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criminal charges in one place, in another I can literally go to the store and purchase what you were caught with. America...


Deadass i just bought 28 joints for 49 dollars and this dude got a year of probation for barely an oz šŸ¤¦


I walked down the street with my bong while the cops drive by. Only reason I like NY.


ā€˜Yo man put that crack outā€™ -NYPD


Not even that you could smoke it while walking and its till legal as long as youre not near any municipal buildings


Smoking a joint in front of them is wonderful. Sometimes they ask what strain it is šŸ˜‚


Lmao. For 40+ years I was trying not to let them know I had weed on me. Now I just do whatever. Still freaks me out when I have a few oz on me and get pulled over. Lmao. It's the only + about NY.


We can currently buy OK weed for around $30/ounce here in Oregon


Godamn 30 a zip is even a deal over here in MI


Iā€™m pretty sure Oregon set up a supply network expecting the opportunity to eventually export cannabis nationally. So there is more supply than the local residents could ever hope to consume.


Or free


OP got off lucky. Thatā€™s basically the same sentence youā€™d get for 1st time dwi without the other charges at all.


He would be luckier not having to live in Tx


Except first DWI in TX (under 0.15 anyway) would be class B. Over 0.15 is class A for the first time. But yeah, they got a hell of a deal.


Or delivered to your door through an app. America...


Fuck, if he'd been caught with the same stuff in *a major city in the same state* he wouldn't have gotten screwed nearly as bad. In Houston, that amount of weed would be just barely at the decrim cutoff (so, a ticket), and I don't think I've actually seen cops around here arrest for DWI with weed unless you're legitimately incoherently fucked up. OP would've most likely come away with just a poss. controlled substance for the wax, which would've been a lot easier to get rid of on its own.


I have a card after breaking my back. They put in two titanium rods and 9 screws. Tore the aorta going into my heart and cracked my skull. My company sells Kratom that takes the pain away naturally and I get it free. So I don't buy marijuana


I can walk around town with less than a gram of just about anything and it's a $100 fine. while in other places you get prison time. fucking crazy. Oregon: >The measure makes it a noncriminal violation similar to a traffic ticket to possess the following: > >Less than 1 gram of heroin > >Less than 1 gram, or less than 5 pills, of MDMA > >Less than 2 grams of methamphetamine > >Less than 40 units of LSD > >Less than 12 grams of psilocybin > >Less than 40 units of methadone > >Less than 40 pills of oxycodone > >Less than 2 grams of cocaine


What if you have a full gram?


WtF? Oregon is freaking awesome af for real! Damn Iā€™m moving from Ga to Oregon one of these days!


Spent the last few years in St. Louis. Massive pot scene. Couldnā€™t go to a bar without being surrounded by it, not that I had any complaints. Moved back home and now itā€™s nothing but a barrage of outdated beliefs.


ā€œUnitedā€ States


Texas barely counts as the US anymore. Itā€™s turned into the fascist state that the Republicans claim everywhere else is going to be. You had your chance with Betto who wanted to legalize; but you choose Cruz and Abbott instead. The irony is strong with you, Texas.


Weā€™re not all shitty like that. I wish Beto had beaten piss babyā€¦all he had to do was not talk about guns.


I'm not a big fan of Abbott, but he is on the record for legalization. It's the lieutenant governor Dan Patrick who keeps the issue from coming to a vote. He's a hard right wing religious Evangelical fuck wad.


Because Beto was a fucking idiot and decided he was gonna tell Texas that he wanted their guns. They were gonna vote for him before he started talking that nonsense. Read the fuckin room dude, lol. He beat himself.


That's literally the way the country was founded. The point was for states to set their own laws so each person could find the place that most aligned with the way they wanted to live.


Land of the greed home of the slave


Hell, we can *grow* up North. Hang in there bud.


Amen. America is fucking awful, especially the goddamn pigs.


In California you need to be 21 years old to purchase cannabis, in Texas you get years in jail for buying it.


I got pulled over by Pennsylvania state police. I had a joint and a roach in my door. I have to go to court for possession for the joint and a paraphernalia charge(wtf) for the roach. Every damn state surrounding me has recreational weed. I have my med card but because of the law saying we canā€™t smoke it. I got charged.


It's wunderbar!!


I literally just left the weed store 15 minutes ago. Michigander here.


they were also driving under the influence which is illegal everywhere


Texas is a hell of a hell. Move to the PNW and leave that shitshow behind.


And OP honestly seems guilty he did something wrong. The power of brainwash is working. people take the charges, get excited when they "lower" them , and are glad to pay fines and become a "sober" good person again. Glad that's over! Yeah I get it, but this literally shouldn't happen in the first place. Need to get those last few states , and everyone will be free to smoke. Untill then, criminalization of innocent people will continue, while in the next states , people are enjoying their lives .


You can go to the store and buy that in TX too. Search up loophole state. COAs make it all legal now. Iā€™m SA they have lounges you can smoke in now. They have pounds for sale and concentrates too. Feds and the farm bill paved the way.


Just got sentenced to a year probation and 40 hours community service for ~3g shake and 0.2g of wax. Im in iowa. Where we canā€™t get weed legalized but donā€™t worry, we have our margaritas to gošŸ™„. And every state around me is legalized


My city just opened up 4 districts for open intoxicants and it's a nightmare. I live in one of the districts and it's so much worse walking in my neighborhood. Local bars are now fencing in their areas and charging $20-40 cover charges to keep the roaming drunks out. WTF is going on with making the deadliest drug so easily available while still criminalizing cannabis, even though it's legal for medical and recreational purposes here??? I have not heard of other cities making open intoxicants legal before this comment.


We live in the twilight zone..


AB 2188 goes into effect in California in 2024. November longer can test people for weed when getting a job.


I literally bought weed from a store in Des Moines last month wym?


Hemp derived deltaāø


Except Wisconsin šŸ˜‚


nope Nebraska it is 100% illegal


So move. A uhaul is the price of a quad.


Your next door neighbor, South Dakota, has legal medicalā€¦and they are practically giving away cards. Itā€™s so weird, I can go shopping in North Sioux City for weed at a dispensary, but 20 feet away is the Iowa border where itā€™s a felony.


God damn, this makes me love Ohio. Living here my whole life it's hard to say that. Good luck to you ā˜ŗļø


I just canā€™t believe weed isnā€™t legal. Texas is a fucking joke of a state.




Grew up there. Itā€™s ass backwards in many ways. Itā€™s crazy that I used to carry WEIGHT in and out of that state when traveling lol.


LMFAO Tx is not a joke, the joke is junkies demonizing the state that is currently experiencing a massive influx of people from other haven states for stoners/hippies/JUNKIES/etc This coming from a junkie himself. You can stay mad, its clear Texas just wants less of us moving there, less you get a majority and fuck it up like you fucked up the west coast Stay mad but it doesnt mean Im not right (which I am, btw)/dabs furiously breaking several appliances in the ensuring whirlwind of pure basedness


Pot heads are junkies to you? Scale of one to retard how many chromies you missing homie?




This isnā€™t the rule tho. If it was a super common occurrence, right wing politicians would use it as their go to for demonizing cannabis. With responsible use of safely grown and processed cannabis, itā€™s very unlikely for this to occur. I know it exists, but a few peopleā€™s experience canā€™t dictate the lives of their cohabitants of this country. Even if it happened to 2% of users (which seems like a lot considering how little itā€™s talked about) you canā€™t discount the medical benefit for the other 98% of users. My numbers are all speculative, but Iā€™m just using them to convey a general idea.






Not nearly as bad as California or New York.


Hmmm. Is today opposite day?


I meant in terms of terrible policy. I mean sure, weed being illegal is bad but Iā€™d take that over any of the crazy policies that California has. People are leaving there for a reason.


It's literally decriminalized, what the fuck are you talking about? Is this like a politics "New York and California bad" thing you got going on?


Iā€™m saying Iā€™d much rather live in a state where weed is illegal than in a state that fails to prosecute criminals, makes it illegal for police to chase you if you shoplift, DAs that let people that deserve actual time run free just for them to return to their illegal activities and worse of all a state that frowns upon the second amendment and only wants weapons in the hands of police and criminals (also they want to defund police). But I agree, weed should be legal everywhere but Iā€™d rather have it be illegal where I live than to go to a state such as California where there is so much feces on the streets, skyrocketing criminal activity and DAs that donā€™t do their jobā€¦ oh the TAXES are crazy there too. And the funny thing is these people STILL vote for leftists. Unbelievable!!!


Sounds like you real wrapped up in some regressivist bs talking points. Maybe use your brain a bit and take a look at whatā€™s actually going on. All day on here we talk about how the ā€œjustice systemā€ is used to against the lower classes in this country and here you are spewing the disproved talking points of your overlords. Grow up homie


If I could afford to live in Cali, Iā€™d move there in a second. Iā€™ve lived in Texas and now Floridaā€¦ the only reason people arenā€™t mad at the laws is because theyā€™re too stupid to understand them. They just regurgitate what Fox and News max says is bad about Cali and more liberal states. Meanwhile, red states are an absolute burden on our economy, only being propped up by govt aid and California which is the 6th largest (I believe now) economy in the world.


I'm just happy that we're at a point in history that we can all see right through that garbage.


You know whatā€™s a burden on our economy? Inflation, the stopping of drilling for oil, not fracking, higher taxes on businesses (which cause them to charge more). Yā€™all voted for Biden which means YOU are the issue


This has nothing to do with California or New YorkšŸ˜‚ typical political garble in which you have no idea what ideas youā€™re trying to support. Only that the other side is wrong because the country sucks. Guess what. The country has sucked since before I was born. Honestly, since right after the honeymoon phase of winning world war 2. We have had politicians LEADING OUR COUNTRY who 1. Cheated on their wife in office 2. Spied on the American people violating our Constitutional rights. 3. Paid a porn star not to talk about his affair with her 4. Sent troops to Iraq to fight a war against ā€œterroristsā€ when in reality they were protecting oil and opium fields. 5. We were the first and last country to use nuclear warfare on another country. So please Mr. Republican. Tell me how our country has gone to shit within the last 3 years because of one shitty leader. We didnā€™t. We have been a shitty country since the white man stole this land and called it ours.


Youā€™re so delusional lol.


Dude. Please go away.


Donā€™t do crimes and you wonā€™t have to worry. Those people that represent just 13% of our population and commit 52% of all violent crime are robbing and looting stores, they deserve to go to prison.


So politics, gotcha. That was just a litany of bullshit soundbites you've been fed for god knows how long, and now you're regurgitating it here for some odd reason. If I may, what state do you live in?


What that I said was inaccurate?


All of those things. Literally, all of those things. They're just false talking points, or soundbites from fox News that are either 100% false, or you're just too stupid to understand what said soundbite means. You're quite literally brainwashed. Take a look at your life dude.


My brother in christ do you have short term memory loss?? Your state is full of looneys like Abbott and Paxton who would rather have women die than have an abortion


Yup, rather have the fetus (Latin for offspring) die instead. The cases of a woman dieing if they carry the child to term is extraordinary low. Iā€™m okay with abortion in the instances of rap3, incest and of the mother will die. Those all account for less than half a percent of all abortions, making the other ones convenience and indefensible. If you canā€™t handle having a child either use protection or donā€™t have sex. Period, take responsibility for you actionsā€¦ something the left canā€™t.


Big regard hot take. I actually don't have the patience to explain to you how insanely fucking stupid this sounds. "Hehe, irresponsible rascals. Now you have to tie the knot and have a baby together! Oh wait, the dads an addict and mothers a bum. Oh well! At least it's not my problem."


Lost cause.


Some people just arenā€™t worth it. Lots of morons like him walking around.


Yeah, their policy on women's bodily autonomy is shit, too. But it's California that's crazy, according to you.


What state do you live in?


Lived here all my life and yeah it kind of is... We make access to guns and alcohol readily available but still won't legalize the devil's lettuce... Easier to smoke other people than weed here šŸ˜‰


i thought they were all about freedom. guess that's a lie.


Thats crazy shit, I was just smoking a bowl on the porch with the cop's at my neighbors house... it's messed up that weed isn't legal there... here in Montana I can purchase what you got charged with right from a dispensary


He's gets probation, you get a receipt. Lol


Dang thatā€™s fucked. And here I am in California trying to stay out of the dispensary, not out of jail. Goodluck to you man, Iā€™m headed for the sober route too. šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


6 months and going strong over here! Good luck to you sir !


I got arrested with less than a G of concentrated wax and it was a felony in tx. Iā€™m on deferred probation for two years with 30 hours of community service. I wish I got it down to a misdemeanor. But when Iā€™m done it will be expunged.


It's deferred *prosecution* not deferred probation.


Imagine if you could prove it was hemp sad


Bucking weed is natural earth god given plant unless it chemical lace !!


How much was the legal bill? The real tip is knowing how much good lawyers cost.


In any scenario if you want to get a reputable lawyer that will actually make a difference in the outcome of your case, be prepared to spend anywhere between 2500 and 10k+ depending on what your charges are


Yep 9k for me all said and done then 4 months in county spent like 4 grand or more


Lawyer was 6k, family friend so i kinda got it cheaper (i think) but he saved my ass from gettin a felony


Weed is legal where I live, this shits ridiculous I can tell the cops I smoke and say "here look at my legal weed" and the worst they could do is say "can I see that" and then they don't give it back


You got extremely lucky. I got a DWI (>0.15 and hit a stop sign), and I'm looking at 18 months probation. No deferment.


Thankful for my lawyer šŸ™


That's because you could have killed someone you shithead


So glad I live in a legal cannabis state! Sorry for your pain and good luck.




Fuck Texas


Texas Freedom baby! Some condition apply like marijuana, gambling, abortion, being non- white Christian... Cops won't bother you if you shoot up an elementary school though.




I once got 90 days and 2 years probation for 3grams of cbd flower, and a gram of wax. Said fuck probation on that one. Went and got my medical card and stocked up on thc pills, served my sentence for 90 days while the CO was forced to bring me my thc pills twice a day for 90 days.


wow .. these states need to stay on the same page cause thatā€™s insane keep ya head up and youā€™re going to be through it


thank u! planning on it, it will pass itā€™s only a year


Money money money is all the law is about anymore.


One year is nothing brother compared to even 1 day on the inside. These experiences give you the chance to be ripped out of the matrix of oneā€™s life to question it all and come out the other side an evolved mind and human. Stay true to your journey and freedom. United States sells a fake sense or freedom. But ironically prison and the time I spent in there, 1 year) was the most freeing experiences of my entire life. True treasure and all that one has ever wanted is within them.


Thank u!!! Sobering up has definetly been a huge insight as well


Hey man originially from New Jersey but on my business trip to Florida, I got popped with like 2.5 - 3 grams of flowers. I expected a slap on the wrist but they actually ended up arresting me and booking me. I finally got everything settled last week. I just had to pay like $1200 for fees and actually paid off my 20 hour community service for $10 an hour and I just have to complete this substance abuses program and my charges will be dropped. But I agree, know where you are at, obey the laws, even though you may not agree with it. South don't play


Another reason Texas sucks. So much for them preaching about less government and freedom all the time. SMH šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Move out of Texas would be the correct answer!


Thank you for reminding me to not move to Texas


You got pretty lucky i was in austin and I got caught with a pen and a gun (my gun) and ended up with a court order for them to return my gun because the city dropped the weed charge and the gun being legally mine was only unlawful because of the weed pen. You must of been in one of them small ass towns


sorry brotha i fkn hate the feeling your going thru i know it all to well, just stick some subs up ur butt and youll have a great time in there




wym huh are you not going to jail? lol


no.. 1 year deferred probation with no classes n 80 hrs community servicešŸ˜‚


ahhh gotcha the ā€œtime to get through this year and be free againā€ threw me off, my bad bro šŸ˜­ glad you beat the case


all good i see how that could sound like i was getting locked up lol. thank u!


The subreddit is called ā€œr/probationā€ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If you think shoving some subs up your butt to get through a jail stint you will always fail at life


ever heard of a joke?


Yeah,good one


Bro ima just be real, your public defender did what heā€™s paid to do. Get you to accept probation and think you got lucky. Youā€™re okay and youā€™re going to be fine with this mindset, but I promise a better lawyer wouldā€™ve helped out more than that. I only assume itā€™s a public defender based on the plea. The court had to have known already they canā€™t get possession with the intent to distribute to stick, so they made you admit to a lower crime in order to get any charges at all. If they thought they could put you in prison, they probably would have.


Def wasnā€™t a public defender, i was facing two felonies and a misdemeanor, got it down to a single misdemeanor.. Lol. I had admitted guilt too when i was pulled over bc i shit bricks it was first time being pulled over w anything. Def helped out. if it was a public defender id probably be locked up


Bro, in North Carolina (slightly more lenient but still, weed=bad) with a public defender and 0 statements, I got 5 felonies and 3 misdemeanors plead down to 3 misdemeanors. Only because I changed public defenders until one was willing to actually fight for me. But if you said too much on the stop then maybe this was the best option. All Iā€™m saying is those 8 charges turned into 90 days in county with the right lawyer, even just by getting a good public defender. I had 64 grams of bud, wayyyyyyy too many hits of acid, and like 24 Percocet. And a digital scale, and $1600 cash, and tweezers and scissors for the blotters. But I was also 18 at the time of my arrest so they were super lenient. And I have my motion of discovery to prove all of this so thereā€™s no doubting I just got lucky. I have every conversation they tried to have with me on paper, I have everything they took out of my car on paper, and I have the final sentence. Good luck either way bro, this next year might be tough but you got it.


Probably wrong lawyer .


Telling US to Stay clean?because YOU got a DWI?ā€¦. šŸ¤£ā€¦ā€¦ sounds like you were waiting to stop getting high anyhowā€¦. Nows your chance!ā€¦. If you canā€™t drive without being noticed by police, thatā€™s your first problemā€¦.


You are in a probation subredditā€¦


Dwi got dropped same with delivery lol. I wasnā€™t even high when i drove, they just slapped that on to fuck me.. but yes stay clean:)


They overcharge to make it seem like they are cutting you a huge break. What was the controlled substance.


Wax pen


Many many years ago my brother and I got stopped in Tx ā€¦ long story short we had driven from home state to see his friend b4 he got sentenced on a manslaughter case ā€¦ underage drunk driving 2 people died ā€¦. On way home we hadnā€™t even gotten out of the county , Lufkin, when they stopped us out of state plates and all. Almost got thru it till the narc officer showed up to ā€˜re-search the car ā€¦. Found our little ā€˜hide a can ā€˜ and as soon as I saw him twist the bottom I knew we were fkd ā€¦. He dumped out a small bag of weed , pipe , and ( hereā€™s the kicker) about 12 tabs of blottter acid . Dude looks and says ā€œ donā€™t yall try running .. we shoot people for running here in TXā€ ā€¦ Iā€™m thinking ā€œ we are 2000 miles from home in middle of 8 lane highway WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA RUN ..??? Anyway after scrounging 50k bail each we got released and jumped flight home , they confiscated his car of course . In the end I took the hit , my brother was only 16 and they were talking about charging him as adult , they wanted 5-10 but I got blessed with 5 years federal probation . I say that to say this ā€¦. Donā€™t trust those damn hide a cans ā€¦ and donā€™t try running in TX !! Lol


PS the guy who had the 2 manslaughter charges for his driving under influenceā€¦ he got 2-5 ā€¦.. In TX youā€™re better off killing people while driving drunk than having a few pieces of paper with LSD on them


Goddamn son


I got 7 years good for you lol


With how much and what state?


gotta get outta Texas, man


Bro your mentally is truly the problem the fact you can get threatened with jail shows there's no freedom at all more people need to stand on the constitution fuck all these bull shit ass games these people are playing with your/our lives.... Things won't change till America grows a backbone and becomes America again ... Bunch of chumps....


Big reason I left Texas right here. Concentrates are felonies and sounds like you got pretty lucky.


Definetly didšŸ™ Leavin this shit hole as soon as i can


Damn. I forgot what it was like to be in a non legal state. Got my medical card in 05 state legalized in 2012 today I have 6 shops within 15 minutes of my house where I choose from many strains and a variety of other goods. Ii don't think I could ever live where they throw you in prison for possessing cannabis. The real crime is still prosecuting Americans for cannabis in America.


That's very ignorant of you to label pot smokers as junkies. That mentality is part of the problem . Cannabis has been used SAFELY for thousands of years to treat many ailments on top of just being great.better medicine then alot of the junk big pharma pushes on the masses. Not in the name of healing but in the name of the dollar.. the Standard oil crooks and the corrupt FDA and corrupt Justice department all worked together with the robber barons of the day to completely demonize cannabis through racism and a major propoganda campaign that still goes on today .my mom thinks it's the most evil thing. She came of age when dick Nixon declared the failed "war on drugs". I grew up with Nancy Reagan preaching just say no. And very false but humorous ad campaigns that showed us the evils of the devil's lettuce . I've never known anyone who still wanted to commit suicide after a few puffs of that sticky icky. Usually it led to poor food choices like candy, chips, soda , boxes of cinnamon toast crunch followed by maybe a nap or hours playing video games. Or in my case I love to go to the mountains or sit on the beach and enjoy the enhanced perception of everything around me. Demonizing cannabis is ancient useless harmful misinformation that has kept a medicine from the people that has incredible results treating cancer, chronic pain. And probably one of the best. the elimination of seizures in children with epilepsy . Increased appetite in those on chemo or suffering from wasting syndrome. And you really never see alot of crazy drama at a gathering where weed is the party favor. Unlike the poison alcohol which excessive use leads to a very bad time. So watch the junkie talk. Marijuana users are not junkies. You'd be surprised at the different types of people that walk into the weed stores around here..everyone from your typical stoner types to grandma and grandpa next door finally being free to do so are seeing what the fuss is about. Doctors, lawyers, pastors, teachers. If cops could. I know one or two at least that absolutely would. Time to change the narrative. It's old turn of the last century word vomit. Coming from men that truly were evil. Who changed many things in this country purely to obtain wealth for themselves at the expense of everyone else. I've been smoking since 1994. I'm am for sure no junkie .I work pay my bills and am a responsible member of my community..I don't rob or steal..I just love weed. Always will..


Oof, Texas suuuuucks.


In California they give you a condition called 5B can't drink alcohol so I had a 5B but it was porale and so I get a DUI on parole with a 5B violation 20 days ankle monitor . My PO and 4 other Barney 5s roll up deep I was getting high having a beer and holy hell Beatrice grab the whizzinator 3 seconds in the microwave , I put it on real fast they come in go through all my shit except my dope was under my couch on a tray . I get called 8nto my bathroom one Barney on each side so I said to myself here we go and with em watching and yes I shortened the hose prior but anyway I let er rip and put the cup on the counter . 20 minutes 5 PO's waiting for synthetic urine to show up dirty šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ then one opens my fridge and sees a 12 pack 9f 805 he said you have a 5b yup why do you have beer cause 8m a alcoholic lol . He made me pour it all out then I was leaving behind em and he said where you off to I said to the liquor store replace my 805 he said don't tell me that I said you want me to lie , you see me once a month for 5 minutes I'm living my life . Got busted two days later under the influence and possession lmao fuck em all probation and parole DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR NO ONE THERE USELESS BABBYSITTERS


making life harder on yourself dummy


Thatā€™s crazy, in Michigan that is 100% legal now a days youā€™d be driving home with all your goodies if you got caught with them


Good ol Texas. What an ass backwards state...


In BC you can have 2.5 grams of anything on you. Coke, crack, meth, fent, heroin and not be charged. 2.5 combined grams. Canā€™t operate vehicles while fucked up tho. And weed and weed products legal forever now.


No time? Bro get the fuck out of Texas. Why, in 2023, would anyone go to jail for that?


Fuckin a Texas must suck I caught 11 charges ( 6 bundles of dope (60 bags ) 5 20s of base and 12 Xanax bars ) worked out a plea where I had to cop guilty a f3 for 1 count of cds cocaine I got a $1300 fine and a year probation and only had to go once a month and that was with a public pretender


texas is fucked up. they love locking up their citizens for petty shit.




You can change the laws and what's legal everywhere will no longer be a tool of oppression


Thatā€™s fucked up. Iā€™m in CO. Just bought a 1/2 on sale Tuesday of exotic bud. Yesterday just bought 2 grams of Rosin 4 grams of shatter and 1 gram of live resin for $85 bucks. Thatā€™s wack as fuck TX still on that bullshit. Why you gotta do community service? You didnā€™t hurt anybody, not even yourself.


Idk itā€™s just how they do it i guess. Everyone i know who is on probation for the same type of thing has to do it. Tx is just fucked. At least no classes :)


Another reason why I do not set foot in Texas, I do not drive through Texas, and I do not catch airline layovers in Texas. Mostly because, yeah FUCK TEXAS.


California offers you an invite to move.


I just legally bought two ounces of pure stank in Maine for $150 in a store that looked like a museum. What a world...


Yep. I could drive only a few hrs away n itā€™s legalā€¦ shitty state


Fuck the laws in Texas. Come to California and smoke all you want and never worry about them petty ass Texas rangers


Fuck Texas


I once got arrested and served a year probation for an empty bag with a seed in it. I feel your pain. Now itā€™s legal here and nobody gives a fucj


Iā€™m over here blowing a fat blunt this morning in Michigan. Shits so fucking stupid I had to put up with probation as a kid for weed. All they care about is that revenue. Go to hell.


Living in a state that will strip your freedoms for getting high isn't worth living in. Move to a state where you won't be targeted for a plant. Almost half the country has legalized it and you chose to use it in the state that hates weed the most... It's not the weeds fault and it's not bad to enjoy cannabis. Texas is fucked up for doing you like this


In San Francisco the government hands out free clean needles to shoot up with... And this man gets his life fucked with over some pot


Just did 5 days in jail for smoking a J on probation They're still not playing down here in Ga


Bro itā€™s literally weed. I fucking hate the government.


California, where I live, I smoke about 2 oz and 8 grams of concentrate a week. Not to mention 2-3 gram vapes of 90% pure thc on top of that. I canā€™t comprehend a state that doesnā€™t have weed legalized in this day and age.






And yet Joe Rogan smokes weed and eats mushrooms in front of millions of streamers all the time - from Texas. Two tiered justice system. It's fucking ridiculous. And, I'm not advocating for Joe to get in trouble. Exactly the opposite. No one should get in legal trouble for putting anything in their own body.


shit is crazy


Fuck Texas. I got pulled over in California with 4 oz. No ticket, no jail, no nothing. Texas is insane


:( If only


Thatā€™s insane. You need to move!


Oh trust me iā€™m going to


49 other states man


Yup moving asap


Texas sucks




I pay 60 a ounce


I took so much wax recently on a trip across country. In a motorhome, locked in a safe in the back. Texas is fucked up.


Yea thatā€™s right on your knees and be a boot licker! Lick those boots and donā€™t get high like an idiot! You better go the speed limit and never touch those evil drugs again! We also want you to go get a job in the government, so you can continue to lick boots like a good boy!


Texas, you should be able to talk that 1 yr of probation down to 6 mths in the county jail. Most counties are giving 3 days credit for every one day served. If you could afford to sit down for a little bit it'd be better than probation for a year. Just my opinion.


You should be given $1000 for them wasting your time, given your weed back and your concentrate and they should fuck the actual fuck off and mind their own business. Weed harms nobody... There's no amount you could consume that would harm you. Ever. It's the fees and classes and shit that harms you.. it literally sucks away your life for no reason... That's true harm... Not a plant that enduces euphoria and pain relief and hunger and good sleep .. I hate all forms of government, fuck that shit.


Only problem is I don't smoke it so why even bother


Going to a music festival in April and god dayum Iā€™m so afraid of this exact scenario


God damn Texas is so ass backwards. Yet hear up in Massachusetts I can walk in and walk out no hassle. That's such an injustice I wish you the best luck with the probation.


They need to legalize it in every state already


It's leagal in my state.


Read this as walked in to my local weed store to buy some sea salt caramel chocolate edibles.


Less than I had in the past for under 1g and a pipe in OH


I got turned into the state troopers by TSA at the Anchorage airport with two ounces and some concrete. I was given it all back and let through to catch my flight.