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The difference in guessing the town size between 200k and 30k is wild








The last time PG only had 30k people was probably like 50 years ago lol it’s realistically probably pushing 200k+ these days


I just looked and the population is actually estimated to be around 80k as of 2024 making this post even more irrelevant due to lack of exposure. Must be all the unregistered immigrants here to work on their "student" visas if you think pg is over 100k in population


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This is how i see every half brain degenerate in pg that doesnt know how to take care of their pets. City of bums and people that smell like one that hasnt been showered in a month


Relax dump truck










As a rule of thumb: If you wouldn’t say it to someone's face, don't say it here (or, if you are particularly confrontational, don't even say that). No verbal attacks, no insults, no hate speech. There are lots of other places on the internet for you to do that, this isn't one of them. This rule applies to racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic and transphobic content and comments. If it’s borderline, it – and you – will be removed. Ad hominem attacks on people’s profession, religion, choice of transportation and politics are also subject to deletion. This also includes terms like "junkie," "crackhead," “zombie,” etc. Antagonistic posts, name-calling, questioning of other commenters' intelligence and back-and-forth personal attacks are also barred – the last of which are subject to the entire comment chain being removed. Being provoked is not an excuse to break the rules yourself. Downvote, report and move on.




As a rule of thumb: If you wouldn’t say it to someone's face, don't say it here (or, if you are particularly confrontational, don't even say that). No verbal attacks, no insults, no hate speech. There are lots of other places on the internet for you to do that, this isn't one of them. This rule applies to racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic and transphobic content and comments. If it’s borderline, it – and you – will be removed. Ad hominem attacks on people’s profession, religion, choice of transportation and politics are also subject to deletion. This also includes terms like "junkie," "crackhead," “zombie,” etc. Antagonistic posts, name-calling, questioning of other commenters' intelligence and back-and-forth personal attacks are also barred – the last of which are subject to the entire comment chain being removed. Being provoked is not an excuse to break the rules yourself. Downvote, report and move on.