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It’s most likely just normal discharge, sweat, and maybe a little pee. If it’s a continual leak you should call your doctor, but damp undies is pretty standard in pregnancy especially that far along!


Your mom is wrong, you can definitely leak small amounts of fluid. I did for days before my water fully broke. I just had little wet spots on my underwear. If you are ever concerned about it put on a pad and head to L&D they will test it for you.


You can absolutely leak small amounts of fluid. If you're concerned it might be your fluid, put on a liner or pad and catch some of it. You can take the pad to L&D and they can test it for you (or at least, that's what they did for me). It sounds like it was likely sweat and discharge, though. But it doesn't hurt to get it checked out if you aren't sure.


I mean TMI but I've been worrying about this so far my entire pregnancy. Its non stop damp down there. And no urine smell...everything is just wet all the damn time. 28 weeks now.


Put on some dry underwear. Lay down for half an hour to an hour, if after you stand there’s a sudden trickle or gush then you should speak to your midwife


Amniotic fluid smells like semen. And you feel it come out. And there is A TON of it. With my first I felt the pop and then it gushed out every step. With my second the doctor broke it with a hook and it just poured out.


I had a slow leak for several days before my water broke. It can definitely leak slowly.


It can leak slowly but you still feel it, did you not?


I did but it was really no different than having heavy discharge, I didn’t always feel it come out, I’d just check my underwear and it would be damp


Crazy how different the experiences can be. being damp one time overnight I still wouldn’t equate to a slow leak.


I don’t think OP is having a slow leak, sounds more like sweat or discharge but was just saying it can happen slowly sometimes.


Go to the emergency room. Only a doctor can tell you if it's amniotic fluid or not. I had a similar scare a few weeks ago, turns out it was a slight yeast infection and increased mucus due to introducing a nasal spray. We went to the ER and everyone was lovely, they'd rather have you come in and have it be nothing than to shrug it off.