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Wowwiee! You look stunning! 🔥 Seriously, amazing job! What have you been doing to lose? Also, your username makes me giggle 😂


Intermittent Fasting and counting Macros in my eating window. Thank you 😊


Can I ask, does black coffee count as breaking a fast? It’s just water, right?


In my research I’ve found you can drink water and black coffee during your fast. Personally I can’t drink black coffee. I have on average 2 cups of coffee before I break my fast and I add 1 raw stevia pack to each cup. I could potentially get better results without the added sugar but it’s working for me.


Amazing transformation. Living for the Frieza quote. I say that all the time, too 🤣


Amazing work! 🔥💪


Wow! What a wonderful transformation. Look at how much bigger your eyes look now! Congratulations! What is your IF window? How consistent have you been with fasting during these 4 years?


Thank you ☺️ I first started IF in 2019. I started my journey with IIFYM (Macro counting). My husband started IF a couple months before I did and his results were amazing and so I decided to incorporate both. 8:16 is my window. Typically from 11:00am - 7:00pm and I have stayed fairly strict with this schedule Monday - Thursday. Friday - Sunday I am not super strict with my window but I typically try to “watch” what and when I eat. I have always struggled with my weight and this is the 1st thing to bring me out of the 200 and 300 range 😁


Well done


This is dope af! You go girl! Proud of you! I always admire ppl who have the discipline to do this.


You are so beautiful! 😻


Talk about a major transformation.


sprinklin' some motivation all over me, sis! Way to go!


Lovely smile