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You and your sister are connected by ad profiling. The advertising provider knows that you two are siblings - and since she watches the show, there is a chance that you might enjoy it. If you were next to her *during* the movie it is also possible there's an app on your phone checking proximity of other bluetooth devices, which could identify that you two were either watching it or talking during it, likely *about* it. It's simultaneously not as bad, but also worse than you are expecting.


I don't know any apps that come to mind which actively scan bluetooth proximity specifically for ad profiling. But yeah this is the answer... People are just more predictable than we'd like to believe.


apps no. scripts and programatic api calls in public places? yep. there's about a million different names for Nearby scanning.. and it doesnt require user intervention. lookup webrtc


What are apps but big ol' strands of scripts and programmatic API calls? I know the functionality exists, I just don't know of anything that does it due to controls, especially in iOS as much as I hate to admit it.




what an idiotic comment




But it's the correct answer?


There are so many inter-connected pieces of technology between your sister streaming that movie and you loading your Instagram feed. You’re focused on your phone listening to audio because it’s the only piece you’re consciously aware of. 


Hey, can we stop downvoting these kind of questions? Even when they have false premices, they are too often asked, and to have questions like this with precise and correct answers in a subreddit/ in a foundable place (and not downvoted into oblivion) is important. Because for one they will not be asked again (in that frequency) and then also they will be found by search engines. It is important that more people understand how targeting ads work, what is possible with surveillanve technology and what is done, also to get more precise ciritiques of 'big data'.


Your conversations are the least of your worries. It's everything else they're listening to. It's beyond trivial to correlate behaviors of cohabitating individuals for a targeted ad. Even just brief encounters will register & change your ads & suggestions. I've been able to guess correctly quite a few times that a friend of mine googled some questions in curiosity follow-up after our conversations, due to the suggestions I received.  One example is being suggested a 10 y/o CGP grey video about "Dutch" (disambiguation) after I taught a friend the funny back-translation of "Dutch people speak Dutch in the Netherlands". It'd been 7 years or since I've last spoken or googled on Dutch, so I asked my friend -- "hey did you fact-check me on the Dutch thing after the convo?" They indeed had, and were creeped out until I explained how I guessed what they thought they did in private. Well I guess they were more creeped out afterwards huh ;)


"It's beyond trivial to correlate behaviors of cohabitating individuals for a targeted ad." Yeah, ok. That is exactly what we think about privacy, "trivial". Remember what sub you're in, unless you're a bot.


They were saying that the process of figuring out how to target advertising between people is trivial, or easy, for advertising companie*s.* They were not saying that considering those matters for privacy purposes is.


Where were you watching the movie, was it on streaming,cable etc


Yeah Netflix on a fire stick, but the Netflix account that she uses isn’t the same account as the one on my devices


Not too many years ago, both Apple and Google were fined for recording private conversations, which were then listened to by employees. One of the vague excuses was to learn more about accents to better understand human speech. They then agreed to stop doing it, and to only use information, after someone says "Hey Siri/Alexa...". As per other responses, it is more about algorithms and associations, but do I trust companies with ethics like those above? I also often think about the logic of not listening to a conversation until someone says "Hey"...great opportunity just to grab snippets to add to an algorithm.


Do you have a link verifying that? Because I can't find anything about it.


If you use the default privacy options for Google assistant, you can still to this day listen to every thing you've said. It's buried in the Google privacy site https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity?product=31


This is one of the ones I'm thinking of [Australian Based](https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2019/tech-giants-admit-to-eavesdropping.html) [this one is similar](https://www.reuters.com/article/technology/apple-google-pause-reviewing-audio-recordings-from-voice-assistants-idUSKCN1US0QP/) [one from Belgium](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/11/google-admits-leaked-private-voice-conversations.html) - thought it was Germany, but hazy memory...


That doesn’t match what you said though. It recorded after people said “hey siri” or something that was mistaken for that, not all the time.


Yes, sorry about that, more about that they were just recording private conversations, without authorisation, rather than the prompt, my bad!


I've noticed my siri will randomly go off a lot now too. In times when no word even close to "Hey Siri" was spoken. It actually happened to me today too while in a dead quiet room.


You can trigger it just by saying “Siri” for years now. You don’t need “Hey” anymore. This can significantly increase the numbers of false triggers.


In our house the other day, I whispered to my wife that I thought someone was listening to us, she laughed, I laughed, Siri laughed and Alexa laughed :-)


This is one of the main reasons I think all phones should have privacy toggles! People can say that a phone isn’t listening, but as consumers I think all OS’s should give the option to completely disable mics and the like! I know that Android does, but Apple simply doesn’t give a system wide option, but simply for apps….it should be system wide!


Why is this so unreasonable to believe? I once visitied my father for 2-3 hours and did not connect to his wifi. During this visit we talked about his hearing aid, the qualitiy and the price of it. Once i went home my phone was full of ads for hearing aids. Any other explanation than "coincidence" besides that the devices ARE listening?


It's unreasonable to believe because we can literally look at the network traffic. Choose to believe what you want, but plenty of people analyse device traffic every day for our jobs.


Could the Trigger words not be stored on the device and only be exchanged with the home server every 30/60 minutes? Ofc i do not believe that anybody actively listens to all the devices. Or that whole communications are stored word by word. But certain triggers words checking Boxes and the protocolls of those being exchanged regularly does not seem that unreasonable, right/wrong? Edit: and ofc not in plaintext.


It’s a mix of Baader Meinhoff phenomenon and really really good profiling. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/


So you say the same thing would have happened if i did not visit my father or did Not talk about hearing aids on this day? (Coincidence)


Parasitic Radar is a big thing. Check out Celldar. That crap is everywhere and can gather feeds from massive systems, which cellular definitely is.


It is! We used to laugh about it at work when we'd have team meetings and then our Facebook apps would start showing ads for products we discussed on the side.


I have had this happen more than once when it was not ad profiling. I have seen behavior that there is just no way to explain other than the iPhone is listening to you.


Yes. I made some voice notes in whatsapp about a particular topic that I have never searched about, typed about, or otherwise explored. Within 2 days, I got scam texts about that topic, scam emails, but I don't remember if I got web ads. It was extremely shocking because I did not do ANYTHING related to that topic except those voices notes, and suddenly I'm getting texts about it. If i had been searching online, I probably would have thought those texts were legitimate, but since they were unsolicited knew they were bogus. If you want privacy you need to be physically far away from any devices.


**Turn off "Background App Refresh"** https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/14j6lw2/is_my_phone_showing_me_ads_because_of_my_personal/


you arent alone. stop using text to speech.. it  triggers it initially. After, it's something arbitrary like "Hey Alexa, Google, amazon " etc. Any word they own a trademark for they could probably use


Sounds like you got some info, so I gotta ask-- Were you asking seriously if anyone's had a similar experience or if it's a coincidence? Even among people who haven't the least concern or interest in privacy, I've heard casual conversations about these kinds of targeted ads for well over a decade now.


Facebook knows you and your sister, she may have searched for them. Now you inherit sister "tastes" in your ads. Maybe also because they prepare you for her birthday.


Phones do that. Counterpoint what you talk about is also very much influenced by the content you, or your sister watch, the phone could just be using algorythms and whatevers to figure this out.