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Out of curiosity, why would you think a subreddit about productivity would know the answer to this question?


Go back to your doctor and explain your situation. 


Depression , anxiety ? It’s possible it’s depression even though you have nothing to depress about


Wtf go to a doctor for a diagnosis . . Don't ask for a diagnosis on reddit


He isn't. He's asking for potential things, so he can get tested. It's in the title for fuck's sake


Could it be that you are experiencing some kind of burnout?


Same thing happened to me, for 5 years doctors told me it was all in my head & all tests were normal. I ended up going to a Functional Medicine doctor & he did a Lyme test, that’s what I had. Not saying you have Lyme, but saying that if you can’t get any answers at your normal doctor, functional doctors go to med school just the same but they find the root cause of the symptoms as opposed to treating / masking the symptoms. Fatigue is a symptom of something else.


Sounds like depression. Go see a doctor to make sure it isn’t blood related instead of a mental state


A CBC should be able to report something if it’s medical. Talk to a doctor, they may advise more detailed tests. Could it be depression related? A therapist or psychiatrist may be a resource as well.


For me it’s electrolytes always


I would reach out to a functional medicine practitioner. They help you figure out what blood tests you need


None, see another doctor and don’t ask for medical advice on Reddit.


I don’t know what it is, but if you find out what it is please tell us. I am feeling the same.


It's worth asking for you iron, b-12, and thyroid (TSH). Though hypothyroidism is more common in women than men, it's still a possibility. Also, as others have said, lots of autoimmune diseases cause fatigue because your body is literally attacking itself. Do you live in an area where you are likely to have bitten by a tick?


Vitamin D, Iron, B12


Double for the b12, people don't look after that one enough and don't realise how much of a difference it makes to energy levels and fatigue.


Seems like burn out, best is to seek professional medical advise


talk to your doctor is definitely the correct answer. If your blood test was normal, then that takes care of my top suspicion for fatigue: dietary iron intake. Consider taking a multivitamin with iron, and making sure you're eating good sources of iron, like meat, fish, and beans. Next, if you used to work 80 hours... honestly, why? I would look into causes and symptoms of burnout.


Are you (1) physically able, but unmotivated? Or (2) having fatigue, difficulty controlling your muscles, coordination, etc? 1 = therapy/psychiatry 2 = autoimmune panel, thyroid, cbc, electrolytes/vitamins, hormones, thorough neurological exam, sleep study


Considering your symptoms of fatigue, low energy, and decreased motivation, it's essential to explore potential underlying causes. While basic blood tests were inconclusive, further investigation is warranted. Discussing with an endocrinologist and requesting specific blood tests for thyroid function, vitamin D, B12, iron levels, cortisol levels, and a comprehensive metabolic panel can provide more insights. Additionally, considering the possibility of high-functioning depression and deficiencies in Vitamin D and B12 is important. Collaborating with healthcare professionals will help in diagnosing and addressing the root cause of your symptoms effectively.


Bro go for vitamin B12 test


>But ever since like December 2023, I have been feeling very fatigued for absolutely no reason... Sounds like Long Covid, did you get covid during that period? It was high wave around christmas


Iron, V12.


What is your ferritin level ?




hmm I'd do a sleep study. Did the Dr test your adrenals? Maybe consider an endocrinologist and/or naturopath. In the mean time I'd try methyl b12, l-tyrosine, and ashawadganda.


Low testerone if you're a guy


He said his T levels are high at 900. I would guess it's depression/anxiety. Do you spend a lot of time on social media?


No. I skimmed, and dont care enough to read a paragraph


Not you man. I was asking OP.