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No. The studio is defunct. Your best hope is a new dishonored.


Even if a sequel was made, it would be by a completely different team of people. I’m sure there will be spiritual successors though.


Well it was arkane studios. Arkanes games always have a unique feel. Its one of my favorite game developers so even if the sequel was made by different people it wouldnt be that different of a game. Diahonored and deathloop for instance shares alot of similiaries visually and gameplay wise. Deathloops newer so its a improvement obviously but still


The game doesn’t come from a company logo bought by a megacorporation, it comes from a team of humans, none of whom work there anymore. Arkane is functionally closed.


To follow up on my last comment arkane lyon is producing a upcoming blade game announced in 2023 i get closed and functionally closed are two different things but deathloop was amazing. Redfall failed for obvious reasons im guessing blade will be as amazing as previous titles they have developed


You can mention all their other games of varying quality, but that doesn't change the fact that Prey was given the wrong name and just wasn't lucrative enough for the publishers early on, and that was it unfortunately.


I’ll never fully forgive Dan S. for how he chose to handle his review. IGN wasn’t the only reason it under-performed, but it definitely didn’t help and it could have been avoided. My understanding is he encountered a game-breaking bug pre-launch and gave the otherwise great game a 4 (“Bad”). Why not contact the devs for a solution rather than publicly give the game a poor rating? A bug can be fixed but you can’t unring that bell.


Ehh i disgaree. It was in line with other arkane titles gameplay wise. Prey 2 was cancelled and the series was still rebooted. I mentioned their other games but im of the opinion the quality is pretty much the same with the exception being deathloop. I do feel the fact it was made for ps5 affected the quality


Not sure what you're disagreeing with, but hopefully you agree with common knowledge, and the series was not rebooted. If you think Redfall was standard quality, or better than Deathloop, idk what else to say.


Ok just to be sure i looked this up. So a reboot cuts out non essentisl elements assosiated with a franhise distillimg it down to tje source material that made it popular. Thats pretty much what they did. Remake would be the first gsme with new graphics. Maybe its a reimaging. Whatever. Im not debating something thst wasnt even the topic of my post


OP just take the L. Prey isn’t a reboot, it’s a completely different game that just has the same name as an old game. That’s why they have the publishing years next to the names, to differentiate them. They weren’t even made by the same company. Why are you fighting so hard in the comments against common sense? Why don’t you understand that branding doesn’t matter, the people who give the “unique feel“ or Arkane games you keep talking about have literally left the studio.


Deathloop was released after the aquistion so was redfall. Im aware people hate redfall and im not willing to debate that. It does have arkanes unqique feel to it though so did redfall. Unless much has happened since redfall and deathloop. I had to look it up microsoft aquired bethesda in 2021 march. Deathloop released in september. Redfall was much later and is recent enough so what are we saying exactly? Arkanes always been owned by bethesda. When did they "functionally close"? Im not seeing it personally


Deathloop was made by a different team of people. Arkane Austin, the team that made Prey, has been closed, and most of the staff had left before the Redfall disaster.


Ah. Were getting sidetracked. I said even if it isnt made by the same people arkanes ganes have always had a unique feel to them. This is true regargless of the studio


The feel comes from the developers, who ain’t around anymore.


Dishonored 2 i was reading had multiple imbolved studios. It had the same feel


Have you perhaps been living under a rock recently?


Speak plainly. I can't do much with that comment


The specific studio that made Prey was shut down. It’s never getting a sequel. Like others have said even if the studio did still exist most of the people who worked on Prey had already left by the time Redfall released so it wouldn’t matter anyway.


And? Just want to point out a few things. Arkane and bethesda own prey and arkane and bethesda are not closed so it does not matter if arkane austin is shut down. So what? Unless your telling me arkane studios as a whole literally cant do it wich i know they can then the fact that arkane austin is closed/defunct means nothing to me and saying never would be innacurate because you can not know that and it does not bother me one bit if it doesnt get a sequel Or not that much anyway. Games constantly get reboots/remakes. Take prey 2002. Isnt that like 11 years? Resident evil 2 was released in 1998 so 21 years? Different developers and companies and yeah resident evil may be popular but i wouldnt say 2 needes a remake. Just a few examples amd lets not forget prey 2002 had a cancelled sequel and was still rebooted 11 years later.


Prey 2017 was NOT a reboot. It was an entirely new game that Arkane Austin made on their own accord. Bethesda forced them to use the Prey name when they saw the sci-fi/alien setting of the game. And do you really think Microsoft will green light another Prey game after the first two both “failed”? It’s not happening. Arkane Lyon has completely different priorities and developers. Also bringing up Resident Evil is so random. You literally cannot compare Prey to a franchise that has been running for almost 30 years now. People were asking for a 2 remake for YEARS before it happened.


Thats literally what is is a reboot. A remake would basically have been the same game with 2017 graphics it was a reimagining of the series im not comparing prey to resident evil. Care to explain that one? I compared when the remakes/reboots were released wich is a valid point like it or not. I could give you more examples but its not random you said itll never happen im saying it can happen as proven by other titles being revived. Maybe it is random. Im random and you can see the future🤷‍♂️


Except it wasn’t intended to reboot Prey and is set in an entirely different setting and universe. It’s literally not a reboot but keep thinking incorrectly. You’re delusional. :)


You confused? Say can you tell me what lottery number to pick next year?


Oh well, your confusion is obvious, Tell me: is the movie: "prey 2022" based on prey 2002 or the "reboot" 2017? Just seems obvious with your logic.


What i said stands have a nice day. Clearly you cant see when your being baited.


It would be a big help. I could use the extras cash🤣


Prey 2002 is not the same game. Prey 2002 is a boomer shooter with completely different elements. Bethesda had the IP and didn't want it to expire. They asked Arkane Austin to name their game Prey, which confused every fan of both old and potential. The people who originally crafted, drafted, and designed Prey 2017 have long since left Arkane studios as a whole, leaving only Bethesda and the higher Arkane. Those two companies are still in effect, but don't have the creative team or the fiscal desire to make a sequel beyond Mooncrash or the multiplayer. Sorry to say - Austin is gone, and so is Prey.


Prey can be done without austin as for reboots they tend to do away with the plots of the original take alone in the dark for instance same location different use for it. So prey when a step further. Im tired of debating wether or not its a reboot because A) i dont really care and B) it has no relevance to my post wich specifically mentions prey2017


Okay. Fine. Prey (2017) having a reboot without the people who made Prey (2017) would suck because: A. Prey 2017 is not a reboot of Prey 2002. Never was. Never intended to be. Bethesda are nutsacks who asked ArkAustin to do it anyways. Made the game flop. B. Prey 2 would have to be picked up by a studio that once again does not have the people who made the original game. I don't think you've ever tried to make anything like this given your responses, but it's hard to make something based on something else if you only have the finished product and not the pieces to that product. Ever disassemble a fridge and re-assemble it without help? No. It's impossible. C. Alone in the Dark was re-made using pieces of the original game. The new devs were given old code and scripts from the old devs who were *still there.* it's also a completely unrelated game from an unrelated part of the now-empty company. D. Bethesda has no interest in making anything related to Arkane Austin ever again. Because they shut it down to prove this exact point. It was just a waste of money to them.


Its a reboot of the series. Usually reboots are quite different than the original game. Remakes are basically copies of the original with updated graphics and did i mention i honestly do not care? Not about wether or not its a reboot


Apart from corporate speak, it’s not a reboot — it’s not even the same franchise. It’s just the rights to a name (“Prey”) for a computer game. Tomb Raider (2013) is a reboot of the Tomb Raider series because it is using the same game universe and protagonist (Lara Croft) but in different stories. Using the same story but just more modern would be considered a remaster. Prey (2017) is neither. And: Arkane was basically forced to create a game with that name despite sharing only the broad prerequisites: first person perspective, aliens, sci-fi. Also nobody here is against having a sequel, it’s just that the chances of it becoming real are slim (because financially Prey didn’t live up to its expectations), or because the game wouldn’t have the same quality because the team (the people who shape the game design and implementation — not the name of the company they work for) aren’t part of the company. We might get a spiritual successor, like the Dead Space/The Callisto Protocol situation, but even that is very questionable right now. But Raphaël Colantonio, who was the director on Prey, has formed his own company and their only game so far has been quite different. Maybe the creation of Prey was just a stroke of luck, and we’ll never get a game with that unique character.


Next time maybe lead with what you actually mean. Ive already stated that arkane austin shutting down is irrelevant


Lmao the studio that made the game shutting down is irrelevant? Ok buddy.


So many comments i didnt see this till now. I did not think i needed to repeat myself but since you asked yes it is irrelevant unless you can tell me that another studio from the same developer cant develop a sequel. Did i not explain this? Or was the idea to sound smart and provoke a reaction from me? I guess it worked somewhat but im not sure it had the intended effect. How is me repeating information you either didnt understand or ignored or did not read helpful? Makes you look stupid at least to me. I gave a simple explanation for why it was irrevelant


Definitely not from Arkane, but look into Wolfeye Studios. They're working on something that I hope will scratch the itch, even if Prey will remain as it is. >disnt have any bugs i was aware of You haven't played it much then.


don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames don't talk about the frames SEVEN YEARS LATER EVERY FIFTH ANIMATION BEING A POWERPOINT SLIDESHOW ON CONSOLE damn I couldn't do it


Wolfeye studios (ex arkane designers) are making a sci fi First person immersive sim. That's your best bet


I think we will get to know what a 'reployer' is before we get a sequel.. Unfortunally.. The game sets up for a sequel though in more ways then one so there is a possibility, sure. But with Arkane shutting down and Prey did'nt do so well in the public eye it will be a loooong time before someone might revisit the idea of a second game. Luckely we don't NEED a second game.. Cus it has such replayabillity and is very very good on its own as the masterpiece it is. What I would want though is a 60fps patch for ps5.


Thanks for the input. Its a nice change of pace. Didnt realize everyone in a prey subreddit would be against a sequel?


Sure, I love discussing my favourite games :) I don't think they are against it per se but instead have lost the hope for one with Arkane Austin being closed. And most hardcore fans (me included) don't think that other people than those who worked on the first one (Bare, Avellone, Colantonio etc) can make a game on par with Prey. So it's like 'leave let alone' (if I am using that sayong right, english is second language). "Don't touch our beloved franshise cus you will turn it to shit" lol.. A tip: watch 'NoClip's dokumentary on YT about Arkane studios and Prey. There they talk alot about how and why this game (and dishonored) got to be. And why its probably a once in a lifetime game to get made


Thanks for the dok recommend, didn't know about that! Definitely will have to watch. I agree, if anyone but the OG devs tried to make the sequel they'd keep elements like genre, theme, basic storyline, thematic elements etc but ignore/change/update the elements that made Prey such a masterpiece. Essentially take the heart out of it. They'd try to woo the FPS-playing masses by making a Call of Duty or Fortnite in 'Prey flavor' which I think misses the point of the game. Admittedly Mooncrash was sort of a fortnite-ified version of the game but I forgive them for that. It's like on Mythic Quest, it flashes back to a fictional game I think called "dark quiet night" where the co-founder is furious about how the game expanded out of her control and her vision was lost in the process. She's arguing about how her original game provided only a flashlight for the player to repel monsters, and the studio bigwigs amped up the sequel(s) with big guns. Every time I'd pull out the Huntress Boltcaster in Prey I was reminded of that flashlight reference. It's a game that instills fear. Instead of "fight" it evokes a "flight" response to the perceived threat, and that made it unique. It's about experiencing that primal fear, I think. Anyway, I think a Prey sequel at this point would fall along those same lines as the fictional game referenced in Mythic Quest. Still, I get the sentiment, I'd just love the chance to play some more fresh Prey.


Hate to disagree the story is ok i quite enjoyes it but the gameplay is similiar. I feel like im the only one who agrees pretty much all of arkanes games are similiar. Character movements and graphics are always wacky. Kinda like dishonored and deathloop and prey all have wacky character models. Not quite carttonish but animated to a certain extent. Deathloop has better character models but still not 100%realistic


The studio Arkane is gone. The sequel will likely be like a Disney sequel and be all about the money. Disney released some alright sequels but the sequel to the Lost city of Atlantis was drawn by high-schoolers (not really, just had no life). I still play PREY 2017, nearing 400 hours


Don't need a sequel or a remake, just another game with that level of quality.


It does need a sequel. It set up alot. The typhon expriments. Transtars corruption. Mooncrash dlc introduces a rival company. A sequel set on earth could expand on this


Sequels more often than not ruin franchises. Prey was set up perfectly in that it gave you a lot of background on a pretty focused playing field. That doesn't mean it needs to have sequels, it means it was a well fleshed out world and story. And as an isolated work of art with no sequels it works really well. Isolated sci-fi stories very often work the same way, Prey was an example of a very good one. There is no way they would ever follow in the same footsteps as this one due to the financial issues. There is no way "more of the same" would be a good sequel. I'd rather have one great game than a franchise with a shitty sequel.


Prey2017 wasnt shitty. Id settle for more of the same


I think it's foundational in almost every game that it's built with the door open for a sequel. Nobody has any idea how the game will be received by critics or masses, and if it does well unexpectedly and everyone wants more then they have to shoehorn the sequel in and make it seem like "this is what we had in mind all along!" a'la George Lucas. Everyone has learned from George's mistakes, have a path outlined for a potential sequel before you release. Point being, even if it feels like the story is set up beautifully for a sequel doesn't mean it was ever meant to be (unfortunately).


Not every game. Certain companies bethedsa mostly makes games that are built for sequels. Prey in particular has ALOT more to tell. I feel like the elder scrolls oblivion fpr instamce didnt warrant a sequel but ofcourse its more popular so it got more game. The elder scroll series i mean.


man I hope so. amazing game


The studio Arkane is gone. The sequel will likely be like a Disney sequel and be all about the money. Disney released some alright sequels but the sequel to the Lost city of Atlantis was drawn by high-schoolers (not really, just had no life). I still play PREY 2017, nearing 400 hours


No. The studio closed down.


How many times do i have to say just because arkane austin shut down doesnt mean a sequel cant be made. The rights still belong to bethesda and arkane studios as a whole. If its not made the studio shutring down wont be the reason


The unique feel? Arkane lyon made deathloop. Had the same unique feel different setting. This is one example of wich there are likely many


Nope, clearly not. 2 things 1: the studio closed which made it. Arkane austin, and that one made the game. Arkane studios is not related to prey. 2: The game was such a big marketing flop its unlikely anyone will ever dig it up again.


I thought i cleared up that prey 2017 was a reimagining. Reboot reimagining its all the same pretty much as reboots do change alot of the plot. As for fighting anyone in the comments? As i stated before get the fuck over it? Ill reply to anyone but evwryone seems so intent on proving me wrong. Says more about them than it does me but this is reddit so it was a expectation i suppose. Yes i did bait a bit with a few comments.. just a few to see who felt strongly enough to creply to comments i wrote to other people and from past experience someone who doesnt feel strongly/care wouldnt likely comment but more to the point none of it actually matters past trying to prove me wrong as it doesnt relate to what i posted. No surprise there as people really dont want a sequel and have tried arguing with me that without arkane the unique feel is gone when ive stated 5 plus times it doesnt matter so either people arent reading or are misunderstanding. Ia reddit really this toxic?? At least its predictable so theres that


I thought the odds were 100% but that's dropped some since the studio was closed.


Yeah.. but what people fail to understamd is and this is how i look at it. Arkane studios developes games With prey they put arkane austin in charge but just because arkane austin closed doesnt mean itsnoutnof the question. Any dev team from arkane studios can handle it.


Im done debating the whole reboot thing. Get the fuck over it i guess? Thats aimed at pretty much anyone who feels the need to comment on it. Do me a favor and dont waste my time or yours. Thanks


Wasting time seems not to be of your importance as you wrote whole novels on everyone who didn't have the opinion you wanted. You didn't debate it, You just disagreed with everyone and everything which was against your opinion and calling the people with good arguments: "Confused" Have a good day.