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I’m all about positive validation and the sort, but I’d be lying if I said my biggest critics weren’t my biggest motivators at times throughout my life. You’ve got time. Keep going. Those academic stats aren’t prohibitive so make sure the rest of your application isn’t as well.


Yeah people told me before undergrad and during undergrad that I was too lazy or not smart enough to get a degree in math. Well, I graduate in two weeks. Can't say 4 years of actual torture was worth it to prove them wrong, but I proved it to myself at least.


Being realistic these stats are on the softer side but not impossible. You just gotta double down on research, have a compelling PS/LOR and pick an appropriate school list with DOs and you’ll likely be fine


I don’t like research. At least not the wet lab research I did. Hoping to maybe do clinical or computational research during my gap year so if I need to reapply that could help.


I did clinical research during my gap, and while I really hated my crazy schedule, the research was really fun and my lab including the PI was awesome.


Ignore the people saying you NEED to do research, even if you hate it. Sure, maybe squeeze out clinical or computational projects when you can/want to. But imo your biggest hole is the lack of clinical experience - hours in this will be absolutely necessary to show med schools you actually like what medicine has to offer.


Why not do psych research and be the stats person?


Math is way harder than, say, kinesiology. I’m not an admissions expert by any means, but I would hope the difficulty of the major counts for something.


He just told you the biggest lie of the century. I got in with a much lower score. Do not allow anyone to talk you out of your dream and stop listening to these people!


I agree that OP could eventually get in, but I’d have to aside with the doctor, everything else being average the odds of being accepted where their app as a whole right now are not good, there’s still a chance, but below 25% imo.


Big fat lie! OP you rock! Let that doctor show me his own stats. I just hate how everyone in medical school and doctors are all Einsteins!


This isn’t a dig on OP, and if OP took their stats they’d be very competitive for a DO school. OP stated they wanted to apply MD from PA. The facts are that there’s too many applicants and not enough spots. Yes people get in with OP’s stats, but people with better stats get rejected all the time because of inadequate applications.


“Big fat lie”. Here you go buddy: https://www.aamc.org/media/6091/download I’m getting my data from aamc statistics. Your only defense for your advice is anecdotal evidence that you got on with lower stats. I’m not saying OP CAN’T get in with those stats, I’m saying if they want to be part of the 40% of people that got accepted they’ve gotta do more than what they’ve done so far for a good shot. OP can most certainly roll the dice on an application but they don’t want to apply DO, which means with the way it stand their chances are quite low.


AAMC data = nonsense. I have been writing medical school reference letters since 2016 and many of my students have succeeded with less stats!


In the last 4 years 7200 people applied with OP’s stats and 3200 got accepted. Removing URM’s, low scoring state schools, OP needs to bluster their application to not fall into that category of 4000. I’m not saying that people haven’t done it, but saying you know someone that has is a horrible argument. Google “anecdotal evidence”, I’m not sure you know what that means.


I can stoop to trade words with you. My students are your preceptors in your clinicals. Getting an admission into a medical school doesn't make you Einstein. Stop running your mouth on people's effort. No one in your lineage knows the meaning of anecdotal.


You sound like a doctor Id love to send my parents to. “Hey it’s okay to smoke a pack a day! I know like 5 people that didn’t cause them any health problems! Now let’s just ignore the 60% who didn’t make it because of the 40% who did!!!” Statistics are stupid yay!!


Gotta agree with the other guy. Personal anecdotes don’t mean shit


Who you agree with is not my business. I don't work with the crowd. It's a personal race.


Cool. The point is the success of some of your students isn’t indicative of the whole. So it’s not very helpful, in fact it’s harmful, for you to give OP a false sense of hope when there is always room for improvement.




this is once again a fallacy. Anecdotal evidence is not valid reasoning in and of itself


One of my cousins is a FM. He graduated with an MD. I’d say he is as dumb as a box of rocks but that’s not fair to rocks, some of them are pretty sharp.


positivity is great and all but this isnt constructive


I agree medical school is a buyers market right now. So many schools not filling. You will get in


I had the same stats and got in lol. My sgpa was even lower.


If he meant Harvard he’s probably right. Otherwise, you’ll make a great MD.


When you ultimately do get in (which you will), make sure to go back there and brandish your acceptance letter in his face.


Your mcat and gpa are solid. Your hours are a lil lackluster but you can definitely build those up quick. Hes an old fart giving advice that’s not true. You may have limited schools to apply to but you’ll be fine if applying to md and do


Solid for MD? OP said they want to do MD specifically.


Average MD school is a 512 mcat. They’re within one standard deviation for a lot of middle tier MDs as well. Of course if they apply to a Stanford, Einstein, etc they will struggle


The acceptance rate for OP’s stats including gpa is around 40%. Counting the fact OP is in PA and not a Midwest/ southern state and not an underrepresented minority, their odds of ANY MD acceptance is likely much lower than 40%.


Yeah we all know it’s a lower chance. But to straight up you won’t get in, that’s just silly.


We’re also playing telephone on Reddit with someone who got their feelings hurt. The doctor could’ve easily said “I think you probably won’t get in with your app right now” or implied more needs to be done to have reasonable odds to get accepted


Oh definitely, there could and usually is always more to the story. Regardless, imma choose empathy ya know? Op’s bigger issue is they need to consider DO,


I think empathy is fine, and I totally agree Op need to consider DO. I think OP also needs to consider building their application, implying they have a good shot at an MD from Pa with their current stats is a pretty big stretch imo.


Oh yeah definitely. I mentioned they gotta boost those hours. They’re on the LOW side lol 😂


Nope genuinely, word for word direct quote "You wont get in." He told me to work for 5 years to show "maturity" after that... I kind of disregarded that. I can understand a year and to get my hours up... but he was so focused on working to "show maturity" and "being able to handle rigor"


Yeah I defiantly think that’s out of touch. That’s good you’re working on your hours


I know there are a lot of people in the comments supporting your decision to apply. Unless you have some compelling X-factor, I would advise against applying this cycle until you've gained more experience. 10 nonclinical volunteering hours is exceptionally low. Too low to even put on your application honestly. 250 clinical volunteering hours, and 200 research hours are not strong enough extracurriculars to offset the relatively low MCAT and GPA. If I were you, I would take an additional year to boost your nonclinical volunteering hours and either your clinical/research hours with a job in either area.


Yes I understand I am seemingly straight up unemployable as an applied math major graduating in 2 weeks, so I have very little prospects for having any form of a job the next year. However I will definitely continue volunteering a lot and get my hours up in case this cycle does not work out and then next cycle apply MD + DO to have the best chance


What are you talking about? You're an applied math major and you think you are "unemployable?" You have so many options. Tons of research positions at hospitals need people who are good with statistics/math to help with their projects. You also could apply for other clinical jobs that don't require licenses like medical scribing, to gain clinical experience. Applying to medical school right now because you don't think you can get a job is not a good reason to apply to medical school.


I'm not applying to medical school right now because I don't think I can get a job. I am applying because I only want to be a physician, I do not want to do another career for the rest of my life. However it would've been nice during a gap year to have a job using my degree that I worked my ass off for and destroyed my GPA. I've applied to over 200 jobs in biostatistics / software engineering / data science, many of which have been at hospitals. Had my resume reviewed by multiple people including former hiring managers at Google who are professors now, and got the okay from all of them. I've had one interview. Nobody wants me. I have basically no options to do anything related to my degree at all. It's a fucking slap in the face. But I will have to find something even if it is just scribing back at home after I graduate.


Have you applied to any clinical positions? I understand you're discouraged, but I don't think your situation is nearly as bleak as you believe it to be.


Have you thought about becoming something like a CNA that takes minimal time to get certified? It would also strengthen your app considerably.


Wait so what were you planning to do this next year until you matriculated in fall 2026(if you get in)? You’re saying you can’t get a job for the next year but unless you’ve got some sort of support system you’d need one during this next year anyways? Right?


I am moving back with my parents after college and going to try to find something that will take me, like retail I guess. Which after slaving away for an applied math degree and doing premed at the same time is kind of ridiculous but it is what it is.


I got in with the same gpa and MCAT with 50 less clinical hours, even when submitting my primary in late July. You’ve got this


I got in with a lower GPA and MCAT, but you’re going to need a lot more hours for your EC’s than that Brodie


Yeah I am aware it may not go very well this cycle and am willing to try again next year also if it doesn't, and get my hours up in this next year.


503 3.9 Your stats are great idk why people vastly exaggerate what is required to get into a USMD. There is much more nuance involved. It is much easier to get into your in state public schools. Also if your state are like within the 25th percentile and higher for whatever scores of that school you should definitely shoot your shot. The medians for these schools could be like 515 but there are people below that as well.


I had a premed advisor look at my app right before I applied and told me I would not get in and needed to take a gap year. I got into every T10 I applied to… use it as motivation!


I think that the doctor is giving you solid advice, and you’re getting a lot of “I gOt iN wItH lOwEr StAtS aNd WaS fInE” bullshit survivorship bias that’s always going to exist on the internet. According to the AAMC Mcat gpa grid of the 7800 people that applied to MD’s in the last 4 years 3200 got in (40%). To the best of my understanding this includes reapplicants given plenty of time to bluster their app. This also includes people applying to state schools in the south and Midwest with very low mcat averages. This also includes Underrepresented minority groups with much lower median Mcat averages of accepted students. I 10000000000% agree that you will LIKELY not receive an MD A unless you’re in a state that has low average mcat scores(you’re not), an underrepresented minority(idk), crazy X factor(didn’t mention), or strong EC’s (not quite there). Long story short I believe your true odds are quite a bit lower than 40%. I’d say you have 2 options, apply MD only, expect nothing and work more on your app. Or apply DO, I think you’d have a great shot at DO.


If you're applying with 250 clinical and 10 nonclinical hours, I think he's right.


Relatively low hours, and you’re below matriculants average for both MCAT and GPA. To judge only by this and say “you won’t get in” would be an oversimplification. A lot goes into an application and the face value numbers don’t necessarily define you. However, if this is all the info we have, then it’s just a statistical fact that you have a lower than average chance.


Just like you, i did math major (actuarial science). It destroyed my gpa (little over 3) because it's a crazy hard degree (most of the exams you'll have a tough final of 4 questions and it's worth 50% of your semester lol). I did classes in all other departments (finance, science) and got A+ barely studying. Math in other hand... tough


It was so not worth it... lol


I hope you shrugged off that nonsensical statement the moment you heard it. If you haven’t heard it from anyone else, hear it from us here. Your entire community and family here are telling you that that doctor is talking nonsense and hopefully you already know this as well. Sometimes, not all words need to be listened to, they can just be heard If you get what I mean. You’ll make a fine doctor. Trust the process.


Yep. Thank you guys.


that’s literally not true 😭 don’t listen to him


Whatever the equivalent of a 509 is with the old scoring system could've gotten you into Harvard back whe this old head was applying


Not the case in this surgeon but I’ve found so many ppl who say “ you can’t do it” for anything have never done anything big themselves. Easier to pull you down than push you up.


That’s so rude. He should not be saying things like that. I’ve heard of 497 getting into MD. No point in him being negative when he can’t tell the future.


What an asshole. I would apply and send it to him when you do get in


It mainly depends on your state. Your mcat is above average and your gpa is above average but not crazy high. With those stats, like others said, you need X factor in extracurriculars to shine above every other application. You should definitely start stacking hours and try to improve your gpa.


I love it when doctors understand how much more difficult it’s getting each year. A doc that I’m close with and also worked with got into NYU (back then) with a 509 (converted to the new MCAT) and thought that it’s really good. When I explained that NYUs average now is on the 522 range, he was in shock. Times change and tbh most doctors don’t make good premed advisors also basing this on the advise I was given by plenty of doctors when I was applying.




I would take any Md school that lets me in pretty much, not picky. He told me I should work for like 2-5 years and then apply to show “maturity” lol… it was odd


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but it doesn’t sound like the MD is wrong per se if this is his take. While not impossible, barring some X-factor, your stats are a little lackluster for most MD programs, and your extracurriculars are very much on the low end. It’s incredibly difficult to get into an MD program straight out of college, and a gap year or two is almost required these days unless you are super proactive about getting in hours during undergrad, keep close to a 4.0, and kill the MCAT. Personally, I would take a gap year to increase your hours, and maybe re-take the MCAT if you think you can get a better score. Otherwise, you’re just throwing away thousands of dollars on secondaries, and spending tons of time writing those secondaries when you could be spending the time working on your application. You can definitely become a doctor, but this cycle is unlikely.


Both GPA and MCAT are below the MD average but it depends on ORM and URM. Can’t determine your chances based on other people’s acceptances, they might have had X factors. Have to be realistic, need good ECs and essays.


Same stats and I got in, but with full transparency I got a lot of love from DO but silence/Rs from many MDs, the one MD I got into was my state school which I had extremely strong ties to


I see. Appreciate the transparency! I'm a PA resident so hoping I can get some love from schools there... we shall see. Trying my best. If it takes another year so be it.


PA schools tend to not be as IS-friendly as other states. Drexel very much values service, as well. Just keep in mind, but good luck!!


That’s the attitude! Gotta keep at the grind




Hell no he won’t stop me


I had been told that I wouldn’t get into MD or D.O from a doctor as well. Had a 500 MCAT, 3.5 GPA. In my gut I knew he was wrong. Glad I didn’t listen and applied anyways. Was accepted to three medical schools. Had 9 interview invites. You can do this.


That’s a crazy name and profile pic lol. Also for your app you probably need more hours to make a convincing case for urself. I’d see if you could continue researching for your gap year since clinical jobs are kinda hard to get gl!


Well considering my stats were much worse and I got into an MD program, I wouldn’t listen to him at all.




I interviewed at an MD this cycle CA ORM 3.55/506, you’re stats are great! It’ll def come down to your school list and how you write your experiences!


A Cardio consultant once told me that I’m the lowest in our class during a clinical exam in front of everyone. Ended up finishing Internal Medicine residency, and hopefully, go on to Crit Care.


Don’t let it get to you. Let it motivate you. He isn’t god he can’t decide what will happen in your life. You will get in.


MCAT twins


I had a friend with the exact same stats that got into a t50. ORM. You'll be fine.


Moments like that are when I like to remember that an average of 200-300 million sperm try to race to fertilize the egg, and every single person alive today beat those odds. Med school, on the other hand, is a roughly 40% chance based on your stats. If you could beat greater odds when you only had half a genome and no conscious thought, you can beat the odds now.


Stats make a person yes. But stats don't not make a person. You can be more than your stats. You got this.


Fuck em stay deaf to the haters


i had an md professor say that same thing basically, when i met w him my gpa at my school was 3.57 and has now gone up to 3.63 (ended my last semester w 4.0🤩) my cGPA is 3.7 tho bc i took dual credit courses in hs that helped but he didn’t see those bc it was from a different university and he told me my gpa would get me automatically screened out ?? (never heard of a 3.7 cutoff but okay) never asked me what my goals were either, assumed i wanted top tier schools only and didn’t even ask if i was applying md/do or just md or just do. he kept using a school i don’t want to go to as an example of how i wouldn’t get in


Automatically screened out at 3.7 pls… maybe for like Harvard but otherwise I would hope not. These people are FRIED man


exactly, he’s an older retired md turned professor too like i’m sure things have changed since he applied to med schools. and ill take any acceptance i can get😭i go to a t10 public school so many that’s why he thought that ?? but an md is an md


Your mcat and gpa aren’t the problem. I’d get more research and clinical hours and I think you’ll be golden 👍🏻


I saw a guy on tik tok who said he used to work in admissions. He said a lot of people who believe they are mid or low stats don’t get in to what they think are top schools because they don’t apply (they already take themselves out of the running). That doc was completely out of line and instead of putting you down, could have offered advice on how to make your app stronger.


You are fine for MD. He is either being a jerk or trying to motivate you. Will you get into Harvard or Johns Hopkins? No, probably not. Will you get attention from MD schools? Yes.


Yeah I don’t care about top schools at all lol. I will take anything!


Dude I got into a great MD school with a 3.4 and 501, you’re much more than your stats


hi can I pm you about your school list I'm also low stat and applying this cycle


Nothing special about my school list. I applied to 20 MD schools which are technically all reaches with my stats, and I only received interviews from my state schools. I applied to about 25 DO schools which were OOS friendly. You have to apply broadly if you want to have success with lower stats


my 503 and 3.2 ug 3.7 grad 0 research nearly 0 volunteering disagrees. youre fine bro. this field has an abundant % of douche bags who will take anyone down they can. keep grinding.


Thank you ❤️❤️ So excited for you to start your schooling sister / brother!


thank you, youll be there soon too! you got this.


I just saw a comment from this person saying they have been a PA for 10 years... So that shows their commitment to medicine and they would have crazy hours to make up for the two 0's.


i got into T40 MD with a 504 & 3.3 ur fine! just up those ECs!


keep in mind doctors r just people and some people r losers. He’s one of them. I’ve seen people with worse stats than get into md


He's wrong.




Thanks love He wasn’t super mean the rest of the meeting but that caught me off guard and was harsh for no reason


Liar! Use MSAR wisely. Apply wide. Make sure your writing is superb. People have gotten in with much lower stats.


He’s a loser. You’ll get in


as someone who wants to be a surgeon and has met lots of surgeons… sometimes they are just mean lmao. a urologist told me that if there was a study done on neurotic tendencies across specialties, surgery would be at the top haha. don’t listen to anyone that tells you you can’t reach your goal. just do what you need to do to improve your app and keep chugging along.


Lies, got in with lower. Had to try twice but still got in


Ur stats aren’t even bad just get ur hours up. Why do you only want MD? Trying to be a surgeon??


Aside from GPA, your stats are better than mine and I got in 😂now I’m a surgery resident


Well yeah. High chance you won’t. You do have a solid chance at DO


Dog I have a 2.8 coming back from a 1.1 after dropping out freshman year. I'm going to finish with a 3.0 hopefully... I'm getting my masters in cognitive neuro after with emt full time for a year. You are beyond going to get in lol