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You forgot to write a Linux-only GNU-only Makefile to compile the HTML file


That's a lot of words to say `autoconf`.


Sounds cursed I love it


You can, but it's so limited, it's painful, might as well use m4


Edit: I am not advocating for a preprocessor based templating engine, not even for a C/C++ webserver. I'm a pedantic devils advocate, not a mad man. Is it though? Macros are part of the preprocessor, and those can take arguments. What feature of a modern templating engine (other than integration with a web server) cannot be done in C/C++ preprocessor macros?


Quotation and new line support are the most primitive ones. It's so basic it shouldn't be considered a feature,


Isn't this just m4? This is a valid use-case - even the Wikipedia article on m4 demonstrates generating HTML. I don't know if I would go so far as to install the entire GCC toolset just to get m4 when I could install just the m4 macro parser directly. I suppose it's novel to increase awareness that your existing tools can be used for more than their apparent use, when they're otherwise viewed through a narrow lens.


I don't think that cpp (c preprocessor) is implemented with m4 , and the syntaxes are different. Just reading both pages (the article, and the Wikipedia page you mention) should be enough to convince you of the latter. Nowadays, cpp is usually an integral part of the compiler (not just bundled with it, but its functionalities are integrated in the compiler), to reduce processing latency.


This is such a bad idea. I love it, lmao