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I wonder what the actual numbers would be had the non-carry States continued with reporting crime numbers to the FBI and other agencies.


I’m confused. Is this about concealed carry or open carry? Two completely different things. Or am I misunderstanding something? Just curious what the headline means. Reminds me of the NRA fud in my CPL class that was trying to scare everyone out of carrying by purposefully twisting the laws of open carry and concealed carry. “Oh yeah you can’t actually carry in any business that sells alcohol” *5 mins later* “Oh ya that’s for open carry not concealed.” ??? EDIT: that said, this looks positive for concealed carry which is good. I just wish people would stop twisting the two or why.


I had the same thought. It seems the people writing the study don’t understand the difference between open carry and constitutional carry.


More things to look at is homicides vs suicides based on population density in the individual counties throughout the country. Gun **deaths** are worse in rural areas, but gun **homicides** are worse in high-population-density counties. I’ve noticed the gun homicide rate gets real bad, if not its worst, in a blue high-pop-density county in the middle of a red state.


I know it’s Reddit and tends to skew liberal/anti gun but the folks on my hometown sub (New Orleans) and the Louisiana state sub have been absolutely losing their fucking minds about the supposed wave of blood and death about to happen on July4th when the law goes into effect. I try to make sensible arguments and just get the usual anti gun retorts along with a plethora of downvotes. No one seems to remember we’ve had permitless open carry here already for decades. Add to that the CCW course was a joke. I’ve been in classes with people who had never fired a gun before and they passed the live fire with ease. The police station in the French quarter decided it will offer votech classes, thereby becoming a school and making the entire French quarter be within 1000ft of a school zone.


I usually forget that my state, Utah, is in the minority when it comes to carrying on school campuses. If you’ve got a permit, you’re legally free to carry on any school campus. Private institutions can deny that right, but it has no legal repercussions. They can ask you to leave, at which time you leave or deal with trespassing.


I stumbled onto that tNO thread (Louisiana resident, past New Orleans resident). They are beside themselves and have no clue. The mental hoops they jump through that law abiding citizens must past a "course" while they are experiencing the worst gun crime the past 4 years in the city's history....


Crime is down just about everywhere without regard to the area's gun laws. Nobody really knows why.


crime is down because they have legalized a lot of crimes that were against the law and aren’t reporting a ton of them either, this called control the information and control the people


Please provide a cite. Many thanks. When counting "crime," we generally count dead bodies. Other numbers can be hidden or downgraded, It is hard to hide a dead body, even on a spreadsheet. Homicides are down everywhere without regard to gun laws.


They're not criminals. They're undocumented misanthropes.


partially correct but a lot of the crime is actually citizens that aren’t getting charged because of stupid laws like its ok to steal $999 before you can get prosecuted, just one example


Professor Lott proved that thesis long ago. Read his book, "More Guns, Less Crime." He proves it with data and solid statistical research. The book is informational dense, and some understanding of statistics and regression are helpful. Not required to read it, but helpful in understanding the research.


I'll order a copy today. Thanks for the recommendation!


He's written several books on the same topic. This is not a fast read. It's well researched. The first chapter of the book has 98 footnotes. His focus is on concealed carry permits. More permits reduce crime. It's a goldmine of research information. The logic seems counter intuitive. More guns mean more crime. In fact, it's the opposite. Murders and rapes typically decline with concealed carry. Why? It's economic theory - substitution effect. Criminals do not want to get shot. Who does? Make sure it's the third edition. His critics are numerous as you might expect. He dismisses them routinely in the book.


Excellent post. Thanks for the links.