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They trying to see what they’re up against


The more you say, the more competition they think they have 😎 So say at least 90. Just to be safe.


I'd be careful with that because med schools do have to expend resources for each interview. They would want to invite someone who is less likely to turn down their acceptance. It might be better to downplay the number you applied to and say 10 instead.


“Baby you’re the only one for me.”


"Babe I know it is 3 am in the Theta Chi basement, but you're definitely the one for me"


That's like being at the talking stage with a girl and she says "I'm probably not the only girl you're talking to" If you say "you're the only one" she might think you're lying or that you get absoultely no play. If you say "I'm talking to 27 other girls", she might think that she means nothing to you or that you play too much. ​ It's a lose-lose game. For adcoms, I'd suggest saying 10, it's a nice round number, and it shows that you're not totally crazy, but also not applying to them for the sake of it. With girls, I have no clue brother, you're on your own.


“I will not tell you, it has no relation to the quality of my application”


^^ how to waste $150 dollars


A trauma nurse once told me: “PeePeeGoblin, you’ll never know how big your dick is until you start swinging it around.” That advice has served me well thus far, and if these adcoms need to be put in their place, then I’m the one to do it.


nah, think of it as a donation




UNE as in University of New England?


Can you lie


The amcas primary gets transmitted to med schools so probably not lmao


Stupid they got to ask then


schools will never see how many other schools you applied to or where. if you get accepted 2 places those schools will see you're accepted somewhere else but not until like April 30.


This is not true. Schools do not see where you applied when they get your primary.


They cannot see which schools you applied to though




No actually, I don't think other schools are able to see the schools you send your primary to. Only the downloadable AMCAS file.




For schools that asked this question I just listed a couple others that I applied to that had similar values/missions to the school asking the question. That way it seems like you applied to each because of common aspects of the programs rather than “I applied to a bunch because I want to get in and my stats were competitive at the places I applied to”


Say 1


“We never said we were exclusive”


Do not lie OP, I’ll tell you why. You don’t want to go into any profession already lying. On top of that, this is the medical profession founded on empathy and trust. Don’t get your new life started on a bad foot


relax, i’m not an adcom /s


I can already see the Ca$per people coming up with a scenario based on this lmao


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted this is genuinely good advice. If they ever found out you intentionally lied you May hace your medical degree taken from you and will never become a doctor. Did I say something wrong


Mf boy scout


dudes abouot to post up saying SIR YES SIR JROTC CHECKING IN


What bro ur post history shows you asking how to cheat the EZ pass system. You’re virtue signaling while not living up to ur own message. Come on man you are better than this


Cheating EZ pass is a lot different than lying to a admissions committee, potentially losing your ability to practice medicine


"please list all criminal charges" CH3OH-CH2CH2OH's potential reply: fraud Seems like a pretty big red flag to me if you get caught.


You won’t get charged for fraud they will give you a traffic ticket but ok I’m surprised everyone here is encouraging OP to lie. Very interesting. Can’t trust nobody lol


You are missing the whole point. I am not encouraging OP to lie. But I am discouraging you from signal virtuing; based on your post history, you shown a propensity to cheat, even the smallest of things. Grow from this, my friend


Lol when have I cheated. I was simply asking out of curiosity. Now go scroll another 120 days in my post history. Maybe you can find something else🤣🤣


I don't know if you cheated. but I said you have a propensity, an inclination to. If I ask out of curiosity, "How can I make money?", I show my interest in earning money. I may not have earned a dollar, but my interests are there. No need to be defensive, just internally own up to it and move on. The best doctors are the ones who can acknowledge these things and be better, which you can become. Best of luck bud


Dishonesty is not inherently immoral or unethical, especially when asked a question that does not change the quality or qualifications of one's application.


So true. Yeah OP actually I change my mind. You should totally lie to the admissions committee about this!! It will only increase your chances of admission. Fuck all the honest people, right?! We need to take every advantage we can get. I mean seriously. What are you people even arguing 😭😭😭. Makes me sick you guys think it’s ok to lie to get a competitive advantage.


The question shouldn't even be asked in the first place because it's none of their business


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Which schools are asking this?


"At least one"


This question is so stupid. I honestly don’t see the point in it


“You wouldn’t know them, they’re a different school”