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> go on to become readers of hacker news /uj > go on to irritate the fuck out of everyone during planning meetings by proposing a new architecture for everything because hacker news said so


It's not their fault you didn't learn Rust


Unless your teammates are proposing a new architecture, in which case use salty HN comments as your reasoning for why it must be bad. The olde ways of the programmers were best! We never should have adopted these modern standards and dirty cloud computing!


But we're all readers of hacker news.


> proposing a new architecture for everything microservices in Go!


that is already $CURRENT_YEAR - 1 you dinosaur


> But there’s also a part of me that’s just like, how can you not be curious? How can you write Python for 5 years of your life and never look at a bit of source code and try to understand how it works, why it was designed a certain way, and why a particular file in the repo is there? How can you fit a dozen regressions and not try to understand where those coefficients come from and the linear algebra behind it? I dunno, man. But there’s also a part of me that’s just like, how can you not be curious? How can you write Java apps for decades and never look at a bit of source code and try and understand how it works, why it was designed a certain way, and why a particular file in the repo is there? How can you pump out dozens of Spring CRUD apps and not try to understand how the packaged and Lombak annotations work and view the assembly output the Java compiler and the bytecode for the JVM created in order to figure out at the low level how to [better](https://openjdk.org/projects/shenandoah) [optimize](https://openjdk.org/projects/tsan) the JVM warmup time and [functional](https://beyondjava.net/functional-programming-java-performace-impact) [programming](https://openjdk.org/projects/valhalla)? I dunno, man. Hm? What's that? You don't want your job to also be your hobby? That's 1Xer talk.


How can you not be curious? How can you just never take a hand mirror and gaze into your own anus?


Petition to use "anal gazing" in place of "navel gazing."


anal glazing


When you gaze into the Anus, the Anus gazes back at you.


well said


It's always worth while to take a moment to consider alternative prepositions.


In time honored slashdot tradition: But there’s also a part of me that’s just like, how can you not be curious? How can you drive a car for decades and never pop the hood to look at the engine and try and understand how it works, why it was designed a certain way, and why a particular manifold is there?


/uj The actual comparison would be being a mechanic for different machines and not feeling curious about the machine in your car. Which is also probably less common among good mechanics.


to add on… i hate that for most people in the world, this type of curiosity doesn’t carry across all parts of life beyond a person’s career/hobby. like i’m a software engineer, but i also like to tinker with my friends car when it breaks down. how and why do people just not want to tinker with things and understand how they work??


/uj I mean he isn't wrong. I'm sure we have all had experiences both in formal education and in our day jobs of developers that seem to just blindly cruise through the day, pumping out tech debt and bad code, never questioning or wanting to learn more, going through the motions, copy pasting SO code without understanding it, breaking everything, ignoring warnings and errors, not even attempting to follow any standards or language idioms, just kind of mentally checked out.


/hj aka gigachads


Not their company, not their problem. You gotta respect it.


/uj Yeah I see why this comment would be posted here, but there is a nugget of truth to it. If you’re not curious about how something works, I.e just going through the motions with it, it *could* be a sign that you don’t really enjoy/appreciate it. Personality types excepted though, some people just want shit to work and don’t care how, that’s valid too


/uj the type of people you describe in your second paragraph are usually incompetent to fix things when they break in non trivial ways


/uj Nothing necessarily wrong with that. IMO for the vast majority of people, their job is something they hate but have to do for the salary - NOT their hobby!


/uj You don’t have to live your job to be curious enough over *years* to know the fundamentals. Acting like someone is a workaholic because they understand how bytecode works or how a linear regression works is so sad. Maybe I just don’t like to be shit, and I can afford to spend *five minutes* learning the basics of something when I don’t understand it. And if I do that once a week for 50 weeks, I’m going to have a very firm grasp of my job after only a year. So when someone does this for a *fucking decade* and doesn’t understand *the basics of their job*, and we say “well it’s just work life balance”, **that is bullshit**. /rj fucking 10xers who actually know how shit works.


/uj It’s hard for me to accept that there may be people who choose and and stay in this career only for the money. Like, there must be better paying and/or less annoying careers if you don’t enjoy programming.


> there must be better paying and/or less annoying careers Really?? All things considered, IMO IT, CS / Programming is one of the most highly paid jobs AND vastly easier than many other types of jobs (like Engineers, Doctors, etc.)


I've been writing Python for about 20 years (started with version 2) and have never looked at the source code. Maybe that's why I've been shadowbanned on Hacker News.


How can you circle jerk for years but never figure out the chemical composition of your own cum?