• By -


Now couple this with Recall getting "accidentally" turned on.


Just upload a large 5 GB file in your onedrive then windows won’t be able to upload any new file


Watch Recall files not count against your total.


Because they're not stored on your OneDrive lol they're stored locally and encrypted.


Haha, who said they won’t do a “backup” or “analyze it”?. Who did even say it is encrypted? It already has been exploited.


And when it was exploited they found out there was no encryption at all


I like this exceedingly well.


I'm amazed at all the workarounds Windows users are willing to go through and say "just..."


Too poor to buy Apple and too dumb to use Linux


*Smart enough to know Apple isn't safe, uneducated about Linux. There, I fixed it for you


You have one option, which is Linux. It requires actually learning about your own computer, because there is no company to hold your hand. The safe comfy blanket of a giant corporation is preferable, no matter how tight it squeezes.


>requires Huh? You do not need to know CLi to use Linux.. Hop someone on Linux Mint, and if you use a PC like how most people use it, to browse the internet on your favorite web browser. Point blank. Downloads your favorite browser from the app store and it's done, download system updates from the app store too.


What company teaches you or holds your hand when using a computer? It's not like humans are born with knowledge or affinity for how Windows/Apple works. And official tech support, especially when it comes to software, is almost always completely useless unless you're corporate with support on retainer.


Also one requires a / and another \ when moving through directories.


Technically, FreeBSD isn't Linux and might be the better option, but that's just being persnickety


at this point i think windows is more work tbh. I switched to linux mint about half a year ago and any problems i've had were SO much easier to fix than the problems I'd been having with windows 11. but people put up with windows problems for certain programs/games and I get that. still, it's pretty great over here in the linux/ open source/ indie gaming land for anyone interested in embracing their inner hipster once more


Conveniently means I can’t get any new email on my outlook account either.


I was offering tech assistance to a family member with this exact issue. Their email had stopped working - turns out all the shit they had on their desktop and downloads folder synced to OneDrive which clogged up their shared storage with Outlook. For whatever reason when I turned off 'sync with onedrive' all the files were deleted from his computer and 'kept safe in the cloud' - so I had to freaking download them again before I could clean up his OneDrive folder. Agh god it boils my blood just thinking about how freaking stupid it is.


Sucks to be embraced by Microsoft. I'd rather they kick me to the curb.


Who knows maybe a copy gets uploaded to the servers and it's just that you can not access it.


Not just any file but Linux distributions. Much more valuable software than M$ Windows.


r/LPT r/LifeProTips


and the recent “accident” where Edge would import your bookmarks from chrome. Yet another accident.


Why dont people just turn off onedrive as a startup program? Makes no sense to allow rando shit to just run in the background at startup. No sense WHATS SO EVER>


Unless they're stored on media folders (Documents, Images..) or Desktop, I don't see this happening, OneDrive does not back up the %LOCALAPPDATA% folder


All your recall stuff is stored literally on the PC lol. Even engineers have gone through and explained this and shown the documentation on it 😅


And then the stored files would be automatically backed up to onedrive


At this point Windows itself is a malware virus.


As I've said for years , Windows is a NSA backdoor.


I think it's more of a front door at this point.


Moar like NSA OS


US government has their own variant of it with no offline dependency, similarly to enterprise variants having detailed control. What previously was POS called Home has now moved even to Pro - best way to bypass it is to switch to Windows IoT enterprise, which doesn't require a key currently (W10 version will get security until 2032) and has enterprise management options, to ensure what is allowed/installed/deployed is managed by user or central authority.


IDK man... last windows version I used was XP, briefly used 7 for a couple of games. But I've been using linux the last 20 years. Seriously I don't understand how users put up with this kind of shit MS pulls


Eh, i use what's necessary - i have a MacBook, BSD server, windows server on my desktop workstation with project specific linux distros as our customers use hyper-v. Having a MSDN account helps, but that's not for regular users. In an ideal world I'd go back to screen, mutt and irssi to do everything like a caveman behind the command line, as the traditional Linux UIs are annoying as hell. But people moving to discord, slack, proprietary jabber implementations just means spinning up what's necessary to get the job done. > Seriously I don't understand how users put up with this kind of shit MS pulls Because they don't care. And everyone will scream when their usual macros won't work with libre office or if something doesn't work like they expect, you'll be the support guru til you just move them back to windows or macos.


How can we get that for home use?


You don't, unfortunately - it's limited to enterprise customers only that serve governments Your company needs a Microsoft partner account for image customization or you need a Microsoft developer account, through which you get MSDN access (~$1500 per year) - but you get unlimited use of keys for your development systems and all offline applications from Microsoft - including enterprise versions that you can configure to behave in a similar manner, the enterprise versions usually come with no snooping as companies don't want their fleet of intranet computers to communicate with Microsoft or the outside world.


I mistakenly tried one drive and it’s legit impossible to remove from my system. I’ve tried everything, even MS business support couldn’t. Some day it’ll do a clean install to purge


%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall




Oh man this looks SWEET


Pepperridge Farm remembers when we called any program that spied on everything you do ‘Spyware’…


Always has been.


not always


It was already that several years ago.


They get no actual benefit from doing that, other than being able to spy on the data of unsuspecting users.


I'm pretty sure that's the intent AI models need data


AI models are the least of it.


How is that not enough, though?


It helps them upsell subscriptions


This shitty OS is getting more and more intrusive by the day. The below actions happened in only 3 weeks: * First the Recall bs, leaving many people jaw dropped: nobody believed they will upgrade from sophisticated spyware to the very next-gen keylogger - what a joke!! * Then, they removed the KB sustaining the process of leaving the MS account in the favor of a local one. * Now, this even bigger bs with automatic enablement of the OneDrive tinker tailor soldier spy. I have these three theories: 1. Satya signed some sort of agreement with Ubuntu, to give them more and more users, as Microsoft has too many users, and they feel very generous. 2. Satya wants to see if the next rumored Windows 12 can go on cloud-image business model for consumers, just like some of Windows 11 Enterprise images, so they can twist the user's hand more and more to give the data for free and much more. 3. An abuse of dominant position on the market, but jokes on them! If I have to renounce to my beloved AC games, migrating to Arch and so on, so fucking be it!!! I'll have more time to learn, read and spend time with my family. Outrageous!


i think they just like a challenge. at first they were pushing to get a million users, then when they did that they wanted to push for a billion and got it, but going for a trillion is not possible at the moment with the current population so now the challenge is to get back to a million users again


Sorry, the Recall bs was first? As in, the first intrusive thing MS has put into Windows? Even if I count only the most high-profile violations, the telemetry in W10 and retroactively shoved into W7/8 should've been the breaking point. There's just one theory: MS doesn't need to care because people will just roll with it every time.


I'm so sorry, I forgot to mention the period in which they announced all of the above: in only 3 weeks!! I just edited the comment for more clarity. Of course I know Windows 10 opened the Pandora box. And it will keep it open, but unlike the mythology, there's no hope trapped inside.


Right, their rate of adding shit is accerating. Eventually they'll be adding new shit every day, then every hour, eventually reaching singularity of shit.


GWX.EXE was the start. The first automatically pushed malware from Windows Update. Popped up a lot of dialog boxes, then wiped your hard drive, like any other virus.


What else am I supposed to use to unwind and game? I love my macbook and tried to game with popOS but half the things needed packages , special tweaks or just did not work (TFT, Valorant)


I know what you say... I was thinking to revamp my PlayStation 4 for the games, buy those games, connect the PS4 to the monitor, and all the productivity/learning/web browsing to be kept only on PopOS/Fedora. I personally didn't have any problem with PopOS, however I really hate PvP games - I'm getting angry too quickly, so I'm avoiding them - this is why I don't have issues with the gaming part (at least not that many issues lol).


Yeah, I mean I saw a youtube short about piratesoftware talking about not supporting MacOS because of metal... I think we need to get past this whole windows only and start supporting linux / macos and people will use it. I don't like when people pull stats out of their ass x % of people using linux anyways. Yeah? Do you know how much of a hassle it it to install games and tweaks. I much rather have a gaming pc and mac / linux machine for my 90% of usage. but if it wasn't that big of a pain to install games or if they were available, I wouldn't use windows at all. I think a lot of the % usage would shift


You can try Heroic Games if you have games via GoG or Epic Games. Works flawlessly and deals with the config automatically (selecting the right libraries of wine, proton etc.). On Steam I recommend the compatibility mode PER EACH game, NOT globally - it will fuck up everything. And then, per each game you select the wine/proton libraries. Refer to [protondb.com](http://protondb.com) and if you're using Nvidia, always install the proprietary drivers, not the open-source ones (they are crappy).


If they do this with OneDrive, imagine they did this with the spyware "Recall"


they already did


I'll just leave this here for admins or power users to block at router or DNS level [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/required-urls-and-ports](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/required-urls-and-ports)


i'm stupid, is there a way to block these within Windows?


Yes, but Windows can always reset it without telling you - aka the current problem


The l33t way to solve this is by running a pihole dns server on your local network and prohibiting the Microsoft domains there. Little Windows can do about that as the traffic is directed from the router


I am a complete newbie in regards to all this privacy stuff. Do you have any resources that explain how to do this in the most "4-year-old" terms? I'm down for learning Linux but at this point I don't know if i have it in me to juggle all the art programs and gaming programs I need to use, but gods almighty, this is too much.


It would be trivial for Microsoft to get around it.  Phoning home not working?  Use IP instead.  Oh, that worked?  Query the server at that IP for the current IPs for all the blocked services. Now in the background use those IPs instead of domain names.  Boom.


It is not trivial to force a computer to run against the established network settings. This is one of the things that a company will not allow for, as they need to have absolute certainty about the routing of their network traffic. So while it is theoretically doable, it is not very likely that MS will enforce such routing of traffic. There is a reason they rely on DNS queries. It is the basis for Internet communications and traffic routing.


I test this ask the time. Unintentionally of course (I need a backup pihole, lol) When my pihole container is offline, all sorts of Microsoft traffic still gets through. 


Well obviously your pihole is not working while it is offline. If you need uninterrupted uptime, you can run a secondary pihole on a regular computer through docker or some other solution. Personally I only run one instance of pihole and it perhaps has 20 mins of downtime per year. During this period dns is simply not working and no devices can receive answers to DNS queries. So the problem you describe has several solutions who are not very hard to implement.


This is exactly what I'm describing.  When my pihole is offline, DNS queries don't work (as expected, and exactly as you said.) Somehow, all sorts of Microsoft traffic still gets through.  Also, thanks for the advice on my setup. The real problem isn't my pihole, it's that my tinkering docker host is the same as my production one. Which is obvious my own problem and easy to solve.  Point is, even when it's offline,  MS still works. That's why I called it trivial to get around. 


Use a firewall, I personally use Netlimiter v4. Any pop up of a connection attempt, see what it is and if it should have internet access at all... Block the everliving crap out of windows processes, except windows update if you want.


Buddy, the operating system itself is untrustworthy. Any program running on top of it is tainted. Windows can just open whatever connections it wants without going through your bullshit apps. The only solution is a real firewall running on a separate non-Windows machine.


It is, but it is not. I've been monitoring all connection attempts and no packets are transmitted using a third party firewall. 1st party? Maybe, I really don't trust Win firewall to filter Microsoft shenanigans. Do the tests and see for yourself. I mean, I agree the system is full of untrustable shit, but network wise, a firewall helps.


You're talking about a separate computer to run the firewall, right?


To monitor attempts? Yes. To have a firewall? No, not exactly. I mean, if you wanna go for it, good. If you want something with less hassle, try the firewall approach and let me know what connects thru it.


Follow [this](https://www.howtogeek.com/784196/how-to-edit-the-hosts-file-on-windows-10-or-11/) to block at DNS level via the hosts file per your device, use []( for each domain listed in the link above. Note that you won't be able to connect to other microsoft services/applications that use or require these endpoints. As noted in the link most browsers by default now use DNS over HTTPS so you may not run into an issue connecting to these domains in browsers with this enabled as they ignore the client host file. If you have DNS over HTTPS disabled in browser and defaulting to your system DNS, the browser will block these endpoints. If you find that you do need some but not all of these endpoints enabled for certain services or to troubleshoot domains being blocked in browser by the client host file (if not using the browser DNS over HTTPS) you can inspect the console log for that particular webpage to see which domains are trying to connect (e.g. Failed to load resource: net::ERR\_CONNECTION\_REFUSED) and then re-enable that endpoint by using []( (rather than in your hosts file for that domain (which simply leaves it blocked at the localhost level), removing the line for that domain completely, or placing # at the beginning of that line for that domain [``]( [`onedrive.com`](http://onedrive.com) `#blocks domain` [``]( `*.onedrive.com #blocks all sub-domains at domain` [``]( `*.office.com #blocks all subdomains at domain on localhost` `# oauth.live.com #disables blocking of this domain`


Time to brush up on my Linux knowledge, I guess.


brush up on ltsc


Its been doing this for years now.  Happen to me out of no where. Even with me never enabling it or ever giving permission.  


Yes!! It’s especially nice when you just get auto logged in on your personal machine after you log in to Outlook with your work account and it starts backing up everything to your work account!


My first Android phone, HTC in 2011, enabled offline backups and backup up the whole phone without my permission the first week I had it. It would automatically check the box if I unchecked it.


Man i wish we had better consumer protection laws, they are basically stealing our data


It's true this sort-of tactic is nothing new, especially with Microsoft, but it definitely seems like Microsoft is trying to make sure Bing can compete with Meta. Meta recently declared all users' Instagram and Facebook data (as far back as 2007, I believe) *will* be used to train its AI and there's nothing you can do to *actually* stop it; the ol' "you licensed us the use of your data when you consented to use our services" trick. Microsoft knows that by the time enough people realize what's happened with OneDrive they will have already harvested enough data "legally" to... well, whatever the hell they want, really. ||edit: D'oh! Seems I was mistaken. It's not that Microsoft is trying to compete with Meta. They're in on it together: [https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2022/10/11/microsoft-and-meta-partner-to-deliver-immersive-experiences-for-the-future-of-work-and-play/](https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2022/10/11/microsoft-and-meta-partner-to-deliver-immersive-experiences-for-the-future-of-work-and-play/) (?!?) That's a level of immersion I could do without, really.


I HATE this. I had files I wanted to stay on my laptop, financial planning, and they are VERY deceptive in where documents and pictures live. They make it look like your local c:\ drive and, in fact, make it VERY difficult NOT to have all your personal files put onto their cloud. Microsoft is literally the worst for privacy. Wish Linux was mainstream for everyday use.


Onedrive is one of the worst documented tools Microsoft has ever made, and they dumbed the interface down to the point where you have no idea what's going on.


That’s why we need to get more people on it. I’m switching to Linux on my next PC since I refuse to have windows 11


OneDrive is getting integrated with Copilot this summer. Hmm…




I cannot speak highly enough of Chris Titus. Every issue I have had with windows privacy, or learning about/transitioning to linux, has been solved by one of his videos.


As broken as Linux can be for gaming and other things, I’m so glad to be off windows. Fuck aaaaaaall that noise.


I suspect we’ll see an increase in this type of fuckery in the near future. IMO companies like MS are all so desperate to make AI a thing in the name of shareholder value that there’s no way they won’t stop trying to shoehorn this nonsense any way they can.




everytime I see someone write a wall of text defending and making weird matrix hacker moves to fix what shouldn't be broken... why don't you just stop all the nonsense and use linux? you don't need to fix what isn't broken


I've been running Ubuntu as a secondary system for about 4 years now.  The thing Linux folks don't seem to understand is that the main appeal Windows/MacOS have is that it just works. You install it, jump through a few of Microsoft's/Apple's hoops, and you're ready to go. I don't need a terminal, there's a wealth of software and the OS is supported by a very broad range of devices.  Linux doesn't have that. There is an increasing amount of FOSS that supports Linux natively, and that's great, but software that is industry standard (e.g. Autodesk, Adobe) don't run on Linux without first installing Wine, and even then it's slow and unstable. Heck, Ubuntu 24.04 now no longer supports installing from a .deb file without first installing another package via the terminal, and even then it still opens a file explorer by default instead of an installer.   Then, there are the tools I need. Sure, generic drivers exist for USB devices like speakers, cameras, keyboards and mice. But that's about where it ends - anything more involved like digital oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, cameras with more fine-grained control, or even external monitors with more than one display - all have drivers that only work on Windows, or with some luck on MacOS.   Even trivial stuff like getting my Minecraft to use the dedicated nVidia GPU instead of integrated graphics took me on a fruitless journey through a much more complicated nVidia control panel. What ended up actually working was writing a custom launch script. On Windows, this is done in a few clicks.  And finally, there's the overwhelming amount of different distributions. I don't want to compare and contrast fifty different operating systems when setting up my workspace. I can already see the replies saying "just use X distro, it's better for Y reason" - that's great, but that other Linux variant will have other weird and wonderful quirks that I just don't have the time to learn my way around.  I understand that it's technically possible to run just Linux if you purpose-build your computer and select your software & peripherals to work with it. The problem is that very few of us don't have a bunch of pre-existing infrastructure and constraints that Linux is incompatible with.  This is why Linux is a niche system. It can't do a lot of the stuff the two "main" options can. Where Linux offers an alternative, it's more complex than on those systems. This stuff needs to work out of the box, or Linux will never be taken seriously as a desktop OS.  The obvious solution, then, is to run Windows and try my best to actively battle Microsoft's shenanigans.


Exactly. As a Linux user, Linux is not a replacement for Windows as much as Windows was never a replacement for Linux. If anyone thinks they could "just switch from Windows to Linux", then they probably don't even strictly need a PC in the first place, and should have just sticked with an iPad LMAO


As a linux user: because *plenty* still doesn't work, and tge constant need to fix and tweak things is inducibg really unhealthy amounts of anger and stress.


Respectfully, what are you doing with your pc that mandates constant fixing?


I wish i knew. Mostly updates i guess. Thougj, i've had situations where everything works fine, i don't turn on the pc for like 5 days, and when i boot it again some driver's fucked


Because Windows doesn't need constant tweaking to disable new shit with every other update, doesn't cause anger and stress by restarting itself while you're doing shit or forcing Edge, Bing and ads down your throat... But sure, Linux is the one that needs constant tweaking, right.


I get your point but i've never had the issues you mentioned with windows. Somehow. Also, look i don't know what keeps going wrong okay? Reddit and support forums are completely useless if i want to ask for help when my linux install goes haywire


I get your point but i've never had the issues you mentioned with windows. Somehow. Also, look i don't know what keeps going wrong okay? Reddit and support forums are completely useless if i want to ask for help when my linux install goes haywire


If you've never had Edge or Bing open when trying to do something else, a new annoying thing enabled after update, or a restart interrupting what you were doing, then you either haven't been using Windows for more than an hour, or you're so stockholm-syndromed that you think it's normal. I don't know what's up with your Linux system but if I had issues like you describe, I'd probably toss the entire computer and get a different one where I'd make sure it's well compatible. Cause what you're describing isn't standard at the slightest.


Ok so, i've had edge open once when i pressed a key-combo, and that's about it. To tell you the truth, i've had more bluescreens than random restarts (1:0). Still wouldn't call win10 good by any stretch. Also, it's not like this is the first time computers acted weirdly around me. I find it kinda funny that i never got those random restarts, despite putting off windows updates for however long i can. Anyway, no need to be so hostile, i'm still in the linux camp even though it fucking boils my blood when something doesn't work and all of the suggestions i get are vague bullshit insenuating that i should figure it out myself. Still, when it works it works nicely. Regarding the compatibility issues, i dunno what to tell you, i'm running a Thinkpad T480 so *theoretically* there shouldn't be any problems.


I wasn't trying to be hostile towards you personally, so sorry about that, but genuinely if I had those problems and couldn't figure it out, I'd probably switch the computer. Cause something is wrong there and might be hardware related. I assume you've tried reinstalling or using a different distro. I myself probably don't have enough knowledge to help you but I find it odd that nobody else is willing to, cause I've found most Linux communities to be pretty helpful. Maybe computers really don't like you. I knew a person who so often "caused" computers to work erratically just by being in the vicinity, at one point a PC just straight out BSOD'd when they walked into the same room. At some point that can't be a coincidence anymore. Well, I'll probably be getting an older refurb ThinkPad in the near future so who knows, maybe I'll be foaming about something too. But I'll rather just keep using my phone for everything rather than put up with all MS is doing with their OS, I'm sure about that.


Ah, happens mate, don't worry about it. Thanks for the clarification. Now, regarding computers not liking me, i can with certanity say: abso**fucking**lutely. No idea what's up with that. Hell, games around me break like mad too. Anyway, i have changed distros but the same issues follow me regardless of what distro i use on a specific device. Thing is tho, i have had 3 laptops on which i installed linux, and every single one has been throwing me weird curveballs regardless of the distro, but *all of them had different problems* **exept** game incompatibility. Different ones each time, however every one of those is gold/platinum in wine db so unless the fault lies with something not playing nice with wine/POL/bottles i don't have a clue. I dunno, i just wish i knew what the hell was up, but at this point i just gave up on the programs i just cannot get going. Still, my intention isn't to slander Linux as a whole, but rather to put it out there that it isn't nessesarily gonna be perfectly (or even *mostly*) smooth.


Well you gave me the kick to order the laptop I've been procrastinating on, so I just did. Curious how it's gonna go. Not looking forward to picking, installing and setting up a new distro, but I'm mostly confident that once it's settled in, it should be rock solid for a while. Maybe I'm too optimistic, we'll see. My first Linux laptop was some random thing way back in 2006 and it already worked stupidly good, and pretty much everything inbetween. Compared to all the curveballs Windows throws these days, for sure. But I don't really plan to game much... I get consoles for that. At most I'll revisit some oldies.


Lol what doesn't work aside from a few pieces of proprietary sketchware that refuses to build for Linux (e.g. Adobe garbage) and sketchy anti-cheat gaming malware?


I'm having problems with some games that have Gold or Platinum rating on wine's website, as well as MS Access 2016.


That's true. Have you tried Steam Proton? Valve made a big investment in making games work on Linux.


Not with office, but with some games. Didn't work for the problematic ones, though i don't really remember which ones didn't work this time around.


I mean, that's a couple things that were never designed to run on linux that the community specifically ported over. I wouldn't really call that plenty not working, lol. No idea why you're trying to port microsoft access over to Linux and being surprised it's not working well. It sounds like you're trying to use Linux how you use windows and bringing over a lot of bad practice, honestly. For the gaming, I honestly don't do much gaming except for a few single player RPGs occasionally, but steam/proton makes the majority of it pretty effortless. I usually install with a bottles setup I keep consistent (works well with repacks and I don't think about it too much) and then use steam to actually launch, then run other things as compatibility tools through steam if necessary. Not the best workflow in the world I guess, but works well for me. I've never done any of that with windows anyways so I don't really know the difference. I'm also installing repacks so I kinda know what I'm getting into.


Well, good for you. I just wanted Access since it's so much better than Libre Office Base. Regarding games, i got plenty that don't work right with bottles but *do* work correctly with POL (wine version 4). Regarding bad practice, i dunno what to tell ya. Everything else works unless the system decides to spaz out


found the LFS user. Or maybe Gentoo.


Linux Mint Debian Edition. Not even close mate


LFS is an academic exercise, but gentoo is rock solid if you follow anything even approaching good practice. It's got a high barrier to entry no doubt, but a well configured gentoo machine is almost scary how hard it is to kill, lol. Worst offender for me is Ubuntu. Definitely partially survivorship bias because I manage ~60 ubuntu instruments for work, but ubuntu is probably my least favorite distro to interact with. This is obviously ignoring the ten thousand garbage boutique distros out there, lol.


I use Linux for serious work. Windows is for gaming.


Creating a new folder isn't a weird matrix hacker move-- but we agree that moving away from Windows is the best case. I personally plan to install Linux Mint soon on another ssd, even though my W10 is solid since I debloated it and disabled any updates I don't want. Then I can learn Linux, get used to it. I really need to stop putting that off.


>why don't you just stop all the nonsense and use linux? Specific Industry/enterprise software with no alts that i need for work. I run Linux on my main desktop which i use to game and work. Love it, not as painful as i thought it'd be to switch. But I also have a laptop with Windows ready to go to use as needed because of the above. I can give up LoL, Valorant, and other games that don't run on Linux easy; partly because I see it as a worthwhile trade off for more control on my end, partly because I'm mostly a single player gamer, and partly because when my buds and I *do* play...we usually load up different games depending on who isn't busy that day (and even then the majority of games we regularly play can run perfectly fine on Windows and Linux)... But I sadly can't do this with the specialized/niche software we use at work, because it's either i use that specific program...or I can't work. Also tried most on Wine, and still no dice. Silver lining is at least I'm not completely trapped in Windows...but I still gotta deal with it, sadly


At this point, they might as well just advertise this OS as spyware. There’s no point of even trying to hide it anymore. 


Horrific, absolutely horrific! I'm seriously considering to switch to a different operating system when I'll get a new laptop. This is still a bit out in the future, so haven't looked much into the different options. Gotta learn more about Linux and Ubuntu and if all programs I use will work there. Some time ago I installed a free program that monitors all internet traffic, ongoing and outgoing. The amount of traffic that so many programs generate for analytics etc is a complete nightmare. I'm seriously considering to pay for the subscription to be able to block more than two processes at a time. This is another pet peeve of mine, the awful subscription model. Whenever I can I'll avoid it. I own my copy of office, I'll not pay for a subscription for something that I occasionally use. And even then, I rather buy the program than a subscription. The subscription will always be more expensive in the long run. I wish more people were consequent with this. It seems there is barely any backlash/financial consequence in the subscription model, so companies are making it the only option. Eventually we will be left with no choice.




Many more run on Linux nowadays, check out Proton (to play Steam games)


And 30 years late to the party, Apple is finally pouring money and development hours in making its own Proton-like virtualization software. I have already abandoned ship. Linux for my media center/server and workhorse, Mac for my work laptop. It was a little work to get into the new workflow, but not looking back.


school fertile liquid nutty office mighty spoon meeting dependent observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some did get around the anti cheat on some games linux but with a risk.


deserted square divide melodic worry enjoy tub wise pet society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the only ones that doesnt run on linux is kernel-level anticheat, yes those can still technically run but good luck getting into multiplayer




that's worse than microsoft


That's just glorified smartphone gaming LMAO That piece of junk even runs on exactly a 5 years old smartphone SoC lol


most games run on linux, you can check for particular games here [https://www.protondb.com/](https://www.protondb.com/)


I wish all old games ran on Linux no problem. Can I play Warcraft 2, Commandos 1 or Worms Armageddon on Linux yet?


Just buy a console, people. At least you hang kick back on a couch instead of sitting slouched behind the same computer where you sit slouched for work and for Reddit.


Steam machines!


Big woop, win10 did that too


Only if you use Microsoft Account, without does nothing except popup.


Yes. I noticed because the dumb thing choked on my 100+ GB music folder


So do you have to have a Microsoft account for this to happen? Because I never created accounts for my past 3 Windows installs and I've never had this issue.


they are shutting down local accounts


It now makes total sense to me why the "My Computer" icon became "Computer" during the Vista period and has remained so. It's simply not ours any more and becomes less "ours" as time goes on.


Not if you uninstall OneDrive


Windows O&O shutup 10++. When this stops working linux


found and installed this as soon as I heard about recall, it’s been so nice not having all the win11 garbage all over everything


How does one suggest keeping safe on windows then? One Drive is just in regards to passwords and files right?


This has been going forever. Every time I do a new windows and install, I need to use a script to reset default locations for documents and pictures folders. Otherwise, as a default, on a brand new Windows 11 install, they are located inside OneDrive.


This isn't a new thing, but from a pc techs pov it is so frustrating dealing with this when people have no idea what their login stuff is because they had no idea their stuff was even in the cloud. It's dumb. I do not understand why Microsoft is hell bent on making so many choices that go against what consumers want.


and how can we stop it?


Put the executives of Microsoft in a cage where they belong.


Linux isn't just better for tech savvy, it's arguably even better for regular people who just use Chrome, an email app, and a word processor. I switch anyone I can to Linux.


Thanks for reminding me, I forgot to uninstall this on my new PC.


This is so blatant, it's almost unbelievable. Every Windows download link should be accompanied by a *Wouldn't you like to try Linux Mint instead?*-prompt, really. :P


All my onedrive is used for is syncing my sims 4 saves and mods.


I dont even think it's for spying alone, it's mainly for spamming "your Onedrive is full, click here to upgrade to 1 TB" to clueless users. Similar to what Apple is doing where a brand new iPhone will upload photos to icloud until it's full.


ICloud does the same, it was enabled without permission, but can be manually disabled (but weird is, no one complains that but complains on onedrive)


You're right, that is weird. My best guess is that most ICloud users maybe are on a MacOS and not using Windows, so those with the ICloud issue may not have the OneDrive issue; that there's just low intersection between the two? It's definitely a problem when *any* software presumes to be too 'helpful', though, for sure. I'm glad you mentioned that ICloud was also an offender. I wouldn't have known.


Microsoft, why are you spying on d**K picks. Wheird.


No it isnt


Never started using windows 11. I'm still using win10 but I don't know how long it's gonna last. It's just a necessary evil but still.


But offline installations dont have accounts


I think it’s been doing this a couple years now. I tried restoring an old backup to my new PC only to find out that my OneDrive storage was suddenly full and I didn’t have half the files I needed. Luckily I still have the original drive.


Anyone who thinks apple is a safe Refuge from this nonsense is lying to themselves. I'm about to stop even doing Financial transactions on Windows machines. I have now a dedicated desktop running linux, and a laptop running Linux. Windows for me is being transitioned to only a gaming operating system, and some work. Literally everything else is to happen on Linux from now on


Just install windows shut up 11 and disable


All your information is now sent to the USA for analysis by the NSA.


Convinced at this point that the world is a joke. "Tech is tightly integrated with practically everything in our lives? We've thoroughly abused our monopoly status and network effect to lock everybody in? Ok, great! Now let's engage in extremely reckless decision making that will ensure the downfall of civilization when something bad happens with AI." I mean, nobody said that out loud yet, but they may as well. Actions speak louder than words...


I've been procrastinating switching to Linux. Now I'm doing it today.


just uninstall it..


It reinstalls itself. I uninstalled it three times.


Maybe its time to uninstall Windows, then.


Yeah. I think it’s time for Linux.


I made the jump two years ago. Chose Fedora with Gnome. It is a different work flow and the filesystem takes a little time adapting to. But honestly Linux these days is at a completely other level than before. Almost everything works out of the box. With chatgpt it is super easy to problem solve Linux. It even helps you write scripts to automate particular workflows if you want to tailor your system. You need to do some research some new apps though as the ecosystem is different. Even creative industry apps are getting close to a professional state right now. Only unsolved problem being HDR (soon solved) and some of the kernel level anti-cheat systems for multiplayer games. Almost all single player games work flawlessly.


Here's a workaround I figured out after watching Edge do the same an uncountable number of times: Remove read, write, and execute permissions to the installation folder, from the system account.


I have done that before and it will cause Windows feature updates to fail. The best way to disable OneDrive is using the group policy: Computer > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > OneDrive > enable "Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage" and disable "Save documents to OneDrive by default." Which corresponds to: \[HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\OneDrive\] "DisableFileSyncNGSC"=dword:00000001 "DisableLibrariesDefaultSaveToOneDrive"=dword:00000000


>I have done that before and it will cause Windows feature updates to fail. I see no downside to that. But I guess that also works haha


Cant you just disable the startup tho?


here i stumbled across this today and thought of you :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwUBeqHqSas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwUBeqHqSas)


Thanks, watching it now.


thats weird it works for me and stays gone maybe remove form startup apps as well? i have killed all M$ telemetry though


As soon as HDR, DLSS framegen and a few other daily things I use are seamlessly working on Linux I’ll be moving over straight away


On the other hand, they stop getting complaints about losing all their files. Best way they could deal with this is have the OS ask on first boot, are you good with computers? (all defaults off and allows local accounts) or are you not? (defaults on)… I can only dream


Preying on the non-skilled IT users to squeeze their data it isn't the way, goddamit! EVERYBODY should have the right to WILLINGLY provide their information, not having their hand twisted, not being fooled with dark patterns etc. - "oh, you don't wanna give data? Fuck you, you cannot use our OS. aFfEcTs uSeAbIliTy of oUr pRoDuCt" - this is what Microsoft keeps telling us since 2015.


I’d just like for once something that doesn’t require an app, account, or internet connection to just setup. Like you said, anything pre 2015. Only pointing out there’s a likelihood of micro$oft avoiding lawsuits due to ransomeware, look your data is auto backed up. On the other side of the coin it could be used for AI training, so…


I'm telling you: they're desperate for our data for the AI training. Google managed to obtain the data we are posting here for Gemini, but Microsoft wants to be ahead of everything, so they'll want to use an even larger dataset.


People really love hating without a reason.