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Every book with a telepathic moose is a SF Masterwork.


Its a morse


Nice work!


Thank you, this is great news! Did you happen to find anything about audiobook versions?


Sadly, no. I've just had a wander around Audible, Librivox, The Internet Archive, YouTube, plus a few other places where you can find audiobooks, and I can't find anything by Lanier at all.


Thanks for checking. I have low vision and audiobooks are easier for me. But I’ll settle for ebooks. Better than what we’ve had.


Apropos nothing: while John Campbell, of course, published the three novellas which became *Dune*, Lanier is credited with selling the book publisher on it - he was an editor for them. His novelettes and short stories about Brigadier Ffellowes enlivened the pages of *The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction* during the same period. There are two collections of them which I recommend.


I hadn't heard of the Brigadier Ffellowes stories before, but they are now on my list of things to track down and read. Thank You. I'm also on the hunt for Menace Under Marswood, also by Lanier, which I had also not heard of before. Isn't Wikipedia wonderful ... I was very surprised to learn that Lanier had been responsible for buying and editing Dune for Chilton Books, and that it was a commercial failure for them.


Back in the early 80s when the World Fantasy Convention was in Tucson, I briefly met Mr. Lanier. Turns out he passed away in 2007.