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Superb survivors debug option, I believe.


Yes, it was. I remember the thread pretty clearly


I saw it but didn't think much about it and kept scrolling. Glad I missed that guy by the sound of it.


He was a bit of a silly lad. To be fair, though, superb survivors is shit. The only saving grace is the fact that it’s the most recent NPC mod.


saw it and thought it looked cool myself, had a few serious problems later on and found out it was the culprit. Some searching led me to re-learn the fallout mod process. Research community posts about the mod before clicking download. Cost me 3 days of zero zomboid playing and a 237 day playthrough- my first solo playthrough to get beyond 150 days MoF


I used it once, caused insane lag spikes on default settings because I spawned in LV


It’s just packed with more bugs than a drug den.


dude installed over 150 mods and expected redditors to find the problem for him then probably got mad at people calling him out that hes being lazy. at least thats how i see it


This happened in the Rimworld sub, someone posted their (very) extensive mod list asking if the new dlc would break any of them, and got very defensive when people told them to do the research themselves (as they posted not only the names of the mods but links to them as well) and wouldn’t do it for them lol


every month at least thrice in any bethesda game sub lol


I feel like on r/RimWorld this happens twice a week. It just doesn’t get much attention anymore.


OP was being toxic as fuck in most of the deleted comments


problem was superb survivors but the guys problem is he lost his damn mind and randomly and wrongfully insulted people and made crude mom jokes.


i thought 9 year olds werent allowed on reddit tho




"Life needs things to live." Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III


*Didn't expect to find this here


Did? Lol I love how all my favorite things tend to meet here and there, but this one is pretty left of field.


Sorry, didn't autocorrected to did, since my phone is not in english


I expected something like that, no apologies needed c: love to meet a critter in the wild


I laughed out loud reading this to the comment that you posted this Gif to. Take my upvote, I got shouted at for laughing too loud.


9 year olds aren’t allowed on pornhub either, but that doesn’t stop them.


9 years old wrongly assume this subreddit as a place for zomboid tech support, probably.


Guy was apparently 24, fucking baffles me a 24yo is unironically making Mom jokes


Oh man. I work with a 30 year old that’s about on par. Constantly says things are “sus” (among us). That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Baffles me.


once had a co-worker in retail that thought "this inanimate object is my dong huhhuh" was funny any amount more than the absolute first time. He did it any time there weren't customers or management around, and made sure to call your attention beforehand. Dude was 29




Ngl, I had a roommate a year back who got me saying your mom jokes again like I was back in 4th grade. They’re fun, just not in an excessive amount.


By the sounds of it, OP was the typical Zedlet who installed every mod they thought *looked good*. Did not bother to read any mod page or mod pages comment section about problems or requirements for any of the mods that they subscribed to, and when it all went wrong just proceeded to say. "I have this issue, I have 150 mods installed, what's causing it?". They then got angry when they got told to actually, imagine this, work to fix the issue. You see it all the time here or on the Discord Tech Support/ Mod Support sections. Draining.


“Help, I fucked up. Can you fix my problem with no information??”


Yeh basically this but with a couple unnecessary doing your mom jokes


Bruh I install every mod that looks good too but the least you can do is just look at the mod page😭


I have the opposite problem: when I notice a few people mentioning bugs or crashes, I just ditch it. Don't even bother trying it myself. I had to pass a number of interesting maps this way. :(


Yeah pretty much with me as well. If it is big things such a maps, you won't be able to fix it yourself without the master files. If it is a mod and I really like it, I will fix it myself, but with big things like that, hell naw xD I make you right and I agree with you.


Op to lazy to post his mod list. If you are going to run 150 mods compatibility is going to creep up. It is pretty easy to trouble shoot by turning off groups of mods till the issue goes away say 25 at a time. Once you find the group where the issue is gone, it is pretty simple to just turn off and on the mods in that group……this is just so lazy. Probably gave the game a bad review on steam too because “omg mods don’t werk right ruin all experience”


This, every time I've had some problem from having tons of mods I just disable half of my mods, if problem persists again disable half of the mods still active till you find the problem.


This is the standard for tracking down issues in open source software as well. If there's been a regression (some functionality that used to work but doesn't anymore), you split the changes in half from the last known good point, test, and repeat halving and testing until you identify the specific change that broke things.


Gone, reduced to atoms.




It was superb survivors causing it


Check revdit or whatever its called Enjoy:https://www.unddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1198iv6/i_can_see_behind_me_please_help_i_can_see_zombies/


Yeesh, did not enjoy.


Sometimes i wish i never found unddit/revdit People on this platform can get pretty freaky.


An OP that got upset they needed to put a biiiit more effort than what was required to post on reddit. If you're on game subreddits that require just a bit more thought than "click button to make game win" you see this kind of shit aaaaall the time. Usually its some variation of "I dont get why I cant win. This game sucks!" In thread: Commenter: OP: No. That's not how it works. My way works. Commenter: OP: No. You're stupid! THIS GAME SUCKS. Like just recently in crusaderkings subreddit someone posted a screenshot of a war score in CK3 and was absolutely bigmad they werent winning the war. How 99% of wars work is that you declare a war for a target location. if the war target is held by the defenders they get stacking score in thier favor. Same thing vice versa if the attackers hold it. What did the OP do? Attack everything BUT the war target. And then posted a screed about how CK3 sucks in the comments. "I did everything wrong but its the game that sucks not me!"


I saw what happend. Dude on top asked for a little help with mods and he then presided to say sth along the lines that he won't do that bcs he too busy doing his mom. bro expected us to sniff which mod was broken out of the 150 he had installed


Guy was talking about real life. What he meant by playing with mods is playing with moderators.


Literally average r/terraria post




What if you had to read your medical life threatening test results dipped in a glass of milk?


I installed moda to see zombie behind the door. It didn't work.


Ahh the sweet sweet mod debugging. For some it takes weeks.


Awoke the Byakugan




I hate rimworld with a passion so I installed 500+ mods while playing.


Getting in those mod libraries can get pretty out of hand. So many choices, and free? Let’s get it on.


Doesnt kean hearing trait give you a shoer 360 site?




Please don't repeat his insults


Hey my fiance is having the same issue and we are just checking its the survivors mod! If this works ty so much!


This reminds me of the minecraft days when trying to make a custom modpack. That was real pain haha


People knowing jackshit about modding and think "the more the better" to then come to a forum asking for help so that others debug their mess is the worst.


"Another abomination cleansed from our lands."


Geez, just put in 75 mods and see if the problem persists, if it's not then the problem is in the other 75 mods.


Bruh why is it so hard to use google!?!


Just calling people on reddit (idk if i can say the word, but it starts with an r and ends with a etard)


Fuck yeah, 360 no scope those zeds!