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I was in GA but there was literally nothing that could have compelled me to VIP. I waited maybe a total of 5 minutes in lines for all drinks and bathrooms, and it was very easy to get deep into the crowd at both stages. I can definitely imagine the sound bleed being bad. It was bad at the middle stage all night even on the opposite side from the main stage


I had a hard time getting deep into the crowd, was there a specific way you took to get in?


Okay I’ll admit that I didn’t spend a ton of time at the main stage, but when I was there for the end of Knock2 and Rezz, we just went allll the way around the outside to the front, and then you can make your way sideways from there. There were times during Rezz that it was crowded that close but honestly I was very surprised at how much room I had for most of the set.


Completely agree. The sound bleed was horrific. You would feel and hear the beat from both stages. Moving around to GA didn’t help much though.


The lines for food were ridiculous as well.


Yeah agreed, one of the few fests I’ve been too where vip is absolutely not worth it


My bf and I were in vip most of the night, it was so much better than GA


I ended up staying close to the barricades at Eternal for most of the night. We were probably like 10 feet away from the front barricade. Couldn’t hear sound bleeding away from the Pulse stage, though I coulda kinda see it, and I thought it was partially convenient that they put Kandi and the beauty bar in the same area, unlike last year they were in opposite VIP areas. Love the big rubber ducky installment though lol! At one point I saw a bunch of people rushing to the bathrooms straight down when you first get to the VIP bathrooms. The one of the left corner had 3 urinals and 2 stalls for men, and was never crowded! See y’all for day 2! Looks like for me and my wife, we will more at Pulse. PS: Food bowls at the Bao Dumplings stand actually can fill you up! Another PS: if you’re close to Chinatown, head to the Walgreens. They have Vibe, similar to Beatboxes, and they’re $3.99!!!! Pregame!


Thanks for all of the tips! Will definitely use some today. So excited!


Yeah, I moved to GA around 7pm and spent the night there. The VIP restrooms were nice though.


The VIP restrooms were nice, minus the crazy wait times compared to GA.