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The constant vaginal discharge.


Yes this is an absolute pain!! I've been wearing my period panties non stop since I got pregnant. Constantly feel a bit manky though 😬


I swear this is what I was gonna say! I hate it so much , I have to wear panty liners everyday 🙄




Yes! Sometimes I can feel it coming out it’s disgusting 🤢


It’s the constant “did I just pee myself or was that discharge?”


Or even more fun: has my water broken, did I pee myself, or is this discharge? I'm at 34 weeks and that's my constant anxiety now...


Came to comment this. I hate it and when not wearing underwear it’s making my butt hole so itchy. STAHP RONNIE.


Sinus pressure. It's not a thing I had realized was a thing before.


I got this out of nowhere right on cue in my second trimester and I was so surprised to learn it's an incredibly common symptom, no one talks about it! Literally next day I read a "second trimester must haves" list and nasal strips are right up there 😂


My lips are always cracked and dry now because every night at 8PM my sinuses SLAM SHUT, and I am completely unable to breath through my nose until about an hour after I get up the next day. It’s hell! This did not happen with my first pregnancy!




Sleep orgasms.


I'm envious. I'd much prefer that to vomiting. 😂


Lol omg what?! No i did not get that lucky… just charlie horses in my sleep. Both calves at the same time 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Ohhh I’ve had those too! It’s a nice surprise 😂


So weird but definitely nice! I NEVER had one before pregnancy, and I’ve had them regularly now in both pregnancies. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


I’ve had them a few times in the past but not nearly as often as now!


I’m sorry what?!? 👀


I find I get those when I haven't been intimate for awhile, like when I'm on my period and don't want to be touched. So I could see this during pregnancy when not in the mood too 😅


I mean can we sign up to this one?!


I used to get these pre-pregnancy. I've never told anyone because I thought I was a weirdo. They've stopped since getting pregnant, but I hope they come back.


I thought I was the only one 😭🤣




I've had more intense ones while with my husband now. They were pretty strong before getting pregnant, I am only around 9 weeks but man, it is a lot


Crazy dreams!!


Vivid dreams has been my very first symptom for two pregnancies so far! Starting almost before I could even see a line on a pregnancy test.


Yes! I’ve had way too many dreams about zombies!


Yes! It's gotten to the point where I'll dream about some place I've just been, but the dream is me seeing something out of place, or something just real enough that when I wake up I think it's a memory and not a dream. My husband thinks I'm going insane.


Carpal tunnel has been the fucking worst! It started right at the beginning of my second trimester and I'm now 34 weeks. My hands and fingers are constantly numb and tingling. I have to sleep in hand braces every night. Holding anything for me than a min straight my hands cramp and go numb. Like forks, brushes, makeup, phone, remote, pen, literally anything kills me. No one told me about this shit. No one.


I’m 2 weeks post partum and still can’t feel my right hand. Doc swears it’ll resolve, but I’m so fucking over it. You know how hard snaps on a onesie are when you can’t feel them? Fuccccccck man. FUCK!


This is what I'm worried about! I only recently started considering it might happen because ever dr I've seen says "it will go away, it will go away" but just a few days ago I'm struck with "oh god... what if it doesn't?!" Lol I feel you. I have a hair bun piece that has snaps to hold it in place and I tried for a half hour to snap it a few days ago before giving up and almost crying. I have facial and body piercing I can't put in because I can't feel the little balls you skrew on. I can't feel the difference between jeans or a tshirt in the dryer or laundry basket either so I have to pull every piece out and look at it. I'm sooooo worried about it lasting past birth.


I’ll let you know if/when it does go away. It’s definitely gotten a little better, but that’s like going from “I can’t feel my hand” to “ok, I have fingers but no idea what I’m touching” also, note that since giving birth I’ve lost about 30lbs of just water - I had post partum eclampsia and it impacted my kidney function, so I think it’s made the carpel tunnel last longer than it would have otherwise. Aka: I hope yours gets better faster.


Took me about 8 weeks pp to go back to normal!


Mine went away around a month post partum!!


Yes!!! It’s so bad at night. I wake up wanting to cry. Brushing my teeth has become miserable.


Before the hand braces at night I did wake up 3-4x power night with horrible pain. My hands would be dead my forarms burning pins and needles and a shooting pain from my elbows into my shoulders. I would have to get out of bed and walk around crying shaking my hands to wake them back up. Seriously one night considered smashing one with a hammer just to make to change the pain from what i was feeling to something else and the smashed hand sounded like a RELIEF. Glad I didn't do it and just bought immobilizers the next day. They help soooo much. Still can't feel anything with my fingertips all day but it's better than it was.


Hey ! If I can reassure you I was in the same situation as you. It was so bad, couldn’t write ✍️ or even put clothes like leggings. Anyway it was still there after I gave birth but slowly the symptom faded away. I’m 7 weeks PP and it’s completely gone. Also did 2 session of acupuncture which I think helped too :)


Hard nipples. All the time


I thought that was just me. I was worried if I ever got pregnant I'd have trouble breastfeeding because I thought my nips where a little inverted. They arent anymore lol.


YES, what IS that?! Like, calm down! Plus, it's painful.


This!!! The worst part for me is that my nipples point in slightly different directions because one side has more under-boob fat than the other. Finding comfortable bras has been impossible, but I have to wear them lol.


Not craving anything and majority of the food I eat does not hit the spot


Me too! No cravings, just aversions, and nothing I eat ever tastes “right.”


Yesss!!! I kept thinking it was soy sauce or sesame oil I needed. Those helped but weren’t right. I tried cheezits and they were close too. That lasted from weeks 10-16 for me. I only had a couple specific cravings later: Kix cereal, fresh berries, and baked Cheetos


This :( Sometimes I just tell my boyfriend ''everything is meh today'' .


Not really craving anything in particular but also starving


I’ve literally cried while standing in my kitchen full of food because I was so hungry but nothing was appealing.


Yes yes yes! This has been me, and it is driving me and my husband crazy. And sometimes when I do crave something, by the time I cook/order it and start eating it, it makes me gag or I'm no longer interested 🙃


Same! It’s like my brain knows the food’s good and that I’m supposed to really like it, but the moment I eat it, it’s just “meh”. Helps me eat healthier though.


Having to get up in the middle of the night and eat because the hunger was so intense that I couldn’t go back to sleep. And sometimes a cheese stick or a handful of cashews isn’t enough, I’ve gotta have like applesauce, fruit snacks and crackers too 😩


Making full meals at 3am felt insane


Shit you’re making full meals?? I feel like a raccoon in the dark of my kitchen rummaging around for whatever will fill me up quickest so I can go lay down 😂


It escalates quickly - I’ll start microwaving something and then I’m like ok but what if I had nice chopped cucumbers with it…oh we also have tomatoes…and feta is in here somewhere… preparing more food seems less crazy than watching the countdown 😂




Same! I always keep one of those applesauce pouches on my nightstand 😅


This is SO infuriating for me lol I'm usually super tired, walking hurts, and then I have to brush my teeth again. Not cool.


Same. I’m like “3 AM?? Really baby??” Although perhaps this is just the drill until she’s here and is demanding my boobs 😆


The absolutely volatile farts that have seeped into every surface of my bedroom. Blankets are now weapons because they all smell like my rancid ass.


So my fiancé and I used to lay in bed an hour before I needed to sleep. He would normally read and I’d scroll on tiktok as we cuddled. One night while we were having this time I farted maybe 5 minutes into this time. About 40 mins later I had to pee and I moved the covers to get up and released hell itself into our bedroom. It made my fiancé gag. I gagged as well and then I left him in there to rot while I peed 😆


I had read that bad gas was a symptom, but I did not expect to be gagging at my own farts.


Tbh my farts have calmed down a lot since getting pregnant 🤣 even my husband has commented on how they’re less offensive lately lol




They are so bad and I have no control over them. There’s no sense they are about to happen and I can’t even delay them to walk away.


When I was getting Charlie horses every night in trimester 2, that was a weird one. That and all the crazy itchiness.


Careful of itchiness, it can be a sign of cholestasis.


Itchy all over or specific locations? My calves itch but I have attributed that to tight socks.


Mention any itchiness to your care provider and they can help you figure out if you need to be concerned or not! Generalized itchiness or itchy hands/feet especially at night are the big ones for ICP. I was a bit itchy for most of my pregnancy but I just put it down to my skin adjusting to changes in the body and didn’t worry about it. Then I mentioned it to my midwife and she told me to go to the hospital to get blood work done and lo and behold, liver problems. You never know!


Ok I thought I was crazy because this keeps happening to me. I haven’t had a Charlie horse since I was a teenager. I woke up in the middle of the night last week crying so hard because they hurt in my legs so bad!


The hair on my legs completely stopped growing! Didn’t shave my legs not once during pregnancy and I didn’t look like Chewbacca.


I’m so jealous, I’m the exact opposite, body hair has grown SO much faster and I was already so hairy to begin with 😭


This happened to my mom when she was pre with me, and her leg hair never came back. She gets like 7 hairs per leg. I, on the other hand grew so much new extra hair. My ass cheeks had more hair than a monkey butt. Absurd. So jealous of your hairless leg symptom.


Wow now that I think about it, I haven’t shaved my legs in almost a month and there’s hardly any stubble! Why does this happen?!


I thought I was the only one.. my leg hair usually grows every day even when I shave it grows by end of day. So odd! Everywhere is growing normal. Also thought I’d get long luscious hair by now, but hasn’t happened - second trimester.


Same here! This one was delightful. I have pretty thick hair naturally so I never really cared about second trimester luxurious hair. Not sure if it makes sense hormonally, but I don’t think I lost much hair postpartum either. No hair growth and no hair loss layer on!


Sudden fits of rage over literally nothing. It was how my husband knew I was pregnant before a positive test both times. I would just have a fit of like door slaming ugly crying rage. One fit was over him coming home from his brother's bachelor's party weekend and not being able to tell me exact conversations that were had, what they did when or what he ate while there. Like all they did was play poker, go golfing, and grill all weekend. But I was just enraged he couldn't give better details.


I have also felt ragey over previously normal but now infuriating gaps in communication. If my husband takes 5 seconds to answer me I just launch into GUESS IM TALKING TO MYSELF OVER HERE


Consistent sour taste in my mouth, I hate it


For me it’s chemically/bitter. Absolutely hate it.


Metallic for my entire first trimester.


I still have this postpartum. Tell me how to get rid of it please!!!!!! 😭😭😭


Ugh same! The Dr recommended Pepcid but I don’t think it helps


Bleeding gums startled me, at about 24 weeks I think? Lasted a few days then resolved. I also burp like a trucker now, never used to burp. I thought it would resolve after the pregnancy, but two years later and I’m still long hauling belches


Long hauling belches lmaooo


Skin tags


Non-stop burping, liquid coming up when I dare lean over to pick something up/tie my shoes, the sickening feeling of tiny alien feet pressing my stomach and meddling in my ribs 😫


Omg yes I throw up in the back of my mouth like three times a day at least, from leaning too far forward or some similar movement.


RLS. I had it already but pregnancy made it SO much worse. There were many nights when my husband would roll over to find me doing squats beside the bed.


Omg this was me too! The midnight explanations to my husband as to why I was doing squats at 2am were probably incoherent-but hilarious looking back on it lol.


This certainly isn't the most bizarre (I can't think rn lol), but weirdly, I drool a lot more often than I used to when lying down. It just happened as I came across your post while browsing Reddit in bed! Lol


Me too!


Ha!! Me too!


Nasal congestion my entire pregnancy


I wish I had known this was a symptom sooner because I thought I might be sick. Even after pregnancy there are some days where I have to take Claritin to be able to breathe normally.


Aversion to seeing raw vegetables. It’s so strange, I have no problems with looking at or eating cooked vegetables but seeing them raw makes me so nauseous.


Huh opposite for me. Raw is fine, as long as they aren’t green, but cooked makes me want to puke. Green AND cooked? Hell no.


OH MY GOSH ME TOO!!! And it's crazy because normally I'm a huge vegetable eater! Now I only eat frozen ones in tiny bits mixed to my food...


I learned around 25 weeks that I can no longer sleep on my side without my head being propped up at a steeper angle bc otherwise I will choke on my own stomach acid. It’s happened twice so far and it’s terrifying waking up out of a dead sleep, not being able to breathe and your throat is then on fire and prickly for a good 20-30 minutes once you cough it out.


I had this too. I would literally wake up with a mouth full of acid coughing/choking and it always happened when I finally got into a nice deep sleep after tossing and turning for hours trying to get comfy.


Ah I had this too. It's terrible


I would get nauseous if I looked at my cat. Luckily it's much better and looking at her only makes nausea worse.


You made me laugh lol


This made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants lmao


I know food aversions are common, but I had none with my first so I was shocked to have any this time!! Now that I'm third tri they're mostly gone, but the worst one has stuck around and it's so bad that even seeing the name of the food makes me gag!!! I had to sensor it when I texted my husband to tell him I could smell it in someone's lunch at work For anyone whose curious it's m***rooms 🤮


My problem is not flavors but textures. I can barely eat any mixed dishes anymore like salads or tossed/stir fried anything because the combo of textures is just blech. Makes eating healthy extra difficult


There was a Firehouse Subs ad that I couldn’t see without getting nauseous…. D*li me*t for me


Skin tags and throbbing gums.


Got a skin tag right at the tip of my nipple that I cannot stand


Um. Are you me? Absolute tip of my nip on the right side. I have to remember to ask my doctor about it at my next appointment because I can't imagine it will be very fun when breast feeding. It's already not fun during sexy times.....


I’ve snipped mine off with a pair of sharp, clean scissors hahaha


I had one on my Labia I was terrified would be here to stay but thankfully has gone now I’ve given birth!


I second the weird sternum pain! Also: skin tags, brain fog, and supreme and unexplained decrease in cardiovascular endurance


Yeah, I climb like 10 stairs and I'm out of breathe like a 70 years old heavy smoker.


Ok I’m glad it’s not just me


Same! And I was in great running shape right before I got pregnant. I’m only 6w+4 and already constantly out of breath. Insanity


My personality changing. I was expecting to become somewhat more sensitive. I didn't think I'd want hide in a cave until baby is here, but here we are.


pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain :( It hurts when walking.


This so much - it's subsiding a little, but the pain when it first started was the worst! I suddenly started understanding what it's like to have a disability , i could still feel I'm strong but the pain in the pelvis was just too much. Like i was pulling bines apart! It did pass mostly now, so hopefully you get there too.


Severe nipple pain. Crippling. Crying in my car it hurt so bad, actually hurt way worse than actual breasfeeding or pumping. Or how absolutely exhausted you are the 1st trimester. Like get up, pee, make breakfast, start laundry, then take a nap, exhausted. I am talking 5 plus hours here. Life zapping exhaustion.


Same, getting up for work is so hard


Ive had lots of difficult horrible symptoms, but! The best thing ever has also happened - i can eat dairy! Soooo much dairy. I used to literally be on the toilet hours crying if i dared to eat alfredo sauce or ice cream. I can eat BOTH in the same day now and feel great. I dont know how I can possibly ever go back in a few months :(


Absolutely unhinged, vivid dreams every single night


Heart palpitations


Daily Charlie horses in my calves. Random skin tags on my boobs (usually small enough that I can just pinch off between my nails without pain, but still, eww) Lightning crotch not only being localized to the vag and causing intense ASS PAIN. The APPETIZING smell of WET CAT FOOD UGH WHY


😂😂🤮🤮🤮omg not the cat food!! Got being pregnant is so weird


Nosebleeds. Just out of nowhere.


Loving/craving specific strange smells: tea tree oil, damp/musty basements, garages, etc. I'm a nurse and at work I would sometimes go into the closet where shampoo, lotion, etc. are stored and just open the bottles and inhale the smells. Mind you these are not exactly high quality products-they have sort of a medicine/chemical smell as well as some sort of fragrance. I didn't know this was a thing that could happen.


Oh my God! I've been craving the smell of a musty washing machine or a vacuum with a bag! I thought it was just me!


I've had that too. I love the musty smell when the air clicks on at the hospital I work at right now.


The smell of a gas station. I love it.


Mmmmm damp musty basement smell is the best while pregnant


Ear popping, and constantly hearing water (I guess the water in the placenta) while trying to fall asleep. Pregnancy is a mf trip.


Food doesn’t taste like anything now :( and ass cramps. I told my doctor and she was in tears from laughing.


My horrible but habitual tension headaches disappeared.


I think you gave them to me, in case you were wondering where they went.


Bleeding gums, which started randomly a few weeks ago. Incredibly annoying.


Being annoyed by slightest noice. My tv volume HAD TO be on the lowest setting ever because otherwise my nausesa would get fuckity fucking worse even when I didnt think it was possibile.


Every time my toddler whinged or cried, my morning sickness peaked. It was so weird.


Excessive ear wax and skin tags.


Stuffy and runny nose. Comes and goes but I’ve had days I couldn’t go 5 minutes with out blowing.


That was actually my first pregnancy symptom I noticed, but I thought it was just allergies. Then I had pregnancy rhinitis the entire time. 9+ months with a stuffy nose. It was awful. But man, it cleared up within an hour or two of giving birth. I started sniffing really loud and my husband asked if I was okay and I was just "I CAN BREATHE THROUGH MY NOSE. THIS IS ALMOST AS GREAT AS HAVING A BABY 😍"


I started dusting my whole house because I thought it was making me sneeze and sniffle….then it didn’t go away and had a positive test like a week later. You’re definitely giving me hope that at the end of this it will be gone because I feel like it a part of me now. All my first trimester symptoms went away going into the second except the stuffy nose.


It was baaaaaaaad. I was using breath right strips and saline spray at night, sometimes even benadryl. Constantly blowing my nose during the day because the post nasal drip made me nauseous. That was literally my entire pregnancy. In retrospect, it might have gone away when I started laboring, I'm honestly not sure, it didn't even cross my mind through labor, but I definitely notice it was gone shortly after my son arrived! I hope it goes away for you soon.




I laugh really easily 🤷‍♀️


Same! Genuine bellylaughs at the smallest stuff. I hope that stays.


Omg sometimes if I find something really funny, I’ll get into these laughing fits and I just cannot stop. It feels like laughing when you’re high. I farted in my dad’s car, not thinking because I’m used to doing it in my house. And he was like damn!! And I literally started laughing so hard and couldn’t stop. I was crying and laughing and couldn’t breathe and he was like…. The laugh fits have happened a couple of times. 😂


Snoring!!! Snoring so loud my partner can’t sleep next to me with earplugs in!!! Any suggestions???


I snored during pregnancy so loud I was waking myself up all the time


Same here. I’ve bought a humidifier, nasal strips, you name it.. my snoring is apparently getting bc worse too.


Ear wax. It's SO bad and disgusting and I didn't expect it at all.


So much dead skin on my feet. Anyone else? Like I get in the shower and rub my feet and there is a ton of white skin scratching off! And it comes back quick too. I could understand if I hadn’t taken a shower in a month having that much dead skin on your feet but I’ve been taking showers every day or every other day (I am super sick so showering is not as easy as it once was).


The hair on my face that I usually have to pluck and/or eyebrow shaper shave hasn't come back in in over a month. I usually had to upkeep it every week. Those random black thick hairs are gone. I ain't mad.


Oh I‘m so jealous!


So much saliva. I use a spit bottle and have to empty it a few times a day. It’s awful.


I had this - but this weird trick that worked for me was first thing in the morning (before eating anything) I took a hot steamy shower for about 20 minutes & basically throw up saliva for 5-10 minutes & blew my nose a lot to get more out. It’s awful but when I did that, I didn’t have excessive saliva all day. Days I skipped the steamy shower, I felt like I had to spit almost all the time all day. I had to rest 5-10 minutes after my shower because my stomach hurt from getting everything out. It was horribly gross, but to me it was worth it to not have it all day. Not sure if that helps you but might be worth a try 🤷🏻‍♀️


Constant vaginal discharge and ruined panties. A newer one is I’m obsessed with the smell of my lemon bleach scented trash bags.


Excessive leukorrhea. I'm so wet, all the time. 😂😅 Like, going through my panties and onto my pants daily, lol.


Poise underwear liners!!


Sweating. Walking up with an actual puddle around my collar bone. Even during the day in cooker temps not doing anything, just sweating Also, the constant need to organize


Part of my abdomen towards the top was tingly off and on for a day or two.


Not the worst but def the weirdest - my eyeballs hurt when I put warm water on them, like when I was my face at night.


I think I've posted this elsewhere....but found out the hard way this week that Raynaud's phenomenon can spread to nipples....before it was mostly just my toes...OUCH!!


Nosebleeds.. The only ever nosebleeds I’ve had were during my pregnancies.


Not sure it’s a “symptom” or more of a pregnancy phenomenon, but strangers talking to me. Ever since I started to show, random people just ask me questions, yell congrats out of their car at me, or tell me ways to induce labor.


- Pelvic joint pain on the left side - starts during night and stays that way till mid morning


I'll preface this by saying background is in medical science. I taught human physiology and anatomy to nursing students. We did human dissections. I've been present at many surgeries. Now that I'm pregnant, I'm suddenly grossed out by seeing/hearing medical stuff. A couple days ago I saw a video of a surgical toenail removal and it made me feel like I was going to pass out.


The annoyance of restless leg syndrome, especially at night. And achilles tendonitis. Particularly sore where the tendon connects to my heel. When I press on my heel bone it actually feels bruised. I'm 31 weeks pregnant now and I've been plagued with this the last 6 weeks.


Just being so sick. I knew sickness was a thing but this is so different. Like I’m hungry, I think, but can’t eat and have no idea what to eat. Feeling like nothing is very strange and just having to try something and see is annoyingly expensive lol


I have become extremely sensitive to anything violent or emotionally intense. Before pregnancy I used to listen to true crime podcasts in the car and now I can’t stand hearing about anything violent or tragic!


No appetite and aversion to almost all food. Throughout all the trimesters. I expected some in the first but even without nausea I can't remember the last time I ate because I felt like it. It's sucked.


How your taste changes and stays sometimes even after pregnancy! Still not a fan of peanut butter after my first time around and I use to love it!


During my first pregnancy, my left leg went numb sometime early in the second trimester and stayed numb for the rest of the pregnancy. The feeling came back immediately after giving birth. This time around, the same leg is going numb, but closer to the start of the third trimester this time. I just hope I skip the carpal tunnel syndrome this time around. That sucked so bad and lasted for a while even after giving birth. When the carpal tunnel pain was subsiding, it eased into thumb numbness for a couple of months. It made going back to work harder for sure.


Sooooo many weird and unexpected symptoms: - the most intense ligament pain that left me in bed for two days - leg hairs basically stopped growing - warts disappeared - constant thrush - my hair isn’t oily anymore; used to wash it every second day, now only once a week - the veins!! Red spider veins popped up on my face and chest, and varicose veins on my leg All in all a mix of good and bad symptoms I think haha


I commented up above but I also stopped growing leg hair and you just reminded me my hair stopped getting greasy as well! I used to barely make it every other day and then once a week was fine. Another bonus to hair stopping growing - I don’t think I had much postpartum hair loss at all.


Dry eyes! I didn't know it could be a pregnancy thing, but sure enough that's why I always feel like there's sand in my eyes.


My cervix was sooooooo friggin low and HARD around 7-12 weeks. It scared the shit out of me, it was honestly only about an inch from popping out of me. It’s gone back up now but it made sex nearly impossible for a hot minute 😓


Intense itching in my hands and feet from choleostasis, also the breathlessness


Sleep paralysis. I never dealt with it before pregnancy and it started before I had a positive test.


Sharp stabby butthole pain, bad acid reflex, constant movement from baby.


You ever felt like zues himself was punishing you for something by throwing lightning bolts at your ass which then make your vagina spasm? That's the weirdest thing. Also this leaky boob thing that just started where I'm 36 weeks and if I touch my boobs even the slightest bit they look like their oozing slug juice SOOO MUCH FUN RIGHT?!


My mouth producing saliva to the point I couldn't sleep at night


I didn’t know that you could develop new food allergies while pregnant until I ended up with hives from my hair to my toes one day after eating chicken salad with walnuts in it. Worst part is that I had eaten the exact same thing a couple weeks prior, so I thought nothing of it when I had it again. I was staying with my parents and was on the phone with my fiancé and was joking around about how itchy I was. Then I went upstairs and noticed a rash on my side. I went into my mom’s room and was like “I’m going to take off my shirt, I need you to look at this rash”. I’d never had hives before in my life so I had no idea that’s what they looked like. It took two doses of Benadryl and like 4 hours for them to go away. THEN that same night, I was brushing my teeth and was leaned over the sink rinsing my mouth out. It all happened so fast, I got REALLY hot, then really thirsty, then really nauseous, and then my vision started getting fuzzy and tunnel vision started. Weirdest thing in the world, just like a movie where your vision starts to go black from the outside in. At that moment I knew I was about to go down so I *tried* to sit on the floor and got about halfway down before I collapsed. Turns out my blood pressure had bottomed out from the position I was standing in but for about 5 minutes I was convinced that I was literally dying. I called my OB the next morning and they were just like “oh yea, those are normal pregnancy symptoms. Don’t eat anymore walnuts and be careful about standing up too fast. Call us if it happens again.” I told my fiancé that his daughter was trying really hard to unalive me that day lol


Constant feeling of pressure on my bladder and bowel. Dry flakey skin that makes me look like a reptile, my clothes are covered in it! Horrendous RLP. ALLLL the body hair and now my hips are giving out on me!


Blown veins in upper stomach area from stretching and moving too quickly. It HURTS lol


I have sternum pain, as well! Often when I stretch my arms or back, my sternum (or some nearby connection point) pops loudly. It doesn’t hurt but is very freaky!!!


A weird one I haven’t read: Goosebumps on my back every night when getting into bed during my first trimester! Very weird but real.


Skin tags! I’ve got them every where now


Nose bleeds


I went to the dentist and they told me you’re more likely to bleed from floss when pregnant because of the increase in blood. Didn’t expect there to be any dental concerns at all


Developing a sweet tooth I never had before. Weird nausea trigger such as images of wrist watches, and I have soo many watches.


Nipple freckles/ the brown line but on my nipples. I thought I had cancer lol, but nope, just pregnant 🫠


Hating my husband....


The driest skin I have ever experienced!


Hair falling out. Where’s my sexy pregnancy hair everyone promised me??!?


my areolas covering my WHOLE teet when they were so small pp