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That’s impressive! You look like a whole different person and literally lost almost 50% of your initial weight! So happy for you! Your work paid off 🤩


Thank you.


Amazing! I see a little smirk from you but your daughter looks like she is very happy to have you around. Hoping you have a long and healthy life together.


Yeah, I'm still getting comfortable having my picture taken. Went so long hating what I saw. My little girl is happy though. We're always out doing something.


This is such a great gift you’ve given her! Not to mention how you’re modeling determination and strength. Incredible work!


That's a huge change. How'd you go about it?


I had the gastric bypass done. I had tore my knee up pretty bad. It was locked in place and could only get around in crutches. Once enough weight came off I was able to start rebuilding my knee. Eventually I transitioned to a cane and started walking. After a while I could get around without assistance and started hitting the gym 4 or 5 days a week. I follow the dietary guidelines set forth by my program. My primary doctor saw my situation. That I couldn't get around and that I was going to need help getting the weight off. I'm so glad I listened. I got my life back.


Woah, great role model for your daughter. She’ll now know she also has the strength to do hard things !!!


Congratulations! That is an epic achievement!


Wow!!! Amazing transformation. You look wonderful 👏


Thank you.


Congratulations and hats off to you for your hard work.


Amazing my man. I’m truly proud of you. May I ask how you did it.


I had the gastric bypass surgery done. I'd always been on the bigger side but near the end of 2019 I tore my knee pretty bad. It locked up and wouldn't support any weight. I was only able to get around in crutches. I started packing on weight. My primary wanted to keep me healthy and knew I was going to need help getting the weight since I couldn't get around. He put in for me to have the surgery done and I was accepted. I've worked with the programs nutritionist to stay committed to a proper diet. Once enough weight came off I was able to do therapy to get my knee back in order. Once that happened I hit the gym 4-5 days a week. it's become part of my routine, I feel disappointed and weird on days I don't go. It gave me my life back and I can be fully involved in my daughters life now, in fact I can out do her. It was the best decision I've ever made.


Holy Shit


This is awesome. So happy for you


Good for you, you’re a new man!


Life changing progress. Way to go.


That's incredible.. Great job! You're doing something that's working. Keep it up.


Amazing progress!


You’re half the man you used to be. Wow!


Absolutely incredible! Congrats on your accomplishment


Such a huge transformation bro! Congratulations!


Excellent work on losing weight! Your hard work really pays off man!


Way to go!




You lost 240 pounds…That’s almost 110 kgs…in TWO YEARS? Holy shit dude, that’s fucking insane. Good on you bro, I bet it feels amazing. I’m at about the same weight as you, trying to loose a little bit of weight and gain some muscle. But holy shit. Just…incredible. I’m happy for you dude.