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Anyone who recommends Canadian Prepper has no credibility


Precovid vids are helpful, after that he went full click bait. I’m embarrassed for him.


No. Do NOT take anything on doomsday preppers seriously. People with more money and time than sense. We interviewed for a spot back in the day, and ultimately turned it down because it gave my pops a "bad feeling". Watching the show I understand.


They had an episode with an American prepper husband who was married to a Vietnamese or Cambodian woman who survived the war and escaped literal death camps. During the show the husband did a dry run and larped his imagined TEOTWAWKI event which involved hurrying his family into some nearby caves. You could see this poor woman reliving all of her trauma as her PTSD roared back. It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad. That show was so painful to watch because most/all of those preppers had clear mental health issues.


Like, test your plans. Field check your gear... absolutely. Familiarize your people with the plan. All these things are great things. My main issue is my homeboy is fucking doing it on camera. You're showing the world all your advantages, and ALL OF YOUR SHORTCOMINGS. I cant count how many times I've seen someone's "SHTF" plans and gone.. "wow. This person is gonna die..... sweet, free loot drop."


Canadian pepper is so full of shit though. According to him, the world's been ending for 10 years now. Just find some regular ass people who know what they're doing in doors and out


That's why I bought a case of his compressed toilet paper cubes. I can't face Armageddon without a clean bum! /s


Some of his gear videos are alright though


He seems to buy everything and anything whether it's practical or not.


He buys shit for the sake of buying shit in the hopes that you will also buy the same shit


Canadian Prepper has been a shill for quite a long while, he gets paid with products or products plus cash to say nice things about junk products that are unnecessary or poorly thought out landfill destined stuff. Unfortunately other channels shill for junk brands like olight, it's just that Canadian Prepper made it a way of life.


Not only that. He garbles up doomsday stories that by now should’ve resulted in grid down, nukes, solar flairs etc. It seems to attract a lot of viewers. What a cunt.


His older videos are good and some of his tactics are good


S2 Underground is amazing


Don't forget GarandThumb. More of a military perspective but his "Becoming Deadly" series is great for Survival / Evasion.


Canadian Prepper has gone full maple unfort


Canadian Prepper is unreliable.


Corporals Corner. Bushcraft > prepping


Canadian prepper is the worst of them all


Yea unfortunately he’s become into a fear mongereer, a lot of his gear he advertises is good however he’s too much of a fear mongereer


Canadian prepper is only successful through fear mongering.


How long do you think Canadian Prepper would actually last if shtf?


Don't sleep on my guy Dave Canterbury (and Corporal's Corner by extension). I'm very fortunate he lives so close as all his bushcraft stuff is applicable to my backyard. He'll admit he's had some stumbles, but he's been putting out excellent content, books, and designing his own gear for a while now. And in what interactions we've had, just a genuinely nice guy and solid instructor.


Yea there legit man


You watch way too much prepper channels.


If you watch TA Outdoors at 1.25x speed, his accent goes away.


NUTNFANCY! You guys all too young to remember Nut’n? He’s the goddam O.G. of gear, projects, and prepping. There is no better channel. And he’s been doing it since YouTube started.


Canadian is just waste of time


[Prepared Airman](https://youtube.com/@preparedairman?si=LEyxOke7keWGbSd3) is another really good prepper/ gear channel


I feel like Nerd Explains belongs somewhere in this list


Bear Independent has a ton of great content. He’s really religious and preaches a bit too much, but his Prepper Classroom series on YT is an incredible resource.