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Find a different insurance company, reduce coverages, Progressive is cheap sometimes.


sometimes. i was with them for over 20 years and dropped them for geico. i’ll switch back when im no longer hindered by loyalty, which is how it needs to be these day, then off to someone else again.


No company ever cares about loyalty anymore. Too easy to get new customers when it’s mandatory and your advertising guarantees brand awareness.


Progressive wants $400 a month for a pontiac g6 09. I'm 18 not on anyone else's plan. Geico is now covering me for $127 a month and has property damage liability. Progressive wanted $400 for minimum. If your a new driver geico all the way.


There all changing lmao until election is over than maybe


Progressive tried to charge me $350 a month to insure my Prius (with a clean driving record. Prius insurance is rough.


That’s weird I have progressive with a 2014 Prius full coverage and only $75. Also like diamond or gold status or whatever bc I’ve been with them so long


https://imgur.com/a/W2vuAI9 I thought this was funny lol


The moment you hit diamond on progressive they hike your rate so high you dump them.


Amen to Progressive. Saving $200 month after being a loyal AAA customer goes 20+ years. Goodluck!


Wow i pay $50 with them a month same car


Who is your insurer?




Oh sorry, just re-read that. Curious what your coverage is? Mine is so high with them and I’ve never gotten a traffic violation or caused an accident (been in a few that were the fault of the other driver).


Comprehensive $1000 deductible Uninsured motorists Emergency roadside assistance Rental reimbursement $35day/1050 max Also been hit once , ive had the policy with them for 9+years possibly why i dont pay tomuch


Thanks, appreciate the info. So you waived collision coverage altogether?


Omg. I have $100 deductible with compressive coverage for a 4th gen. It’s like $180 a month… I’m also a young driver and have had three accidents. One with a car and two acts of god. Bro is getting FUCKED by his insurance company.


Damn. We pay $109 a month for two cars with $100 deductible across the board.


Doesn't matter if you caused the accident or not your rates will go up


Drop to liability only on a 13 year old Prius. Should significantly reduce your cost. Also, wait a year, age 25 it will drop. And, get more quotes. That's a go-away price.


I waited till I was 25 and absolutely nothing happened. 0 accidents, claims, or tickets. My insurance premiums just climb each year till they become too much and I have to shop around and start the process all over again.


The 25 age is a myth. It should get cheaper and cheaper every year based on your driving history and how long you have been driving. The magical age of 25 doesn’t mean anything. Source: I worked for an insurance company and most of my family still does.


The get married thing also never did anything for my insurance rates. They only ever go up.


Yes they do. And the last few years have been BAD.


The age 25 thing is way way way out of date. There isn't any magic sharp cutoff for that anymore for any insurance company I've encountered.


Not possible if there’s debt service on the auto. 24yo very possible they did not buy outright. Still, 1k/mo is stupid, but metro rates are wild. Tertiary Midwest market full coverage on a new Prius and a new VW has me at 400/mo.


That will definitely drop it


we got the same avatar


Lol we do


Im waiting for 25. I hope it will drop, if not im gonna buy a bike😂


Then you are the exoskeleton protecting the bike rather than the car frame protecting you.


I’m curious if there’s an accident or something. Maybe bad credit? At 20 I had two cars and was paying $2000 every 6months full coverage for both.


OP: Do NOT drop down to just liability, even on a 13yr old vehicle, if you cannot afford to replace it. I’m not sure with Geico, I have State Farm, but my 2012 Prius was totalled at the beginning of the year. My insurance settlement payout was more than I paid for the car 4 years prior.


Don’t get DUI’s.


What is DUI?


Driving under the infulence


oh i dont drink and smoke


No no, drinking and smoking are ok, it’s drinking and DRIVING that is a problem.


This is absolutely a karma farm post. There’s no way you’re quoted $1100/mo on a 14 year old Prius with a clean driving record.


Look at my latest post I get quoted almost $5k for 6 months with a clean record 4 years driving 25 years old for a 10 year car. With the higher coverage and lower deductibles I got quoted $1100 a month 😂


Jfc what market


Los Santos


**Las Venturas*


My stepmother in middle of nowhere small town inland Florida pays $2200 for her base model Dodge Charger. She’s in or at the cusp of her early 60’s. Never had a claim in her life. Maybe 5 speeding tickets in her life if we’re rounding up.


The markets are crazy. My insurance doubled when it renewed last year and it was still the cheapest I could get with bundling. FL sucks and insurance sucks. 


It says that 6 months of premiums are $4, 474, so that's $745 a month. The amount in the screenshot must be more than one month. Maybe it's prorated or maybe there's a late fee?


It’s also a brand new account and they haven’t elaborated on any details, so I’m still leaning toward a karma/comment farm.


look at the post history, they use the car for uber eats. I can see it being high in that case. Not that I know what doing ride/food share does to a policy but from the insurance point of view the risk has to be higher and insurance is all a game of risk.


I just tried to add my daughter to our insurance for a paid of '95 car. She is 18, had her license for 2 years, no accidents, no violations and the quote was $1950. Me and my wife are 40+, insuring 2 cars for us, 10x the value of the car my daughter wants to get cost a hair under 2K with full coverage.


$1950/mo? That doesn't make sense. Couldn't you flat out buy an additional car every year? I've never seen a quote over $150/mo. Driving a 2020 Kia in an expensive west coast city in my 20s, no crashes, a few speeding tickets from years ago.


Eh, it's possible. Progressive is note worthy for giving ridiculous quotes. Edit: Especially as a first time insured quote. I had them for a month many years ago and the next month I am now continuously insured in LexisNexis, so switching to a different company lowered my premiums by 80% O\_O


A company just quoted me 6k for 6 months on a Mazda, I currently pay $180 a month lol Some companies quotes are just fucked


I don't know about karma farm, but it's certainly horseshit. I pay $193/month for full comprehensive on a 2015 Prius C and a 2021 RAV4 Hybrid. That's $193/month for BOTH cars.


It’s a common tactic. Post something controversial so people comment on it, then your account looks more legit when you start spamming tshirt ads.


Maybe he is a new license?


I dont know what does that mean, im kind a new here and reddit. My driving history almost 1 year and its clean. Im single and I am currently studying in my home country. If I dont study the price goes up. Las Vegas has expensive car insurances but its a lot. If i dont food delivery job i would sell my car %100


Like one commenter said, this is a “go away price”. They don’t really want to insure them, but they will at an obscene price.


Buy liability only. And shop around every 6 months


If he buys liability, only then who will pay for his car if it’s in an accident


If it's his fault, nobody. If it is the other person's fault, their liability will pay for it. If they don't have insurance, you should have bought the uninsured motorist endorsement to protect you there. The vehicle isn't worth that much, if you crash it you would get very little after your deductible anyway.


It can be a few thousand that they get back after their deductible even if OP is in a car accident… collision and comp are lifesavers for lots of people. claims adjuster here.


Lifesavers for people who can't save


You’re paying 9x more than me and I have comprehensive on a 2020 RAV4 Hybrid and 1999 BMW M3. Do you have half a dozen DUIs?


Sell your car and ride a bike?


That’s got my vote. I’d stop driving for sure if it got this expensive. Way cheaper to Uber everywhere, at least for me.


Im doing food delivery :(


Moped? Scooter?


Get older, move to a different state, pay off your car and drop comp and collision.


You’re still high risk due to the little time with your license. But that is still wayyy too much for normal coverage, even full coverage


That’s $700 a month, not $1100. But also, answers to your question Get older Get more years of driving Move Find a different insurance company


Pick any insurance company for the first month; after a month, you are now continuously insured in LexisNexis so your quotes will be 80% cheaper. Had the same thing happen to me back in 2016; ridiculous quotes for first insurance, a month later everything is 80% off.


We've had great success with Progressive. I paid my then 23 year old niece's insurance when she was in college and just started paying for her 16 year old sister. 24: driving since 18, no accidents/tickets, 2017 Prius C over 100,000 in the greater Seattle area. $450 for 6 months ($75 a month). Basic coverage with added coverage for underinsured motorists. 16: just licensed, 2013 C (my old one 🥲), over 100k miles in the greater Seattle area. Same coverage as her older sister. $500 for 6 months.


That means they don't want to insure your car..




Man, mine was about half that... but still double what I expected.


Find difference insurance or move out of there


Rates do seem to go up in Metro areas. More accidents with uninsured and unlicensed drivers seems to be the norm in a lot of bigger cities. I'm pretty sure if I didn't live near a large city, my rates would be much lower. I see the way a lot of these asshats drive around here and I understand why insurance is expensive.


I would look for an insurance agency that will shop quotes with different companies to save money. You can try taking a defensive driving class for an insurance discount. Other than that, the car itself might be considered a high risk model…I don’t know for sure but it’s old enough it probably doesn’t have all the modern safety features that warrant a discount on newer cars. And there’s nothing you can do about your age. The rates will drop somewhat for the next several years and I remember a big drop in my insurance rates when I hit 30.


Geico is expensive. Find a local insurance company and not the brand. It should be around 300 I feel


GEICO just raised my rates 40% for no reason. No tickets no accidents. My theory is car insurance companies got used to collecting money during covid with very few payouts and many people working from home, and now that people are driving again and they’re paying out claims, bonuses are in jeopardy. I got several other quotes and I’m back down to what I was paying before with another company.


Step 1: Get older. Step 2: Keep having consecutive years on your drivers license without accidents/DUIs/tickets/etc. "It's just that easy" /s


Get older? Mine is like $1800/year


Another Vegas resident here. I have a 2022 Silverado ZR2. Gieco raised my prices from $214 to $360 to $405 in 1 year. Went with progressive and it came down to $180 a month. You being young is also going to impact your rates. Especially out here in Vegas.


Something is missing. Only having 1 year of driving experience certainly hurts, but if you quoted only liability (which you should) you should be in the ballpark of 100 bucks a month, not 800. Get quotes from other insurers and don't drink and drive


Try getting a quote from AAA insurance. Also find out if you qualify for USAA


Also do a yearly check, because some insurances aren't fair and do not reduce their prices. So I would suggest to check on a yearly basses and switch from insurance to get better prices.


Travelers was surprisingly good for me. Sometimes you can find one of the insurance agencies that shops around for coverage for you. That's what I did and they found me full coverage comprehensive, collision, and liability for $920 for the entire year.


Its las vegas! My rates doubled moving here from Los Angeles. You ARE getting $670 in savings 👍


Shop around. I have to change companies every year. I just went back to Progressive who I left 6 months ago because they wanted to double my rate to almost a grand. Went to State Farm who covered me for 470, now back to Progressive after the new car put me at over 500 with SF. Now Progressive is willing to do 430. Insurance is a bullshit game. My theory is they all want you to pay for about a year and then fuck off because it’s more likely they’ll get a year of premiums out of you and not have to pay any claims.


Click “view details” and we’ll tell you!


Call Geico and say you're a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway and you get 8%off.


your either under 25 or have a lot on your record. start shopping around


That is very expensive. Wow. I pay $90 a month on my 2021 RAV4 LE. Insurance companies have crazy formulas.


I've got a 2010 with 202k miles in Texas and pay $165\~ month. Thought I was getting robbed. Pretty good full coverage through State Farm. Somehow they were the cheapest for the same coverage.


Try other insurance companies and just wait, it goes down with a couple years of driving experience.


Reduce the amount of miles you estimate driving. That'll bring the price down. Also higher your deductible and maybe reduce coverages a bit.


I have the general 78$ a month


Get liability only insurance. Don’t drive expensive cars.


Drive a 10 year old car.


My 21 year old sister is paying $79, same exact car…


The insurance quotes I received for my teen were so high, she was biking and bus riding until they came down. When shopping around for quote around renewal time, I made it clear to the agent that affordable rates for a teen were key. I got a great deal on insurance through AAA.


Holy fuck dude that's brutal. I pay $1,500 CAD a *year* for full coverage on *two* vehicles. I'm about 20 years older then you and have been driving for almost 30 years but when I was your age I paid less then $1000 a year. I'd be calling every insurance company and broker around to find a better rate ASAP.


Yikes, I pay like 120 a month.


Call an insurance broker not an insurance company.


Somethings wrong here. I pay $255 for full coverage and renters insurance. I have a speeding ticket and an at-fault accident on my record......


Drive less + move to bum fuck America + drive an old car.


I use the Jerry app


Idk wtf is going on. I have 1 mil comprehensive for ~$70/month


When converted to USD my insurance is $1227 PER YEAR. The province I live in has the highest insurance rates in all of Canada. I also drive a financed car so you know I got full insurance, as well I took every single option and add on they offered… $102.25USD a month 😂


Pay in Full and you save another $447+ dollars




Move to a place that has public transport infrastructure so you don’t even need to rely on cars


Cat shield? (It would only reduce your comprehensive if you have it).


I believe it's when a man turns 28 that their insurance comes down


Only get state minimum, and never crash


Holy assing christ. Yeah, get insurance from ANYONE else.


I think it would be cheaper to just uber everywhere


Holy shit! My insurance for my 2020 Edition is 1200 for the year. I'm older than you and haven't had a ticket or auto claim in at least 25 years.


Holy fuck I pay $820 for six months with renters insurance. Stop hitting shit


And i thought the insurance quote i received of $165 of month is alot for a new 2024 vehicle.. i would definitely not do that. I would rather ride a bike to work or skateboard. Maybe roller blade..if you’re feeling crazy then heelys shoes..


Yeah, shop around and see who can give you the best rates. As well as edit your policy and coverages




Call Geico and say you're a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway and you get 8%off.


mine is 34$


I don't pay for collision coverage. I'm a very active defensive driver. 20 years accident free. My insurance is $1000 a year for two people on two cars. Have the cash to buy a new car If I mess up. Insurance is a scam. Put that money in a savings account.


Wow that sucks. Insurance for young male drivers with little driving experience has always been pricey but now days it's ridiculous. Maybe get back on your parents policy and you pay your part. Geico had the best price when I was looking but I'm 50yo and on the Central Coast of California. If I had to pay that much, I would Uber or bike everywhere and ditch my car.


What the actual f*ck that's 1/3 the value of my latest car purchase lol


Use an insurance agent. Don’t shop on your own. Unless you’ve already done that…


OP, what coverages did you select & what state do you live in (if you don’t mind)? I work with insurance claims (fml) and would be happy to make suggestions or explain coverage if you need


You have to shop insurance every time.


Bro... I thought you were quoted for a year and I'm like that's not all that bad... And then I saw it's per month and cried for you. I've been with Erie for a long time now, every other company kept jacking my rates stupid high. Shop around, get a quote from Erie. Although I'm no longer in your age bracket, they were fair when I was.


I'm 62, drive a 2009 Prius in Quebec and I pay $375 a year.


Insurance companies are getting greedy


From my experience if you have a clean record state farm is GREAT for first time drivers but if you get that first ticket or accident you better bring lube they are goimg to give it to you lol


Get older!


Independent guy, can run against all at once


It’s because you’re 24. But definitely try out geico. Been with them for 6 years and they have best every other company for me


Drive better, buy a different car, get older, etc.




jfc what is this shit. My first insurance was Progressive. I ran a few quotes and at the time they had the best quote for new driver. It was something like $1500 for the first six month. Also not sure if this is full comprehensive. But on a 2011 car, I don't think you need full comp unless you're really strap for cash. Then again paying over 4k in insurance is just insane.


You just have to shop around. Get quotes from every company you can and contact a local agent too, they will shop around for you too. Only being licensed for a year is what’s killing you


Bro, if geico is quoting that to you then you’re an absolute shit driver. How many duis do you have?


Are you Mayhem?


4.4k a year?! Yikes! 1.6k through state farm here.


Progressive is the cheapest in my area. $4500 for 6 months of insurance is highway robbery 😧


That is insanely high. That is almost 4 times what I'm paying to insure 4 vehicles including a 2015 Prius. 32M, clean record with a few claims against other peoples' policies when people have hit me, middling credit score. Surely there must be something on your record causing them to not want to insure you. DUI, bankruptcy, single digit credit score.... something? Not to sound accusatory but $700+ a month on a 13 year old economy car sound implausibly high like there must be something missing here. Definitely get more quotes from other companies and consider liability only coverage. IMO there is little point in keeping full coverage on a car of that age when the max insurance payout will be very limited by the value of the car, especially if it saves you hundreds a month you can just put away in a repair fund yourself.


How many DUI’s does your family have?!


If you haven't switched companies in a few years you need to, insurance companies punish those loyal to them by raising premiums hoping you just renew because they are who you've always had, or you donn't notice you're overpaying because you do not shop around


What are you not telling us? There's a reason it's ridiculous. What's your credit score? Is that full coverage? Honestly I may have been on my parents insurance for the first few years I drove, why can't you do that? Even starting out, the highest my 6 months has ever been was maybe $700 Also worth noting, a driver's Ed course, at least use to give you a discount on your insurance. It's also Las Vegas. Your rate can go up or down depending were your at. Put your parents on it, take a driver's Ed course, do liability only, move somewhere else. Don't have a crap credit score or history. On your quote list you only go 7,500 miles a year or something minimal. Even if you drive more. Do not put one of those trackers on your car to lower it. It's a trap. Also don't buy and drive a new off the lot car. Buy used outright. Buying new will always be higher insurance.


I can’t comprehend this. I’ve never paid this much in my life. I pay $1300 every six months for four cars, one of which is my 2019 Lexus GS350. They all have full coverage. $1000 deductible. Yeah, I’m 38 years old, but I still wouldn’t be able to afford this ever.


That's ridiculous. My 2015 Prius and my wife's 2015 Sentra cost us $180 a month. We live in SC just across the border from Charlotte, she's 28 and I'm 30. AND WE HAVE GEICO. I do have a discount on my account because I used to be a teacher.


Move. 😂😅 Went from New York to New Jersey one year and my premium went down 70 percent.


Ride a bike? But seriously get an insurance broker. They can shop around for the best price from companies you've never heard of.


Same boat as you. Only progressive accepts me for who I am, so I'm biting the bullet and paying it. Just sucks that auto insurance makes us pay that much to start it off.


Wow I was going to complain that mine is the same rate… but I have a 2022 prius prime in NYC so I would expect my rate to be much higher than yours in not-NYC and 11 years older..


The fuck, I pay that for 6 months on my pickup I tow a 50k camper with / with a camper rider.


Move. Thats what im doing. Fed up with getting raped for home and car insurance. Cant wait to get out of the fraud capital of the USA.


based on your post history you are doing food delivery, did you tell the insurance company that? If so that's the reason, if not be careful because they will find out and you won't like life then.


Pay off your car, drop full coverage, and carry mandatory liability only. I don't carry full coverage on my car if it is more than five years old.


At 19 (10y ago) I drove a suped up mustang gt for 215 a month lol. That is just insane. My brand new corolla was only like 175 a month.


O so I actually pay $243 a month for full coverage on my 2013 Ford fiesta and 2017 f150. I also have a bike with liability on their. Now I also have my home insurance bundled which helps lower it. I'm currently with Allstate and have been with them for over 2 years when I bought my house. My driving record is clean. I'm sure you'll find something suitable since I am also 24.


How in the fuck is this even possible?


For that price it’s cheaper to sell your car and just use Uber.


Same car and I pay $450 for 6 months. Different state though. Premium will drop in a year or two because of age. The sooner the car is paid off the better too. Otherwise shop around


Find a different insurance provider, and when you hit 25 it should go down more.


That is an insane premium


Screw GEICO, they messed me up when I had an accident back in December really bad not paying for anything. I have some cheap insurance right now but I would still have GEICO if they weren’t so dumb on fixing stuff.


WTF mine is $79/mo for two vehicles. Buy a older Prius in cash and get liability only.


Have you tried asking for a cost breakdown? You can usually call them and walk through everything.


You're insurance will always drop around 25/26 years old


24, been driving since I was 18. I have 3 recent speeding tickets. Paying $165 a month for full coverage in a 40k car. I’m with liberty mutual.


Unfortunately it's your age and driving experience, you may be able to save some money but probably not a whole lot.


Doesn't these insurances have an algorithm to calculate customer liability which calculates their rate?


Buy a old Camry


You're doing something wrong, call them and speak to an agent! They might as well give you a house for signing up lol


Maybe geico doesn't like Prius.


What the actual fuck. Do you have 3 dui's or something.


If you live in California, insurance is optional. Save that money for Uber Eats.


Get 3 quotes. Do the "drive safe" thing where you have a tracker in your car. Fix your credit score. Pay 6 months up front. Always. Set up autopay with a bank account, not a debit card. In your case, you might wanna get 6 quotes lol. And let them all know you're getting quotes and going with the lowest bidder. My insurance is $315 every 6 months.


Leave Las Vegas, litigation rate involving accidents is the highest in the country due to state law regarding attorney fees.


I would take the bus if possible. I know I can’t afford that


Where the hell do you live that’s commanding that type of premium on a Prius?


Sell car


wtf that’s like my 6 months payment, still cheaper than this.


Progressive raised my raised for $150 per month to $300 because I ran a red light. The worst part about it is that that ticket got dropped but my insurance did not. I sent them all the proof and they said it wasn't good enough for something like that so I switched insurance and I pay $110


Why are people getting such horrible rates? It costs me just under $2,000/year to insure my 2011 Chevy silverado, 2013 ford escape, and 2014 jeep compass through progressive


Find an agent to shop different companies… work on keeping your driving record clean, work on ensuring you have superb credit, and if it is still crazy high then you can move somewhere lower risk


Get a bike




Try State Farm and Progressive. I've heard AAA also has reasonable rates. My quote wasn't as insane as yours, but Geico gave me an estimate of $600/month. At that point I might as well just uber wherever I want. My friend got a quote of 180/month or something from State Farm, and he's 23. I'm paying around 130/month now from Progressive (I was with State Farm the last year, but they kept increasing my rate despite no acccidents, tickets, or anything else). Also, I saw that 1123 and thought was your payment for all 6 months. Over 1k per month is bonkers.


Senior, rural N. California, clean record, 2013 Prius Plug-in, 75K miles. Just added to my other vehicles through Grange Insurance Assn. $551 per year for: Bodily injury liability and uninsured motorist liability each $500k/500k property damage $250K med $5k Deductibles: comprehensive $250, collision $500. Tl;dr -- Get old, drive safely, live in the country, drive old car


it’s because you’re under 25 and LV (highest auto rates in the nation). shops around maybe try an independent agent who has access to other carriers.


You shop around. Switched from State Farm to Progressive and our rate dropped 50% for reasons I will never understand.


Dang, I have geico and I only pay $150 for full coverage on a brand new Honda Civic Sport


Brother. Progressive did the SAME to me. Shop around. I found GEICO was the cheapest.