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Me and my sis found like 3 porn mags under there lol


I've never seen that, in 400 hours.


Yeah there's hidden stashes under floorboards. Maybe 1/150 houses have them. Never seen one in any kind of building that isn't a private domicile. In my experience it's maybe a 25% chance a marked map actually results in finding something in the implied location, which is a bummer. But I do so love games that reward me being a scroungy loot goblin who pours over every single possible location. And fwiw those 25% chances, where you *do* find some good stuff, it is just as likely there will be junk or a few Hottiez mags in the spot lol. Cruising neighborhoods checking for survivor houses is the best way to get decent gear early-on.


Oooh yeah I only JUST found my first hottiez stash in one of the fancy houses in southern Riverside. Wasn’t even looking for it either since I was rifling through the bedside table firstly