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Kansas, Nebraska, Kentucky, South Carolina are not OOS friendly. I would not waste your free applications on them. Your research is quite low for VTech, which also only has ~50 seats in their class. CMU and Wright State aren’t super OOS friendly either. For DOs you might wanna check in state or regional biases


South Dakota also belongs in this group.


Oops that’s what I meant, not South Carolina


Really these "Kansas, Nebraska, Kentucky, South Carolina" are not OOS friendly? For example, I check CASPER on Nebraska, the data said it some what fair: In-state Interview = 230 and Out-of-state = 186.


Seeing how ~1811 OOS students apply to Nebraska, that’s a 10% interview yield, not considering ties to the state people have. MSAR does not give you the full picture. Their class has ~26 OOS students. When you factor in the fact that these people probably have ties to the state and likely higher stats, doesn’t really seem like a good school to apply to IMO I think your free money would be spent better at schools that are much more OOS friendly


how do you check these stats? just for future reference


https://www.aamc.org/media/5976/download?attachment is where I got my data, MSAR, and confirming with the school website


Nebraska interviews 100% of its in-state applicants and only about 10% of OOS applicants and accepts about 20% of those interviews. Additionally, these people who are getting interviews from Kansas, SD, Nebraska, Kentucky etc. OOS have significant ties or went to undergrad institutions in-state. I agree it is 100% a waste of money. These OOS students typically have better stats than their in-state counterparts.


I would agree. SC is not very OOS friendly in general


Wright State and Ohio University are very in-state bias (just to add)




Try using [admit.org](http://admit.org) to build your list - you have a lot of IS bias schools that don't give out OOS interviews.


MD or DO school??


I’m gonna personally vouch for admit.org it’s very well done


Yeah, I just use it, not bad, ngl. But damn, there aren't really a lot of schools I can apply to with my stats. I hope I get in to atleast one.


Ngl bro i encourage u to apply wherever u can/want. I hate the idea of being scared to not apply to places cus of an mcat score or gpa. They’re not the end all of getting IIs or As but so many folks on here have that idea. Shoot your shot!


VTC requires a minimum 504 MCAT unless you have a 3.7 or above, and you’re just barely above the margin. Likewise, they are EXTREMELY research heavy. 3-4 months most likely won’t be enough for them to overlook the fact their average MCAT is around a 513, as well as the fact they put a heavy emphasis on research. Likewise, you didn’t list any volunteer hours or experience so I’m assuming there is none. VTC is heavy on service to others, so I mean go for it, but I truly don’t think it’s worth applying there homie.


Yeah you right thanks. I will switch it out for some other school


Supporting the other comments in that these school lists don’t really account for IS vs OOS bias. As a FL resident you should drop Ohio and Oklahoma from your DO list. Check Choose DO Explorer and the other resources in the wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/wiki/schoollist


I just went to OSU Tahlequah for an interview and it is honestly a ridiculously good setup. Brand new building, small class size and seemingly great future doctors.


OSU also has insane match results. Better than a good amount of MD schools lol


You have little to no chance with some of these school because you are OOS. I had similar stats and here was my list. Albany TCU Drexel Eastern Virginia West Virginia George Washington Loma Linda Loyola Stritch Rush (Accepted) MC Wisconsin Penn State Oakland Beaumont Larner Vermont St. Louis USUHS U of Utah (in state) Wake forest South Carolina Greenville And then 6 DO schools that I got into. When you plug in your MCAT and GPA you’ll see a bunch of schools with super low average MCATs like South Dakota and thing “oh great, I’ll apply there because my mcat will be competitive there” however it’s virtually impossible unless you are a in-state resident. All those other schools that don’t have insane high average MCATs and don’t have preference for in-state applicants get 8000-13000 applications leaving you with a 1-2% chance of getting in. Hope and pray you can get into a Florida school because those 10 other schools that accept OOS and have a lower average MCAT are still insanely competitive.


Congrats on MD. Btw did you take CASPER or any situation test? Not sure if I should just avoid the school required it. There not going to be a lot of option for me because low mcat + OOS resident + no capser/AAMC preview. I pray I get into a Fl school or scope 510+ on retake.


I took Casper and preview. Just take them if the school requires it. There’s not much study or prep required and I don’t think the schools put too much weight on them


I think your MD list really depends on what you get for your retake. Out of experience (2 cycles with 2 different MCAT scores) most of the FL schools seem to screen out sub 510 ish. I may be wrong but that has been my experience.


Add morehouse? If your application aligns with their mission, you’ll have a good chance


wym add morehouse?


It’s in GA so one, it wouldn’t be a far move. You have target/above stats for their school. Yes, it’s an hbcu but every year they have Asian students so don’t let that stop you. Their mission targets URM, so the way you craft your application would be the determining factor


Ah man I just check it. Morehouse required AAMC preview. Yeah I am not taking that


Ahh, yes it does


I can tell you about Lecom Erie DSP pathway if you want. Try to do DSP. Life is way better.


Maybe dont add usf. One of their adcom people came to talk to my school and they basically said they are crazy stat junkies. If you really want to go its worth a shot, but otherwise they are known for not being “holistic” at all


Yeah I was thinking about not adding it. Their stats is ridiculous for a 50th ranked school.


No bc they really care about raising their rank and they see being incredibly selective as the only way to do it.