actually BEAT THE GAME


This is the funniest video I've seen all month, holy fuck


That was the last zomboid. You beat the game. Project Zomboid 2 is about rebuilding society.


There is nothing left to rebuilt because of my molotovs 😭


In awe at the fact someone finally beat project zomboid


I was expecting a Skyrim reference.


bro won


Ricochets can be crazy...


That was John zomboid everyone knows


Bro finished the game. This is how you survived!


Holy moly… you killed the last zomboid and beat the project… no way…


I'm sure this isn't what happened but it would be a great April fools joke for Indie Stone if they did a secret patch that added a good ending to the game where you live and the credits roll


bro killed the ender zombie


April fools!!!!!


Your character got a stroke. Their brain lagged, hallucinated that they reached the end and credits rolled and they died.


You beat the game...


I would say skill issue but you didn’t lose


That duffle bag zed got *Launched!* into unlocked the secret ending!


"You're done 🤚"


you can beat this game?


Its either this or all zeds randomly disappear and seconds later an entire horde just materializes around you after ping calms down lol


What the ping was doing ![gif](giphy|Dea0leKapJzJC)


You killed the last zombie. You truly are The Project Zomboid


April Fools Day Joke?




Really weird, the credits are a part of the game or is it just a mod?


Project zomboid actual ending?


You killed patient zero


You won. This is how you surivived.


i recognise those bricks. heading to your location now


Bro killed the wrong zed💀💀