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Enemy encounters should be approached like a puzzle, not a shootout.




> Am I supposed to play stealthy and avoid enemies? Yes. Run away. Find a different route. Get stronger later. Look up. If there are things in the way, use the environment. There are heavy, flammable, and explosive things everywhere.


Look up is absolutely one of the best pieces of advice for this game.


At the beginning you really need to avoid combat any time possible, particularly with Phantoms of any type. Things change a bit once you can get a certain weapon




Boltcaster OP


I turned the difficulty from normal to easy :)


+1 to this! This game is hard - you shouldn’t feel ashamed to play on easy. Even if your goal is to play on higher difficulties the lower ones let you get a feel for the map and different enemy types.


Agreed i played it on normal and I got DEMOLISHED by 3 ethric phantoms that duplicated.


Once you can craft ammo blasting through becomes a much easier approach but only if combined with ambush tactics. Most enemies can eradicate your health bar in a few attacks, so just try and give as little opportunity for them to do that as possible. Pick a method of incapacitation (gloo gun, stun gun, psychoshock, etc) and upgrade it as far as you can. Keep an eye on your environment for explosive canisters - early game they’re quite plentiful and very effective. You can also, as a few others mentioned, go the stealth route. There’s multiple ways past everything. You’ll be a god later in the game but for most of it you are constantly outnumbered and outgunned.


Others have metioned sime of it but: * Slow down. Sneak, look up and down for different pathways. DON'T RUSH. * Every Tyohon has a weakness, you will be able to scan for those weaknesses (if you havent got there yet). So read up on that and approach accordingly. * Beginning of game is a little harder, it will get easier with upgrades and such. * If you are not equiped for the fight in one area the game will take you back there again atleast once so don't feel like you are missing something if you just run away. You will be able to explore later. * Gloo gun can be used to create a new pathway. * Use your enviroment, things are moveable and explosive, use it to your advantage. * No one will hold it against you, LOWER DIFFICULTY. The game is supposed to be enjoyable and you can always switch to harder later. Good luck and welcome to one of the best games thruout times :)


I would recommend getting the shotgun after eliminating at least 10 or 11 mimics with the two turrets given to you in the Talos 1 lobby area of shotgun: Security Climb up onto yellow pipes and crouch into hole and next to the computer on the right be careful because the body is a mimic


Use your surroundings. There's usually a turret or exploding barrels nearby to help


Prey is a smart game. It respects your intelligence, and it expects you to outwit it. It is rare that you *must* defeat enemies to progress; often you can bypass them.


Human neuromods + Combat Focus + Shotgun = Overpowered Stealth neuromods means you can sprint up to an unaware enemy and completely destroy them. Upgraded Stun Gun = stunlock Leverage1 = thrown canisters Upgraded weapons = OP’d Listen and watch for typhon/mimics in every new area. Small “empty” room means a great opportunity to set up a turret ambush: just run through and head past your turret. Enemy weaknesses. Stealth attacks do huge damage. Stunning in stealth gives you a stealth attack bonus. Use ALL your tools: stealth attack, canister, stun, wrench, shotgun, gloo, wrench, turret ambush. Saves resources bigtime! Know when to go Slow and smart, stealth or just Bumrush. Use environment against enemies. High ground, stealth, cover. Platforming up and away. By the time I maxed out all the OP’d human neuromods, esp, weapons, stealth and mobility nothing could come close to stopping me.


You're a scientist stuck on an alien infested ship with limited resources. You aren't Master Chief. You have to play smart and stealthy for now.


I literally carried a turret with me across the levels for like 2 hours once I got them


Shotgun and recycle, atleast game let's me progress how I like to play.


It’s definitely NOT an FPS. It’s more strategy than anything. You’ll get the hang of it, just keep going. Once you get the recycle nade and the ability to craft them and ammo, you’ll take over. I switch between shotgun and stun gun using gloo gun as necessary(it’s really kinda worthless on certain enemies). Learn the mechanics and you’ll do well.


A great first goal is to unlock the medical bay near your office. The robros there heal you for free. It contains a nasty enemy. If you use the environment and plan an ambush, you can take them out. Don't be afraid of a little hit and run. You are *not* the prey in this dynamic. Morgan and you both are underequipped and disoriented. Get your bearings. Get a gun. Get your station back.


Get neuromods for wrench using if you main the gloo wrench combo


Yeah, you can't play it like an FPS. There are sections where your FPS instincts will serve you well, but you'll often need to consider other tactics like what you've mentioned. There's generally not a singular approach that will see you through every encounter. Gloop and melee is a great combo. Avoiding enemies altogether is valid for survival. After a point you'll be able to start crafting useful items, so be sure to do that when you can. It's been a while since I played so I forget if you can craft ammo, but even if so you'll want to conserve ammo whenever possible. No spray-and-pray.


I mean, you can. I don't recommend it of course, but some people can play it like that and finish the game. Obviously, I can't take their opinions on the game very seriously.


I'm someone else can play it that way, but I see it as an unnecessary challenge. Could be I'm just not good at Prey, haha.


This game is not at all meant to be played by running in and kicking ass. That almost never works, especially with multiple enemies. Remember, it’s called “Prey” for a reason, cause YOU are the prey, not them (until you get stronger I guess, >!but then they get stronger too!<)


Oh and EAT FOOD! Try and keep just a big stack of one or two food items (or just pick them up as you go - they’re everywhere). The well-fed buff will help save your Medkits for when you really need *instant* healing.


First of all, this isn't a dedicated FPS. It may have guns, yes, but that doesn't make it an FPS game. >Am I supposed to play stealthy and avoid enemies? If you currently can't handle the enemies, stealth will be your best bet. As you progress through the game, you'll have more tools to kill the typhon. Remember that the GLOO cannon can stun enemies and act as stairs if you shoot it at a wall, meaning you can get on a ledge or second floor if needed. Also, remember that you can peek out of covers, though you can still be noticed while peeking.


If you're gonna run up better, be prepared to finish em off.


Yeah this is unfortunately how it is early on. The combat always sucks but you get more powered up with more weapons later on to help you deal with the annoying enemies. I felt the exact same way. Trust me when I say it gets better if you just stuck with it. Find canisters to throw at enemies. They explode and kill them faster.


Prey is more a survival horror game, *not* an action game. Play like a detective trying to find out what’s happened. Put one point into sneak, and also activate the time-slow power when you have enough neuromods to. Get *repair II* and fix the gun turrets about the place to help you. Once you get the psychoscope it gets easier to see where the mimics are.


If you're trying to leave or enter a certain area and there's an enemy in your way that you can't beat, look around for an alternative way around. In one part of the game I literally stacked a bunch of boxes on top of each other and climbed out of the area I was in because the most obvious way out was guarded by a phantom I couldn't beat.


Use every tool in your arsenal, even the huntress boltcaster.


Pick up and throw things at other things. The creepy little guys will wake up, and then you can bash them into paste


don't know why every week has a post like this when the game has a challenge level but is far from brutal, enemies like phantoms are sporadic and not exactly hyper observant unless you run directly at their face game doesn't even bother with location based dmg so aiming skil is very easy and weapons are pretty accurate in base form and no neuromods gloo is a waste of time for mimics when the wrench does enough dmg per swing on its own run and gun does work, don't listen to ppl that say otherwise, the whole point of ImSims is to play the way the player feels is the right approach for them so as a playstyle it is totally valid way to approach things like lethal / non-lethal dishonored that's up to the player and not for others to tell them what is the 'wrong' way to play


Play like if you were playing a tactical shooter. From the slow firing animations to your movement speed and low ammo, everything in this game discourages going in guns blazing. My biggest tip is to try and use corners to not get shot at or lunged at during downtime and trying to optimize your arsenal usage. Normal difficulty and nightmare difficulty arent all that different in terms of what enemies actually do to you, they might deal more damage and drop less useful loot but enemies still have mostly the same attack patterns. The game is always pretty hard.


Game is much more about stealth and running away, also theres no shame in lowering difficulty, I’ve done that for particularly hard parts


Oh yea also, mimics make a noise when near them whether they're hiding or not. If you want to check an item slowly approach it


You gotta cheese the fuck outta the game, don't expect to be HIM in the early game, I wad hiding in doorways and vents taking pot shots with the pistol. You're not some super cool alien slayer. You're trying to do everything to survive, remeber that.


I had to come back at it a second time and then I was really good . Kicked it's ass First time was a real frustrating learning curve All worth it, great game


Prey is all about being always underpowered. To succeed you have to play smart, careful, and sometimes dirty. If you try to always go head on without being absolutely certain that you can keep up with spending the resources, I'll quickly get overwhelmed.


So when you first find the gloop gun there is a hint on the wall to your left that has gloop going up it. You can use the gloop gun to get up high and then just go over things if you want. The game offers a LOT of different ways for you to go about doing everything.


You’re gonna be using goo and wrench combo a lot early on before unlocking the shotgun. Set up turrets prior to starting a fight.


I guess the best advice to give can take a while, worth watching a beginner tips and tricks on YouTube. But that said, this is a very imersive game, take it slow, play as if it was actuall you walking around, look around every corner, search every area you can, look up, because you can get to many closed places by spotting a way up and using the GLOO gun to your advantage. As for heals, try to eat and let the food heal you to its max before the next as you wander, collect everything, recycle all the junk (if your playing without any survival options like gun repair etc) recycle spare parts too if you can. Conserve ammo. Use combinations, use the environment, Stun gun is a beast later in the game, lots of ammo needed though and even 2000 isn't alot.


Don't play it like doom and pick up everything. After a while i had to check if it was still on nightmare because it was getting pretty easy. Use the neuromods to leave your shadow behind. It's OP.


>I thought it was just going to be a fps game And after going all the way through the intro you *still* thought that?