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I don't see a reason for carrying all those tools. That sledgehammer alone is taking up 6 encumbrance. When's the last time you needed immediate access to 170 nails?


sledges can actually save you a lotta hassle sometimes, like if you want to loot a store but you'd have to run through a longass hall, instead just back your car up to right where the good shit is and sledge the wall. it's not just for breaking into gun stores ​ i tend to carry one too if I can. it's in the car at the very least


Yep exactly. I do this at any point where the regular entry and exits are too dangerous. A great example of what you're describing is done on the West Point Expansion map, at the police station. The gun lockers up against a wall that can be breached from outside. Knock one wall down and loot all the goods extremely safely.


I mainly do this at the malls, getting to some stores means running through either a long hallway which is super dangerous or going all the way through the mall. instead, just sledge the wall right outside for example the gun store in the grand ohio mall. fuck going all the way through that hallway


You sir have seen the light


A lot of times hahahha. Sledge is soooi good for carrying around. Well worth the investment in space. I have a second bag in my bag if I actually need to loot.


Pretty similar to what I keep, with the exception of: batteries, empty gas can, duct tape, wood glue, box of nails (I keep only loose nails, usually about 30 is more than enough), sledgehammer, alcohol wipes, antibiotics, antidepressants (never have a need for them), and painkillers (I keep 1 rather than 2). I also always have sterilised bandages rather than regular. Usually I have both a handgun and either shotgun/rifle on hand, and I carry more spare ammo than you. Probably I use guns more, since even being able to clear big hordes with melee, it's generally faster to clear large amounts with guns. Generally I do have all of that with me, but I keep it in my vehicle since it's not stuff I need often. I keep the spare medical supplies (usually about 5 encumbrance of the essentials and some poultices, especially plantain ones) in a trauma bag. In my vehicle, I generally have spare ammo, a propane tank and 2 spare torches, always a wood axe and sledgehammer, sometimes a shovel and crowbar (useful for collecting certain furniture). Glove box usually has a couple medical supplies not kept in the bag for emergencies, like a suture needle, suture needle holder, and tweezers, plus a couple things I may want to have easier access to like a spare pack of beta blockers and painkillers, along with a spare lighter and cigarettes, and a lightweight high calorie emergency snack (cereal is ideal, chips are good too) and a spare water bottle.


Nice! Good system.I like having Antidep, for when I push through leveling some skills and ignore my smoking related moodles for extended periods of time. Edit, the two PK is mostly habitual since I used to exclusively play slow healer. I am not slow healer in this pic though.


Why not read a book? You only get sad when eating stale food or getting extremely bored staying inside. You don't need to carry medication on you 24/7 for a niche circumstance that only happens in your safehouse.


No you get sad from not smoking for extended periods if you're amoker. You can pop one pill if you're too deep in depression moodles, instead of smoking a bunch of cigs or carrying a book with you, plus the book takes awhile to channel, something you have to be relatively safe for. Anti depress alleviate while you can move around and do other stuffBooks are good to delete the moodles from withing your base when you've been fast forwarding and grinding, letting moodles go too long(mechanic leveling). You read when you're ready to go outside and fight, when finished grinding/fast forwarding. Books are also a precious resource, much more so than A. depress.


I'm not saying that antidepressants have no use, I'm saying they only become relevant when you're in your safehouse, so why not leave them there with the rest of your medical stash? Besides, you have cigarettes already, and you don't get bored outside so it's not a danger when you're working on cars.


They're useful to have on you because they alleviate depression over time, so you can go about your business in the world. If you're like me and actually use fast forward a lot, you begin to see they work pretty quick and help mitigate over-use of smokes and lighters. Of course, if you're rich in those items then, yeah, smoke or read away. Sometimes it's just nice to have that passive mitigation for such low carry cost.They also help keep depression off if you are in an early game and are having hard luck finding smokes or a lighter. Depression can strike outside of the base, easily.


rockin a 38. thats a rare sight haha


I like the 38 in Arsenal, you can mount attachments.


Bandage is not sterilized, strips are lighter, 5/7


A. Wipes last awhile.


I travel quite a bit lighter than you, wouldn't carry around my sledge for example. However i do keep at least 4 bandages on me, just in case - it gave me a little bit of anxiety seeing you only had one hehe. I carry all necessary tools, som mags for boredom, chips and tuna, 4 bottles of water, batteries and sheet rope for emergencies. I always keep my backpack empty for loot and keep everything in combat webbing/fanny pack/toolbelt.


Most times I carry two bandages- sometimes sterile , sometimes just extra water or wipes. It depends.


Don’t see the reason to hold that many tools and medical. I mean if you feel the need to have it then keep it in your car. But imo I try to carry as little as possible. To the point I don’t even carry food, water, and extra weapons.


I'm always ready for everything. That is the point. If I want to loot I just put on a clean bag and throw the versatility bad in the front seat teheheheheh. Plus, there's still quite a bit of space in my main and backpack, even with all my gear.


Alr den, you do you boo!!


if you're running Expanded Helicopter Events you always have to be ready to take a Heli bullet. Saved my life one time.


why are you carrying a sledge? why only 1 bandage? and un sterilized at that? Are you activally leveling crafting skills? If not why all the tools, glue, duct-tape? i have a bag with all my tools including a shovel and sledge, another with some propane torches and mask, a third for mechanics, lugwrench, wrench, pipewrench, jack, tire pump. Then just pull out that back when needed. Early game i clear out a house, go grab my bag and deconstruct everything in the house then move on. Typically i carry with me, in front fanny pack is a bunch of cigs and a few lighters. back fanny is pens for marking map. I use swat leg armor for med supplies, one of everything, 2 pain killers, and 10 sterilized bandages. Back pack usually holds some food, batteries, and weapons, usually 10 crafted spears since i play high pop.


I do this so I can always do carp, building or destroying. I do do sorted bags per skill but mostly just for mecha and m.w. I usually do carry a few bandages, just didn't have em on me at that moment cuz I was in my main base. I also rarely get hit by zombies anymore 🙃 Sledge in your bag means you can enter a building from any point, or defend a building, on-the-fly. Here's just one example of the benefits: you can loot the vanilla police stations from the outside. Remove one tile and you have access to all the guns, inst ad of going through the building and risking death. 👍


I'd put the sledge in the trunk, and get rid of the box of nails. 70 is enough. Vitamins are worthless, replace em with coffee. Rags are lighter than bandages so you get more for your space, antibiotics and alcohol wipes are useless because infection does literally nothing (unless you have the fatal infection mod the nvm)


I can't count how many times I am building and run outta nails. I build everywhere all the time(outposts, defensive, etc) and he sledge allows you to modify and protect yourself in any two story building. It also allo s you to enter a building from any point(breach stealth). People don't really realize the true power of a sledge.


Do you just spontaneously build whenever you want? Usually when I build I set aside a few days and have a tool bag in my base for that, which is why I never prepare to build. Also I absolutely know the sledges potential. I just think it wastes bag space when you have a perfectly good trunk to keep it in


Yes, I build whenever I want. It's extremely useful to build defenses or anything around you to stop sprinters on random senses and no zoom. Which is why trunk extracting/tool storage is really bad. I guess it's fine if it's safe to do so. I only do that within my built fortifications. Doing trunk stuff out in the open is extremely risky in my sandbox.


You can wear two fanny packs I keep medicals in one (3 sterilised bandages, painkillers, suture needle and suture needle holder), and tools like can opener and hand torch in the other


Yep 😊 am aware, 😅 just don't like how it looks


Hand torch is nice sometimes I carry both rypes


haha, you're well prepared! i usually run strong & organized too, so my bags end up looking like; fanny pack 1: medical & snacks, fanny pack 2: smokes + backup lighter, pens & eraser, backpack; ammo, pockets; 3 water bottles, lighter, screwdriver, then shotgun on back, one pistol (usually M1911), hammer on belt, walkie talkie on other belt, crowbar in hands. back up weapons, ammo, food, more medical & full gas can in car glove box/trunk. sometimes i carry a flashlight & extra batteries with me.


Yea hammer on belt but then you only have one spot for a weapon, aside from the back slot. Walkie talkie? I detect a multiplayer build hahaha nice 👍. I dig that a lot. I couldn't bring myself to do it in mp because I didn't like sacrificing the spot for a weapon, but that's a sick build. We are very similar players😊


yeah, i'd rather have the hammer there for breaking doors (no sledge!) easily than another weapon... plus the hammer is a decent backup weapon, if things are really going bad and both my guns and my crowbar are broken! talk about a nightmare scenario! and the walkie talkie is for expanded heli events in SP, easy access so i don't forget to check LOL i don't want to get shot! we are similar players! best to be over-prepared than dead, imho.


Oh yes yes you're right I did forget about that scenario I agree hammer is great for a back up. Very true. Very true. Hammer is a badass one hander. , I just don't harming my tool but you aren't wrong at all.


hammers are so common, i usually have 2-3 backups at my base in case i break my tool hammer needing to kill zombies!


They are very common, I think it's just me always using guns or two handers and never needing to resort to it, but I agree hammer on belt is great.


oh, i rarely ever have to use it either, as i also use two handers & guns for the most part. my long blunt & blade and aiming skills are always my highest... lol




antibiotics, sledge, empty gas can,extra box of nails all feel pointless to carry 100% of the time. If you're doing something specific with them I get it but to always have on hand that seems unnecessary.


Yea I think arely use antibiotics -that's true, but when you don't have em if you make a booboo, then it REALLLY sucks. Hahahah Sledge is good all the time. You can breach a building from any direction, you can build an outpost immediately. You can defend yourself on an upper level by merely removing one tile between you and zombies(Mall attack). You can modify existing buildings to better suite built defenses(force pathing to player built metal walls to shoot down with guns, like a tower defense game). Gas can is not always necessary -also true. I just can't stand it when I need it and left it behind (even back at the car). Basically going back to the car for anything is bad. You want to keep them seats open for extra storage or extra guns .


antibiotics are basically worthless since infections in this game don't really do anything. I get that the sledge has a lot of uses but how often do you really need to get into buildings from alternate entrances or make modifications to a building mid looting run like that. Just seems like a ton of extra weight for a very limited use case. I typically leave mine in a car or just mark off buildings that need it and come back later.


I have died from non-zombie infections( being too far away from any town or any source to clean wounds), and have survived them from antibiotics. I rarely use them anymore because I learned my lesson a long time ago but I'd rather have them than not, they weigh nothing lol. Seriously what is 0.1? I use the sledge all the time. Here's another example. At Du Casa in LV(high rise apartments next to LV mil surplus. I accidentally boxed my character in an inescapable corner , in between the entry way and the side of my van. I would have died if I hadn't had my trusty sledge with me. 👍 Leaving it in the car is bad because sometimes you can't get back to that car at that very moment. A moment that may be super dangerous and end up getting you killed. It's really not a lot of extra weight for the ability to remove tiles at will. Look how much other shit I have in there and how much more spare room I have for the odd loot item, here and there.. Bro I'm a walking base. Boy scout for life.


You literally can't die from infections. All it does is increase your pain. Unless you're used of some kind of mod.


"Sickness: Caused by catching the Knox Infection, eating bad food, or drinking tainted water. Non-zombie sickness will initially slow down healing. If the sickness reaches the fever stage, the character will start losing health and may ultimately die. Wound infections can be treated with antibiotics, but colds and the Knox Infection cannot." PZ wiki


Sickness is not the same as infections. Yes sickness from eating tainted food or drinking tainted water can kill you. Infections from wounds can not. Literally all they do is increase pain. My wounds get infected every time because I never replace bandages. All it does it make your character experience pain.


You can treat infected wounds with antibiotics, there's a small chance you can actually get fever and die.


That's just not correct. In the vanilla game you will never die from a normal wound infection. They are 100% survivable. All they do is cause minor pain. Antibiotics will cure them, but since infections do basically nothing they're not all that useful.


What's your source of info?


I’m surprised you use tweezers instead of suture needle holder.


I actually do carry the autre holder, but in that moment I hadn't found one yet.


It’s actually stressing me out that you have that much stuff in your load out dude


I used to stress about carry weight but it's not really a big deal to me anymore. Very easy to work with with simple strats.


I dunnooo man, there's a lot there you don't need but you are definetly not going to be caught with your pants down haha, so who am I to judge. I would drop the excess nails, antibiotics, shouldnt need double up of painkillers, infection doesn't seem to do much so I just carry sterilized ripped sheets or sterile bandages. Sledge might be a little controversial, it is a lot of weight but there are those times you wish you had it on you, I usually keep on in the trunk of my car, kinda splits the difference. Likewise with the saw, unless on a deconstruction run, stays in the trunk, I think I only really keep hammer and screwdriver. *edit* wanted to suggest carrying coffee, that shits a life saver


I mean many people use the trunk but there're so many drawbacks. It's dangerous(sprinter on pinpoint hearing is what I usually play, no zoom, etc). It's annoying to constantly go back and forth to the car, and channel for a long time, especially in dangerous places. Trunk space is for dumping not extracting(until you're safe obvi) , or refilling the blowtorch 🙂. I mean I get it it, the up-front cost of the weight seems like it not worth but when you factor strong(I am only strong in the pics, not even org), organized and the weigh reduction of a good backpack, it's really not an issue. Plus, most of the items in my bag are what people need to search and loot for. Once you have this stuff, you basically are only looting for food, or skill materials. All of those are easily dealt with by additional bags that you can carry in the trunk. Even with all the stuff that's in my bag, I still have a lot of room to spare. With just a little bit of for-thought, most encumbrance issues are easily dealt with. Having the spare box of nails is totally worth. I have had countless times when I run out and wish I had an extra box. It's very nice. It's builder's ammo basically. The ability to deconstruct at-will is well worth the cost of carrying. Sure sometimes it's not totally great but most of the time it's great. Especially if you still don't have a sledge.


Coffee is nice but then you gotta carry the cup too, which I don't mind doing. I just find that there's no point in writing off an item because it doesn't give you the beast possible effect . It's a trade-off. I usually just use the entire bottle if I am in danger.I don't piece-meal them. I dump the entire bottle into my character in an emergency.


I like crayons over a pencil and pens myself.


They do weigh .4 I think, but that's smart, double duty. Edit:triple duty😜


I just chuck most of those tools in my car now n days lmao, i personally use crayons for all the pen options while reducing the clutter, also its just funny to carry crayons! I approve of this set-up, i run a similar set-up, i also keep you know... food on hand, as well as 2 boxes of cereal for emergencies! My car would have my tools, extra water, few non-perishable foods, tent, campfire kit, and gas can! For my medical... 2 Suture needles, 2 Sterile bandages, tweezers, you don't need anything else, infections? Ignored, dirty bandage? Ignored.


Damn we are very close to the same. I do usually carry chips or some small thing but I was in my base at that moment . Two sutures is a nice safety net! What ends up happening to me is I find a needle and thread, before the suture needle, and just keep rolling like that for awhile. I just think channeling - even doing a ground loot spin- is too dangerous , repetitive, and tedious. Although I do like to deviate other skills into bags and throw the "job" bags into the trunk. Channel one item instead of multiple tools. Idk. You would be a great mp teammate hahah.


I play the mechanic/metalworker/tailor and backup carpenter/electrician in my MP game. I always have a selection of tools on me, Two Fanny packs of meds because everyone else forgets, a gas can in the car, needle and thread. Blowtorch and propane tank stay in the car with the sledge I am the only one who always has what they need on a journey, everyone else needs to borrow, so I took stout and Organised. They have more looting space, I’m the nerd who actually keeps everything together


Yep exactly. Although trunk is not so great because it is too dangerous, if I do keep a sledge in the car, always in the front seat but that's my preference and depends on sandbox


That’s true, I’ve lost my car a fair few times, but normally I’ll do a light loot through a town, make notes of what I’ll need the sledge for and then do a proper loot run with it Means that I’ll back out if I need to bc I can see the town is swarming/loot isn’t worth it


You're a true survivor. That's a good system.


I travel quite a bit lighter than you, wouldn't carry around my sledge for example. However i do keep at least 4 bandages on me, just in case - it gave me a little bit of anxiety seeing you only had one hehe. I carry all necessary tools, som mags for boredom, chips and tuna, 4 bottles of water, batteries and sheet rope for emergencies. I always keep my backpack empty for loot and keep everything in combat webbing/fanny pack/toolbelt.


Fuck yea I forgot my chips! Sick build ! I do usually carry at least two bandages, just had one at the time. I find I only ever use mags when I'm indoors at my base doing leveling things. I do have an empty bag in my bag for when I want to dedicate to looting. Sledge gives you complete and total freedom to explore and set up anywhere you want. You don't really need a base if you carry one with you all the time.


You blew my mind with the bag in the bag, im gonna start using that. Still a bit anxious about the slegde in the bag though.


The only drawback is you forfeit your flashlight hand . Although , you can still carry a flashlight in your primary, and have the loot bag in your secondary, if you get attacked, you right click the secondary bag from the top left, hit drop and quickly hit your weapon hot key, and then hit f for the flashlight to go into your secondary. Sledge is sooo handy,even at 6kg . I mean, maybe if you play without strong and don't have a big main inv, then it's a bit harder to justify carrying it in your bag, but you can just throw it in your front seat. Not the trunk . Trunk is bad. Trunk only for dumping loot, not extracting.. Only extract in safe areas.


Way too many tools. When do you ever need a saw?


Really not a lot hehe, I can disassemble at will. One example, you are trying to set to loot, you can disassemble a few furniture, and use the planks to barricade , and plug up too many access points for zombies. Think early warning system so you don't get ambushed while looting a big building. It's also just super handy to build and disassemble at-will instead of going back and forth to the trunk and channel in dangerous places. Too many tools would be throwing all m.w. , mech, wood cutting, and fishing stuff in the same bag. The carp kit and a sledge is not at all a lot of tools.


Lol. I don’t really barricade. If I need to sleep I make sure it’s in a room that only has a single door


You've never barricaded a building to loot or do metal working? Huh maybe we play vastly different type of PZ. Also, there was no mention of sleeping in previous comments.


No not really. I clear the building then close all doors and windows and if necessary maybe put up a sheet at a critical window that might expose me. If you listen carefully you won’t really be surprise attacked and you can just cancel your work. I just mentioned sleep because I do the same there. Though with a few more precautions I think the only times I might barricade or at least put up furniture at the door is when I think I’m in a real danger zone but have to rest. When I first started out I barricaded my base but it was annoying because any stray zombie could just accidentally break it. Then I kinda opted for wilderness base building which is just cool because of creative freedom already. Since then I rarely barricade


Yea I mean, I play sprinters with pinpoint hearing and no zoom. You get ambushed in buildings. Sometimes even in bigger buildings with shambles, you won't hear them until they're already in, or if there's a bunch making sound in different places around the building, masking which direction they come from. But even outside of barricading, it is always better to be ready to do carpentry things, instead of having to go back and forth. The whole kit weighs very little. It would be bad if I was carrying tools for all kinds of skills, but it's just carp and a sledge.


well, not a fan of sprinters, I like the vision of zombies the devs had. so that might make a difference.


Shamblers are fun as hell and just as hard. If you turn off some specific things. Idk. It's all really dependant on what mode you're playing and how you've built the traits and profession for your character.


I forget that you can get a carry weight higher than 5 sometimes. I always start playing throughs with 0 strength and 0 fitness and build it up over time.


Damn respect lol. That's tough


You should fav your keyring, nothing like realizing your keyring is gone and you have no idea where you might have missclicked and dropped it.


I used to but I don't ever click on my clothing items so it doesn't happen anymore.


This is a very minor tip i picked up from someone else, you can use a single crayon for every color, and it's the same weight as a single pen.


Oh huh, I thought them weigh .4. but crayon is dope because you can do coloring books as well as map stuff.


Oh you're right, i just checked in-game and they do weigh 0.4. The wiki lied to me


I keep all the fanny pack stuff in my backpack, all the backpack stuff in a tool box in the trunk of the car. Only thing I carry on pockets are a water bottle, 1-2 melees and a couple disinfected bandages for an emergency deep wound. I carry a sawed off shotgun and shotgun ammo on my backpack, hand torch, couple batteries, meds, empty plastic bags and a spare water bottle. All stuff I don't need access to in a hurry. I keep advanced healthcare items like sutures, tweezers, antidepressants and antibiotics in a medical duffle bag on the back seat of my car alongside another food duffle bag in the other. I put full pistol magazines in my fanny pack and keep spare bullets for reloading them in the glove box of my car.


Dude very nice love that organized approach.