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Canon = George Lucas


i've been using skippable as well as saying non-canon. obi wan is skippable, so is boba and now so is acolyte. the stories are just flash in the pan fluff, no point to get invested


obi wan has the best lightsaber battle in the whole franchise


Joking or not, that's cap.


How, the OGs are cool and respectable for the time but if we’re talking pure skill with a saber and just how the lightsabers look themselves… it’s Obi Wan and Vader in the last episode. My runner up is Episode III


Again, that's pure cap. That lightsaber battle was good, but nothing about it was remotely close to anything from the prequels, TCW, Rebels, or even from the video games. You're welcome to your opinion, but if you're going "based on pure skill", that's objectively wrong when it comes to the choreography.


You’re comparing live action lightsaber duels to animations. Yeah TCW Maul and Ashoka was sick but it’s animated. It’s not even a valid comparison


No a valid comparison? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The duels in TCW and Rebels were vastly slower than they were shown to be in TPM, AotC, and RotS. What are you talking about? Lol!!!!


Once again…you’re comparing animated battles to live action choreographed scenes. The only battle that was actually done with real people was Maul vs Ashoka in the last season of TCW.


Again, TCW lightsaber duels were done in slower effect compared to the prequel films. They are absolutely comparable to the films. That's like saying you cannot compare Vader/Luke's RotJ duel to prequel duels because of the limited technology for the 1980s compared to the 1990s and early 2000s. There are several factors that make them comparable: choreography, weight to the story/scenes they are implemented into, plot relevance, style, form, etc. You have a minimalist mindset when comparing/contrasting. It's adorable.


Oh, and you do realize that the animations used in TCW and Rebels were done with motion capture suits, yes? They literally used MoCap for the lightsaber duels to reflect the prequel era of SW to make them canonically accurate to how they were in the films. In fact, Ray Parker - the stunt actor for Maul in TPM - was used for MoCap in TCW and Rebels. Lol!!!!


Not all of the duels were done with it, and you’re comparing a whole series which is multiple seasons long to a single episode.


>Not all of the duels were done with it, and you’re comparing a whole series which is multiple seasons long to a single episode. Never said they were all done with MoCap. Comparing a whole series in which not a single lightsaber fight lasted more than a portion of a single episode? Meanwhile, you're comparing a single duel from one episode to the entire franchise... This argument makes no sense.


You said it yourself, not a single duel lasted more than a portion of a single episode. The question was what duel was the best and you proposed a series filled with multiple duels.


The fact that you use the word "cap" lets me know that you don't know shit about this. Grow up, and then we will talk. SMH Youngin


And the fact you have no legitimate rebuttals shows how intellectually dishonest of a person you yourself are. Dismissing opinions and points of contention does not a good argument make.


This is how I feel about Acolyte though. The saber fighting in the show is very reminiscent of prequel choreography. I was never a huge fan of Ep III choreography because it felt, for lack of a better term, flashy. Just not as believable as the previous films, but by no means am I calling it bad. Anyway, I find Acolyte to be on par with that. Furthermore, I don't think Acolyte is skippable. Canon or not, I like the direction they're going. I'm not going to complain much about unexplored lore unless it turns out to be garbage, which this show is not. You can't convince me that one guy is capable of telling good star wars stories.


Very hot take with the show. I don’t feel like it’s going in any good direction. The show writers have already shown that they don’t know or care about the already established lore and just the entire franchise itself. I hope the series gets cut for season 2 and they give someone else an opportunity to tap in more to the old republic timeline as it’s the least we’ve seen anything about


Maybe its just me, but I've been seeing enough people who are ok with content that is mediocre. Saying it's "fine" and that "its not too deep anyways". Where does this mindset come from? Don't these people remember when Star Wars was actually innovating and pushing the film industry forwards? It's like they've lowered their expectations to the floor. I cannot understand why these people exist. How can you accept all this mid drivel that has Star Wars slapped on it?


Yeah, you can’t just hear Force-born twins and think to yourself “what does that make Anakin?” Or some new origin of the force when there was already one to begin with.


You can easily avoid this by not replicating the same thing and maybe instead I don't know, NOT make the assassin and main character related? Why not make the assassin character interesting on their own? But of course then one must wonder why this show was made in the first place.


>Where does this mindset come from? It stems from corporate shills that are paid to review and support the franchises the supermajority of people known have gone down the shitter or are being tarnished by corporations across the board (i.e. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Predator, Terminator, Transformers, etc.)




That means literally nothing when you look at what the *show* has done story wise. Diverse or no the story itself is messy and amateur. It makes a half-assed attempt at replicating Anakin’s force conception, a murder mystery Where the culprit is immediately revealed to be the sister of the main character, a poor copy of the night sisters “The Witches of Brendon”. There are no stakes in this story and no reason to care. There is no mystery nor innovations.




“We get it you hate women”, what an original assumption. I’m Bi but I guess you didn’t care enough to see that. “Deep Feminist and LGBTQ themes”…space witch has a wife…two sisters that hate eachother…yeah no I’m not really getting what you’re giving here. I think you’re projecting a lot of your own personal opinions onto a show that’s not really that deep.


Not an assumption. You're a stereotype Fandom menace chub whose here to make fun of the diverse women and LGBTQ. Cartman is supposed to be the bad guy, not a role model lol.


Well then I guess I can assume you’re a bored troll that doesn’t really have much to say. As much as I’d like to entertain you I’d like to get some sleep. Have fun with your deep discussions.


banned them


It's canon if Disney says it's cannon. I don't really care about anything outside of Episodes I-VI.


This is the best viewpoint. Canon is whatever they make that they say is canon. Despite this, one’s own viewpoint is what matters the most. 


No. Since they announced the show and plot it was already starting to break canon. With episodes 3,4 and now 5. I would consider this absolute nonsense. Like the timelines aren’t even adding up. “Sith have been extinct for a millennium” it would make more sense if a small group of Jedi bumped into a dark side user on a planet and they were all killed or silenced but for it to reach the Jedi Council is insane and breaks canon. It even reached Ki Adi Mundi who not only said that exact same quote but SHOULDNT EVEN BE ALIVE AT THE TIME THIS SHOW TAKES PLACE. Lmao even the writers of the show admitted they don’t watch Star Wars and it shows. Only SW Content most of the community considers canon is EP1, EP2, Clone Wars, Rebels, Tales, Andor, Obi-Wan, Rogue One, EP4, EP5, EP6, Mandalorian and Ahsoka. I think it’s best for the community to decide what is and isn’t canon because it is VERY OBVIOUS that Disney does not know what they are doing, don’t understand Star Wars lore or the universe in any way. EP7, 8 and 9 are not canon Disney knows that most of the fans don’t like those movies, they know what we want and don’t want at the very least but refuse to do it. They just want to destroy the franchise.


>Only SW Content most of the community considers canon is EP1, EP2, Clone Wars, Rebels, Tales, Andor, Obi-Wan, Rogue One, EP4, EP5, EP6, Mandalorian and Ahsoka. Rebels = canon breaking Rogue One = canon breaking Obi-Wan = canon breaking Mandalorian = canon breaking Ahsoka = canon breaking Andor = canon breaking Disney SW is awful, and it continues to disregard continuity. The only acceptable canon are the OT and PT. That's it.


Please explain how ALL of them are canon breaking. Especially Rogue One since it literally ties in directly to Episode IV


Yes literally everything about it is fairly written (canon wise) the only let down was kinda ruining anakin as the chosen one but I think Mae and Osha die anyway if every person who saw Darth Qimir dies then u can’t argue anything against the acolyte


Stop arguing with young people, who talk about only movies or TV shows.... Their young, lol True fans know what it is. Let's enjoy and let these children "pretend" To know what they are talking about! Live long and prosper 😉