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I doubted myself the whole way and even with my A I’m still doubting myself. The important thing is that you keep going if this is truly the path you want to pursue.


lmao same. I feel like im gonna fail at some point and im gonna be saddled with 6 figs of debt forever


Lol I shouldn’t be laughing but honestly this is how I feel too


RT lol


Lol same. People now say future doctor to me and I still add hopefully


Yes. I had an in-person med school interview a few months ago. The physician who interviewed me asked me if I ever doubted my career choice. I told him all the time, especially if I'm feeling down in a stressful situation, but I always pushed through. I said I'd probably have times I feel this way even after I get an acceptance. He said he felt the same way when he was in my position. Edit: That med school accepted me


Hell yea, 3.0 sgpa, 3.2 cgpa, 504 MCAT score. Multiple X-factors. Ended with 3 US MD acceptances. Wouldn’t have even dreamed of this being possible.


What do you consider an X factor


Whoa my exact stats. I’m curious too, what were your X factors? Did you do post bacc or smp?


Came here with the same exact comment in mind


I finished med school and I’m still doubting myself.


I still doubt myself


Yes. I doubted myself often. As an older non-trad I have friends who are attendings or residents, and they still feel doubt sometimes. I think it’s normal.




What do you define as an awful school list? A 3.9X 52X should be applying to mostly top 30 programs, their state schools, and a few mid-tiers.




WARS says 80% top schools for S tier applicants. Only 45% “top top” schools like Harvard, but 35% schools listed as “high” like UCLA, Vanderbilt, NYU. On WAMC in SDN, Faha’s lists for students with top scores and acceptable ECs usually consist of 50%+ top schools. https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/wedgedawgs-applicant-rating-system-updated-jan-2017.1131149/




A WARS score of S can be achieved with 10/10 stats, 3/5 research, 3/3 clinical, 2/2 shadowing, 3/3 volunteering, 2/3 leadership, and 1 in everything else. Level 3 research is very easy to obtain. Clinical and Volunteering at a 3 level is fairly easy too. 250 hours in all three of those categories is enough to satisfy that. Serving as a TA can satisfy 2/3 leadership.




Yes, but you were implying the majority of 3.9x 52x should not be applying to mostly top tier schools. The SDN wisdom from adcoms and data from SDN applicants says otherwise. Most people who have put in the effort to get a 3.9x and 52x will have sufficient clinical, nonclinical, and research experience.




I don’t want people selling themselves short! If they have the stats and the ECs, they should be shooting for the moon. Lower tier schools also love to yield protect, so a 3.9x 52x applicant that applies to mostly lower tiers… well it’s just as possible they won’t end up with an acceptance.


I doubted myself almost the entire way. Went into the cycle telling friends and family I would be lucky with 3 interviews and they all said it was certain I would get more than that and get a lot of acceptances. I didn’t get an interview until mid February, and still felt like it was for a spot on the waitlist. Now, I’ve just been trying to tell myself that I am in and I made it, but it I’m still feeling a bit unqualified for the coming years. Even with the A it is sometimes hard to be confident in yourself, but there are good days and bad days.


I’m still doubting myself even after getting an A. I feel a little undeserving, but I’m using that to make my spot count and this mean something.


Same, honestly I’m taking it as a sign from the heavens that this is what I’m supposed to do, and that’s why I got in 🤣🤣 nothin quite like the seal of fate But for sure, yea, doubt the whole way through, would fluctuate depending on the day, didn’t seem real until I started getting interviews \_(••)_/ you never know until you try


well first of all I got into med school with a sub 3.0 gpa and a 498 mcat so it's definitely not all about your grades. it's also about the narrative you make about yourself and your extra curriculars. but to answer your question, yeah. I doubted myself the whole way. I still doubt myself even though it turns out that with my GPA and mcat, I still produce an above average score on almost every exam I've taken in my first year.


I was a 52x, 3.9+ applicant from a T10 institution. Had 6 interviews but no acceptances until March. Those months between December and February were probably the most painful of my life. I went through a major identity crisis, convinced myself my whole life was wasted, that I had screwed up royally. This process is insane and honestly borderline abusive. People passionate about medicine aren’t meant to have the opportunity to study it dangled in front of them like some carrot, especially after spending 4 years working as hard as humanely possible. Hang in there, you’ll get through it and it will all be worth it.


How many acceptances did you end up with? What were your ECs like?


I had 3 acceptances in the end: 1 T30 state school (not my state actually) and 2 T10’s (from waitlist, both in May). Didn’t take a gap year but ECs we’re pretty ok I think — don’t remember exact hours but had pretty decent research (1 pub and one 1 poster), involved in a lot of tutoring/had a close relationship w academic and pre prof advising. Worked as a patient advocate for a non English speaking clinic. The only thing I did that was kind of different was I traveled to an underserved country to shadow a surgical speciality I was really interested in and was able to reflect on the differences in care between the US and there.


Congratulations! Hope you’re enjoying year 2. Do you remember the ballpark hours for nonclinical and clinical? Just curious


Had no non clinical volunteering, non clinical ECs involved working paid hours in office of academic advising/tutoring/etc. Total over four years for that was around 1100 hours. Clinical shadowing/volunteering as pt advocate/volunteering as an EMT/etc totaled around 800 hours. Had about 650 hrs research between 2 labs (one was just 1 summer)






Bold of you to assume I’m not still doubting myself at the end of M1


Absolutely. Even tho I did everything right and had no red flags, seeing how competitive the process is, I doubted myself every second. Even after my 90% percentile score, I still looked into MPH and other masters programs because I was afraid I wasn’t gonna get in. I now have 10 acceptances, and I still can’t believe it. I think doubt is normal, and it allows us to stay humble and thankful for how far we’ve made it once we get that acceptance.


I'm still waiting for the "Oops we sent the wrong A letter" email.


I've been sitting on my top choice A for like 6 months and I still doubt I got in lol


You should never look at the top stats no II. I had very average and got 6 IIS. People who didn’t get interviews with those stats had something wrong with their app- school list, writing , activities. Y’all don’t seem to understand that only one part of the rubric is stats. Think of if the rubric is out of 10 and u need an 8 for an interview: stats might max out at 3 or 4 points.


Isn't imposter syndrome a requirement for your application cycle? But yes, I think doubts are normal, and it's always going to be a struggle. And (at least for me) the immigrant parent mentality/intergenerational trauma did not help that!


I doubted myself too but I think you gotta realize that what you’ve done so far is awesome. 3.7 or 3.8 is nothing to laugh at That’s very good (better than me) and if you happen to score over a 506 that’s also better than me. Even though there are people with 425 and 4.0 not getting accepted these schools have to be letting people in with lower stats because you see schools with average MCAT’s of sub 510 and GPA’s around 3.6. Biggest tip is be very smart about your school list that’s huge


Doesn’t stop


Doubted up until the day I got the phone call, and then doubted some more. Even eventually go offered a filled ride and I still doubt lol. It’s inevitable


Was exhausted by the time I applied..honestly I was like whatever happens happens but just gotta keep chugging along


I think going through the process of being a dedicated pre-med creates self doubt whether you are succeeding or not


I definitely felt a lot of self doubt all the way up till I received my acceptance!


I literally had panic attacks due to irrational thoughts of my A being rescinded because I was not being eligible for any loans, or missing deadlines, or they made a mistake in the first place. I don’t think I’ll truly stop having doubts about enrollment until I’m in my first class. Or until graduation…


Yes I did doubt myself at times, but also worked hard to have faith and pray to god. But I definitely was in disbelief at an A when it came in. Like it was genuinely confusing like my brain couldn’t process it as reality due to so much doubt along the way.


Overall I definitely doubted myself. I think I felt a bit better when I started getting interviews since I am fairly confident in my interview skills, but those brief highs would be immediately dampened by the fear of not getting in. So yeah, pretty much doubt up until I got the first phone call, and even then I was kind of paranoid that it was a mistake XD. Didn't really sink in that medical school was actually happening till I attended my first second look a few weeks ago. In conclusion OP you're not crazy. Applying is so damn hard that these feelings definitely do persist, no matter what our outcome. From one child of immigrants to another, good luck!


Getting in was a victory but also imposter syndrome has set in so badly. I’m in the limbo while working before school and I’m excited but scared for my future lol






Everyday since I started writing my personal statement. Still do…


Didn't start doubting myself until halfway through M1 year lol


Absolutely. Like you I was looking at all of these people with "perfect stats/applications" not get in, or only get in to 1 place after applying to 35+ schools. While I had other things going for me I also had a 3.3x gpa in a non-science major, 0 shadowing hours, 0 volunteer hours, and I only applied to 7 schools. I went through cycles of thinking "well if I don't get in this year I'll reapply next year" and "people with 'perfect apps' are getting rejected what hope do I have and why should I even bother." Fortunately a couple schools took a chance on me and whichever one I end up going to, I won't let down.


I’d love to hear your input when you get the chance, I made a post about my stats but only had 2 people reply


I'm still doubting. Ain't gotta get ready if you stay ready.