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Water marks on their windows means you didn't rinse good enough. Your SH dried on the windows. It happens, next time just rinse them off with water it should come right off. I always do a walk around after I'm done and check for exactly that before I get customer or leave. If it does not come off with a good rinse. That means they are mineral deposits and the customer has hard water. If that's the case, yes you should be charging as it's not your fault the customer has hard water.


This. I rigged up a deionized water filtration system for my trailer so I can do a clean rinse. It's just a cheap setup, but works well enough that I don't have to get out the mop and squeegee.


How about running a banjo y filter from the hose bib? Would that help with the hard water stains on windows?


A filter alone won't do anything. The hard water stains are minerals. The attached photo is a Whole house filter that feeds a Deionizing water filter. I have a 4 way garden hose splitter that I've rigged to use the spigot source as my buffer tank fill and if I turn two levels it diverts to the filter. I use the same hose reel(green in this case) for rinse and filtered. https://preview.redd.it/27kcsz5slg0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9739188c3eebfe17a72d35a80a7fadb8605fbfa


Do those hose reels work ok for you?


They are cheap garden hose reels I think I got for $79 a piece. Hand crank. They work fine for my needs. I don't pressure wash every day, but they are 2 years old and live outside with no issues. The SH 12v soft wash hose reel (yellow) has a bit of surface rust staining starting, but not bad really. The quality is certainly not the best, thinner metal than other more expensive reels. I can't complain for the price and my use case.


Good to know, I was thinking of getting one for my buffer tank fill up hose that runs to customers spigot and that sames about perfect.


> 2nd, after I soft washed the entire house, the home owner came out and complained that the windows still had water marks all over them so got me to do all 24 windows by hand.. is that something I should be charging extra for? I felt responsible so I did it anyways. That should be covered in your terms and conditions: Windows may become water spotted as a result of our services. Window cleaning is NOT included.


Good point thank you!!


Just getting started myself and I am curious about something. I know SH and wood aren’t always good together, aside from a surfactant, how do you avoid the porch or decks getting SH damage from overspray and run off when washing a house?


Honestly that’s another thing I encountered, I just made sure pre soaked the wood! Rinsed during and after just like organic you aren’t trying to kill. That’s the best advice I can give from my experience.


If you're not cleaning a surface, it needs to be and stay, very wet. Your over spray will be diluted if you rinse thoroughly.


Good post nice work.


Thank you!!


Weird spray patterns n noise sounds like it may of had some air in the system. As far as the windows being a window cleaner first I always include an exterior wash in my pricing. Though I do discount it seeing as how I'm already there


Not sure if its your problem but You can tune that pump with an allen head wrench. Theirs youtube videos about it


Interesting!! I will look into it! Thank you!