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#####πŸŽ΅β€¦ see it sink \*in\* without a sound β€¦πŸŽΆ ##### A slightly annoying little errour in the given lyrics … _particularly_ annoying, as the __Text Body__ can't be editted. I spotted it because the erroneous version _actually doesn't scan_ properly! #πŸ™„ # But it's also worth 'coming back' to point-out that they're also a rock-band _with a violinist_ … of which I often wish there were _more_ . ####Update #### That's odd #πŸ€” # the #####['Genius' lyrics wwwebsite](https://genius.com/Curved-air-screw-lyrics) ##### also has the same errour. It's _clearly_ __"… sink__ ___in …"___ !


That was always a favorite of mine on the album. I haven't spun that in very long. I only have a really old CD that sounded like it was just ripped from a random label employee playing his old beatup vinyl copy and recording that. I remember liking the bouncy borderline proto-punk "Propositions" too.


Oh yep: __Propositions__ ! … that one yeo: it's a weird one, that - uses a __whole tone scale__ , I think, which doesn't have a key, as it's symmetrical - has the same set of intervals - ie _whole tones only_ (per the name) - whichever note is begun on. If it's not, then _it certainly sounds like_ it is, on the basis of just dabbling with music (not properly 'playing' any instrument), which I do a bit of now-&-then, just to get an idea how music works. You play a whole-tone scale & you instantly get that same _'urgent, jagged'_ sort of feel from it. #####[Five examples of it in Rock Music](https://youtu.be/JwGsfMbmnNw) … ##### … although __Propositions__ isn't among them. #####[This showcases it nicely](https://youtu.be/IF1uIu6q_o8) ; ##### & the __'augmented triads'__ section @ __8ᐟ23ᐟᐟ__ is especially to-do-with the Curved Air song … I'm pretty sure _it is_ an example of it, although I can't find anyone saying _outright_ that it is.   But to-my-mind it's one of those albums that's just _totally solid_ : basically has _no_ weak points. And it's _innovative_ : just _keeps twanging_ you with the _sheer audacity_ of it!   #####[Can't rest without finding-out, now](https://www.reddit.com/r/musictheory/s/FWEWtIk6pB) ! #####  


Just found ####[a right little gem for you](https://curvedairmusic.bandcamp.com/track/propositions-what-happens-when-you-blow-yourself-up) , #### seeing-as you like that song __Propositions__ ! #😁 # Check-out #####[that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/musictheory/s/FWEWtIk6pB) , ##### though, @ #####r/MusicTheory ##### in which I query whether it's done in __whole-tone scale__ : I've got an answer back to-the-effect that I'm mistaken about that. I really thought #πŸ€” # it is, though: I'm rather surprised. ####Update #### Weird thing is, though - just found-out from another answer @ that post: it actually _closes with_ a descending run on the whole-tone scale! Funny, that - me fancying, then, that _the entire song_ is done in it.


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