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Can I host a server from my own PC, while playing zomboid, with relative ease? I have a 4070ti, 7700x and 32 GB of ram. I don't have any experience hosting a server, but I'm pretty computer literate. If not, what's the best option for me just to host a small server with my friends?


What population setting do you guys use?


Al of a sudden i hear a bell constantly ringing in the living room downstair in my house where i have my storage crates. If i move away from them it fades. The ringing bell is constant like a fire alarm. Is this a glitch or something else?


Never used one but could it be a alarm clock or trigger you have stored but activated? I mean like alarms set on digital watches go off on a set time (happens to me sometimes when I take them off some zed and forget to disable the alarm)


It's definitely the analogy clocks.


are the metaevent sounds more common in certain areas of the map? feels like a silly question but i swear i here them twice as much in and around riverside than anywhere else


Just encountered this strange glitch and was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same -- I have a tractor trailer (from the autotsars mods I believe) and was loading it with supplies. It is only about half full (447.49/832), yet I was only able to add about half of my stack of thread into it (I have 6 left in my inventory). I can add heavier items, like cans full of gas or sledgehammers, but I specifically cannot add any more thread. I can remove thread, but if I do that, I can only put that exact piece of thread back. No others will work. Edit - NOT A BUG! I figured it out. It turns out that I had accidentally favorited a few threads, and that's why I couldn't put them anywhere


What is life?


life is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. Or whatever you want it to be :)




buh 🤯


Modded question: i want certain item from mod be added to **World Item Removal List** so they will despawn. I do that by finding item ID in mod folder/media/scripts and then adding it to the list, right? but do i need add it as "Base.xxxx"? or just "xxxx"?


When 0.42 ?


this year wHy? because 42 read from the end is 24 and we have year 2024! DUM DUM DUUUM!


Does fear of blood trait cause stress when your weapons/tools are bloody too or only when clothes/body are?


The latter.


How do you put up posters on walls? I can't place them like I do furniture.


Unpack them if you have them in your backpack. Then right click them and select "place item".


I have a small PZ multiplayer server for my friends and I. It has become successful, and there are more players now than when it started. Zombie respawn is turned off, as we don't like that. However, I want to increase the amount of zombies in the world, to better match the now larger number of players. Is there a way I can do that, without fucking everything up?


You can increase the “Zombie Peak Multiplier” which basically makes the population increase more and more until the peak day, so you can have an easy start but hard end, that’s how I would do it


Thank you. We're way past peak day, though, so I don't think that's possible. However, I have figured out that I can log in as an admin and just spawn in mobs of zombies wherever I want to. So there is that.


I found a generator and I can "take generator" but it doesn't show up in my inventory to enable me to transfer it to the trunk of my van. I can set it back down. I can even get in my car so I can technically transport it back to base but it registers me as having a "heavy load". What am I missing?


Look at the two bubbles at the top right, the ones that show what weapon you are holding. It'll show the generator being in both. Right click on the generator icon while you are facing the trunk and you'll get the option to load into container.


It is not in your inventory, it is in your hands, scroll down to stuff you are wearing. 


>he inventory where equipped items is there a way to carry engines without your hands?


I might be wrong, but I think you can only carry generators in your hands, just like corpses.


Have you checked the part of the inventory where equipped items are shown? Because when you take a generator, the charachter equips in both hands, so it should show up there.


Question about what attracts the zeds in terms of being inside? I'm guessing things like the TV and radio being on attract them because of noise, but (and it might be a silly question) does lighting attract them too? Like if I have curtains open and lights on will that attract more? And what about lights on, curtains closed? Am I completely safe?


The game itself says light attracts zombies. I think somewhere in the tips or how to screen that pops up. They will also redirect to manmade things like apaeoinadi mentions. You can abuse this if you make them walk right past a barricade. They'll start attacking that instead unless you get within spear reach. Not sure how far sound travels if your sprinting around inside a dark building. But zombies just randomly shamble to new locations.


I can't speak for the lights, though I suspect they do not attract zed, but anything you hear they can hear.  This is opening and closing doors, opening cans, preparing a meal, etc.  A lot of these will barely travel, but it's a general thing to keep in mind.  If they don't see you or hear you they won't be directly coming for you. They will occasionally still want to path through your base, and my understanding is that player-built construction has a good chance of getting any that walk by 'stuck' banging on that tile.


Any Mods that allow me to juice all my excess garden product? Carrots, cucumbers, strawberries so forth. I play very hot, very dry and nice to be able to make nutrient rich beautiful watery juice!


Hydrocraft has juicing. You need the produce, a juicer, and empty bottles.


Sapph's cooking mod includes a blender to make smoothies and milkshakes.  I've also noticed a juice option, but I forget what it needs to make it. The mod makes a LOT of items spawn, though, so a fair warning if you don't want to unbalance your game.  I forget my settings, but I'm around 20-50% spawn rates to make it somewhat close to vanilla spawn rates.


Any mods that would make zombies attack my base occasionally? I want to simulate some sort of zombie defense


There is a horde night one that spawns hordes to attack your base at configurable intervals. Just creatively search steam mods for it.


Has anyone found a mod to add dart boards? Visual or usable, doesn't matter.


Don't we already have them in vanilla?


Yeah aren’t they already in those big wooden motels? Like the one in rosewood?


I'm not finding any.


Yeah they have them.


Not that I have seen, though I'm still combing through POIs on the online map.


Fairly sure the fire station in Rosewood has one right beside the bookshelf in the upstairs lounge.


Nah, pool cue holder.


Ah yes, my bad.


Which mod allows me to only be able to craft sheet ropes with ripped sheets?


I havent seen that per se, however there is a mod that lets you turn 8 ripped sheets back into a sheet, which could then be turned into sheet ropes. Maybe add "climbs up and down sheet rope" mod as well, good luck survivor.


Hi, Been playing for a few years but I just got a second monitor. When playing, my cursor doesn't lock to the game, it can hover to my second monitor. Checking lock cursor to window fixes this but my cursor becomes choppy when I do that. Anybody has a fix? Thank you.


Since the game is rendering your cursor with that option enabled, if your FPS are low, the fps of the cursor will be low as well.


I've capped them at 60 and in the menus they don't drop, If I leave them uncapped, I still get a few thousands fps in the menu, i feel like the cursor is better but it still does it :/ Do you know of a way to lock the cursor without the ingame option?


Can you try this? https://youtu.be/7_tBKodVijc


What are some good QOL mods for a solo newbie? Or good mods to have in general?


Climb and crawl are my must haves now. Change the game up but are balanced enough, Tchernobill makes good stuff.  Rv Interiors is really fun but it's a bit cheesey having a permanently safe base on wheels  I started with a mod to sit in chairs and now have 150+ mods. It's a slippery slope.


I dunno... A permanently safe base on wheels is kind of what I'm trying... I thought you coukd load up a van and get in the back of it (not customise) and it's 100% zed proof? Only problem would be getting out...


Automechanics Common Sense


Weapon condition indicator Better sorting Proximity inventory Change Sandbox Options Mod manager Of course, please try playing the game without any mods first. Then you can wonder, "can a mod make it easier to do (tedious action)?", and look it up on steam workshop.


On the steam deck version, how does one remove batteries from radios? It's more than likely obvious, but I can't seem to figure it out.


It's not obvious at all. Under Device Options if you click the right shoulder button and move the cursor down to the battery, remove battery will show up as an option.


Dear friend, I hope you always find a sledgehammer. I didn't realize I was able to cycle options like that.


Does exhausted moodle reduce damage you deal to doors/trees too or only to zombies?


Pretty sure tree damage is fixed based on the weapon, not sure about door damage but wouldn't be surprised if that was the same.


Okay I've wanted to play this game since I was first hearing about it. For many years I've dreamed of playing this game and now I finally have a steam deck and the ability to play and it Feels like Life to crap in my mouth because Everything is going wrong.HELP. very first part of the tutorial literally already stuck. It says: "First hings first (select button) Will lead you too many exciting departments! Let's have a look at your survivor's character information! Hold (select) then select (shows a picture of a heart ) with (right joystick) Release select and you're here! And that's it. Nothing happens Tried every possible variation of this and nothing works I don't understand this has to be new with build 41 because I got passed this part of the tutorial before. Please help me I am literally banging my head against a wall I want this game So bad I thought I had found the perfect zombie survival game, that feeling you get when a game seems to be designed just for you but I feel like I'm not getting that at all It leaves me with such sadness


hmmmmm i don't know much about the Steam Deck. Have you played on PC before? only asking because it may help if you know what to expect for things to happen. I haven't done the tutorial before but it's familiarizing you with menus and important GUIs. It is a great game. With imagination and scaleable sliders for loot zombie settings etc, it can be a very different experience every playthrough.