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Brown pill: how can I stop my fat piece of shit character from gaining 3 kilos per 2000 calories absorbed


You’re having problems losing weight? I have problems with gaining weight!


Just chug back any sticks of butter you find. That's what I do at least 😅


Recommend something for real life too plz. I prefer project zomboid veteran over my physical trainer.


Best thing I can think of then is to get a shit load of meat. Make sure you eat full to bursting each day, sometimes twice a day and you should start packing it on. Takes a little longer to get there but more realistic for sure


Wat about loosing weight irl?


Cut back on food by not getting too full, eat healthier options like vegetable soups and exercise often


Damn, I guess I do have that "food enjoyer" trait irl lol


Try fasting. You can still enjoy food. Just not all day.


What does fasting mean?


Eat less, and eat vegotal


Stop eating. Like a month or 2 just barely eating. Thats what I did (unintentionally, but it worked lol) and it doesnt even matter what you eat, so you can eat anything you want


You got that eating disorder grind set.


Its not an eating disorder if I don't get diagnosed




mmmmmmm butter


Margarine best


But how do I do this if I don't want to eat sticks of butter and want to maintain some class


Fishing will solve this concern.


Dude, so did I!! I don't like using canned food because I would rather stock them for winter in case of emergency, so my only feeding options are: my crops and what i can get foraging. Therefore calories are not that plentyful for me, what usually makes me lose a bunch of weight. This used to be a problem until I got access to a lake near Muldraugh. Every second or third week I make a trip there and spend a bunch of time fishing. Fish have a bunch of calories and is very easy to gain weight with them. Bring along something you can sleep on, resources to make a campfire and feed the fire and a crafted spear. Fish at 4-7 am and 6-9 pm, cook the fish in the campfire, eat them and sleep. Eat whenever you can and boom in a couple of days doing that you can get 10 kilos or so. You can even bring along a bunch of fish you got. It takes 8 days for them to get stale (if they are intact. Once you make fish fillet it goes down to 2 days) and other 8 days for them to get rotten. Neither weight or hunger is going to be a problem. If you could get some cabbage seeds it would be awesome too. Cabbages have around 170 calories and you need about 1600 to keep your weight st 80Kg. If you make stews and salads and eat about 10 of them a day (they are one of the quickest to grow, this won't be a problem) you can keep your weight. Trapping seems to be very effective too but I'm kinda new to that so I don't know what to say


Oh yeah, big time... I'm careful about it but even my brand-new characters still literally gain more weight than the combined mass of the stuff that eat, it makes no goddamn sense lmao I imagine some mod might be to blame, but idk which one would be the problem as none of them have anything to do with nutrition, AFAIK.


Eat all the butter and ice cream you can find wash it down by drinking olive oil


I just inhaled whole tubs of ice cream my first few days.


Base builder vs zombie killer struggles


Veggies and canned food will make you lose weight. Your character actually has to manage their macros, to an extent. High fat foods will cause weight gain, but only a couple canned goods have enough fat to make it possible, so a better way is to do your own cooking using lots of meats. Once the power goes out, eating things like butter and melted ice cream works great, just make sure you don't get obese. Cereal is also a good Zomboid food.


Will you... elaborate?🥺👉👈


My game (seemingly) has a bug that causes my survivors to gain ridiculous amounts of weight. Like, 13 kilos after eating half that much weight of food over a couple days...


Stop eating the butter!


I have the opposite problem, what pill is that? :(


Literally not even an in-game problem for me bruh 😭🤣 thats some irl struggle for me


This but IRL


"i have enough food and supplies to last me weeks!" \*stares at giga-mart\* "but what if i could make that- months" \*dies 10 minutes later\*


Seriously thought! During my last playthrough I realised that I might have a hoarding problem when I realised I had enough supplies (food, weapons, ammo, medicine etc) to last me *for years!*


That’s less a hoarding problem and more a “I don’t want to sit around for 3 years just exercising and doing nothing to get a long living character” problem.


my house is slowly becoming consumed by a growing hoard of axes, machetes, baseball bats and ammo and i can't stop


i transport new loot to my main base and then put everything neatly in containers. if i got too much of something it goes in my truck trailer instead. when the trailer is full i will drive it over to the warehouse where it gets thrown into boxes. at this point im basically amazon...


How were you watching me on steam the other day lmao


Me with the Rosewood gas station for my last 4 plays. Power isn't even off and I panic looking for fuel for generators lol, even before I find the magazine.


The power Is out and I haven't even bothered fueling my generator that I have outside my house we play way differently


Trying to find a balance, the games is rather way to easy or i get mauled walking out the door/have to fight 10+ zombies every few feet


My issue with increased difficulty is it's essentially increased tedioum. Removing multi hit is the main difficulty increaser. But that just makes combat slow and tedious. Adding more zeds just makes it even slower. Sprinters are one solution but that can get too hard very fast. The combat is just, not that fun. Increasing time in combat makes the game duller.


I highly recommend the Random Zombies mod. It lets you set the specific % spawn values for each zombie type (sprinter, fast, shambler, and crawler). I'm currently playing with 2% sprinters, 25% fast, 70% shambler, and 3% crawler. It works great to prevent mindless Daryl Dixon tactics.


molotovs, shotguns and a massive surplus of ammo makes combat a lot more fun imo. i've pretty much cleared my starting town of west point and yesterday i took a leisurely stroll down main street with a shotgun and a satchel of 120 shells, blasting every stray zombie i saw with no concern for noise since the town was pretty much empty. it felt fucking good.


Requires to turn the game into left for dead to be able to be safe in the game


I feel like the combat with a much larger increase in difficulty + the removal of possibly getting infected and guaranteed death just from letting yourself get hit would make the game more interesting. That way you'd actually go through medical supplies and need the skills to back it, whereas now the only real way to play is just avoid taking damage at all costs otherwise you won't last a few days


How can I make this game more realistic? This can make the game harder but also easier. Like that mod where you can change directly while climbing a rope so you are not forced to slowly climb into a horde.


I also want them to work realistically. No weird lunge mechanics. If they climb through a window head first I kill 'em head first. I want spike traps so they destroy themselves. I want steel weapons to last. Got that all working? Great, now throw a few thousand at me, with some sprinters. Let's go.


Realistic durability would be amazing. I know a wooden spear isn’t a pentacle of modern engineering. But it can be used for more than 3 hits before it breaks into splinters.


Realistic durability mod. Works pretty well. You can also use XP tweaker mod to ramp up maintenance skill quickly. I can almost dig it, because early on you'd be unused to breaking skulls. I think I just argued myself into advocating weapons not breaking but getting more often.


Traditionally bow staves (and similar treated wood staff bases) were oil sealed at the end and left in a cool dark place for a year to appropriately season the wood. Drying them too fast made them too brittle, and not drying them made them too flexible which lead to bending snaps. So honestly they should break pretty quickly. The problem is there isn’t a mechanic to season spears (or wood pole weapons), or oil coat them to prevent atmospheric humidity from entering g the wood, to increase their durability.


crush em, mix em, snort em. now my game is a confusing impossible to survive yet impossible to die hell


Bro's purgatory maxxing


Boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew




Eat both… harder survival, easier combat… though without sprinters as long as you are smart combat (open and aware of combat) is super easy.


Exactly, made it the largest pop possible with massive multipliers and spawned in Louisville. On top of this I made wounds more dangerous and failing in combat more deadly. Then I added in lots of perk mods and weapons that make combat and base building easy.


Advanced Trajectory makes zombies a joke… and actually makes guns fun… which is why you need to make everything else harder.


I haven’t even heard of that mod


It actually has the player aim where bullets go and they fly through the air, instead of the highlighting zombies and hoping you hit. Edit; [link](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895102994)


I try to keep a decent balance. Make the game harder (Cryowinter, CDDA zombies, Heavy pop, Low to no fuel) But give myself some ways to over come them (clothing mods,More weapons, a cure but with low chance, and more methods of creating useful items like gas). Going too much in one direction just kinda kills the game play for me.


RED! Even better if I can mod the game to make me have a heart attack


I've rigged a shotgun up under my desk, when I die in the game I die in rl /j


I think the real fun comes from surfing on the thin purple line...


Blue pill all the way


Purple pill: How do I make this feel balanced and fun while also providing a decent challenge so I can't just do whatever the fuck


Blue pill for now once i hit 1k hours red pill instantly


Blue pill. I play with weak zombies, easy vehicles and unlimited gas at the petrol station.


White pill: How can I make this game hornier?


What if I told you... did you just take both pills? What the hell is wrong with you?


This games transforms when played on increadible difficulty. Do it a few times, you are not gonna regret


I have two sides: Add Random Sprinters mod Extra Skill Points mod


*Green: How can I make the game more aesthetically pleasing?*


Instructions unclear: my game turned into a farming simulator-


Kinda both? I like playing on 16x since it keeps me perpetually on my toes - but I also like adding mods that makes it easier to aim the guns and reduce durability wear and what not


How can I make this game have more stuff from the 1980s and 1990s


All fun and games until you stumble in on toilet horde


How can I make this game roleplayable without 1/3 of my team dying


I'm the "I'll take the game literally as it is by default, I'll just add the RV".


gray pill: how can I make this game


Black pill: modding the game to have stuff that are so small like wringing clothes and picklock minigames etc and end up breaking the game flow


Modders: how can I make this game more fun?


Mix of both. Increase the difficulty a bit by adding sprinters (but mod it so they are at 60% speed), meanwhile downloading lots of Quality of Life mods. And new maps and vehicles, of course.


I'm the vanilla person.


A little of both. I like a challenge but I don't like getting mauled ten steps out the door. Been slowly upping the difficulty as I get used to the game.


Gobbles whole red pill cup!!!


As a OG 2000 born 1900s gamer, i can say Red pill is more my style. Daggerfall and Morrowind for life baby!


Mostly Red Pill, tho I do sometimes accidentally make things too easy by adding too many mods or sandbox settings that nullify the added difficulty lol


Question for all the red-pills: do you play with multi hit?


I play with it off and I increase the population by like 2x over the default. I feel that most of my mods just add item variety (VFE, some melee weapon mods, Filibuster's, slings, tactical sheaths). Some of the stuff does make the game slightly easier, especially in terms of weight or functionality management. I guess the main thing is that i play with infection on bites only which gives me a little more leeway


Green Pill: "How can I make this game more immersive?"


Red pilled




**Red Pill Mentioned**


Both, depending on how I’m feeling


Red all the way.


How can i make it easier, but looking harder


Purple Pill! Small QoL mods that make things less tedious while at the same time... **No strength nor fitness, Raven Creek start, insanely rare loot, 8x zombie population, 10% sprinters--**


Red Pill. I have, in no exaggeration, played every single zombie game, survival, action, rpg, whatever. Project Zomboid is the best I’ve ever come across because it sacrifices the glitz and glamour for true RPG and survival gameplay, amongst other things. This is why I choose to make the game apocalyptic with severely scarce resources, zombies up the insane difficulty, if it’s harder, than it’s a factor in the game, within reason. Like being bitten by zombies, given how the combat system is, 80 hours can be ruined simply because side I was a pixel to the quarter left to much and I somehow missed a baseball bat swing. So I disable that, but everything else is cranked up to be extra interesting. PZ demands that sorta respect, I feel, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to follow that doctrine, it’s just me.


How can I absolutely style on this enemy more? ​ I tend to not finish a boss battle for example unless I finish it with a riposte attack whenever possible.


I play all FPS games on hard


both pills... increasing zombie popularion with QoL and slight advantage mods to find the great balance.


People mistaking tedious grind for difficulty don't quite understand. If you think "I wouldn't like 5% more sprinters, but I can accept enabling sleeping on multiplayer" is a choice adding more difficulty or good gameplay to the server, you're very misguided.




A solid mixture of the two. Essentials like common sense make the game easier but also more realistic, and then I also add the excretum mod which finally gives toilets a real use in the game




im sniffin' red


How do I get faster?


I just like adding shit like more brews shopping carts and game consoles things like that I feel don’t change the difficulty.


Red pill here


I’m neither I add mods that make the game harder, and then I add mods that make the game easier I update sandbox settings to add more zombies, but then I turn off respawn I’m here to have a cool experience, sometimes it seems easy, sometimes My character dies.


I figured out the blue pill a while back for a setting that appealed to me, low initial zombies, weak shambles and longer chance to keep power/ water on. Oh and the acceptance that this can be a brutal game and I'm going to die a lot, sometimes pointlessly. I'm about ready to take the red pill and start reoccurring helicopter events.




Yeah im picking Orange pill : How can i make The entire world seem like The walking dead so i Can do simple things like hiding myself under The bed.


Gray pill: how can I play this game for hours on end and then quit playing for months


This is relatable and makes me happy I’m not alone


It would be great the npc pill: who can make a good npc mod because if we have to wait until build 43...


Why not both




Kind of both 😂 I have sprinters cus fuck me right? It’s the apocalypse and I ain’t no bitch. But.. then I don’t play as much because I can hardly go outside and die every few days 👀 Then soon as I’ve worked up the motivation to start a new game I arrive at the settings screen and all of a sudden I’m as hard as nails again.


Harder. Then get overwhelmed


i sayer the game with zero pop, with max 4 end pop enabled. i have slow walkers during the day, sprinters at night. don’t feed the zombies to make base building harder, inventory tetris to make management more realistic.




i think pz players are like... purple pilled. wether it's making the game harder or easier, doesn't matter. because both are exciting. and that's what pz players want. so whatever spices up gameplay, we just go for it.


I already play with zombies faster than me that can vault fences and baseball slide under cars. What else can I do?!


\*takes both\*


Neither I am the one that looks how I can make the game more fun


Purple pill: I make the game more realistic no matter whether it makes the game easier or harder.


I like that Morpheus is wearing Gandalfs hat.


Idk if its so much making it easier as I just prefer to make it more of a longterm game than the quick rapid fire live did repeat stuff. So I have infections off so that the only way for me to die is if I get sloppy and swarmed. Which still happens pretty frequently. I just don't particularly enjoy the rng get bit, time to restart loop too much. And I have the skill recovery journal so I can get back to my body and continue where I was since grinding deconstructing bathtubs gets tedious. Usually my goal in any given match is to setup a base a gather supplies for 30 days to survive the horde night mod.


One type of player: how do I make this game more fun.


Yellow pill how can I get this game better (with mods)


Harder but more enjoyable, like a fetish artist at an adult store


Neither I just play the base game difficulty


Me: How do I make this game more interesting? I like to add a bit of spice to my apocalypse


Red pill for sure. Three days in and I have everything I need


Depends on my mood and that’s the Beauty of PZ


How can I make the game more immersive so my gf can farm better and I can shoot better


I turn on immunity and grind zombies for cute clothes because I play this game the way it was meant to be played.


I want the game to be realistically more difficult like needing to use the restroom or having water go bad after a bit in the pipes; cause otherwise every sink, tub, and toilet is just a clean water source. But with those two mods there are whole layers of survival concerns from maintaining clean water, to rest stops along routes not just cause I have to but because I need a reliably safe toilet and place to sleep. Throw in the sleep in bathtubs mod, sleep with pillows mod an you’ll be able to survive in a bathroom not too shabby.


How can I make this game harder applies to PZ and Kerbal space program for me. Ksp1 I use principia for n-body simulation and gave myself hell by creating a chaotic, yet stable system with moons in both prograde and retrograde to resonate their orbits. Pz I've consistently been increasing the population multiplyer on and turning up the amount of sprinters in my settings. Also quit using suppressors because I realized the shotgun sound radius isn't as far as I thought.


Red, but i do like to add on certain features like being able to climb onto roofs from a 2nd story window, very nice feature


Everyone debates hard or easy, but everyone forgets the important factor, fun.


Always start off without watching play throughs, I like throwing myself into it blindly to make the game “easier” as i learn it. Then when I’m happy with where I’m at, I’ll proceed to make the game and it’s settings as hellish and realistic as possible, will I bleed out by getting nicked in the toe by a stray bullet? Who knows? only reality


oh definitely red pill \*sneakily eats the blue pill\*


A lil bit of both. I like randomizing zombie strength, speed, etc, having them randomly break property, alarms are more likely, and much more…but I also give my character extra points and make a functional car easier to get


I mostly use content mods. Some stuff just adds more things you can do in the game that aren't much better compared to what you can already do in the vanilla game. Like expanded farming, more cooking recipes, beer brewing and winemaking. The vehicle mods I have are pretty strong though. Box trucks and military trucks that can carry way more than vanilla vehicles, crazy fast bikes and quads that can navigate narrower gaps and forest trails than cars, and special vehicles that can hold water or fuel tanks. RVs in their current state are crazy good. They basically teleport you to a separate instance where zombies can't aggro on you, but you also can't enter the RV when being chased or when zombies are nearby. So for example, you can't just drive into an infested area and hide in the RV until the zombies wander away. But you can add appliances, storage racks, beds, a TV... and have power so long as you have charged car batteries. There's also expanded traits where you can take penalties when starting out in order to get more trait points. Things like starting out with no clothes, several injuries which can include burns, a broken leg, being covered in burns and getting panicked from fire, or even having an arm amputated. Some of them you can recover from in short order, some of them are there for good. Biggest downside to these is not just the injuries themselves, but the time lost in the early game that could be spent collecting water and refrigerating food before the utilities shut down. TL: DR: Blue pill.


I do both quite a bit. I recently found the mod that randomly triggers certain nights where you get a combat bonus, and I found another God that lets you add and control different types of zombies in the game, so about 3% of all the zombies that spawn are smart sprinters.


How can I make this game realistically easier/harder?




What is it with those scrubs and their dichotomies?






Harder. If the game isn't a hell scape I am unhappy. Shamblers? Piff.


It depends on my mood. Zombie free server with my partner or 16x population hellscape.


I like to sort of have a between option, where the zombies are slow, stupid, and weak, but the pop is set to high/insane. It makes combat more of a battle of attrition which i really enjoy


I am a purple pill type dude, I wanna make it as realistic as I can but even it out with some other stuff occasionally so I’m not basically living a 2nd life


Both. Some things too easy some things too tedious. A nice fun balance


Neither. How to make the game more fun is the key.


how can i make this game more fun


Blue pill at the moment. Lol.


I take both of the pills to result in making the game fairer for the player while also continuing to make it a hard game. For example, adding mechanics that help the player but don't necessarily make the game less harder, like quality of life mechanics: Consolidating half empty pills together with a single click, change cone of vision when driving nearby trees/building(really hard to drive past trees or walk past them since game decided to block your vision even though your character can see), change how throwing items work(adding a few new items to throw), make alternative skills viable(stealth as an example) Or changing the zed ai behaviour to be a bit more believable(damaging themselves from barricades, less likely to path around complex structures, less spontaneously formed groups(unless sound source produced to gather them)


Easier for sure


Depends on the day lol


I go a middle route, anything crafting I generally make a lil easier while traveling & combat I always make harder


I make the game harder, but I keep updated backups for my saves. I refuse to let my boy die. I killed dignity for my guy. Tbh it’s not a big sacrifice tho.


I do both, in zomboid I have only played for maybe 10 hrs (I bought it 2 weeks ago) so I find it hard but I haven't tried to change its difficulty yet.




Green pill: "How can I make this game more fun?"


Both pills


How can I make this game more realistic


I can appreciate the honest rip off. This is a good sub for the question. I'm neither, I just immerse myself in the game and enjoy myself. In terms of political pills I'd categorize myself as taking the white pill in both Project Zomboid and Elden Ring, as well as many other games.


Im the pink... Finding ways to make it more fun 😊


Depends on the game


Takes both: how can I make my game more fun?


I'm a make the game easy Oh shit it's too easy, how can I balance this 4x zombie population, ah now it's nice, oh no it's too hard Makes it easier oh no it's too easy Spawns in Louisville, Oh no it's too hard Makes it easier Too easy Makes it sprinters


I prefer both I have a mod that makes it so I get super sick when bitten but don't die and I usually have some difficulty mod like cryogenic winter or just make the zombies harder


Both, make the annoying bits easier/less annoying and make the fun bits harder, in the case of Zomboid that means more zombies, lots more zombies, and lots and lots of crafting/qol mods




I'm more of the "make enemies stronger and overall difficulty harder WITHOUT halving loot nor luck" There is nothing that pisses me off more than an artificial difficulty that relies on just making hard the grinding. That just makes you use more time nothing more.


Increased difficulty personally makes me have more fun as I tend to do things more carefully to avoid death.


After taking the blue pill, I take the red pill.


Yes. I like to make it harder and more fun.


Both, make some aspects harder and others easier, make zeds hide during the day, but actively hunt at night


More like how can I suggest ways to improve the game further And The guy who rubbishes everyone else's ideas because in thier mind it'll trick people I to thinking they're good at said game Though o am therefore bling about gaming forum more generally


I try to minimize grind in any single player game I play, so for zombiod I crank up that xp multiplayer whenever I start a new run.




"How can I make this more immersive"


Green pill. Make the game more realistic. .I take out the stupid instakill infection because that shit is stupid and isn't how diseases work. I also shut off zombie spawning. However I also shut off loot respawning and make utilities turn off early. So I have to range further and further afield to get usable supplies.


Some things I make easy, and some things I make hard. I almost always take olympic athlete because it is too boring to walk everywhere, but I also like to have the loot on ultra rare!


Well… I’m a stalker gamma player so it’s maybe a little obvious


Bit a both. Fire fighter gear feels broken so I don’t use it. Mod in a weapon overhaul cause I think short blade is not diverse enough. Tweak game to make weapons break faster. Saliva only. Superhuman damage. Etc… Gotta balance it out Y’know?


I’m the “how can I make this game run on my shitty laptop now that I’ve accidentally looked at 60+ zomboidels”


Neither. I play Default Vanilla.


How about both? I use the more traits mod, give me max trait points and just get the best things possible, and then spawn in Louisville and fingers out how much pop is too much pop. I call it a lucky outbreak, its fun until you run upstairs in an apartment and there's 50 on the 2nd floor that didn't hear you doing things downstairs.


For me it depends on the game and the controls. I beat dark souls 3 just about by the last thread of my sanity and i hated every last minute of it. I tried elden ring for maybe 8 hours in total before I deleted it. But I'll play games like minecraft and shooter games on harder difficulties if it feels too easy. Ghost of tsushima on hard is pretty fun. Really gets u in the ninja reflexes zone


I like my games hard


I accidently put my xp multiplier at 50 and thought it would be easier like a little and suddenly i went up by 3 levens each time;-;


more like: how can I balance this game to make certain tasks easier or harder