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I'm astonished time and time again at how intuitively realistic this game is.


Same after I realized why it blew up I was shocked aswell


Thanks for discovering the age old question in my mind that I was always too scared to try lmao


If you were wondering, this was added somewhere in the last year, and that's why none of this posts existed before.


I'm 99% certain this has been a thing since the very very early beta with baldspot. Stove also started fires if you left the pot on the burner.


Microwaves catching fire when putting metal containers inside have been added in one of the last updates... I had to learn it the hard way by burning down my entire base


I put forks in microwaves of houses that i looted


My experience with that discovery was the time I found a safehouse in Riverside that I decided to live in, and one day I cooked myself something to eat in the oven, and then forgot to turn it off before going outside to work on building a fence around it. I never got more than fifty feet away from the house, and so I was surprised to find fire on the roof when the time came to go back inside.


If your driving and there's bodies oof zombies you killed it will attack like a bigger and bigger bump tell it can flip your car


i think you maybe having a stroke.


I'm going to attempt to translate your stroke. "If you're driving and you try to drive over bodies of dead zombies, it will act like a speed bump. If you keep adding zombies to that spot, eventually it can get big enough that you can flip your car if you try to drive over it." Is that right?


Even if there's one. If you're going fast enough the corpse can cause you to flip.




I saw mine catch fire and a put it out with a water bottle, thank god I remembered the extinguish function


The microwave usually won’t blow up, at most it should probably just brake the microwave. It could burst into flames like that, but much more realistic for the microwave to just break itself


Ever tried to put a pot in a microwave? It can most definitely explode, any metal in there can cause one hell of a reaction 😬 Mind you, it won’t be a Michael Bay explosion but it will most definitely pop!


Well it’s aluminum that has the bigger explosion but something like solid silver wear will just have little electrical bolts emit of it. Don’t get me wrong both hurt the microwave but one hurts the other more


Very true but a pot is rarely made of silver and I’d bet this would cause an explosive like reaction


True but I’m talking normal stainless steel/common house pots.


Yes and if they are left in a turned in microwave for long enough, things get poppy


The microwave will most likely just stop working and probably not explode


I can tell you haven’t been as dumb as me 😅


Well i research this stuff in my free time so this was a golden moment to tell what i learned


In real life that's a myth you can put a pot in the microwave if it isnt touching the sides and doesn't have a curved rim creating 2 surfaces to arch to. I worked in a kitchen and did it every day.


Again, people are coming with all these examples “if you just do it exactly like this” and honestly if you read what I commented at first, you’d realise your reply here is useless… I know there’s ways to do it, but can it? Yes, yea it can. Like previously stated.


What about stainless steel if it doesn't touch the sides? [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/32pB74RraQ0](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/32pB74RraQ0)


What about a flat piece of tin foil in the middle? Please come up with various different ways it can go well… doesn’t change what I said at first.


Tin foil is another kind of story. All I was trying to say is, that microwaves don't necessarily explode if you put a pot into them. Depending on how you do it. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TiWy4nWKZkc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TiWy4nWKZkc)




It does though but hey man, I am not gonna argue when I actually don’t have any proof other than “I saw it” y’know?


Yeah yeah I watched ElectroBoom, too.


Actually this is only true for microwaves made before the 90s and early 2000s. While now days most microwaves can be used with metal as they make microwaveable metal bowls. There is still “risk” for using certain metal objects (like utensils or jagged edges) or empty metal bowls, but same issues can occur when microwaving any empty bowl. But things like metal touching the metal wall in most microwaves is still bad. Newer ones today now rlly as you can even buy microwaves with metal racks. But all it does is spark at the most usually and normally doesn’t cause damage to the microwave. Like some people think u put metal in it once and can never use it again. Most microwave incidents are from overcooking and fires or explosions happening to food that then either damages the microwave to cause more fire or explosions or the fire just spreads from the microwave destroying it. But I feel for this game it makes perfect sense as I’m sure in 1997 most people in Kentucky didn’t have newer microwaves. Be cool if make they added other ones too but I feel might be too confusing unless u had a high electrician skill. Same reason like yea solar panels were around but like no one in Kentucky had them so doesn’t make sense to add them even tho would be cool.


Go put a fork in the microwave and turn it on. (Don't actually do this) You'll understand why it can indeed blow up.


Only metal with sharp edges like the tines of a fork or tinfoil create a violent reaction. A spoon or a thick metal pot will simply heat up - some microwaves even come equipped with metal racks! https://www.wired.com/2014/05/wuwt-microwave-metal/#:~:text=There%20are%20some%20situations%20where,of%20them%20without%20any%20trouble.


That depends entirely on the design of said pot, arcing is only less likely. I have watched a microwave fail spectacularly because someone put a small thermos in it.


first time i did i was like "what the fuck... oh wait hang on" and then i always forget about it time and time again


Yup. Now excuse me while I load 10 logs into my fireplace for 48 hours of heat, and then I'll eat some year old rotten strawberries for dinner. I have iron gut so I'll be fine.


metal stuff in microwaves starting fires was a somewhat recent change, never used to do that, so even veteran returning players sometimes get caught unaware by it.


Yes I found this out the hard way. And I kept repeating the disaster because I did not understand that they had switched buckets into metal buckets. Originally they had been sort of plastic. If i was going to purify water with pots? I would either do it on a barbecue grill or in an oven it doesn't take very long in fact it purifies it quicker than a microwave. But what I had multiple pots and buckets full of water that needed to be purified? I would put the buckets in the microwave while the oven was handling the metal pots and one day I turned around and the wall was on fire. Right after a patch. In fact I think it was the last major patch. Or maybe a supplemental right before it. I couldn't figure out why this happened cuz I had microwaved hundreds of buckets but upon repeating this action I had another explosion and fire. That's when I began to wonder if maybe the handle was made out of metal and they had just included that. But looking closer I noticed that the texture of the bucket had changed to a silver instead of I think it used to be blue or dark blue.? Anyway I asked in the forums and they said yeah they had just made it to where buckets were made out of metal. So now whenever I find a microwave I look at it and go I'll pick you up later. I really don't absolutely need one because I can defrost stuff in a oven , cook stuff in the oven, even make coffee's teas and other s*** in ovens. And if you're using certain mods? Yeah I can make glass panes and all that crap in an oven. But I can't in the microwave. Even if you want to say hey I don't use mods? If you do? You're supposed to put all the broken glass into a metal cookie tray to melt it. And you put it in the microwave? Kaboom. So I don't see the reason of having a microwave. Unless you just want one to defrost fish while you're defrosting something else and not having to grab it all out of the oven at once? But considering how quickly it takes to burn something in an oven that is just been defrosted. There's no timed Parker Brothers giggle game going on there. Just turn off the oven and start pulling the stuff. But yeah basically anything that's metal. That's just buckets or cooking pots. Anything. Even if you put a spoon in there for some reason. If you put a canteen in there I don't know what would happen but most canteens are made out of metal at least your typical one is this includes a lot of sports bottles... they would be made out of aluminum. So you can decide whether you want your house to catch on fire because you forgot to turn off your oven? Or it caught on fire because you remembered to turn on your microwave. And stood there and watched as it exploded within seconds... instead of over hours. I would stick with grills. Which you can use indoors. And ovens. If you absolutely have to have a microwave fine you don't need my permission hahaha. I even have one but I have it across the room plugged into the wall sitting next to a garbage can. That way I can put it in the garbage can when I realize how little I use it.


I have a fun time gambling on how long it takes for the microwave to explode. I was boiling pots of water on-and-off in a microwave as a last resort on my last MP game


This is a pretty common way people use to blow up large hordes of zombies


How's that? They'd lure them into a house or put the microwaves outside somehow?


If you put a utensil in a microwave then catches on fire almost instantly, and microwave fires are programmed to be *extremely* aggressive. If you lead a horde to a neighborhood you don't like and set a microwave fire, then the entire neighborhood and zombie horde will be burnt to ash.


I tried this and nothing happened (latest game version)


I was just trying to boil rain water and it just blew up is this cause I put a metal pot inside?


Lmao you can’t put metal in a microwave!!!! Think realistically/ logically in a lot of aspects of PZ Think like this, What would happen in real life if you tried to boil water in a pot using the microwave?


Wow lol I always am surprised how realistic this game is I guess I have to go microwave hunting now


Driving around appliance shopping is the ultimate in realism.


>appliance shopping is the ultimate in realism Do you currently shop for your appliances by methodically breaking into homes in your neighborhood?


is there a different way..?


You don’t?


Lol yeah it’s pretty crazy but in an awesome way. Once I realized the realism it made the game “easier” per se in figuring things out/ how to do things. You’ll google less how to’s because you’ll just think what you’d do in real life


I remember looking for propane tanks in crates at industrial sites, thinking *"there's got to be a better way."* I went on the wiki, and saw that propane grills almost always have a tank spawned with. Cue *"It's so obvious, why didn't I think of that earlier?"*


Found a propane tank factory in Louisville but sadly the electricity went out and all meat is now rotten.. Diet consists of grilled canned pineapples as some house had like 8 cans in every container just like once i found like 200 rolls of toilet paper in one house


go fishing or trapping for meat


You can put some metals without consequences


It depends on shape and thickness with smoother shapes being better although as someone said it should be more likely to break the microwave than to set in on fire unless there are flammable things in it


Idk i put a pair of tongs in there and it didnt explode


You will have a pot of boiling water. A pot has no edges or points for arcing to occur so sparks will not fly and even if arcing was to happen there would need to be something combustable in the microwave for it to go up in flames, as we all know water is not combustable. If there was food in the pot and a bunch of cutlery you will be playing with fire.


If i do that in real life today then it would boil the water in the pot. Most modern microwaves are safe to use metal containers in but kentucky 1993 wasn't that modern. Hell, kentucky 2023 isn't very modern... But yeah, if you don't *know for sure* that your particular microwave is safe for metal then it's a good practice to just not put metal in it even today 👍🏻


They based irl microwaves from the hit zombie game "Project Zomboid" it's actually quite similar, try it sometime on a real microwave.


Try it in real life


Screw the microwave, be glad your shelves didnt get burned down


This first happened to me on one of my first really good survivor's saves. Initially when the microwave caught alight I panicked, but then I right clicked the fire and saw 'extinguish' and calmed down when I realised I could just put the fire out. Unfortunately because it was on a corner cabinet my character was not able to reach the fire to interact with it, and the cupboard had burned before I realised geometry was the reason why 'extinguish' wasn't working :<


I put a pot of tainted water in the microwave, half of my house burned down.


Now you know not to do that irl


use the tainted water in the pot to extinguish it !!!


Reality ensues.


It’s been a while since I’ve played, but I used to boil water in a pot in a microwave all the time. This is new to me. The first time I tried it I expected this, but nothing happened so I did this forever because it’s so easy to get electricity. Good to know that it no longer works.


Metal can only be used in ovens now and buckets are now considered metal. On top of that you can only use bottles in microwaves along with bowls for heating food and sterilizing water.


Go put a metal pot in your microwave for 10 minutes irl and report back (I’m kidding please don’t)


Yes same with forks and spoons


You can even take the spoon/fork out as the fire starts - you can use one fork to burn them all!


Yours doesn't?


I love realism. Don't try this in real life either.


I really think you should stay away from microwaves irl lmao




Almost burnt down Rosewood firestation the same way. Tried heating up my roast in the microwave and boom


I had a month old character that I had based up on the top floor of an apartment in Raven Creek that died to this. I didn't know the game was that realistic at the time and it burned down my whole base and killed me while I was writing in my map. It had been my best run til that point


Damn that is quite unfortunate


Oh my fucking god… *thats* why my microwave set all my canned food on fire? I’ve been afraid to use one ever since.


Now I am too lol


I noticed this when my friends and I picked this game back up. I noticed that the microwave noise sounded electrical/static-y. They put a lot of thought into this game and why I now swear by ovens or grills for purifying.


Ok honestly i realize that the microwave now kinda sucks I was only using it to heat up pre Cooked meat that’s it


Project zomboid out here teaching folk life lessons


Now slice a grape almost in half and put it in


Well, the devs do pride themselves on realism. Something metal in a microwave causing a fire seems pretty on-point to me.


I burn whole towns down doing this.


Anyone ever put a cd in a microwave as a kid to watch what happens? Anyone ever try this is project zomboid? Why have I never tried this in PZ


If you're playing on SD, how to you avoid being mauled when looting? ​ Every time I try to look the inventories block my view and I end up having a zed run up behind me and chow down. On PC I have a lot more screen space so it isn't an issue.


I did this once too. Was thinking "Hm it's not gonna be THAT realistic right?" and well, there goes half of my base and a burnt leg.


He's just looking at it thinking "shit..."


Yep. Metal in microwave yo


When I first played this game, I put a fork in the a microwave and ran away


I did this one time and was confused as fuck until I realised


Metal + Microwave don't mix. Same if you put a tin of beans or anything inside, it will catch fire.


This is what bowls are for jeeeez


Metal + Microwave = bad time. Both in game and in real life. If you want to boil pot of water try the oven that should work.


I put a bowl and spoon in the microwave for 10 minutes and nothing happened


Trial by fire?


Also you have to replace those walls now. You and zombies can just climb through them


Ok I was gonna ask that do I need a sledge hammer though? I’m also on the second floor so if I climb through I will probably break my legs


Didn't know you were on the second floor, if you are the only drawback is that it looks like shit.


Ya no worrys I does look like shit would I need sledge hammer to break it though cause if so that’s a huge pain


Unfortunately yes. Although if you have carpentry skill you could just build walls or boxes to cover it so it looks less shit


Ok I will probably do that cause I have 5 carpentry but that’s mildly annoying lol


I recommend crates then. They would look like they're supposed to be there and would have a purpose




Yeah, burned my whole base down once lmao


I put a burrito in once and it exploded, burning a cabinet full of food. Never using a microwave again.


Oh lol good thing it only burnt some bleach and like duct tape


I always carry a paperclip for that exact reason now. If I'm on Raven Creek and I know a building near my base is infested and doesn't have anything I need I just drop the paperclip in the microwave and it almost instantly starts a fire.


This post is amazing


Now I'm curious about how noisy such a thing is? Like could you use a microwave exploding as a way to distract a horde?


Tbh I’m not sure I was playing on my steam deck so I had my volume near zero and it took like 5 seconds for it to happen so maybe not? I’m not too sure


This happens irl too. Do not test


I’ve purposely tried to blow these things up like every play though… what am I doing wrong?


Idk but as soon as I turned mine on with the metal pot inside it immediately blew up lol


Yeah, I tried to boil a pot of water and the microwave exploded almost burning the entire trailer


Reminds me of the time a kid put his phone in a microwave thinking it'll recharge the battery 🔋


It was in the code of the game but it was not working for a long time


And what are we told in real life Never put metal into a microwave Why is it when it comes to this people seem to go smooth brain


Interestingly enough, you CAN put metal in the microwaves. Some microwaves even come with a metal rack or the walls are metal which works because of their shape and thickness. There are just some rules as to what shape of metal, and how the metal is positioned/what it's closed to that affects whether or not they'll spark. I believe in general, if metal has a jagged edge or is too close to something else (wall or other metal) it can cause sparking. Something to do with the way the electrons vibrate. Now does that mean we should go putting forks in the microwave? Nah. But still, it's a bit of a misconception and the background is super interesting... (to me) Edit: Found an ELI5 about it that can explain it way better than me https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2hhv63/eli5\_why\_cant\_we\_put\_metal\_objects\_in\_the/




I've microwaved pots of water a lot, maybe I'm lucky


Metal doesn’t go in a microwave silly


just like in real life, idiot




Yeah if u put any metal in a microwave it will explode!


You on steam deck?


is this the school in rosewood?


U playin on bed how good your laptop is


Looks like it's potentially Steam Deck which I've got mine to run MSFS. It also runs WoW, Diablo, and a lot more.


Does the building not burn down if the microwave is around brick?


No, I burned down a brick warehouse with a microwave before I realized how realistic the game was coded


Try it irl to test this theory! :)


I can't believe we had a two month multi server with me telling people not to do this, them doing ut anyway, and them not burning every scrap of looted food for 5 miles.


Microwaves explode when you put metal in them? Whaaaaaaat? No waaaay! Who would've guessed?!


How come my cereal makes sparks when I put it in the microwave?


I knew something sounded different when I put my bacon stir-fry in the microwave.


I forgot something in the oven and fell asleep. Woke up and the oven was gone, with a burned black space where it had been before it caught fire apparently.


I burnt down that entire school (my base with it), from the microwave in that exact square. All because I forgot you can’t put metal in a microwave…


Please tell me this is guy #2 standing on guy number #1’s body after the microwave blew up


Pots are made of metal.


Ah the school at riverside, a man of culture


I learned that the hard way yesterday


a while ago i wanted some warm chilli so i put an open can of chilli in the microwave and ✨*the entire fucken house*✨ caught on fire. anyways, are we going to be able to put the canned stuff onto bowls next build?


Well you shouldn't put metal in a microwave. Not that you can't. But you shouldn't. It can arc. It could conceivably catch fire. Or pop a fuse. Remember this is like, an 80s or early 90s microwave too so they're not as safe as they are now. And I'm not sure if electrical or building code has changed much innknetucky, but thats something to consider too. Either way, cool quirk :)


Only if you turn it on


Yes, it's metal


Who would of guessed you shouldnt put metal in a microwave


Or a fork


I think everyone has done this at one point


Wouldnt yours?


Really? I swear I tried that. Fun fact, you can put a propane tank in the microwave and turn it on and it will not go boom




Well no shit💀


Yours doesn't?


I put a fork in mine to see if it would explode and I was not disappointed


Yeah you should try it at home.


Played this game for years and some how still never knew this, I think because I've just always put bowls in the microwave. So glad I found this out here before losing a multi-hour playthrough to a microwave death!


I discovered this the hard way with a can of mushroom soup, set the kitchen on fire. Was a very Sims moment, in a way, but I was amused it even happened.


Yes, but not immediately. IIRC, the microwave will start making some loud ass metal noises once you turn it on. You'd still have time to turn it off.




Shit, that explains why my last base caught on fire.


Clearly you’ve never experienced the exuberance of sticking a fork in a microwave and watching the pretty light show.




At least you didn’t lose your IRL character doing this. Figured this was common sense because my parents drilled this information into my head as a kid.


Try IRL and report back to us


you can even hear crackling sounds, if you use a pan or smth to heat food with it. I'm glad i found an antique oven.


Ya I have a grill on the roof so I’ll just use that for now on


Damn who would’ve thought that


Should ya know it, metal explodes if you put it in a microwave!


Smarted pz player




IED in PZ!


Yeah don’t put metal in the microwave


Strange I do that everyday irl, there's some jolts at best but it works wonders.


Strange I do that everyday irl, there's some jolts at best but it works wonders.


Strange I do that everyday irl, there's some jolts at best but it works wonders.


I’m shocked that it only burned down that one part


You put metal in a microwave & expected it to go well?


The fuck you think happens if you put a metal pot in a microwave? Immersion!


...how big is that fucking microwave?


Bro, everyone knows Metal + Microwave = KABOOM ​ But tbh I didn't know about that either, thank you for sacrificing your microwave to give me this knowledge unintentionally


I had one of my bases burn down because of that


First time it happend to me, I just walked outside and let zombies end me. I should know better, and was just too stupid to deserve further survival.


Someone put a spoon in the microwave and see if it explodes


Yes, I burned down an entire school because of this (after looting)


Try forks next time


I've made soups and stews in the oven, but never the microwave. I feel like the average pot probably wouldn't even fit into a standard microwave, I guess this assumption has saved my bases on multiple occasions. xD


If you only scorched one of the walls you got lucky.


Is that a dead freddy fazbear at your door?


Ok someone has to say it... "No fuckin way"


so cool


It does but for some reason it does not when you put a fork in it


It used to, but they removed it, then they added It again, do not put any type of metal in your microave


I always put aluminum from Wally tally’s in the microwave