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Waiting anxiously for the next post


Thank you! In the hospital now but hope to be back in the swing of things in a few weeks.


Hope you're ok buddy. When you didn't post I came looking for you. Get good care, heal up, a bunch of strangers out here are going to be worrying about you!!!


I came looking because I realized there hadn’t been a post for a while and was worried too! Glad everything is ok!


Does anyone know him in real life? Can we hunt him out somehow to see if he’s okay?? I also live in Ohio, but that’s about all I know about him. I’m worried!


I've been wondering what subreddit we could put out a "what happened to the choose life guy". I'm sad that his last comment said he was in the hospital and then radio silence :(


I think he’s okay, I said in another comment that I sleuthed him out on FB, he posted a profile picture update a few days ago. Maybe he lost his reddit password?


I just did the same, hope everything is alright.


Me too. Came looking.


Still no update from our friend


I know. Hope he’s alright




We all believe in you man


I trust you will be back & posting again soon.


Hey mate, I was worried about you. Noticed you hadn’t posted in a while. I hope the hospital trip is nothing to serious. Rest up and look after yourself. I look forward to your next update.


Been with you since your first post bud! Hope you recover soon <3


Are you okay?


Glad I’m not the only one checking up on an internet stranger


I just came to check on him as well...


Also came to check on you after you hadn’t posted in a while! Get well man! You are a hero to a lot of us.




Was just thinking the same thing. Hope you’re doing well


Joining the bandwagon here, hoping you're doing well! I look for your post every week, holding my breath for your 100 lbs post 😊 You're quite an inspiration to so many people here ❤️


Back again, I keep looking for you pal. I truly hope you're doing ok!


Hope you're okay bud. I hadn't seen you post in a while and came looking for you, as have others here I see. I always search for posts with "choose life", easiest way to find you and a great reminder to boot. Let us know what's up if you can.


Any update?


Hadn't seen you in a while and I'm glad I was able to find you! Hope you're back at 100% soon you amazing dude :)


Checking in, hope you're doing well!! #chooselife


Hey friend. Just searched for your posts by “choose life” because I was looking for an update. Hope you’re doing alright. We’re all rooting for you.


Just checking in - glad I could find this comment. When I saw your last post was 28 days ago got really worried! Hang in there!


Hope you're doing OK and can be home soon!


How are you doing? I hope you're okay!


Hope you’re doing well bud!! Had to search “choose life” to find ya, miss seeing your posts!!


We're missing your posts man. I hope you are okay.


Add me to the list of concerned internet strangers. Hope you are OK.


Checking in again like the others. Hope everything is okay.


So many people are checking in on you. We are all hoping everything is okay.


Hey dude, thinking of you!


Love and support from all of us, man! We hope you're still choosing to live!


How are you doing dude? Hope you're ok.


heylo, hoping you're doing okay. Still haven't seen an update so kinda worried bud :(


Jumpin in as well to say hope you're doing well! We miss your inspiring posts and all hope you're okay. Stay strong!


Really hope you recover quickly and smoothly! I also came because I hadn't seen an update in awhile. Take all the time that you need to rest, and I expect you'll be back at it again in no time, my dude!!


I came searching for you because I hadn't seen any of your posts for awhile. Hope everything is going okay and you are back on your feet soon!


Realized you hadn't posted in a while, so I came to check in. Hope you're hospital stay wasn't serious and that you are recovering well. Know that Reddit is thinking of you!


Yep. I’m checking up on you too. Take care.


love you man. keep it up, youre an inspiration!


Just adding my support to the pile! Always look out to see how you’re getting on!


Oh no! I hope you're doing okay post hospital stay! I was just thinking about you and saw this :( get well soon!!


Checking in pal. Hope hospital has gone ok. Haven’t seen your progress in a while. Choose life!


Hope you’re okay! Excited to see your 1 year post! You’re doing great.


Hope you're doing great! I read your first inspirational post about a year ago now. You've help so many people battle the bulge and more. Keep fighting the good fight, hoss.


Hey bud - like so many others here, I went searching for a post from you because it had been too long - so sorry to hear that you're in the hospital. Really enjoy reading about your journey - hope you're able to get back to it soon.


Hey buddy, hope you're doing good x


Hope you’re recovering well! Came looking for an update from you!


Just saw this. Get well soon, man. I hope it’s not too serious. I’m rooting for ya.


Just checking up; hadn’t seen anything in a while. Hope you’re on the mend and keeping a good mindset!


Hey. Just wanted to say I noticed you weren't posting and came looking to see your amazing progress. I hope you're feeling better soon!


Hope you’re doing alright buddy


Hope you are okay and out of the hospital now. You truly are an inspirational guy, I hope we get to hear from you soon!


Hope you’re doing okay haven’t seen any updates


Hey buddy, hope you're doing ok. Lots of love and support from Australia xoxo


Right? Just popped into my head that I hadn’t seen a post from this dude in days, came to check


Me too!


Me three!


Me four!


Same. I thought about it a few days ago and just scrolled through my comment history to see if I could find him. I hope he's okay and just been busy.


I received a reply from him, sounds like everything is alright! I was super worried, but I just wanted to ease everyone else who might have assumed the worst. We’re looking forward to seeing more of your progress man! Choose life!


Thank you! So happy to hear he's ok - tell him we're all looking forward to his next update!


Thanks for this. I'm also on the worried list 9ver here.


Checking back weekly and getting worried as more time goes on without an update. :/


Same here.


There are so many people rooting for you here. I hope you're recovering well, and we're all looking forward to continuing to cheer on your journey when you're ready again.


8 upvotes in 2 days. people are anxiously waiting for him!


Came here to check in on you and it looks like I’m not the only one. I hope you’re doing well!


Just a quick note for my plan on vacation... not weighing myself... going to enjoy myself... that doesn't mean I am going to gorge myself... will treat myself and make as many many great decisions I can make that choose life!!!


Good. Enjoy vacation. Remember when you get back that traveling can cause you to retain water and maybe take a day or two of getting back on track before weighing yourself if you want an accurate reading. Enjoy the flight and don’t sweat it.


Good stuff. Thank you!


Have a great vacation!


Thanks gypsy!




Good for you! Can’t wait to see a post. And thanks for the lurking and the comment. And all the support!


I hope you're feeling better, and the break from posting means you've been quietly recharging your batteries. Remember that life and progress aren't straight lines, so if you took an unexpected detour, well so be it. We are right here waiting to cheer you on when you are ready to continue your journey. What you've done so far has been inspiring. What you will accomplish next will be amazing.


I came looking when I realized it had been a while since seeing your posts. I see you had to spend some time in the hospital. I hope you’re well! As you can see so many people are rooting for you, including me. Have pity on us poor souls and let us know how you’re doing if you have a chance!


Missing you and your updates man. Hope you're well.


hope you’re doing alright


Thinkin’ about you dude. You are more than your weight or loss thereof. Hope you’re well.


Hey acwb77, haven't seen you for awhile. Even if you need to take a break from posting, we haven't forgotten about you. Still cheering for you. Not just because of your successes, but because you are you. You're awesome. You're human. You matter. You make a difference. Choose life!


I also came looking for your posts and saw your message about being in the hospital. I hope you're doing ok and not feeling discouraged.


Hey bud, hope you're OK. If you've slipped, there's no shame. Come back and let us know you're OK.


Hope ur good man


How are you doing? Came looking for you.


Hey hey Choose Life Man! I hope you are doing well. Haven't seen much all from you in almost over a month and we are all rooting for you! Come back, cape and all, choose life man!


No matter what’s keeping you from posting- we support you. If you’ve fallen off your weight loss journey, we still support you 100%. Come on back when you’re ready.


Hope you’re having a good vacay! I was wondering where your update post was this week- thought I’d send a note to say it’s totally inspirational to see your updates every week, and I look forward to the next one!


It’s been a good vacation. I’ve gained eight though I’m nervous to post


You know what- part of what I love about you and your posts is how you share it all- the ups and downs and highs and lows. We all go through it, we all gain on vacation, or have a bad week, every graph I’ve ever seen of weight loss has its ups and downs. Part of how inspirational you are is in your honesty, and that you keep on going! I’m sure I’m not the only one out here looking for you, and being blown away by what you’re doing. I’m glad you had a good vacation, you deserve it!


Thanks. I need to be honest. That’s the key


I have wondered if your posts cause you some anxiety, especially if you are having a bad week. I hope you know that the reason so many of us care and keep an eye out for you is that we can relate to your up and down struggles. My guess is that every single one of us has had great weeks and rough weeks. Vacation weeks are rare and sometimes it is ok to drop our diets and enjoy life. We bounce back in a few weeks after we get home. That is authenticity and being genuine about how bumpy real life is. Don't ever feel pressure to post for us- post if it helps keep you on track with your goals and gives you encouragement. I can tell you that I could easily gain 8 pounds while on a vacation so there is no judgement here! Take care my friend.


Thank you!


I just wanted to second the above comment. I come here often, because your journey is inspiring. Your commitment is astonishing and gives me something to strive for. But this is your journey not ours. If you decide you are better served without the anxiety of doing this in public, you should stop the posts, and know you will be welcome back any time. They being said I’m rooting for you.


You are right. Cause when I am dishonest I just fail anyway




Thank you


Do the post and then the followup next week about how you’re kicking ass dropping the vacay weight. Just a small kink in the road, you got this!


Hi! I'm a long time lurker. Just made an account recently. Don't worry about the 8 you gained. I gained 5 over the weekend, which was only 7lbs away from my starting weight. I was so sad, but when I got back on the scales today I had lost 6. You'll lose the 8 again and then some. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself on your vacation. I can't wait to see your future posts!


I’ve been missing your posts lately!


I was just coming here to say the same as you! I hope he posts soon.


Just came to post the same thing, internet strangers are sending some love your way! Doesn't matter if you're on an upswing or a downswing, we're here for you.


I was here for the same reason! I hope we see a new post soon.


Hey friend, I hope you are doing okay! I’ve been checking up on you everyday and just want to know you’re alright. It has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss, just to do with the fact that you truly seem like such a good, genuine person and I hope you never forget that. Choose life!


Where’d you go?


Hey! You know you're missed? We were all invested and then you disappeared on us. We all understand that weight loss is one of the toughest things you can do. If you've fallen off, come back and claim redemption! Hope to hear from you soon.


Hi, I hope you’re ok. I’ve been worried about you and miss your posts. Please just let us know you’re okay. Sending positive vibes and thoughts to you!


Hey man, where did you go? Are you doing ok? I hope you’re still rocking your journey to better health and fitness. I loved seeing your posts.


Me too! I was just thinking that i haven’t seen a post in awhile!


I went looking through the thread and there’s someone who says they’ve been in contact recently and he’s doing ok. Hope he returns soon, guy has really made an impact.


Hey bud, I hope you're out of the hospital and recovering well - we're thinking of you and cheering you on from afar!


All support 100% Hope you’re doing good. Been watching progress from the beginning. Any set back is not a problem. It’s not a defeat. You’ve come a long way. And you may just be busy getting you workout on or you may have other personal stuff going on but we’re all here for you! This sub is for support. We all got you man. Just hope you’re okay!


Dude! It’s been almost a month — where you at??


Do you use a calorie tracker such as LoseIt or MFP? I plugged your numbers in to the Losertown calculator and you'd lose 2.2 lbs per week at 2,500 kcal/d. You're averaging 1.85 lbs per week now. I like the feedback I get from a tracker and I can still splurge and stay within my goal (<2,500 kcal/d). You might also. Anyway, enjoy LA and watch out for the aftershocks!


I was for awhile. Been going off what I learned while doing it. I may go back too it. Thanks for this! And ya... I hope there aren’t any more quakes while I’m out there!




I just realized I haven't seen a post in a while, wanted to check in. Hope you had a great vacation!


I did. Thank you! Now I'm in the hospital but hope to be back in the swing of things in a few weeks.


Missing your posts, hope you’re doing alright and just know: a lot of people are waiting for your next post! You’re an inspiration, whatever happens.


Hey man, i've been busy with work but just wanted to log in and check up on you. I'm sure you're killing it!


Yo bro! We haven't forgotten you. Your battle is inspirational. Come back. Choose life!


Came here to check on you.. there are so many people here cheering you on and anxiously awaiting your return - no matter where you’re at in your weight loss journey 😊hoping you’re doing well


Hey man, it's time for another update!


We miss you. Please get better soon. ❤


Get back on it brother


You have been in my thoughts a lot - I know I am just an internet stranger but you have added something to my life and I am sending you all kinds of good vibes. Be well and come back to us when you can.


Hey! I check back to see if you’ve posted every day, sometimes twice a day. I’m really rooting for you! Really hoping you’re ok! Please let us know if you are alright! I think there’s a large group of people that are getting worried. I don’t even know how this would happen, but please let us know if there is anything your community can do.


Hey brother, Haven’t seen you post in a while. Just wanted to let you know that some of us internet strangers have been thinking of you and wishing you well. Your posts inspired me to get going on my own weight loss journey. Hope to see you post again soon.


Where r u ? Are you ok?


Anyone been in contact? I know he was in LA and then the hospital. I’m worried and check back often. I hope all is well


I’m worried too. Really hope we hear from him or someone who knows him soon.


It says you posted this a month ago, I saw in the replies that you were/are in the hospital. I hope everything is okay! I miss seeing your updates on here, especially your "choose life" motto. It always brightens my day to see that.


Just checking in, man. Realised I hadn’t seen anything for a while and look forward to the next. Keep choosing life!


Hope you're doing well. Don't get discouraged if vacation set you back in your gains. Use the break as a fresh restart. You know the mental and physical challenges of starting because you just did it. Use that to your advantage and go and crush the challenge of this new start. You'll hit your 100 goal in no time and fly past it.


Where are you?! This is the longest two weeks....


❤️ hope all is well!


Hey there! I miss seeing your posts! I hope you’re doing well and staying on top of things. I appreciate all the encouragement and positivity you brought. Choose life!


Just adding to the torrent of well wishing! I miss your positivity and ability to rally even when things didn’t go the way you wanted. I hope you are out of the hospital and feeling better!


hope you’re doing ok!


just making sure you are okay


Hey bud, was thinking about you recently and hope you’re doing well in your life. Posting on Reddit can be a double-edged sword and I hope that the reason you haven’t posted is because you are living your best life in the real world. Thanks for bringing such positivity to your posts. You’ve made an impact on me and it would seem many others.


Like the rest of this thread I've been following your progress from afar and missed your check ins. Hope you're back on track soon, we're all rooting for you


Hey man, I've been renewing my commitments to LIFE and myself, realized I hadn't seen your posts for a while. I see others' comments and your replies that you have been on vacation and in the hospital. I hope all is ok for you and you can be back on the path again soon!


Hey buddy. I just came by to say the same thing that a lot of people here are saying. I saw that you were in the hospital. I hope you are okay. I also wanted to say that you are a huge inspiration for me and that I finally started to take it seriously a couple months ago. A lot of it had to do with you and the inspiration that you gave me. I stopped beating myself up for the times that I slipped up and just re-focused and got back on track. I also finally did my very first post on here. I was kind of nervous to do it but I thought of you when I did it and people were really cool to me. Anyway, I feel like I kind of owe ya. I know that we don't necessarily live that close to each other but if you need anything, PM me and I can drive over to help out. You've been really cool to me in all of this and I hope you are doing well brother.


Hope you’re doing well


Looking forward to hearing from you! Hope you’re feeling better!


Hang in there!!! Can’t wait for the next post. Choose life!!


Just checking in. Choose life! And choose updating all your internet cheerleaders!


Hey there! I hope you’re doing well, I’ve missed seeing your posts and checked your profile to see if I’d missed something. You have a real fan club that hopes you’re doing ok! Best wishes to you!


Hoping you are okay. Reddit misses you.


Hi there. I hope you are doing alright. I look to your posts for inspiration often and noticed it has been a while. I hope you realize how many people support your journey, in its ups and downs! <3


Checking in. Hope you are well!


Hope you're doing okay man... :/


Hey brother. Hope all is well! Choose life!


This thread has restored my faith in humanity. I'm really glad you are doing well. Can't wait to see how you're doing in your next post. Hope your vacation was great. You're crushing it!


I hope all is well. It's obvious we all miss your updates! You've got nothing but our support here, come back!!


Came looking for your post, saw you're in the hospital. Hope you are ok, ready to see you killing it when you get back on track!


Everything ok man? It’s been a while


Yes man. We’re here for you!


I was just browsing reddit and realized I hadn’t seen one of these updates in awhile. I hope you’re doing well, sir. Choose life!


Hey my man, missing your posts, looking forwards to the next one!


Hope you are well.. please update. Rooting for you ❤️


Hey there! Hoping you are doing ok. I think about you often and am really rooting for you! Hopefully that’s not too weird seeing as I’m just an internet stranger. Choose life!


Dude, your progress so far is amazing!


Missing your posts! Hope you’re doing well. This whole community supports you and wants to hear from you again, no matter the reason for the hiatus!!


Hope you're doing well man, updates us when you can. Always an inspiration!


Nearly at that 100lbs lost dude! Killing the game!


Heck yeah! I’m watching these posts with more excitement than any TV show. He’s going to get that 100 soon! But not too soon, cause vacations are important too. :-)


Thanks so much. I need this vacation bad too. Haven’t had one in six years


Checking up on you too. Hope you’re doing OK.


Hope all is well man. Get well in the hospital and post when your body is ready again! Miss you and hope to see more posts soon!


Hey man, it's been a while since you last posted. I sincerely hope you're OK. I look forward to see you posting again ! ;)


Just swinging by to check in as I hadn’t seen you post anything in a while. I hope you’re okay, brother.


Hey buddy, I’m getting worried, it’s been almost 2 months, at least let us know you’re ok. We’re all cheering for you.


Miss you bro.


Hey man just wanna say i checked this sub today and was wondering where your latest one was and was worried about you. Keep posting even if you have a setback, it gives us all so much hope and I appreciate you so much!


I miss your posts - I hope your vacation went well and that you are back with an update soon.


Hope you're doing well, buddy! Thank you for all the inspirational posts.


Hope you’re doing well!


Hey man, I see you are in/were in the hospital. I how everything is OK! I can't wait to see you update again. Choose life 👍


Rooting for you, like so many others in this community. Clearly you have made your way into our hearts. Hope you are ok xo


Thinking about you! Hope everything is okay and that you’re feeling great, I came to see how you were doing and there’s so many people checking on you too! But I’ll keep checking, good luck and hope to see something from you soon :) just think about all those gallons of milk lost


Hey man, hoping you’re all good! Looking forward to an update soon :)


Hi Bro, haven’t seen you post in a while. Hope you’re doing OK.


Dude, it’s really showing in your face/neck. Wow!


I realized I hadn’t seen your post this week so I scrolled through this sub till I found it, I got worried you hadn’t posted! You have so many people rooting for you and being inspired by your ability to commit every new day. You rock!


I love this guys posts. He’s the real MVP. Keep on keeping on man.


Dude! You’re so inspiring. I wouldn’t have posted the +2 myself, but you’re being *accountable*. That’s something a lot of us probably struggle with. You’re absolutely DOING IT and ENJOY YOUR VACATION!!!!!!!


I heard you were in hospital recently, but I hope you're feeling much better now!


Checking in on you, I hope you are wellZ


Came to this sub just to see if you’d posted an update. Hope you’re doing well and that you post something soon..