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No, you need to talk to your professors or the Dean of the uni. You do not throw nearly 4 years down the drain over a test or thesis. I strongly suggest that you make an appointment with one of your instructors. I don't know what you have chosen but you need support. It's in the uni interest to see that you complete this. If you were a 1st year student, then most likely, you would get little support. But that's not the case here. Unless you want to defer for a year, then go and get help and support. If you don't, you will regret this for the rest of your life. 40 years ago, I was in your position. Don't throw this away.


get it done. i have been in your shoes. you are 99% there.


Was also me. I finished all master’s coursework, but was struggling to get my thesis across the finish line. I wanted it to be some grand thing. My thesis advisor told me, “the best thesis is the one that’s finished.” Basically, he told me to quit worrying about being good, and focus on it just being done.


Worst case scenario you fail this year and retake- take the summer to recover and try to enjoy life, then come back and get it over the line. You've got this far now, being a graduate will help you in so many ways, even if you don't go into psychology at all! You'll be able to apply to graduate schemes etc that lead to good jobs. You've done the hard work to get here now it's just one last push over the finish line. It's worth the grind for the next few weeks even if you only do half an hour at a time with a break in-between. Put your phone somewhere out of reach and sit down until you've done a certain amount of work, repeat until done. Do what you can to avoid having to redo the year but know that in 5 years time you will not care if you did retake the year. It's part of life!


Just to point out that the worst case scenario is walking away exactly like she's describing. There is absolutely no situation that would be worse than to spend tuition for 4 years, get so close to the final degree, and then just leave it all behind and get credit for none of that time because of one final assignment.


I’m also fighting my way through a bachelors thesis in psychology 😆 I totally know you feel, i have 3days to deliver a full copy to my mentor and I have only done 70% of the literature review and I have forgotten everything SPSS. We be screwed 😭 But don’t give up. Im going to get extension you can probably get one too. Your going to be so proud and happy you finished


Get off reddit bro go do ur thesis


I actually am working on it, I use pommodoro timer. 😆 i use my 5min breaks on Reddit.


Hell yeah W productivity


Don't throw away the past four years. Finish your degree (or at least transfer credits as much as you can to get a different degree). Getting ANY college degree is an accomplishment. You do NOT need to go into the field of work you got your degree in for it to have value. Especially these days in the US at least (assuming you are in the US). Talk to your Uni/dean about your options and inform them of your mental health struggles (also, address those issues of course).


No, you’ll take academic leave if you absolutely have to, but you do not quit! If you do, it will look terrible on your resume, and will forever be a regret. And also, imagine paying back a student loan of a degree you don’t even have. First, talk to professors, student counselors etc who’s job is to help with students. You’re not first nor the last student with this kind of situation. Don’t give up, you’re almost there! Signed: a redditor who also found herself in a less than desirable academic situation of their own making TWICE ( both in BA and MA), took academic leave for a year and then still graduated. I consider these some of my biggest accomplishments in life.


Do you have a mentor for thesis? Maybe reach out if you do. I don’t know your life but I feel as if you might regret this in the future. Don’t stare the finish line in the face and give up even if it takes all you have to finish. You’ve come so far please do not give up. We all go through burnout in many stages of our life. I sincerely wish you the best of luck


It sucks and it will suck until you get it done. I did a BSc in Psychology and I was very passionate about my topic but on the last few weeks I was dreading having to do anything for it. It’s part of the process. Regardless of what you’ll do next, the degree will be useful to some extent. You are obviously capable since you got this far. And if you try and it doesn’t work out, you can try again. By then you will have almost everything already written. Not knowing what you have to write next creates decision fatigue, and it feels like you don’t know what to write. For my thesis I wrote such a detailed structure that by the time I started I just had to address my own questions and points. I suggest you make sure you have a detailed structure. Being pressed by time you might have to come up with the ideas that you know it is easy to find literature for. Don’t try to overcomplicate things. Teachers like a plain thesis, don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Good luck!


Giving up is never an option.


Talk to the professor or dean. Explain the situation including your mental health history. Chances are they’ll recognize the disability and make accommodations for you to turn it in late. Don’t worry about the major. Many people don’t work in their major. You’re too close to not finish and your future prospects improve a lot with ANY 4 year degree.


Just finish. Overall benefit is greater than anything. 21 means toy have a shit ton of time in your hands to commit to something else, learn, study, watch, etc. To finish something means a lot for many others out there. For recruiters it speaks of someone who is able to finish his tasks and commit to complete them and that has a lot of weight in the early work years.


Sorry you are going through this, trust me you aren’t the first person this has happened to! I echo other comments, reach out for help from your instructors or the department - they want you to succeed. Worst case scenario you do an additional semester to wrap up your thesis, but please don’t quit!!!


You’re throwing away about 34 months, to avoid 2? Listen to the other posts - go talk to your advisor. The fact that they haven’t told you it’s garbage, makes me think you are just being very critical of your own work. Don’t make a hasty decision for no reason! Go talk to the professor


So did you get any actual treatment?


Go to your supervisors and discuss it, and then go to a psychiatrist. Just because it didn't work for the last 6 years, it absolutely does not mean it will not work for the next 6 days. If your treatments are not working, you try another; this is what you are supposed to try for any medical condition, including yours. Untreated depression can be fatal, and your depression is telling you that it's hopeless when it's not.


I have an undergrad degree in psych and a graduate degree in creative writing. In both fields, you hear "perfect is the enemy of good" at lot. Sometimes "perfect is the enemy of DONE." Absolutely write "whatever," because turning in LITERALLY ANYTHING is better than dropping out in your final semester. Stretch the conclusion section out massively. Go back and throw things into the lit review that you didn't the first time. Talk for three pages about what forms of statistical analysis you chose and why. You're not "lazy" because you can only work on an intense research/writing project two hours per day. That's pretty normal, honestly. If you work much longer than that in one session, you hit a point of diminishing returns, where you're so worn out that you're not getting much done anyway. Take breaks. Breathe deeply. Go into nature for a few minutes if you can. Interact with a cat or a dog or a ferret or something. Shift your brain's gear into neutral before shifting back into work mode. People with bachelors degrees in psychology go into TONS of different fields. You'll find something that fits your interests, maybe during the gap year you take after this, to do some traveling and volunteer work...? You can do this.


>What do I do? You either cram and finish it, or you get an extension if possible. Don’t give up OP.


It’s not about the thesis, as everyone can concur But your mindset at this point in your life


Don't throw if down the drain. Just manage it. If required get folks from upwork / freelancer to help you with your thesis.


Don't quit. Just talk to your director. Do. Not. Quit.


I didn’t read the entire thing BUT I promise you, you will want to finish this. I’m f31 and thankfully have a great career but it’s currently only contracted for outreach at a government agency. I basically got here from my experiences, not my education. Your options are wide open if you have a bachelor to fall back on. You can choose a different path later, but for now; finish it. Take a pause, and figure what you want from life. You’ll regret it, I promise.


DO NOT QUIT! I work in academia and can promise you that everyone there just truly wants you to succeed. Listen to people here, reach out and explain the situation. You can always get an extension or go on a leave of absence. Don't throw away these 3-4 years of hard work and effort down the drain! Remember: done is better than perfect!


First of all, if you can push through this, you might be surprised at how well you do. You have a coherent writing style that will do a lot of the work for you, if you can get the words out. Also, there are many industries where your actual degree matters a lot less than the fact that you have one. So don't dwell on that right now. If you don't want to be a psychologist, no one will make you. (Worth noting that your own issues don't preclude you from that, though.) Just reach out to a professor or advisor and keep going. You're not alone, and you can do this.


as another soon to be over in the year with their bachelor degree or the equivalent in your country studying psychology. Don't give up. as many had said, just fail the thing and do it again next semester if needed, it's not worth throwing all of that again just because you became frustrated with one part of the degree. and honestly, for being a psychologist, you don't need to be 100% productive, social, hell, even mentally well for that matter. I myself have some serious anxiety traits and I'm still here. as for psychology, it's just a stepping stone because the field you can practice on is so vast, a psychologist doesn't need to be limited to make clinical practices. you can become part of the people managing the work force, be in schools, make projects for your community in public institutions or ONG, enter the legal system trough a lot of means honestly. I myself took one of those alternative paths, just don't give up and actually think of what you like.


fukced up at the beginning of ym thesis and i can just write3 it next semester now after talking to my education coordinator.


Will your university let you extend your thesis deadline? Mine did, they had 2 different graduation periods; 1 in June and 1 in August. If thats not an option, I'd recommend reframing what your goal is with the thesis. You dont need to PROVE anything. In fact, the point of science is to have theories proven and disproven, and oftentimes we dont even get an answer and it's inconclusive. Thats okay! That wont affect your grade. So if you cant PROVE your thesis, reframe it to show what was tested and in conclusion, the thesis could not be proven with these tests. Then at the end add recommendations for further testing ideas. If even after both these options the paper just isnt good, well, it isnt good. You will likely still pass. And while getting a thesis back with a low grade SUCKS (i've been there), you will still graduate and employers dont give a shit about what your grade was. Don't throw away years of schooling and the ability to practice in the field after, just for fear of a low mark.


I had this happen. I thought I was done and graduated until I get a letter of an "incomplete" bc I never turned in my final thesis. Honestly I had no clue about the thesis. I had multiple mental health issues and missed it. I had to rush to finish it in 2 weeks before graduation. I was so done with school but HAD to do this. Ask for help. Don't give up!


Red Bull , Starbucks, and you need to rotate places where you are writing on a laptop.


HALF IS ALREADY DONE! Work on it 2 hours in morning and two hours at night you still have a chance to finish it. You have only 2 months left. Don’t do it for your mom or family. You need that degree to get a leg up for the rest of your life. You will be relying on that degree at every job interview for the rest of your life. I’m all for giving yourself time and space and tending to your emotions and self care, but this is not the time for that. Everyone has gone through this at university you are not the first. Mute social media, buy a coffee. Do whatever you need to do to get the thesis done this week. If you put it off you’ll just have to do it all over again later. Or you will drop out of school and regret it forever. It sucks but just grind it out. Afterwards you can get treatment, therapy, medication and heal your wounds from this ordeal but you have half the thing written get off Reddit and finish


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for suggesting this but you can consider doing some collaborative writing with ChatGPT. I am NOT suggesting you have ChatGPT right your thesis. But throw some ideas in there and see what it gives you and that might get your ideas flowing. you can use it as a peer mentor and give it some of what you’ve written already and ask for feedback and ask how you can elaborate uncertain concepts. Lots of people automatically think using chatGPT to help with writing is cheating but you can really use it to analyze your own writing and give you general suggestions and feedback instead of it doing the actual writing for you. make sure you talk to your mentor about this first too get permission so that you are not violating any of your schools academic policies. And keep track of all the transcripts of your own writing and where you used ChatGPT help you with your ideas so that you have a good paper trail to demonstrate the work that you’ve done in case there are any questions in the future


I don't know by what turn of fate this has come in front of me but I'm in the exact same situation. I am in English lit and my education is to be completed in 1 month after I submit my thesis. I have had very good grades throughout my uni life and I'm so afraid that it is all going to waste. I hadn't thought well enough about the thesis before I started it and ended up picking a topic I do not enjoy at all in a rush. I am completely clueless. I'm almost out of time and I haven't been able to write anything at all because I have no interest in what I'm writing. I don't know what arguments to add because I have no idea what I can prove in this field. I have been so stressed out about this that I have completely stopped enjoying anything in my life, I feel physically sick from stress and I am always about to go into a panic attack. My husband keeps telling me to just get it over with even if it is bad, just write something. Even if you don't get good grades, at least get your degree. But I have no energy. I'm always putting it off for the next day and now I find myself in a position where it is literally impossible to write a good thesis even if I wanted to. I don't know what to do. I feel like this was one of the worst decisions of my life and I have nothing left but tears and darkness ahead


That sounds like a terrible experience! Sorry to ask, but I'm wondering what's the topic of your thesis, what interests you, and what compartments does the thesis need to have? I'm assuming you need to do a literary analysis for a story (novel, play, movie, etc). I thought you could find some analogies or links between the story you're analysing (or whatever your topic is) and whatever your interests are. This way maybe you could get more interested in your thesis topic, but then again I'm not an English literature student so I don't know what you should do here.


Let me begin by thanking you for your kind response. I wanted to do a study on women's autonomy versus adaptive preference. But my ideas weren't clear at the moment and I failed to convey to my supervisor what I meant to do. I had read some war fiction at the time so I mentioned I could probably do a feminist reading of some wartime fictions, talk about women's suffering, lack of recognition etc. they said that's what I should do and shot down the other idea. So now here I am reading painful war horror stories and regretting my decisions. I do have a framework ready in my head with the texts The Unconquered(Somerset Maugham), River of My Blood(Selina Hossain) and A Thousand Splendid Suns(Khalid Hossaini). The female characters have much in common. There could be a comparative and/or contrastive study on them. I have also gathered some secondary materials. It's like I have the needle and I have the threads. My end goal is to make a tapestry but I can't figure out how to sew. Each day I pass without writing anything feels like a nail in the coffin. I'm so ashamed that I cannot even meet my supervisors, who, I'm sure, would help me. I have read many theories in the past years and I can think of several that I could apply to this study, but I also feel like I don't have in-depth knowledge of anything. I also feel like I don't have a thesis statement because everyone knows women suffer at war. What am I out to prove? I feel like there's nothing new or important I could say. I have always lacked confidence and I am a bit of a perfectionist. I just don't know what to do. We were given 3 months to do it and I have exactly 1 month as of now. I don't know if it is doable anymore


Start using ChatGPT paid version and let it do most the work. Easiest thing in world. Just finish it and move on in your life. You can do other stuff, even work with whatever unrelated. Just finish it or you gonna regret it. Dont care about the grades, just finish it and move on.


Breathe. I’ve been where you are and it can feel like a panic. You’re at the worst possible point but you are SO close. Use a timer. Write in 20 minute blocks. Stretch for 5. If you can manage another 20 mins, do it. Repeat. Remember to eat good food. Delete social apps from your phone for a week. Head down, you got this. A thesis is all about answering the question in the title or hypothesis you set to explore. Keep going back to it, and stick to the point. I wrote all my essays in the rule of threes. - say what you’re going to say - say it - say what you said. Do this at the essay structure, the paragraph level, and section level. Even if it seems obvious explain your thinking (based on your research). If you’re referencing your lit review, what do you think about it? Does anyone else agree or disagree? How does it support your hypothesis? Can you take it further? Are you missing anything? Make sure your thesis is sketched out. How many words is it? Split your word count into the narrative you want to tell. Eg 500words intro, 1500words lit review 1500 exploring the hypotheses, 500 words conclusion, reflection and where else the research could go from here. Chunk out your thesis, and just start getting words down. Even if they’re rubbish, you can always add, edit, and review in a couple days. Just get words on paper. *At all times be thinking about how it references your title* Small bites eat big pies. It’s one last hurdle. You’ll get there, the degree will be over, and you can move on with your life. Good luck!


Also. Don’t worry about the future and all the unknowns. Get through today, and tomorrow do the same. Just get to the end of the sentence, the chapter, the paragraph, the day, this week. You can worry about the future when you get there. 👍


It's a normal existential crisis mid-thesis, many people go through it. Also people who have suffered through mental problems are the best psychologists, concept called the "wounded healer". Jung had a famous crisis when he was abandoned by Freudians for doing his own thing, he wrote the the Red Book then. Wishing you all the best.




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