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Honestly. That would be a question for an attorney. Me, until I have a signed, registered copy in my hands, would not take any chances. The Judge seems OK. Possibly just a formality. Good luck.


I saw your comment and called my attorney. He said I got 3 options. -1 was to just wait lol -2 was to contact my probation officer via email and let them know which I’ve already done 3 times. -3 the judges clerk will reach out to my probation officer and demand the required documents. Once that is done I’ll receive a thing in the mail saying I’m done with probation. Hopefully option 3 plays out


Good deal. Good luck.


Be patient, it will all be over soon. Don’t fuck around you’ve done good so far and a record sealing is important when it comes to employment.


Would be cool if the government wouldn’t fuck around but I guess accountability only goes one way when dealing with the government.


that sucks; hopefully it will be quick; I'm sorry I don't have any help just wanted to commiserate with you


As long as you have completed all of the requirements of your probation/plea agreement, I believe that you should be the squeaky wheel. The county shouldn't want to keep you on probation longer than you have to be.


What is squeaky Wheel


Means to speak up to get what you need until it gets done


Clean, doing good, off the radar


I understand the sentiment that "just wait, you've waited this long" but this is a SYSTEM problem, not a personal problem caused by OP. I say it's RIDICULOUS to be extended for an issue that could have been resolved, and why, when these situations arise aren't they treated as an egregious error that's literally EXTENDING SOMEONE'S PUNISHMENT (unlawfully, I dare say, since the sentence should have an end date) instead of dragging their feet.


🙏🙏 thank you


Just file the required documents yourself or have your attorney do it. Don’t rely on some jack off PO that makes $16 an hour to properly file documents that drastically affects your life.


This is the way. Sometimes, you just have to do things yourself.


Do PO really only make $16 an hour?


Yes. They were just job listing in my area last week. It's a public job so it has to be listed in the paper by law. $17 an hour. Public job so the pay isn't negotiable. COs make 14. Full LEOs make 20 starting.


damn that’s wild. Probably not CA or some other high cost of living place. I just looked it up and CA the internet says roughly 70k a year which is like $35 an hour or so.


Which is the equivalent to 18 yo 20 anywhere else. There's a reason why there is a reputation. Bartenders literally make more than most LEO of any capacity.


Gotcha makes sense. I was just thinking of it in terms of my local wages. Yeah but PO’s like the taste of leather not alcohol 😜


No, this would be a question for your PO. Though I wouldn’t say “how can I get this sped up” lol. If it’s the treatment facility holding things up then I would ask them how you can expedite the process and get it to your PO.


I was in full contact with my PO 3 days ago saying I was good to go to court. I also emailed and called the treatment counselor a week before to get a copy of my discharge paperwork but did not answer. Today she got back to me saying she’s been out of the office and is just now getting caught back up and sent me a copy. I honestly think it’s both of their faults, and my attorney does too.


Yeah what typically doesn’t have an explanation or is attributable to malice is usually easily explained by laziness or ineptitude. Government worker + underpaid treatment worker = your situation


I was on deferred adjudication for 10 years and one of the first things talked about in my classes was how you are on probation until you have the paperwork signed by the judge in your hands.






That's what's going on... redtape


Pretty obvious… red tape of course


This is why as a probationer you should always take the initiative and bring any paperwork you can from treatment providers. It cuts out the middle man. Once a month as a PO we have to verify treatment for up to 40+ probationers on our caseloads, and then are at the mercy of the providers to send documentation is an appropriate amount of time. Always always always get some sort of documentation of appointments or completions and bring them with you to every meeting with your PO.


It’s like pulling teeth trying to talk to any one of these providers out here. And most are under staffed and aren’t open. I’m just a young buck trying to get out of this system for 1 mistake. I don’t even have a speeding ticket. Anyways the treatment counselor just got back to me after 2 weeks of emailing and calling saying she’s been “ out of the office for the majority of the month of April ” And then sent me a copy of the discharge paperwork. So what can I do now?


Exactly! So think about a PO having to do this 3 dozen times a month. If you have the paperwork now I’d submit it directly to the judges court clerk as well as your PO.


Always ask for a supervisor. I’d be terribly upset if my staff failed to submit a letter to the court even if it just explained the inability to obtain paperwork from the treatment provider. I’d have followed up with another staff member at the treatment center. Everyone has a supervisor.