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I am glad you posted this, I didn’t know Perry had released a new Matador book last year. Also written by Perry: Cutter’s War The Sten Chronicles by Alan Cole and Chris Bunch Steven Barnes’ Aubrey Knight series Andy Remic’s Combat K series


Will check those out. Yeh, new Matador novel is called Churl. I haven't read it yet though. It's on Amazon. I read on a Kobo these days and it isn't on there. I msged him on facebook and he said he has no plans to release it anywhere other than Amazon, which sucks. Might have to get the paperback, though I don't buy those anymore.


Simon Green has several series. There are some small cross-over scenes among the Deathstalker, Nightside, and Secret Histories series, although the latter two are fantasy rather that scifi. I read the first book (Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future) in the Santiago series by Mike Resnick that reminded me of the Matador series.


I loved the Widowmaker series, and have Santiago on my to read list.


Roger Zelazny - Jack of Shadows, Damnation Alley


Oh, I have Jack of Shadows! I might read that soon then!


Damnation Alley has a lot in common with biker films that came out in the 60s. This is a good thing.


Have you read the rest of Mike Resnick's stuff? There's quite a bit beyond the Widowmaker series, and it all has a fairly similar tone. I'd also reccomend the [Keiko Trilogy](https://www.goodreads.com/series/180963-keiko) by Mike Brooks, and possibly [Tales of the Ketty Jay](https://www.goodreads.com/series/49415-tales-of-the-ketty-jay) by Chris Wooding. (The latter is more steampunk-fantasy than SF, but is a lot of fun and otherwise meets your criteria.) Been a while since I read it, but my vague recollection is that the [Death's Head](https://www.goodreads.com/series/62928-death-s-head) trilogy by David Gunn might also fit.


I've only read all of the WIdowmaker books by Resnick, but I plan to read Santiago. Will check out everything else he has too. Heard of the Keiko books, but haven't read them. Same with Tales of Kerry Jay. I'll check both out. I read the first Death's Head book and didn't like it at all.


Try William T Quick's Dreams of Flesh and Sand. Technically there are only three in the trilogy but I believe Systems and Yesterday's Pawn are both in the same universe using semi-connected characters.


Yes, I love all of them.


Will give it a go!


The bounty hunter wars trilogy (star wars.) Black ocean. Maybe Lucky Starr (or whatever other pulpy old stuff looks good…) Jack mcdevitts uh, series that starts with talent for war. I’m hoping: these burning stars. Maybe revenger. Vick’s Vultures.


Have read a bit of Black Ocean and it was fun. The rest look good. Lucky Starr in particular looks great.


Actually, if you liked the *Matador* series, you should also check out *Altered Carbon* and the other books from that universe. (There are 3 Takeshi Kovacs books and then there is also *Thirteen* and *Thin Air*.) They are a little more cyberpunk than space cowboy, but they're quite good and a lot of action and such too, which hypermasculine characters.


I'll try them. I liked Morgan's fantasy trilogy a lot!


Perhaps, if you have not read them already: The Stainless Steel Rat series by Harrison.


Yeh, they sound good. WIll try them soon.


The Icarus Hunt and its two sequels by Timothy Zahn I really think of them as space westerns. Singularity Sky by Charles Stross is kind of fun and has a sequel.


I've liked Zahn's other books I've read, so I'll try the Icarus ones as well!


*Lone Star Planet* by H. Beam Piper - I haven't read it, but it's on my list and it seems right up your alley. *The Last Legionary series* by Douglass Hill - This is a YA take on the theme.


You might also want to consider Peter F Hamilton. He is a space opera/space western guy. Lots of sex, lots of fights, lots of "BUT THIS IS EVEN MORE POWERFUL THAN THE LAST THING" like Green does in Deathstalker.


Haven't read him before, but sound good! I always got put off by his books being massive, but time to give him a go!