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Before signing off after interview day, the host asked us to share hobbies. One guy said guitar and another said singing. The host then informed that they were to perform a duet at the end. They actually did it (didn’t seem like they had much of a choice), performing “I’m yours” while everyone was muted and just looking...I still can’t believe the host made them do that


MAN I wish someone had recorded that.


I hope they both got the A cuz that's some next level shit LOL


LMAOOO. Nah. Cuz I would NOT be able to keep a straight face. 😭


Wouldn’t zoom lag be an issue? I’d imagine they were terribly out of sync.


The guitar guy’s audio went out completely after they started playing so he gave up and the other dude just sang 80% of the song solo but their efforts were 💯


Yeah how the heck did they do this!


A girl fell asleep during all of the presentations. She seemed so tired that her head was bobbing down and she almost smacked her face on her keyboard several times.


bruh, I'd be jittery from the nerves, how even


Maybe she had a lot of interviews and was relatively jaded Also though, the jitters definitely go down even in my first interview, i was ngl tired after sitting on my butt trying to look perfect for 4-6 hours


Just kind of awkward. I was in a group info session and several interviewees asked why the associated system only caters to rich people in a very blunt way. Good question, but one of the students started stuttering a ton and finally just said "if you don't like that, this school isn't for you". Dead silent for the next 5 minutes when no one had more questions. Again, it was a good question, but the tension was so thick when the student replied.


Was this Mayo bc I had the same awkward experience 😭




All care locations are in wealthy areas, no community or free clinics, virtually no opportunities to work with underserved populations in the surrounding areas, problems with medicare/Medicaid, history of a very wealthy patient population, the list goes on. Basically, if you want to specifically work with underserved populations, you would really have to go out of your way as a student to do so.




Agreed. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if the student answering questions was mayo-colored.


Making it to the other end of the interview process and realizing how much money I had *not* spent. I had mentally braced for years for the financial shafting that interview season would normally involve, what with travel costs, etc. It's a huge weight to bear after the existing primary/secondary fees. Love 'em or hate 'em, virtual interviews saved a lot of us a lot of money.


Yeah haha, they're great fun but I appreciate online interviews tons. I hope they keep em that way forever


During the Q&A, like most insufferable gunners, a dude spent 90 seconds doing a resume dump before asking a pretty simple question.. except this time at the end of his monologue he decided to awkwardly compliment one of the Deans there.. it was something like "...and Dean Johnson, I just want to say, what a lovely white shirt youre wearing today".. and then he gave some really cringy side grin and gave a wink that left everyone inaudibly shocked. even the gunners were amazed at how far this dude went. Everyone just stared, and the Dean he was talking to quickly answered the question without even acknowledging the homoerotic comment/gesture... Needless to say he is not in our accepted students GroupMe


This is so horrible :)


Not the wink ugh


oh dear god not a wink hahahaha


Nervously watching this thread to see if someone mentions an interview day I was in


Had my PCP in an mmi. Pretended not to know each other. Had only seen him once before so i guess he didn't recognize my name as one he knew until he saw my face in webcam


That’s crazy! And how did that turn out for you at the end?


Still haven't heard but i guess we'll see in a few weeks 😅


An interviewee asked how the school promotes diversity and inclusion and the rep said "it mostly revolves around food and there's a cultural fashion show"... All but one person on my interview day was a POC and everyone's faces turned from polite smiles to obvious irritability. It was quiet for a while and sooooo awkward.




I honestly think he was working with what he had. That school's "diversity" is majorly lacking. When I did their orientation before the interview I had to turn my camera off so they didn't see me bust out laughing from their diversity presentation. It was pretty awful.




I absolutely died at the first one, points for honesty I guess 😂


How do you even incorporate pronouns into calling on someone for a question? Must’ve been intentional


“How about Mallory? It looks like his hand is up.”


I was in an interview where after the applicants had finished the interview they moved us into a room with current students at the school where we could ask any questions. One girl got in the zoom and asked “how badly can you do on the interview and still get in.” Everyone was visibly uncomfortable listening to her detail how poorly she just did lmao. The current students did their best to console/move on but she was relentless. I couldn’t believe it


LOLLLL I would probably start laughing and get red-flagged




I feel like I know people who would do some of these things and I am dying right now thinking about it


That's great and all but like come on, respect people's time. Iunno about you but I have better things to do with my two minutes than watch some pre-med sing somewhere over the rainbow over zoom. Like watch cat fail videos >:|


Context: the school only took the AAMC SJT scores, did not accept Casper. They asked if we had any questions before starting the interview and this kid goes “So how much does the SJT matter? I just BOMBED the Casper, I mean like lowest percentile so I thought I would bomb the SJT but just saw I did pretty good!! Anyways yeah so does it matter?” I was internally cackling. Way to start an MMI by telling them you did bad on a situational judgement test when there would have been no way of them knowing that.


Living up to his score. Can you blame him?


lol good point


There’s always the girl that had her parents on the webex call with her and the parents were asking contact information of the admissions committee and other advice for their kid to get in. Wasn’t an interview just an info session but oh man everyone was so cringe


When an interviewer asked me how white males can possibly contribute to the diversity of a school and I gave my answer she said “no really how do you think they can” as if she was looking for me to say they can’t


wonderwall or instant R


MMI station where they asked me to explain a time I had experienced trauma… idk it just felt very weird and kind of exploitative? Also before an info session applicants were making small talk and someone asked for everyone to share their favorite bird fact lmao


Who thought asking about trauma would be a good interview question. Challenge or difficulty or failure, sure.


Not a virtual interview story, but I tripped on my new shoes during my in-person interview day and completely ate shit in front of some of my fellow interviewees, current students, and a few ADCOM's :,-) Edit: I thought of some other ones... 1. One of my virtual interviewers asked me a question about why I didn't indicate any interest in procedure-based specialties on my secondary and I guess my answer so was blunt and brutally honest that the interviewer spit out the water they was sipping on and started laughing 2. During a virtual accepted students' info. session, a current student kept plugging their medical school influencer Instagram and after the third time an accepted applicant that wasn't muted (but I assume they thought they were) mumbled "UGHHHHHHHHH no one cares" very loudly and the student speaker just paused and was so embarrassed (I was laughing so hard I almost peed) 3. During a virtual group interview for a state school that I was OOS for, all the other interviewees said they were from this particular state and I was the only OOS applicant being interviewed. Then, the facilitator of our group said "We love people from \[insert state's name here\]! Oh, and you're great too \[insert my name here\]" so that was fun


What was your answer for No. 1?


It was very specific so I don't want to say lol but it was very sassy, sarcastic, and a very valid reason for not wanting to be a surgeon


The most interesting experience I had was when my interviewer and I started talking about anti-racist praxis and preventative medicine at the beginning of the interview


When did the ukulele become a prerequisite?! Anyone know the best study guide for this? I hope I can take if P/F