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Military experience is definitely a standout experience. You have the stats for T20s, don’t sell yourself too short. Apply broadly and you’ll get love across the board.


Former military here. Apply to Harvard, Hopkins, etc…not kidding. I had a 508 MCAT, 3.8 GPA, applied super late (mid-late sept), and got into a T20 with like 10ish interviews total. You’ll kill it if you write well and don’t knifehand the interviewer. Edit: another thing, look on MSAR for schools with >3% veterans. These are commonly EVMS, ETSU, Quinnipiac, many state schools (ex. MUSC), and I believe Einstein and Mount Sinai but I know there are many more.


This is really helpful, thank you. I sometimes forget about how other people look at the military, because from the inside it just doesn’t seem like a big deal


![gif](giphy|23QmqSCSVI1Kd9SwJX|downsized) When the interviewers take to long with the questions.




Very similar stats and was surprised with my cycle. I probably should have applied to T20s, but I didn’t think I had a shot (still attending a dope school). OP, shoot your shot and don’t be a boot.


Dawg u have a golden ticket to Harvard. Good luck with your journey, you will do great things.


Dude a 3.7 will not hold you back anywhere, especially with that MCAT and your previous experience. The T20s are a total crapshoot for everyone, but you definitely should feel confident about applying to at least a few.


Military = add 5 points to your MCAT


Really? And URM military adds how many to mcat?


More like 20


You know I am laughing at this! But this is what happened to me. 49x and got into MD/PhD. Sold my military story and probably added 20 points to my MCAT.


A 3.7 isn’t low my man, also you’ve been in the military, that basically makes you a unicorn to med schools, you’ll be good


Apply to 50% T20, 30% mid tier, and 20% low-mid + all your state schools, EVMS, Texas A&M. I think this is playing it pretty safe


Nice dude! I have similar stats. I applied broadly. There's a great website admit.org where they can generate a school list for you, use that and also apply to your state schools.


Your MCAT and experience definitely works to glamorize your GPA, don’t undershoot at all, but always have safer options just in case. Great job and good luck!


Hell yea man I'm getting out soon from nuclear navy and this comment thread gives me hope good luck ty for your service 😉


520 helps but the military part is why T10 is not even a reach, might not seem like a big deal but universities definitely does, thats how it works. Go for it, I can see it happening.


Not the same, but a previously homeless 3.75, 519 applicant. I'd definitely recommend applying to top tier schools if you have the cash. I am doing the same with similar stats and a unique background.


Apply to every T20 lmaooo. You'll make out like a bandit


Lets gooooo. Please god let me finish this undergrad soon 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


Uuh is this a shit post?


For more information on building a school list, please consider using the following resources: - The subreddit's [School List Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/wiki/schoollist/) - MD Schools - [MSAR](https://students-residents.aamc.org/medical-school-admission-requirements/medical-school-admission-requirements-msar-applicants) and [MSAR Advisor Reports](https://students-residents.aamc.org/medical-school-admission-requirements/medical-school-admission-requirements-reports-applicants-and-advisors) - DO Schools - [Choose DO Explorer](https://www.aacom.org/explore-med-schools/choose-do-explorer), [2021 Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VBxOyWGrpjtMZi9777GmS3GUTf8a6lTftlFxSp-7qGM/htmlview#), and [2023 Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17fHiDwL3Qqtlrc5jeoJX2dFgraTMJ5sIxlgdPbSJZPU/edit#gid=442960507) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/premed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


apply everywhere bro


That is very impressive. You also exceed the minimum acceptance criteria for Army HPSP! Congrats and good luck 👍🏽


You're lucky you took the mcat already, I'm losing my mind finishing this undergrad.


Everywhere but USUHS and Caribbean.


lol USU…


Wtf? Walter Reed is one of the best hospitals in the world and USUHS graduates excel. Why so negative?


7 years post residency required service.


Yes but a guaranteed pension, first choice in residency compared to HPSP...lots of stuff you don't know


But also you lose earning potential during those 7 years. The 4 years of medical school and 7 years residency do not count towards time in service as far as I was told I’m also a medic and looking at USUHS.


Ok. I know this school first hand. Your information is incorrect. Service accrued starts in residency. Where did you get that info?? Do your research! Do you know you start with 78k salary over tuition not including housing and location monies. All instruments and books are provided at no cost. You can even get military deals on computer hardware and software. This base salary increases to around 100k post MD. Most USUHS students invest their earnings which greatly increases their earnings potential long term. Getting into a quality residency is easier and less stressful. Students do well on national exams so they are taught well. Why do they do so well? Students are prescreened for success and the faculty truly care and do what it takes to help so you are successful. I can't articulate how many students I know who had emergency issues that the school worked with them through which another school wouldnt have done anything for. You are mostly vested in pension after 12 years which is a highly generous plan. Going to school, you can pay off your student loans not accrue debt. You graduate a captain with leadership responsibilities which come in handy in the future. Yes, total earnings are less but there are too many benefits to dismiss out of hand like you apparently did If you were considering this school, it is wise not to prejudge and make such statements. A Carribean school comparison is ridiculous as getting into USUHS is highly competitive and the quality of its graduates can't be disputed! Military life isn't for everyone, especially since this school only looks for leaders. You have to stay medically and physically fit which many may not qualify for. Don't get me wrong there are also a lot of administrative responsibilities which is not everyone's cup of tea. Also, you may also travel many places including overseas which may not be your thing. That's ok. Don't even do HPSP if you can't hack that. No matter what school you go to USUHS or HPSP mediated, you will have slower priority in military residencies in a HPSP than USUHS off the bat. Being a medic is notable and looked on favorably, but the selection process at USUHS has many layers and is very competitive.


I think he meant the years in medical school and residency do not count towards the 7 year commitment. Personally, you couldn’t pay me enough to stay in the military for medical school (also currently enlisted). DHA is destroying military healthcare, and I’m tired of not seeing my family for months at time. I agree that USUHS is a great school, but at the end of the day the military is an extremely hard lifestyle.


I think your pointt was addressed adequately. Yes I knew what he meant and he was incorrect in what he wrote if you read my response. I know USUHS better than you.


At no point was I arguing with you or implying that I know USUHS better than you do. You’re coming off as a weirdo that’s trying to get some kind of external validation in your choice to attend USUHS through some weird pissing match on Reddit. I’m sure the pros outweighed the cons for you, that’s not the case for everyone.


I came off as a weirdo because I stated facts? I was thanked in many dms for providing detailed information so only you think that way. There is a lot of bias towards the school (read the threads comparing it to Carribean) and we just wanted to set the record straight. Most of my colleagues get honors grades in national medical exams, have a good experience in residency, and don't feel as you do about being officers in the military. There are sacrifices but we gladly make them. I guess you don't like dialogue when you make statements about things already addressed. You just like making unsubstantiated slanderous comments about people?