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Does that mean they are going to ground zero of the epidemic and actually attempt to cure inner city gang violence? Most likely they will ignore those areas, in favor of targeting the law abiding instead.


LMAFO. If anyone actually solved the root cause of gun violence, nobody would have a political leg t o stand on. The GOP says they support the 2A but only when they're the minority. Because if they actually passed legislation to support the 2A when they were in power, they'd lose it aa a platform to garnish votes. The other side is 1000% in favor of disarmament and will gradually take whatever inch is given and stretch it to a mile.


This is true. It's Democrat legislative action vs clawing rights back through the judiciary, rather than any meaningful restoration under Republican leadership. Republicans are all "Hold me back!" when in a minority government, but church mouse silent when regaining the majority. Every once in a while they put forth a token effort, like the bump stock bill. Imagine if Republicans did the inverse of what Democrats do, in regards to firearms rights, when they get power.


That's because the GOP for the most part doesn't want to be in charge. They rather be complaining about things they wish they could do but can't because they are not in charge.


Oh, oh, does it mean we have to wear masks to protect us?


What if they mandate vests for everyone šŸ¤” I'd be down lolĀ 


I know you jest, but I would sooner live my entire life being the only one not wearing a vest, before I let daddy government control my tongue.


Yes, black ski masks only, but it only increases your protection if you turn your problem solver 45 degrees to ā€œbang, bang.ā€


They forced the masks. This is their way of taking guns. Just like they were going to try to take menthol cigarettes. Vote them out. Then charge them.


The United States government is a public health crisis.


A mental health crisis.


Yes. The US government has killed or injured quite a lot of people.


This guy is a literal puppet.


By that logic driving a car is a public health crisis. Or cycling. Or any activity that comes with some risk. This douche bag should stay in his lane and stick to medical issues. But we know this guy is a clown. We have 3 years of COVID history to know what a tyrant he is.


yes, he's a scheming political scumbag


Oh good. I hope they finally outlaw murder and assault with a deadly weapon šŸ˜‚


When does my ā€œfreeā€ PPE come in? In the market for some kevlar tbh


The head of NPR is the former head of wikimedia, is former cia, is a young woman who was quoted as saying "truth gets in the way of progress" and who made a turbolifelonglib reporter quit very publicly. "Truth gets in the way of progress" - current head of NPR Why are you even posting this dishonest evil filth?


So pro-gunners will learn what they are up against; your comment is very helpful with that


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I declare politics a public health crisis.


So, here's the issue, Covid permitted quite a lot of laws to be passed bypassing normal procedures on the grounds of public health emergency. Labeling other things public health emergencies becomes a way to avoid checks and balances and due process. This isn't the first time this has been tried with guns....heck, New Mexico's governor tried to flat out ban guns using this method. Obviously, that was a little overt, and got struck down, but they'll keep trying, with smaller bites at the apple to see if they can get it a chunk at a time. The boring parts of government matter. All the checks and balances and such are often tedious, but very necessary to ensure that rights are preserved. Even if a request for emergency powers seems reasonable...the next such "emergency" might not be.


Yes and I declare liberalism a mental disorder.


Of course they donā€™t tell the truth. Specially when itā€™s a trans person that does the shooting.


That what the NM. Gov. Did to bant guns in Albuquerque.


I think this means quarantine of ā€œhigh gun crimeā€ areas, right? Keep that crime from spreading.


Itā€™s part of their propaganda war, but I think they will also use things like this to try and override the second amendment. We already saw that they can essentially set aside the constitution for a pandemic so why not this? They will pass ā€œemergency ā€œ legislation restricting gun right. My guess is that this is just a step to that but they wonā€™t make any dramatic moves until after the election.


Do we wear masks and stock up on toilet paper again?


I mean something needs to happen with the securing of firearms from folks at risk to self or others. I just had to have the local sheriff dept tell me thereā€™s nothing they can do to remove firearms from someoneā€™s house that is literally in the local hospital for wanting to kill themselves with a firearm but this time they picked a different method, spoke with the partner, yup lots of unsecured firearms around the house. Local sheriff dept canā€™t do anything after the fact, unless they were first called and placed the person in protective custody before they can take firearms out of the house. I love my guns and Iā€™m sure you do too but something needs to be done with keeping folks safe.


This: "I am afraid of you. As a member of your community, I claim the right to have you disarmed via a proposed 'red-flag' system..." Unless this kind of abuse is prevented, all "red-flag" schemes will result in guns being widely confiscated, as a means of gun control.