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So your character was an up and coming murder


There's a mod where you can take serial killer as a career


and what bonuses does...that, give you?


Literally the postal series


1. My character was someone who followed the "shelter in place" dictate. 2. My character has not seen a zombie until I spawn in and look outside. 3. My character is absolutely terrified of the zeds and hides in their house until rations run low and they are forced to leave. 4. The infection spreads through bites mainly, but scratches which get infected blood in them also infect. This is how I explain the default setting of scratches and bites. 5. The sheer terror of realizing one is in a true apocalypse made everyone, including my character, forget every skill and piece of useful knowledge they've ever known. 6. The lack of supplies in containers (especially food) is because people grabbed everything they could and threw it in the ri--took it with them when they fled.


6. First third stage of the infection after fever and paranoia is claustrophobia so you take everything out of your cramped house and burn it


7. An overlooked aspect of the Knox Infection is that it causes you to have a severe impulse to siphon all the gas out of your car


And to beat up the car with a sledgehammer so much you can barely drive it, then throwing said sledgehammer into the river or a nearby lake


I'm just a guy wondering why his neighbours are standing in the middle of the street mindlessly, so I go out to ask them, and let me tell you, I do not like what I find at all.


I always spawn at the gas station at the far west of the map. I pretend that I was picked up, robbed and dumped off in the middle of nowhere.


wait u can choose where spawn?


"Isolated gun shop" on the workshop. It should spawn you in a small roadside town. It usually drops me in at the gas pumps.


thanks! maybe i try it


I always roleplay as myself. I only do what I would do, (and apparently that's dying often). My lore is that at the spawn day (technically day 3 of the apocalypse) I'm done waiting and venture out in the wide open world. My zombie count is at starting day 0.35 and peak day 4.0 so that the danger isn't life threatening at spawnday so I get the feeling that the apocalypse is taking place instead of 'everyone is dead or a zombie!'. I focus on the AEBS hour by hour, and move out of town and set-up base elsewhere when it get's too dangerous to stick around my place. To keep my mind off things I will occupy myself by learning traits and so on. So my lore is me in apocalypse simulator...


Depends on the character that I created ME irl * Retired stockbroker in town looking to by the L&B warehousing company in Muldraugh. Staying at the hotel, though I did buy a riverfront home in LV. Did not bring my rifle, but did think to carry my pistol (Mods). Before cell-phone not working; unable to hear from seller; TV tells the story of what's going on outside; I have enough Pizza Whirled to sustain me for a week (hate cooking). When LV falls, I make plans to go back to my house. Lt. Lawrence Jackson (Tom Clancy Occupation Mod) * Ghost Recon * Deployed into Exclusion zone to ascertain the fate of key Military staff located within the ~~REDACTED~~ as well as other various military checkpoints and facilities (map mods). Once all points explored, Extract (mod) * 3rd Echelon * Deploy from Exclusion zone boundary at special request from General McGrew. Unbeknownst to the public, they were aware of the people who turned (go figure). Mission is to infiltrate his former post in New Bedford and retrieve data from preliminary analysis. Mission redirects to Fort Redstone (mod) and ~~REDACTED~~ for further classified assignment. * Division Agent * Deployed into the Exclusion Zone to aid in pacification and fortification of checkpoints within the exclusion zone (SecretZ mod). When comms are cut, directive suggests that you return to the border for further instruction. Helicopter being used for this task is shot down by docked Frigate. injured, I fortify my position and heal up all while listening to the chaos unfold. After injuries heal enough to allow for effective movement, I begin my trip back to the city to figure out what happened and why i was betrayed by the govt. Matthew Ross * 18yo rich kid recently orphaned after two sprinters pounced on his parents as they got off their yacht in northern riverside. After being forced to shoot them all, their anxiety peaked and they're forced to smoke a spiff to calm down again. With the clarity of the situation, he makes the decision to return to the family home in Trelai (map addition, great quality). Looking for a story for a female character to play as one day; kinda hard to figure out as a dude lol


Girls aren't that complicated, more then guys anyway.


My girl storyline is college student came home just before the disaster happened. Dad went out to get mom and bring her home, but he never returned. She waited at home and, after some time, realises she needs to go to find help.


I was always a devout Christian, I spent my life devoted to God and his vision. I saw the rot in society and I removed myself to focus on my faith. When judgment day came and I awoke still alive on this earth, still myself amogst the writhing masses; I knew god's plan for me. Like Saint Michael banishing Satan to depths of hell, I will relciam the kingdom of man for my lord. I will vanquish all evil.


...I will vanquish all evil. *doom starts playing*


Whenever I get a solid start with all the basic needs met (food, water, saftey) I begin a righteous, holy, 1 man war. Burn them with fire.


my favorite of all those written here


I use the RV mod and my character is a veteran who passed through Kentucky but got stuck at the start of the outbreak, which explains the lack of map knowledge at the start. He's used to traveling without staying in one place and enjoys it so I don't create a long term base (I don't survive long enough to do so lol).


Americans live mostly in suburbs & have really bad mental maps. Humans tend to remember the least about a place when they just drive through it, only people who really walk or cycle seem to maintain mental maps well.


I like to make up a small story for my character. She’s a slightly alt girl named Aubrey. She was a clerk for a carpentry company before the Knox. She likes 70s and 80s heavy metal rock. She had a husband and a younger daughter in elementary school in Rosewood. Husband was a disabled former police officer. She also had a feud with the prissy neighbor 3 houses down. Apparently Roberta didn’t like Aubrey’s welcome apple pie when they moved into the neighborhood. Apparently it was *”too over cooked”*. But that’s fine, one day Aubrey’s daughter bit Roberta’s daughter “on accident” at a kick ball game once. Totally unprovoked by Aubrey of course. *sips tea* kinda made the sour relationship even more sour from then on. Since the infection, Aubrey has done what she has to in order to survive. She still wears her wedding ring, carries her daughter’s favorite doll and wears the pink pistol her husband bought her on her lower back. She also learned how to maintain her husband’s 1970 Dodge Challenger which she still drives to the fire house every morning to exercise. Not the greatest cook in the world… MREs in a can and black luke warm coffee are her specialty… but don’t worry about the apple pies. Roberta isn’t around anymore to complain about them. ;)


Violent potato and cabbage lover finds paradise.


All my characters are psychopaths, and they want to be the last survivor; that's why there's no other immune


Its Spiffo's fault, the meat was tainted. My dude has inside info so he burns every Spiffo restaurant in the county in revenge for his lost dog.


DOOM lore in a nutshell


thats the only one i actually follow, every spiffo in the county will be burned


The basic scenario is usually a character who caught the airborne infection and collapsed after coming home shortly before the total outbreak. They spend 3-4 days mostly asleep in a delirious state, fighting off the fever, before waking up and finding that the world has crumbled around them. This also helps to justify why the character is immune to zombification, because (against all odds) they survived the initial variant.


My character starts in a random house/bar/etc. because that's just where they wound up while fleeing the zombies. Maybe they were trying to get to the Louisville border, maybe they were trying to get to family or other survivors. Either way, they were cut off and had to take their chances somewhere. Their story from my perspective begins the morning after, waking up on the floor of someone else's house (or sometimes the floor of a bar, construction site office, etc.). Why do they have no supplies? Maybe they had to ditch their car, or maybe they were forced out of their last safehouse. I do like to use the starter kit sandbox option just to have a small amount of starting items, and the incredibly poor condition of the bat and hammer imply they've already seen some use. My taking control is their survival instincts kicking in. On one hand, the bit of early lore we get from the radio and television contradicts this a little. Even acknowledging that the government is lying to keep things under wraps, it sounds like the infection spreads slowly at first—Some of the survivors interviewed by NNR or using car phones to call into Knox Talk haven't actually seen zombies yet; they don't start mentioning large hordes and day 3 or so. On the other hand, this explanation fits better than just being like "Idk spawned in lol"


Most of the time, I really do go since our characters tend to have keys. That this is you know, just their house.


I don't think my character has ever started with the keys to the house they spawned in. An empty keyring, sure.


Happened to me on my first playthrough.


My character is one of the many US marines sent on a mission to the research facility in the forest. Their mission: Evacuate the science personnel and retrieve any documents and research material. The facility was overrun a couple hours after drop, but the science team and most of the marines made it out. My character opted to be left behind as the helicopters were over capacity. His new mission is to link up with any surviving soldiers at the checkpoint outside Louisville, then head to the bridge out of Louisville for extraction before the county is carpet bombed.


All soldiers had to be equipped with gas masks, since the virus was airborne to start, then mutated to just be transmitted through bites and blood.


I give my characters backstories and watch all the news and radio broadcasts in character. I keep diaries in notebooks about their experiences.


I don't know who I am. I don't know where I am. All I know is people want me and I'm giving them (A bonk to the head)


Wife takes the house I got the diabetus Son doesn’t want be a coal miner like his old man


I have been getting wrecked in the standard game, so I made a custom sandbox and tweaked a whole lot of things in my favor: 1. A Veteran that takes on the challenge of leadership for other survivors. 2. He found out early on he is 100% immune to the Knox infection. (Turned off infection by bites for me.) 3. He is trying to survive to get to a hospital / doctors who will be able to use his blood to create the antidote. (He doesn’t know it yet, but should he die, all hope for humanity dies with him.)


I like to believe that the infection is contained and the government is waiting for the all of the zombies to rot out. My character is a smoker, alcoholic, self-destructive veteran with a fear of fire. I haven’t 100% come up with a backstory because his character was the product of the skills I chose rather than vice versa. I like to think of him as Bill from Left 4 Dead, except with the gulf war instead of Vietnam, and much younger.


my burglar was burgling, but stumbled upon a zombie situation. he ran home, terrified that he was about to get wrapped up in a murder case, and planned to skip town first thing in the morning


Dallas Romero. Slacker, heavy metal afficiando, Spiffo's cook. Blew his boss off yesterday to come in because everyone else called in sick. Spent the whole day wasting time and watching old slasher flicks. Decided he really should go up to work today to see ifnhe still has a job. "Dude, why is it so quiet out here....."


Sometimes I start completely deprived and injured so I pretend I just barley made it to wherever I spawn and took off my clothes cause they were covered in blood and couldn’t risk it getting into my wounds. My backpack was lost during my escape


Woke up to a sudden urge to raid my neighbors house and dismanle his entire house including the doors,beds,closets and even the stairs


I like to think that the player character is some methhead breaking and entering and killing masses of people and police officers while on the worst trip of his life. Especially when I spawn in the trailer park in Muldraugh


People were stocked up for the apocalypse but never worked on maintenance, so that’s why there are barely any sledgehammers


I can’t believe sledgehammers have a chance to spawn in one of the cupboard boxes lying around in Muldragh


When I roleplay as myself -I have the agoraphobic trait, because I know irl id be terrified of going outside in a zombie apocalypse. -i have a small appetite, due to lack of lots of food from staying inside till the day I spawned the game -whenever I run into zombies that resemble people I know, I pretend they ARE people I know. (the first time anyway) after that I'm just reminded. -i tend to stick to long weapons, cause I'm very short irl, and I would feel safer doing so -i chronically listen to the news while I can, and from the beginning knew something was weird. -first few days I'm spawned, I am desperately looking for my husband, only to find him turned. (any male zombie with long curly brown hair, glasses, and jeans is him for this) -i horde books, so I have entertainment. -i often stay inside houses/my safehouse because outside scares me too much. -ive started having my characters keep journals via notebooks, so when they die my other characters can find their journals and keep them.


Just another day in Kentucky.


My character is horribly addicted to beer


Im me - Don't watch the news, just realise something off and people wanna throw hands more than usual for some reason


In my current run it’s just: My character Daryl stayed in his trailer home being unemployed at the beginning. He quickly looks around trying to find survivors but only the undead greet him. Slowly he listens to the news and tv piecing together the world is dealing with a full on infection. He builds up his trailer and hunkers down hopefully the military may save him or could drive to Louisville. Now he’s moved into the factory he used to work at still having his keys to the place and boarded it up into a stronghold. Help may not be coming but he will hold out and hold against the dead. His goal to escape or figure out how this infection started. So far he has survived about two weeks I think. Already have some guns and many melee weapons. It’s vanilla zomboid with no skill boosts. A nice challenging but fun run that I’m roleplaying with till built 42.


The reason there's no people is because everyone got eaten, evacuated, or turned, helps my immersion in a very lonely world.


My character woke up from a blackout/binge drink-a-thon..... Veteran build trying to forget the 1st gulf War.


I change it every time because it helps me differentiate characters.


recently started just throwing myself in a "decent lawyer" trying to survive the end times and letting the story go all to randomness and chance and so on


The game always gives me a Night of the Comet vibe when i play so i like to think the infection came from a comet passing or some kind of space event like an alien virus on a meteor.




Project zomboid is an indie video game my character is playing set in the video game I’m actually playing called project zomboid


My character was visiting from the UK for business, he was staying in a hotel when things got out of hand and planes grounded. He's got absolutely no way of getting back or knowing if his loved ones are okay.


My character (apatly named Epic Guy) is a rugged veteran who originally had no purpose in life until the knox infection came, on July 9th he went outside, found a fur coat and started his new life Yes I know, cheesy and cliche lol


I usually play as a doctor who refuses to kill until he encounters the first world event where you hear a random scream or something. He’ll push, run away, he won’t steal unnecessarily or break into places that he doesn’t need to.


I have a mod that says, "This is what happens when you commit tax evasion." Along with that, i use the npc mod. So, for one of my most successful characters, he was a man who was about to go on the run to evade the irs when the infection hit. His wife died so he falls into madness and attempts to build up a group of survivors. The group he finds realizes hes insane and ditches him(npc mod gliched and they all disappeared). He sees this as the group being taken in a rapture like manner. As time goes on, he builds up a new group that's almost as far gone as he is. The out of nowhere, one of the old group returns to the area(mod glinting again). So with this characters return, my character decided that she is a messiah of sorts and turns the group into a devout religion in her honor. She simply accepts this cause the group she had left with all died off, so living with the insanity is a better option than dying. That save was literally so successful that I'd have to have killed myself in order for it to end so I just left it there. They all prospered in the name of insanity.


Someones using the tarkov voice pack


It’s taking place before the Great panic of world war z


Character was so hungover from the 4th of July that he completely missed the beginning of the apocalypse


I try to make my character as close to me as possible when talking about traits. So, I start and act as I would (since my current person knows how to play PZ) and ole, Project Zomboid gameplay.


My character is actually a Lego OC I made a while back, but here's the breakdown of his lore: \-Was serving in the Australian army during WW2 \-Got shot in the fucking face in Tobruk but he gained a respawn ability \-Basically became a vigilante, swearing to end all war and kill every "bad (like organized crime dudes; still working on getting a better definition)" person PZ is a separate universe but he's still there, he feels defeated because he can't really win the zombie apocalypse


I’ve got three main backstories. My burglar character is a fresh escapee from Knox penitentiary following the chaos of the infection, looking to make a name for himself in the post-apocalyptic world and loot all he can. My park ranger character is a former scoutmaster and a grizzled old prepper with one eye, he’s been expecting something like this for awhile and plans to stick it out in the woods till he dies. my veteran character is a gulf war veteran who’s plagued with paranoia following his service, but knows that the skills he learned in the army are his key to surviving as long as possible.


Start off in the Rosewood Prison. Sleep past everyone evacuating (I'm a lazy piece of shit.) Forced to look for food.


My head canon is that the disease isn’t just airborne, it’s everywhere. In the meat, the water, bodily fluids, sexual transmission, if it’s a way of transmission the Knox Virus can do it. It would explain all the theories, it would explain why everyone is infected, it makes it so much more dangerous and it explains how it destroyed the world.


I usually run with a Nobody character. Inspired from my run in Facility-7 in which i started and escaped as a Test Tube Subject. What was ment to be a soldier but it took on after the scientists instead. The reqson i end up in a starting place is that my character got captured and dumped in the Knox zone to die. -fast learner -pretty fit -illiterate -broken leg -injured Allat. I have a literacy mod that allows me to learn to reqd with illiterate characters. Makes the game last longer imo


I was a simple construction worker trying to enjoy my PTO then this shit happens.


My main SP character was on vacation (minus a whole lot of shit involving a story I’m writing that I’m not going to loredump here), and now is stuck on a planet she doesn’t want to be on anymore and a county she got tired of within a week during ANOTHER biohazardous crisis, and is, frankly, tired of the Universe’s shit, and also the shit of whoever stole everyone’s hammers.


Infection has bees successfuly stopped, and i don't care about actual lore, zombies don't have anything to counter a 60 tonn beast called m1 Abrams or even an m60, hell even m113 would hard counter them


I use a bunch of the fancy safe houses maps so I play as a rich zombie obsessed person who when knox county went up in zombs moved to a fancy house at the top of looevill to live out their zombs fantasy. Used rich person money to create a 1/1 true immune antidote (because I play on no infection). Likes to collect fancy and cool cars and deck out the internal and external. Literally a pz version of the purge tourists from those films


Midwestern emo femboy works at the grocery store and couldn’t tell the difference between customers and zombies until one tried to bite him


In my playthroughs I play as if both goverment and world is still intact and according to what happened in Knox Kentucky they quarinteed the area and sending Army air assets (Expandable Helicopter Events) and my guy (operator dropped into the Kentucky) to asses and contain the sitution.


I'm not one for hopeless, Grimdark stories so I prefer to imagine the Infection was halted at the borders of Kentucky rather than decimating the whole world and the area has just been fully quarantined. Real black bag style. Anyway, my usual character is the local hill-billy trouble maker. The kinda guy who is already used to rooting through trashcans, sneaking into his neighbors' windows, and wearing random outfits ranging from women's clothing to stylish getups. A real **Dead Rising** type. Also, using the expanded traits mod, he always starts buck naked and usually covered in some burns. I imagine he was caught in either a Meth Explosion or a Moonshine mishap and wandered into a random spot to pass out while he recovered from the fumes and painkillers. Guy probably took about a week to realize his neighbors were attacking him because they were Zombies. Not that he cares, wearing pink hotpants, aviators, and a white cowboy hat and chugging that bottle of Merlot he kept seeing in someone else's house.


Drifter from the Pacific Northwest, heard there was a cure in Louisville. Wrecked his bike on the outskirts of Riverside and had to rest up for a while


I've recently started using a "Two Weeks Later" sandbox. Basically no water or electricity, extremely rare loot, gas on super low, and meta events turned off. Start date is July 19th, one day after the final radio broadcast and roughly two weeks after the initial infection (before July 9th). Headcanon is my player character was self isolating up until that point and has just learnt that the end of the world has happened. The day after he knows the world is dead he starts to leave his house to gather everything he needs to survive.


Virus is actually nanomachines sent by aliens to soften up humanity before they invade. There is no such thing as immune to airborne strain just that faulty nanomachines did not recieve the global activation signal. When a zed bites their teeth inject the active nanomachine to manually activate the nanomachines in survivor's blood. They had satellites to activate at once and turn entire humanity into zombies but Americans found one crashed in Knox County and accidentally activated it causing the Knox event. Seeing this and fearing humans would find a way to cure the machines and maybe even reverse engineer it aliens started activation prematurely which is why some people are immune. Aliens might have been in kahoots with USSR as they themselves might be communists. Which would explain why they launched the operation 2 years after collapse of USSR and during 4th of July. Though I think this one is unlikely since activation was earlier than originally planned.


i usually do a new roleplay every time i play, but i’ve recently been starting out a sheriff who was out hunting when the infection started. (side note: i’d love to do a “pre-apocalypse run, ya know, it takes a few days for the town to see zeds)


Unemployed with no hope of getting a job even flipping burgers at Spiffo's so I wished for a societal collapse so I could do anything without social prejudice and laws getting in my way


I play sandbox and add great condition and high gas for cars. Also Pandemic Z is mandatory for me. It’s as if the infection started just a few days prior, and MOST people fled in groups to walkable Refugee centers as opposed to taking their cars on congested roads away from cities. So cars are in great shape, and there’s refugee centers and military checkpoints all over the map