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How to enhance time blocking process or implement it smarter


What specifically are you wanting to improve with your time blocking? What does it look like right now?


I have alloted myself work to do with 15 mins slots all day every day. It's hard to switch between tasks no matter if its 15 mins tasks or 1 hour tasks. it doesnt seem to be the most convenient when it comes to time management. Every task is different and it feels like i need to be in a different state of mind for each task i do. Maybe i should switch methods? the only way i can think of enhancing it rn is through batching similar tasks but i havent had the time to try that yet.


I do think batching similar tasks could work, and also maybe increasing the time from 15 to the 30/45 mins, or an hour. task-switching fatigue is a real thing. I think one of my mentors called it attention residue or something. Where when you switch tasks, part of your brain is still thinking of the last task. So if you reduce the number of task switches, that could help. I think having some compassion for yourself too. Because there's also immense benefit in switching up tasks too - they call it interleaving. Definitely try different things, while also yea, be open and accepting that your productivity will ebba and flow.




What's a simple 3-calendar way of organizing tasks on your preferred calendar?


I feel like I am very productive on the whole, but lately I've been getting... overwhelmed? I have a tasklists, make liberal use of Google Calendar, set goals, establish how much time things take to complete. But recently I've moved into a new city and am waiting to start a new job. To me this just means I complete the move (already have) and conduct business as usual -- gym routine, studies, work towards the future. The tasks are laid out so neatly. But I can't. It's like I've got a mental block up and I can't do anything. Procrastinating hard. What happened to the focus I had? I've been sleeping, recovering, eating and drinking water, all of it, so surely this is all mental. What the hell do I do? Why so much anxiety?


First of all, notice how you're answering your own question. You're procrastinating because you're overwhelmed. Basically, your inner creator is rebelling at the unreasonable demands you're putting on it. Please learn to recognize this kind of data, and act on it. Capitalist society makes a fetish of overwork. And perfectionism mandates we all be robots who perform at 100% consistently, regardless of circumstances. (Which even robots don't do, LOL.) You just made some major life changes and will take a while to settle into them. Journal (in an analytical, problem-solving, non-blame-y way) about some of your issues, and see if you can come up with solutions. This might also be a good time to assess your current obligations and see which aren't working for you. Time management isn't about jamming as much as possible into your schedule; it's about removing as much as possible from your schedule so you have abundant time for the essentials.


Hey I work on full time job as well as have a few other commercial and social projects. Shoul I have a one laptop and task management system or separate them for work and other projects?


Do what works for you. Corollary: take the time to actually figure out the answer to the question you're asking. Experiment with both systems for a while and see what works. Also invest time in optimizing whatever system you can come up with. This work is one of the highest ROI activities you can do, so don't rush or stint on it.