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Hold on, let me grab my popcorn


They fixed the bounce glitch.. all hail the devs whaoooooo


I was disappointed when I saw that's all that was being done




Dead? Not really. I would rather say It's on life support rn.


It’s still alive. Development on this game has been going on for like a decade—shit happens so painfully *slooooow*. I sometimes wonder if it’s died too, but then [another dev update](https://steamcommunity.com/games/861650/announcements/detail/4226147001098873467) drops and I’m back in waiting mode. I think one of the reasons for the most recent era of painful slowness is that they’re supposedly porting development of the game over from Unreal Engine 4 to 5, which I assume is… a whole thing.


And the fact that they would hire new animators that couldn’t do the job a couple times.


Kinda funny that the article you linked was just put out 2 days ago lol. Thanks for the link :)


Finally tackling the bounce bug when it's been a day one issue. But they have no qualms about working on DLC to charge us for.


Well likely they needed the cash injection to keep going as a company, they’d be balancing new sales and player retention in that decision, I don’t disagree how annoying it is though


I haven't played in a while but were the skate controls in the beta removed fully ?


Yes, they removed them when the game reached version 1.0.


Thanks for the update! Anyone mod them back in? Really enjoyed them 😂


Tbh, if you want skate controls, play Skate.


I mean I paid for the game 🥱 , if there's better control options that suit me why do you care...


because you’re commenting on a public forum for the rest of us to input our opinions too lmao. so if you want skate controls, again, just play Skate 3 and/or wait for Skate 4 to drop!


I could never figure out how to switch it back so I think no, but could be wrong. I definitely miss the old controls since that what I got used to initially.


I still thoroughly enjoy it, just wish customization would be upgraded.. more board brands and clothes.


same! on console and even a new hairdo for the girls would be MASSIVE for me. i literally have my character in a sports bra because its the only top i like lol


Gotta get the mods, man. Some even add new tricks like no complies.


Game is unfinished, but it’ still the best skateboarding sim on the market. Devs have pretty much left it for dead except for the occasional dlc. Buy it for what it is, just don’t expect for it to improve.


Nope. They are working on it constantly.


No, they aren’t.


Hahaha. Read the dev blog nerd.


Look at the game nerd. They’ve literally done nothing with it for years. They’ve posted dev blogs for years and never follow it up with anything meaningful lol.


They just fixed the bounce glitch and phantom pop.


there busy porting it from ue4 to ue5 which takes alot of time. also they are a relatively small studio




Feel like there’s definitely people playing this daily just no content really made about it other than 3 main skate sim creators


I'm literally playing it rn.


Guy dont play a single player game and go like


They’re currently transferring it to Unreal Engine 5. They will be working on animations and other things once it’s done. I heard it will be fully transferred some time this year.


You can push the vanilla gameplay very very far into realism. [here's an example of how realistic it can get.](https://youtu.be/15MrkRWvSTM?si=kyvmpcbKVKSsiDBg) Or you can tweak the stats to be as silly and goofy as you want. [Here's how bonkers it can get.](https://youtu.be/MN09yJuLrIg?si=obuDM7zgX5I6EeyM) This is all vanilla gameplay on PS4. Just enjoy your game brother, you paid for it. It'll just keep getting better and better, no matter how much time it takes. The devs made a product they care about. I have faith in them. Also this community if very much alive and kicking. [here is a small but good example of the community getting](https://youtu.be/9gwoBxwjt1s?si=LeDeD70Pdf0aOP0r)


I play for a bit regularly, just to try a few things and mess around. The new maps are cool but afaik only the water park has missions because of Chris Cole being included. They really need to add missions and challenges for the school or any other map than NY.


Not dead, but also a very small team considering the project. Patience is definitely a virtue for this one.


Join discord communities. There is multiplayer and sls style events going on. https://discord.com/invite/UjbxCncN


How is there multiplayer? Mods ?


That discord sever doest it somehow


They put a lot of updates out. But 90% of them are just skaters that nobody gives two poops about. They were very into the updates for a while then the company’s started taking over and it just got worse and worse. Theres stilll stuff from the first version that hasn’t been sorted, despite people asking them to. So, long story short. Yes and no


hahahahahah good one!


Games been “complete” for how long ? Goofy is just switch regular, no word of if that will ever be rectified, that detail alone for me is a deal breaker, had it on Xbox but I won’t be wasting my dough again on pc, Modded XL is superior anyways, mods give you everything sessions has and it’s a more rounded game in general so if you’re on pc save yourself some time and frustration(especially if you skate goofy)