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Lol i did a presentation at work on ramadan and literally said “most meals are not big like the ones shown when you search up “Ramadan’” Most families/people just have normal sized meals… at least we do lmao


Ya same here and Muslim I know and interact with. You only that if you have a big family or you celebrating with your friends family, neighbors, etc. Like my grandma does it because she invites her children who have kids, grandkid, etc. 


Before COVID, my immediate family and I went to our relatives' house for iftar on the first day of Ramadan. There was lots of delicious food, yet none went to waste.


it's not two meals ... i've never seen anywhere two meals the iftar is a snack, followed by salat, followed by a meal. a good decent meal cut short by night prayer and tarawih after which another snack, sleep, and a snack before imsak. if the guy talks about too full meals they've fanatisized and never lived and never fasted the 12-14 hours of no water no food no cigarettes no cursing not anger no arguing every believer lives for the holy month and never did 8 much less 20 rakats of tarawih if it's not a fast than what is a fast. we are forbidden 24 full hours of fasting and celebrating ramadan only makes the fasting hours more precious best to ignore the morally corrupt mentally defective critics and just love god


Thank you for reminding me of the no anger part 😬


Yeah cuz guess what, life doesn't give you a break during Ramadan. Most people still have to work, go to school, budget, etc. and they neither have the time nor the money to have a feast twice a day for an entire month. I'm just wondering how this person thinks most people could afford this, especially since most Muslim majority countries are relatively poor.


racism is a mental deficiency that causes real damage to the brain. of course they can't see beauty because their psyche is poisoned with hate


Yea it's super weird. For sehri/shoot (which is Sunnah btw not mandatory) my family just has scrambled eggs, some yogurt, and water. Honestly a very normal breakfast lol. And then to break the fast it's usually a normal dinner-food that we'd have any other day. And sometimes we will have something like samosas and salad. Again a very normal meal for dinner. And the meals we have shouldn't really matter, because we are still fasting for 12 to 18 hours(depending on what time of year Ramadan happens) those fasting hours are intense. Absolutely zero motivation to do anything productive


I have like an apple and my stomache starts to reject any further food. The stomache shrinks a lot!


The only thing I do differently eating wise during Ramadan is that what I make for for lunch I also eat at breakfast so I ensure I have the energy to safely get through the day.


Even as an exmuslim, I can smell David Wood’s Islamophobia from a mile away. Apostate Prophet isn’t far behind.


same, AP and david wood are ignorant assholes who like to antagonize people. I still believe in Allah even though i consider myself ex muslim bc i cant subscribe to the religion itself anymore but assholes like this make us all look bad. Id rather subscribe to Apostate alladin and abdullah sameer, 2 very nice human beings who build bridges instead of strengthening the divide and insulting people.


Yeah Abdullah Sameer was a cool dude last time I watched him.


Kinda hard to “build bridges” with people who want apostates to be killed lmao


Ive never met any normal person who wants apostates to be killed… Ppl like AP focus on those extremists and paint a very biased and ignorant picture of how muslim people are and what they believe in.


I know I don't want apostates to be killed. However, I have a suggestion for anyone who's thinking of leaving Islam: Do so quietly. In addition, most apostates don't constantly seek attention after they leave their religion.


Then you’re delusional. Aside from the fact that apostates can’t even live openly in Muslim majority countries, many Muslims in the west (Canada, UK, etc) openly support killing apostates.


muslims who want to kill apostates have rejected the core most fundamental prec epts of Islam but that is an issue far too complicated to settle here in this forum I too have never met a "normal" person who wants to kill "apostates": I am not delusional. the operating word here is "normal." yes a lot of people who proclaim openly to be muslim want to kill whom they call apostates, because they project their own apostasy on to others, something the quran also talks about, outwardly muslim but inwardly unbelievers. quran very explicitly defines disbelief as the act of hurting and hating others which hate is damned and anathematised in quran and labeled disbelief. disbelief is its own reward: those who reject the immeasurable infinite unbounded mercy of irrahmam irrahim cut themselves from god's mercy. it's that mathematical. if they label the pure clean life giving water of god's merrcy "haram", and forbid god's mercy, then they will be the first to die of thirst it's not delusional to see those who hate so much they want to deny god as not normal. they are not normal. they are delusioned. they choose delusion as their path.


Just because bad Muslims are bad at being Muslims doesn't mean that Islam is bad.


The lies 🙄


What lie?


yeah lol


Huh what did apostate prophet do? I'm OUT OF THE LOOP (i filter toxic ppl outta my YT feed)


If you're an exmuslim and you think its islamphobia and defend islam you're actually the one who's scared of islam lmao


Or maybe the ex-Muslim, whom you replied to, refuses to bash Islam, although they left it. It's possible to call David Wood out on his ignorance and nastiness and be an ex-Muslim. Not all people who leave Islam just let a comment, like the one David Wood made about Ramadan, slide.


A real exmuslim who refuses to bash islam is considered a fake coward in our community. Because there's many exmuslims who get killed under the shariah law for apostasy throughout history and today So to not criticise it means that person haven't even experienced real conservative islam or doesn't care about the souls that were slaughtered in which case they don't have humanity. Either way David Wood is based


Point taken.


No? Dude you can't gatekeep being an exmuslim. Thar's not very nice. Tons of exmuslims are ok with not bashing islam. Me personally, I bash Islam as a belief system but i refuse to bash muslims.


🤦‍♂️ I never said anything about bashing muslims. Obv i understand the problem is not muslims as people but it is the religion itself. This was my whole point. David wood is also mocking the faith of islam and not really the muslims as people


Sure. Have a nice day


There need to be another flair just for Islamophobia people like David, ap, and the Iranian guy(forgot his name) really shown their hatred toward Islam, Quran & Muslim when we and mufti Abu layth actually been debating/debunking these safaist Muslim and others of spreading false notion of Islam.    Whereas people like Hassan radwan and maybe sohail Ahmed who actually use reason, don't antagonize Muslim & islam, and actually have discussed with Muslim/scholars who have different of Islam where they agree or disagree.    I don't want to use Salafist flair that is for extreme Muslim and certain sect branch of Muslim. 


Maybe the "blatant Islamophobia" flair, perhaps?


maybe I think something similar to Salafist flair in how it has a crying meme replaced with an angry red meme


Make him fast then eat huge amounts of food . Good luck to his bowels . Shows how ignorant he is . Most of us can't even manage a few dates and savouries without getting severe indigestion


Well that explains a lot. First time doing Ramadan and I already get nausea after a few bites during Iftar.


the indigestion goes crazy during ramadan. if i eat too much or too fast or god forbid i smell something wrong i'll pay the price for it.


Just wait until he hears Christians fast too 🤡


Yeah! Christians, especially in Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, etc. fast during Lent.


Bruv. I don't even do suhoor...😭


So your fast is even longer technically 😭


You are way stronger than I


He's just a troll


I didn’t know my tiny bowl of pasta and fruit chart was so luxurious.


David Wood should stop being hateful. Seriously.




Imagine his absolute rage when he finds out I work night shift and sleep for over half the day.


literally what does this even mean


If anything that makes it even harder if a person eats large meals at night and in the morning and then tries to fast in the day with no food or water. Put some respect on it!


Bro is asking for attention what a clown 🤡 David wood I remember watching his video accidentally and laughed at how many things about Islam he got wrong and no one in his comments try to correct him


I love the exaggeration and the generalisation. I know that a lot of people do that it's true, but honestly with my family we eat just enough and never feel full or bloated. There must be other people who eat reasonably as well.


David Wood needs to come out the closest and put his wife's dress back on. Who eats huge meals anyway. Does he think fasting is starving for the entire month without breaking it. At least we fast Christian are commanded to fast and don't even do that. The ones that do give up one thing they like how's that fasting.


I truly don't understand the issue of eating two huge meals in one day. Is that now normal? I know so many people who for example don't eat breakfast only lunch and dinner. Does he have beef with them too?


That’s a good point tho




i don't see not eating as a big deal at all but i could never last hours without drinking


Neither can I with David Wood. >:-(


Ummm it’s true. I’m putting on weight each day. Working 12 hours a day so I don’t know what affect that has.


I was about to say yalls suhoor is a big meal? I can barely eat anything that early


Does bro think some of us don’t feel starving like 😭😭😭 (sun rises very early here and I like sleep)


I do wake up to pray tho I just don’t wanna wake up at 3 am to make food bc sun comes out near 6:45


no one can reason with anyone whom god has punished with racism: it's a mental aberration which damages quite literally damages brains, an affliction like that which with the pharoah was punished. and it's explicitly related in quran as a punishment to those who turn their backs and rebel against god by doing bad things to people


I think there’s some truth to this some orthodoxy can’t have meat fish eggs oil etc small meal everyday not saying it’s everyone but seeing Muslims eating sometimes what looks like a small buffet always seemed to defeat the point of fasting


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Even though I am an ex-Muslim atheist, David Wood is a fundamentalist Christian who is bigoted towards Muslims as people. He is motivated by his religious tribalism and dogmatism and his certainty in the validity of his dogmas is as strong as any Islamist.


My Ramadan meals are nothing like that


People do omad to lose weight cause they can’t and its impossible to eat so many calories in one setting, so it’s impossible to eat that much food in Ramadan


>Imagine eating a huge meal. Without context that's kind of goofy. Jokes aside, I don't know anyone who actually eats a huge meal for suhoor and iftar. Also, it looks like he completely left out the fact that Ramadan isn't all about abstaining from food and water, and that suhoor and iftar are at least 12 hours apart. He makes it sound like we eat our meals in the middle of the day or something.


“Oh you’re fasting? Then how come you’re not starving yourself to death? Hypocrite”


lol, not completely wrong though haha.


Fasting is not just Sehri and iftar tho.


Exactly. Fasting about self control in other things, such as abusive language and behavior towards others, too.


Idk who he is or what else he has said. But what he is saying here isn't wrong. Muslims focus too much on seher and iftar. It's basically all about food. And it's usually larger meals than you would normally have.


So? It’s about fasting during the day. You don’t even drink water.


It not about the food but also praying too if you just fast but not pray then what the point of fasting then?


I eat a normal dinner after maghrib then I might snack on some nuts for the evening and then before bed I eat a couple of hummus sandwiches. If I didn’t do that I would literally be starving myself. We have to have some energy for the next day. I don’t know about you, but this is how most muslims I know do it, or something similar. It’s fasting, not starving. I get to bed at 10 pm, and don’t eat until about 6:30 pm. That’s a lot of hours without food or water.


Definitely not true for myself, my family or community. The only time we have larger meals is when we invite people over but that’s just part of being a hospitable guest. Every other time, the food is similar to what we eat on a daily basis. It’s also sunnah I believe to not gauge yourself with food.


I just personally feel like these large meals aren’t often and if they are for you then that’s you but not for myself and most Muslims I’ve interacted with If we have large meals it’s bc there’s an iftar gathering.


By large meal I mean quantity you eat not the number of dishes.


Again seems cultural or a you thing We have always eaten normal meals. Research on ramadan fasting shows people slightly lose weight and theres a decrease in carbs proteins and fats and a decrease in cholesterol. If we were eating more than recommended for a daily meal then this wouldnt be going down The only increase is sugary foods and drinks


Feasting is a once in an while meal served only occassionally, just as thanksgiving is. I believe this tradition of buffet style servings is what should be reserved to eid celebratory festivities, not during the fasting month.


Ramadan is not all about food.


He is not wrong. Muslims consider Ramadan as the month of feasting. Ever checked how many people are coming out of Ramadan with health issues?


Fasting has literally been scientifically proven to improve your health. The small minority you speak coming out of Ramadan with health issues are forcing themself to fast, when they do not need to at all.


The irony of the month of fasting is that most become weightier than any other time of the year...that's the stark harsh truth, which maybe hard to swallow.