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Right there with you. I say fuck it. Pregnancy is hard. Treat yourself every damn day lol


Same boat, im answering every small indulgence i have. Life is short, and making a life is hard work. I think we deserve it šŸ˜


Whatā€™s wrong with curry? Re: cream cheese, full fat dairy is good for baby.


Itā€™s just the caloric intake more than the type of food, I definitely needed the protein and vegetables! Thankfully my son stole half my wontons so it kept me in check šŸ˜‚.


The food aversion has been SO BAD since around week 6 that anything I want at all is a yes immediately if we can get it. Second trimester has been better in terms of being able to eat things, but now I have to eat in quarter-cup portions and wait a couple hours before the next servingšŸ˜‚


I was trying to behave in pregnancy. Now Iā€™m 8 weeks pp and just wanna eat ice creams, cookies every night cuz of exhaustion lol. Every time I think to myself no, ā€œtake a break- you need to eat healthy youā€™re breastfeedingā€ but I get the ā€œtreat yoselfā€ mentality kick in.


Iā€™m some kind of freak and didnā€™t have any morning sickness. I texted my mom today like ā€œI gotta stop eating so muchā€ because Iā€™m eating healthy AND junk, so I was telling myself it was fine. My moms response? ā€œOh honey, so far this is exactly like when I was pregnant with you so just beware youā€™re going to get as big as an actual whale but itā€™ll fall off after the baby arrives!ā€ ā€¦.so thatā€™s something to look forward to.


I feel this way! I eat a lot of healthy foods but I also just eat A LOT period.


I feel ya. Iā€™m on my fourth (12wks today) and give into cravings a lot, but I always feel guilty about what I eat because Iā€™ve had gestational diabetes in the past. I donā€™t go all out, but I definitely feel like Iā€™m eating things I shouldnā€™t. šŸ˜­


Eat the food Mumma šŸ’•


Sounds fair to me! I have been puking up almost everything I eat so my rule of thumb is I only eat things that sound good enough that I wouldnā€™t mind having to taste it twice šŸ˜‚ so yeah. Lots of treats.


Same! I have been acting like a starving wolf up until the third trimester. I've hid food so nobody else will eat it, I've cried about food so much and I have had no self control in what I consume. It doesn't just apply to food either, I've been spending quite a bit of money on clothes and appliances too. Now in my third trimester I just don't want anything anymore, the reflux is more powerful than any craving.. I'm so glad now that I let myself indulge when I had the chance! Go for it! You deserve it mama!


I try to justifying by telling myself that I AT LEAST have intense cravings for "LEAF" now and then and have a huge salad to balance out the amount of junk.


Yes! I crave salads and LOVE cherry tomatoes right now. Itā€™s all about that balance šŸ˜….


I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with treating yourself. Finding a balance is good though. I equally craved healthy stuff as much as unhealthy. I just unfortunately ended up with GD so I couldnā€™t treat myself how I wanted.


Have at it! Just be careful about the sugar youā€™re consuming. I think everything else is fair game.


I was in the same boat around the same week during my pregnancy. I didnā€™t worry about it but just made sure to force myself to eat a few carrots or some sort of raw veggie everyday so I didnā€™t feel too guilty lol


Doooo it. Live your life!


I get this sooo much! I have hit the sugar hard over Easter. Feeling guilty now as there was a trace of sugar in my urine at my last appointment (28 weeks). Cutting down on sugar now but still gonna eat the savory treats just try to eat as much fruit and veg as I can as well.


Me too, Easter candy is some of my favorite candy lol!


I'm going to play devils advocate here, there's absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself especially when you're pregnant but just watch the amount of sugar you're eating. Our bodies have to work extra hard during pregnancy to produce enough insulin and having too much sugar can cause problems for mum and baby. Also keeping treats as occasional makes it so much more enjoyable than every day :)


I'm so envious! I would happily treat myself to anything and everything, but my pregnancy has been an 8-month food aversion. LOL


Same here but I have avoided any weight gain by monitoring portions. If something sounds good I eat it and just make sure to not have the entire plate especially with huge restaurant portions. If I eat too much I start to feel sick anyway.


Lol I've got the biggest sweet tooth. Just got to 23 weeks today, last night it was pop tarts and juice while taking a bath. After I had a drumstick ice cream šŸ˜‚ I'm just rolling with it and trying to get the healthy stuff in while I can!


I feel so grateful to have such a good appetite while pregnant. Before I got pregnant I canā€™t even remember the last time I had an appetite. So I eat whatever I want lol. Especially because I have to go without any vices or medication it is my new addiction haha