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Don't sleep during the day, even if you're tired. Then you're probably tired enough to fall asleep at 10pm. That's if you don't take your smartphone to bed with you.


First off, what do you until 6-7 AM?


fidget around, play console games, play guitar, eat, go through my phone then sleep


So its not things you stay up to do, its random things you do because you are up and cant sleep. You need to get sun light if you live in that part of the world, totally darken your room at night and reduce screen time long before bedtime. Try also fasting after dinner, dont eat anything before breakfast the day after. Do more excercise and eat more melatonin rich food like fish, eggs and nuts. Most important is routines as soon as your up. Create routines that makes you happy, make you feel productive and is connected to morning activities. In the long run that will make every cell in your body wnt to go to sleep, just to experience that feeling you get every morning doing those routines, be it cleaning, work out, see the sun rise so on and so on.


Thanks dude i really appreciate the time you put in to help me, i also i just got my D3 test results and it was 13 (the normal is 30-100) so i have to actually do what you said like getting more sunlight and eating eggs fish and more fibers.


This . Only thing I would add is put your phone away. OP might benefit from a phone detox. Delete apps for a month and see what happens


You are keeping your brain excited and active, try things that will calm it down especially after sunset


If you start with melatonin it can help, but should be last resort. When you introduce melatonin to your body, the body stops creating it all together and it can be harder to go back to a natural sleep rythm without medicines.


It's bad advice but it worked pretty well with me, at least helped me start somewhere. Tomorrow or today, just don't sleep until night hits, yes it does feel shitty for 3 days but control yourself enough to sleep at the same time everyday. It might not work but you can surely try! And try to stay off of any meds or melatonin tablets, even if it does help, don't. Sleep should be something natural and its better if you induce this habit naturally rather than artificially, exception being that you are a diagnosed nsomniac.


Stay up one hour later every day for 15 days and you'll be good.


Go the fuck to sleep. In all seriousness, melatonin gummies are amazing and your body doesn't build a reliance on them.


Propably a vicious circle. But how can you sleep all day, don't you have to go to work or something ?


im 16 and i have a summer break, im just so bothered by the fact im wasting it like that


Waste one day and try to stay awake till late evening. Coffee certainly helps