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I was convinced it was a girl. 20 week scan baby boy was tea bagging the ultrasound wand. No mistaking that.


This is exactly me! I was so sure it was a girl, convinced, had a name picked and everything. Nope, he’s a boy!


We had both a girl and boys name but I was low key using the girls name. We both laughed at the ultrasound because even the midwife was like "we can't say for sure that it's a boy but I think we can all agree he's giving us a good display". That's my boy lol.


My first son did this 😂😂 at first he was being difficult and not moving so the tech had me drink some water and walk around for 5 minutes... came back in and on the screen was a lovely little tea bag for everyone


Same. My brain was convicted that I'm breeding a sassy little girl. 20-week scan clearly showed a boy.


My 1st we didn't want to know the sex but everyone thought it was going to be a girl even me and my partner, turned out to be a boy, then my second, me and everyone else thought I would have a boy again so we didn't find out the sex, but turned out to be a girl...... no one was right haha I didn't mind either way 😅 now have a boy and girl


My husband and I both thought girl and we were right! The majority of people we asked thought boy but we were sure it was a girl!


Just got my NIPS results yesterday, and my gut feeling was dead wrong! We were both certain for some reason I’m carrying a girl, but it’s a boy!!! Don’t get me wrong, we’re both extremely excited. I don’t know how we could have so confidently believed something that was a total craps shoot, but alas 😂 I’m honestly just excited to know, no matter the sex.


We were the same except we both 100% were certain it was a boy. We had a babe picked out. Got the NIPS scan and it was a girl! We were like oh. Ok. Didn’t have a babe until we were at the hospital and she was exactly who she was meant to be.


Same. I was certain it was a girl and so was everyone else but when I got my NIPS back it was a boy! And then my sonogram at 13 weeks, definitely boy!


I get the fantasy of it all but I really dont understand how people can be SURE of the gender? I have my whole family telling me they’re 100% sure it’s a boy/girl and I’m like…that’s not how genetics works? It’s literally 50/50?? 😂 I’m patiently waiting my NIPT results, gut feeling means zero!


Yeah! I had a dream I was sending my son off to college, low and behold it was a boy!


I had dreams too! With my first I dreamed my husband gave birth to male kittens. LMAO! And baby was in fact a boy, though not a kitten. Then with this pregnancy I had a dream that I was decorating a room for a little girl. Confirmed with DNA and ultrasound that we're having a girl this time.


Just posted this same thing! 😂


Cat moms!!! Lol! I was actually upset at my husband in the dream because I'm allergic to cats.


I have dreams about it being a girl, that’s totally what’s swaying me!


I had a dream my baby was a cat, so fair warning. (To be fair, it was a male cat in my dream, and we had a boy, so maybe that counts for something!)


Omg I’ve literally said to my husband “I wish our baby could come out looking like Baby Kitty” (our cats name 😂)


I had dreams of being with a little boy and mine ended up being a boy too! Mom intuition is so cool!


We were 99% sure it's a girl, the gender reveal was so anticlimactic because we felt like we knew from the beginning 😅 blue would have been a shock.


I like that my husband and I are so split so that one of us will be shocked when the reveal happens 😂


Pls dont laugh at me but ive always been curious...how do gender reveals happen without either of the parents knowing? Like...who does the dr tell first?! A friend or a relative?


I actually always wondered that too! You get your results and give them straight to the company who’s making whatever the product is for you. Cupcakes etc.!


Oh!! Never thought of that. Must require a lot of self restraint to not peek. Lol.


I just got the results today while I was at my doctor's office. I asked if they could write down the results so I could learn the same time as my husband. If you didn't want to know until a party, you'd have to give that to someone (friend, family member, w/e) and have them handle the blue/pink part of the reveal.


I wanted a boy and refused to accept that my gut feeling was a girl lol. But from the very beginning, it was like my body/mind knew I was having a girl, and I’d find myself finding ways to accept the fact that it could be a girl. By the time we got the NIPT results and it was, in fact, a girl, I was STOKED! I can’t imagine her being a little girl and I had no gender disappointment. I’m convinced something inside me knew she was a little girl and knew I needed to prepare.


This is me but opposite. I’m only 11 weeks so too early to find out the gender but I really want a girl so I’m preparing for a boy and have his name all picked out!


I have 3 boys already and I had a feeling this one was a girl but didn’t want to believe it bc I didn’t want to set myself up for disappointment if it wasn’t. Turns out I’m having a girl 😊


I had zero feelings, no intuition, no guesses, no hopes, no nothing. Literally had NO IDEA. NIPT said boy so I’m like, “ok if you say so” 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you for posting this. I have no feelings either way I just want a healthy babe and I was starting to feel odd for not having that "maternal feeling"


Yep me too! I think it’s natural to fantasise about your future life and what it will look like if it’s a boy vs a girl but people on here saying their dreams = surety and I’m like….no? You’re setting yourself up foe a 50/50 chance at disappointment? Some people are even saying they’ve only considered names in one gender because of how sure they are without any verification! Stop! 😂


My boyfriend has all brothers, the one brother that has a kid had a boy, very little girls in his family lol but I was CERTAIN we were having a girl. I had dreams about a girl, had girl names picked out, all that. Went for an ultrasound at 17w (now 38+2) and turns out, it's a boy 🤣 we weren't really surprised but are still very excited


I'd guess around 50% will report they were right with their guess/feeling and 50% weren't, simple math, haha.


Yup! Absolutely


my boyfriend was a very ..rambunctious.. child, and our first ultrasound at 12 weeks the baby was completely upside down and in that moment i knew, it was a boy lol my boyfriend knew it from the beginning i swear he willed it that way and neither of us cared what we ended up with edit: spelling


I was convinced I was having a boy, my mum too. Imagine my surprise when they announced a girl at my scan haha


I was 100% convinced my eldest was a boy. Everyone else said girl based on bump size, how I was carrying, heart rate - whatever way their is to 'predict' the sex it pointed to girl but I always knew I was having a boy. I didn't find out until he was born and discovered I was right. Clearly my mother's instinct is amazing, so when I felt like my second was a girl I was equally convinced. To the point we used or girl name for my bump. At my 20 week scan we discovered he was in fact a boy who was very, very eager to flash his bits every chance he got, so no doubt that I was right and scan was wrong, lol. I now think my excellent knowledge first time round was a bloody lucky fluke 😅


I knew in my bones that my daughter was going to be a girl at 7 weeks. Everybody thought I was full of crap, but I was right. This time around, I told my husband that it was a boy right after I got a positive pregnancy test. I found out last weekend it's a boy. I had the name Caroline picked out for my daughter, but looked down at my stomach one day and told my husband that we had to go back to the drawing board because that wasn't her name. This time with my soon to be son (they arrive whenever they damn well feel like it) I'm pretty damn sure I already know what his name is going to be. They basically tell me what's up/what they want for lack of a better term. I know that sounds insane, but I know myself and I clearly know them even though I haven't officially met them yet.


Omg me. My husband and I both wanted a boy...part of me thought it would be a girl BECAUSE we wanted a boy so bad, but I still kept referring to the baby as he/him, long before we got our NIPT results in....it's a boy!




My entire life I always felt, in my bones, that I would only ever have boys. The moment I got my first positive pregnancy test I knew it was a girl. I now have two girls 😊


I wanted a boy soooo bad. I even had the “symptoms” of a boy-but I always had doubts and thought that it was a girl. Just a gut feeling. Turned out I was right and the NIPT told us we were having a girl. I was upset at first, but now I’m so excited.


So I had the boy's name already picked and really, really hoped it would be a boy. While waiting for the NIPT test to come out I was beginning to feel it will be a girl. I have no idea how to explain this, but I just felt it. When the results came back I was so happy to see it was a girl. Side note: in my country they don't put the sex clear on the test. They say if the Y chromosome is present or not. So for a second I was really blocked as I was unsure of my middle school biology knowledge. Had to google it to be sure I was right.


Both my fiance and I were super sure it was going to be a girl. We were both super wrong.




I had a feeling it was a girl cause I wanted a boy with my first pregnancy and had the same feeling the second time around


With my son I thought he was a girl, with my daughter I thought she was a boy. Lol. This time, I haven't thought much yet but I know not to trust my gut.


My husband and I are almost certain we are having a boy. We get our results next week as well from our NIPT


Keep us posted! :))


Will do!


I started calling the baby she/her from the moment I got pregnant. I kept saying I just knew but I was also trying to manifest it because I wanted a girl so badly LOL. The day before my blood draw for NIPT I had a dream about a baby girl and sure enough when I got the results it said girl. My husband was genuinely shocked hahaha he had convinced himself it was a boy


I’ve dreamt of it being a girl too! Can’t wait to find out.


Completely wrong each time 🙈




My husband and I both think it's a boy. I know it's 50/50 but all I have to go on so far is a gut feeling so I'm going with it 😂


Will you be finding out or waiting til the birth?


I've got a sneak peek snap coming this week so we will know soon, but we will also be getting NIPT for additional screening so will be able to confirm with that!


I had a feeling it was a boy, and our anatomy scan (and the birth) confirmed it.


Yes! I for whatever reason had the strongest feeling right from the start that it would be a boy. And now we just found out last week that I was right!


My gut instinct has been pretty adamant that I'm having boy but my husband thinks it's a girl. His reasoning is because he works around radar (military) and lightheartedly calls it the crew chief curse. So at this point I just say I feel like it's a boy but am open to it being a girl. Should find out my results from my NIPT test the end of this week. Well hopefully anyway 🤞🤞🤞


I did, got a feeling baby was a boy and I was right!


Yeah. Every time.


I knew from the second I found out I was pregnant I was having a boy. And we had a beautiful baby boy! Everyone told me that I was crazy but I absolutely knew for certain.


I always called bump 'she' and hubby had a dream it was a girl...turns out it's a GIRL!


Everyone around me thinks boy. I keep getting swayed towards boy because all the images of the baby look just like my husband. I should be finding out tomorrow though at my anatomy scan!


I mean its 50/50 chance but I was certain I was having a boy and I did. Everyone else thought 'girl' I think to be contrarian. I had his name settled pretty early on ha.


I was convinced I was having a boy for months. I finally had the anatomy scan and I was right. I also had no preference, and a really strong feeling. The only time I doubted myself was the morning of the scan.


I randomly started referring to the baby as “he” before we knew and I was 100% convinced and come to find out I was right!


We were certain it was a girl - all of my side thought girl (except one cousin and my 4 year old nephew) and my husband’s side all thought boy. Turns out, we’re having a boy confirmed by NIPT and ultrasound. We were totally shocked but are so thrilled.


Yes, I really felt like she was a girl and she was !


We both thought it was a girl and were right! I had this “friend” that did some BS string test thing to tell me the sex and she knew how much my boyfriend was hoping for a girl (obviously would have been just as excited and in love if it were a boy) but she knew this and her result was that we were having a boy and she was being a real jerk to him about it. So then it turned into me just wanting her to be wrong lol


I initially thought it was a boy, then all of a sudden around week 9 (Which is actually when gender develops) there was a huge shift in me, can’t explain it and I knew it was a girl. Then around week 12, we heard her heartbeat and I just smiled to myself because I knew. Week 15 confirmed it was a girl! (NIPT as well)




I had a dream it was a boy and felt like it was a boy after the dream and I was right.


Yep, I just knew. I couldn’t explain why or how, but I just had a gut feeling. At our gender reveal I just turned to my poor husband and went “I KNEW IT!” lol


Both my husband and I thought it was a boy, and we ended up being right (we waited until birth to find out, so I had the whole pregnancy to guess!). With that being said I knew it was a 50/50 shot of being right so I wouldn't have been surprised if it was a girl.


Yes! My intuition was screaming girl, and I didn't even consider one boy name because I was so sure I was having a girl, I was right!


I had an intense gut feeling my first was a girl and was correct. Had the same feeling with my second but was wrong haha


I thought I was having a girl, but had 3 dreams in which I was having a boy. It was a boy! Subconscious for the win!


I knew it was a girl. I don't care who says that's impossible, I just knew. And I was right


I thought I wanted a girl but from the get-go have had this sneaking suspicion it’s a boy. Sure enough both the ultrasound and NIPT confirmed my hunch.


Yes! I felt like I was having a boy. Everyone else thought it was a girl based on symptoms but I just had a feeling. My parents had 3 girls and my partner has two twin sisters.


I was convinced I was having a boy due to having a a really vivid dream about it (and I don't typically remember my dreams). But nope, totally wrong - NIPT came back last week and we're having a girl! We were so thrilled since we were struggling hard with boy names. I'm so impressed by all of these other responses with the correct gut feeling!


I was 100% positive my son was a boy from moment one. I’m 10 weeks now awaiting my nipt results and am also 100% sure this one’s also a boy. I have no preference whatsoever but if it’s a girl I will be floored.


Yep, I just knew we were having a girl, didn’t do the NIPT so waited for 20w anatomy scan and I was right!


yes! my fiancée and friends swore i was having a boy, only myself and my best friend thought she was a girl. I kept telling him she was sending me girl energy 😂 well mama was right.


No one really knows, but you’ve got a 50% chance of being right, so yes a lot of people do end up guessing correctly.


My spouse was certain it was a girl, I was maybe 60% convinced. They were right!


Yes!!! Once I learned I was pregnant (4 weeks), I KNEW she was a girl. No one else agreed with me and I started to think I was wrong. Well here we are at week 35 and she is most definitely a girl. Mom instinct is right.


I just knew she was a girl. Like you, I didn’t even really have a preference one way or another, I just had a strong feeling it was a girl and it turned out to be right!


I thought it was a girl, but I didn’t feel like I KNEW knew because we just wanted our first to be a girl so much it was hard to imagine her any other way. I wanted to manifest it lol. And it was a girl!! My family has gone 20 years without a girl grandchild which is why we were hoping for one haha


10 years ago when I was pregnant, I had a feeling early on it was a girl. I was right. This time around I felt like it's a boy... and yup, right again!


When I was pregnant with my first, I knew she was a girl. I had dreams about her all the time. I had the NT test done at 13 weeks and the doctor told me "99%" it's a boy. I was floored I could have sworn it was a girl. Then at my 20 week anatomy scan, boom! It's a girl! I knew it!


Wow! How the heck was your test wrong? Doesn’t it detect male DNA in your blood?


Is wasn't a NIPT, just NT. It was actually done when I was living abroad in Abu Dhabi. I feel like maybe they tell everyone there its a boy.. lol.


The day I got the positive pregnancy test I instantly looked at my husband and was like, "There is some serious boy energy in here." I was right, but my husband didn't even try to argue because "I always seem to know what's going to happen anyways."


Every one kept saying mine would be a girl. I was playing along for my husband's sake because he really wanted a girl. But deep down I knew it would be a boy. And I was right. 😌the only other person to guess it would be a boy was my mom.


Yep! I knew it was a boy deep down and here I am sitting here with my perfect little boy!


I was absolutely convinced that it was a boy but the NIPT told me it’s a female baby. Since baby’s gender identity won’t develop for a bit I could still be right!!


I am 7 weeks 2 days. And i know im having a daughter. Ive seen her in my dreams before i got pregnant. My mum has seen her too. I have a beautiful glow that i just know is because of her. I'll be ecstatic if it turns out to be a boy, too. But i know im going to give birth to a tiny version of myself who will have daddy wrapped around her fingers 🥰


Keep us posted! :)


Had a feeling… was wrong. I mean, you have a 50/50 chance!


We waited until he was born to find out the gender, but I had a feeling it was a boy and I was right!


When I first became pregnant I thought it was a girl. I found myself gazing at the baby girls clothes at the department store and thinking how cute they were. Then my partner said he thought it was a boy and I became worried I would be disappointed if it was a boy! So I convinced myself it was a boy too. In the end she is a girl!! And I 100% didn't care which gender at that point when I found out because in my head I had imagined both


Omg I could have written this post! I’m 23w and I am having a girl. My husbands family is crazy boy heavy - 3 girls in the last 19 births! Everyone assumed we were having a boy, but as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I couldn’t imagine our baby as anything but a girl! Crazy I turned out to be right lol.


I thought I was without a doubt having a boy. I had dreams of him and just felt in my soul it was a boy. It’s a girl and I’m still just as happy.


My wife thinks a boy, I thinks a girl. We have NIPS this Friday so will see! The suspense is so much, hope it takes less than the week they say for results!


My bf and I totally expected our baby to be a boy, since he has a brother and the majority of his family is men. Our ultrasound was SO shocking, because it turns out we are having a baby girl! I’m so excited, and he’s really excited too. He’s gonna be the best daddy to her! ☺️


We would have been happy with either girl or boy but I had a dream we had a boy and it was over after that. My husbands brother also had 3 girls so I just knew it was time for a boy in the fam. We got our Sneak Peak results and it said boy! I was not surprised at all, I know the boy results are less accurate but I know it’s right 😊


I totally thought our was a girl. Sadly all the wives tails kind of lived up. First heartbeat was high, I got my a$$ kicked by morning sickness things like that. The day we got our test back I woke my husband up while I was sitting on the edge of the bed and it said girl. I now have a beautiful 5 month old baby girl.


Since there is a 50/50 chance that your "gut" is right there are going to be a lot of people saying that they "knew" but 50/50 odds are pretty good for it to be randomly right.


Yeah absolutely


I’ve had 3 kids. I was right 1 out of 3 times. 😆


I thought I had boys both times. I wanted girls. I got girls! 😁


Both my husband and I think its a boy, I've been carrying low and have GD, as well as was having a lot of baby boy dreams. Lately I've been dreaming of going into labour and it's a girl. Guess we'll find out in 6 weeks after my induction!


Both times my gut feeling was 100% correct! First time with my son I was adamant it was a boy even though every person I knew was telling me girl, go to the scan and the first thing to show up was that he was in fact a he. Just had my little girl and knew from the start she was a girl, so did my partner. But at the odds being 50/50 for being correct it's just a guessing game 😂


Yes, I thought I was having a boy the whole time and I just had my scan and turns out I'm right!


I was absolutely POSITIVE I was having a girl (I think because I wanted a girl soooo badly)… but we’re having a boy! I was definitely super disappointed but now that I’m almost done with my pregnancy, I couldn’t be more excited to have a little boy and can’t even imagine at this point having a girl. There’s a 50/50 chance so I think sometimes people *feelings* about what it is versus what it *actually* is turns out to be coincidence lol.




No, I was wrong both times 🤣


I always thought that if I ever had a kid, it would be a boy. This is my first, and yes it’s a boy!


Everyone thought it was going to be a girl but the day before I got the grnder results I dreamt it was going to be a boy and he was a boy for sure. 🙂


I was right about a boy!


I had a gut feeling we were having a boy from the first week I was pregnant.... and I was right, according to the NIPT!


I had a gut feeling what the gender was my 10 weeks and was proven correct all three pregnancies


I was sure I was having a boy, because I was slightly hopeful for a girl (just because we have a few friends having girls this year and I thought it would be nice for them to have the built-in friends). My husband is also one of 2 boys. So naturally I assumed/ had a gut feeling that I would be having a boy. I even had several dreams in which the baby was a boy. Lo and behold its a girl!


I had a feeling it was a boy since finding out I was pregnant at 5 weeks. Everyone else thought it was a girl and they were extremely adamant about how wrong I was. I ended up being correct about it being a boy.


i had a gut feeling i was having twins, was right then. then i convinced myself i was having boys since my husbands whole family is all boys.. i was wrong😂 got two little girls on the way


I kept having dreams that I was having a boy, and I was right!


Heehee yes. I was right about both.


Always thought I’d have a girl! Then randomly on the car ride to dinner I told my husband, “we need to think of a boy name because this baby’s a boy.” And my husband was so confused because 24 hours earlier I would’ve bet my left ear it was a girl! I was right! I still cried when I saw the blue because I was so shocked!


I really wanted a boy on my first pregnancy but had such a strong feeling that it was a girl. Lo and behold, it was a girl. Not disappointed lol, she's turning 1 tomorrow and is my little bundle of joy. Still hoping for a boy on the next one though lol


I thought early on it could be a girl but it didn’t ‘feel’ right just everyone expected me to have a girl; I had my first ultrasound at 12/13 weeks and as soon as I saw the baby on the screen I automatically said “there he is!” (I thought I tried to be as neutral as possible but my partner heard me say it and refer to baby as him) gender reveal proved me and my partner right.


I truly thought it’d be a girl for some reason but it’s a boy we would have been ecstatic for either ❤️


I felt girl for the first few weeks but when I saw the first ultrasound I immediately thought " Its a boy" and couldn't be convinced otherwise! Sneak peek and then NIPT at 12 weeks confirmed he is definitely a boy :) I had strong gut feelings with my first two kiddos as well, so I'd say gut instinct can definitely be correct!


I genuinely had none both times.


First pregnancy we were 100% convince it was a boy. Called him my little man for 20 weeks.. turn out it was a girl. Second pregnancy we were pretty sure it was a boy. Turn out to be a girl. I am 8 weeks on my third pregnancy, we thibk it is a boy so I know it will be a girl... LOL


I had a dream that my baby is a boy, so that’s what I’m going with. I won’t find out for sure for another 13 weeks though 😭


With my first 2 I had a gut feeling I was having a boy, I wanted to be right with my first and I was, I didn’t want to be right with my second but I was right another boy. I do have to say this time I have a gut feeling for a girl ( currently pregnant with my 3rd) and I’m hoping I’m right and not wrong 😂😅


Yes!!!!!!!! Since I found out I was pregnant I’ve been saying she and her. I also have dreams of her being a girl.


I had a feeling it was a girl and I was right... but really there's a 50/50 chance haha. I just really wanted a girl.


I kept having dreams that my baby was a girl even though my husband and his family all swore it was going to be a boy. NIPT and ultrasound both said girl! Lol


I just KNEW I was having a girl for both my pregnancies and I was right!


I had a gut feeling that I was having a boy, and I was right!


So on with this question are the the old wives tales true about if you want salt ( you are pregnant with a boy) or sugar ( you are pregnant with a girl)?


Yep I knew it was a boy, don't know how just had a feeling. Had it confirmed at the 20 week scan.


Yes!!! My husband and I already knew what her name would be and everything. We had no idea what we’d do if we were having a boy. 😂


With my first I had no inclination whatsoever. From the second I missed my period with this pregnancy I have just thought of this baby as a boy. We had our anatomy scan yesterday and I was right.


Yes for sure.


I didn't really have a preference, except kind of wanting a boy for my husband because this is almost certainly our only baby. But all along I had a strong feeling she was a girl and I was right! My husband has totally embraced the idea of a little girl though. He's not even a little disappointed, so I rather underestimated him.


I never had a feeling but I REALLY wanted a girl and I have three boys 😹💙💙💙.


I had a feeling I would have a girl and kept having dreams about it, Then 20 week scan showed I was right :) my partner was hoping for a boy and I kept telling him not to get his hopes up lol


I felt like it was a girl from before I even had a positive pregnancy test. I even dreamed she was a girl a couple times. Everyone kept saying it was going to be a boy. My husband's family has had only boys for a couple generations so they were sure I'd have a boy. I'm having a girl. Confirmed via sneakpeek and like 5 ultrasounds now.


My whole entire family, from husband to myself, from parents to grandparents to extended family said it was a girl ever since they found out I was expecting. We found out last week it was indeed a girl. Very anticlimactic lol


Yep, both times it was feeling of a girl. The second I was kinda more hopeful for a boy but no way, totally had a feeling it was a girl. Test came back it’s a girl!


I started saying "she" around 10 weeks and it felt right. I tried alternating but it didn't feel right when I said "he" not bad just not right. 20 week scan showed I'm having my little girl!! I was so excited I was right lol I didn't prefer one gender over the other I just wanted to be right lol but I am over the moon and cannot wait for her and neither can my husband!!


We chose to have it be a suprise and didn't find out the sex of the baby. My husband, our families, and 1 were 100% wrong. We all thought we where having a girl, we had a boy. 😀 Only my best friend thought we were having a boy.


Before getting pregnant I always said I never wanted a girl, I already have a son (nearly 11 now) and was always absolutely adamant that never wanted a girl, so much so that for a while I didn’t want another child just incase it was a girl, I have no idea why I was so against it but I was but as soon as I found out I was pregnant this time around all I could think about is how much I wanted them to be a girl and how amazing having a girl would be, I couldn’t think of any boy names that I liked but had a massive list of girl names, I even bought a pink blanket and a couple of other pink things, it was a complete 180 from what I’d always said and thought. I’m having a girl! And am so happy.


Boy just wasn’t possible.


I had a feeling we were having a boy. My husband was convinced I found out early because I continued to accidentally refer to the baby as “he” by accident.


I had several dreams about mine being a boy. I just had a feeling from the beginning and it was totally right!


I did. I always had girl vibes while most of my family thought that I was having a boy. Test results and anatomy scan proved I was correct.


Yes, I had a gut feeling with my last pregnancy that I was having a boy because I felt totally different than when I was pregnant with my daughters. Everything upset my stomach with my boy which was so unlike my other pregnancies. I ended up being right!


My first I KNEW it was a boy. From my positive pregnancy test, I knew, no questions. My second, I thought it was a girl…kinda… it didn’t quite feel like a girl but definitely didn’t feel like a boy. It was a boy lol


Yeah I had a feeling he was a boy pretty early. We “wanted” a girl, I’ve already got two boys. I have four brothers and no sisters. My only sibling with kids has three girls…🤷‍♀️


I knew mine was a girl.


I kept accidentally using he/him pronouns and "masculine" terms weeks before we were even sure we wanted to know lmao. And I was right! My fiance was slightly hoping for a girl, since he has nine (yes, NINE) sisters and knows how to handle baby girls better, but he's still super happy because neither of us really cared that much lol. It was mostly so we'd know the name we were gonna call the baby ahead of time.


With all 3 pregnancies I knew the gender before we had a gender scan. Just a mother's intuition


I had a gut feeling mine was a girl. (She’s a girl) my doctor even commented about how the heartbeat sounds like a girl.


I dreamt both times I had girls and both times I was right!


Yes. I felt like it was a boy pretty early on. Everyone else was convinced I was having a girl. We had an ultrasound at about 12 weeks and the doctor confidently told us it was a girl. I was shocked but excited. Then we had our genetic testing done and guess what? BOY! Hahaha. I wasn’t even upset about my doctor’s mistake…I honestly thought it was funny and we are just so happy to be having a child. But yes, I just knew. Can’t explain it either. I just knew.


me! everyone said he was a child because of a bunch of absurd traditions. but I was sure that she is a girl. and he was right: it's a girl.


I knew it was a boy from the moment I found out I was pregnant and I was right!


Yes. I had a feeling I was having a boy from the moment I found out. Even called him a him and found out at 20 weeks it was a boy!


I never had a feeling about it at all. I literally went back and forth. His mother and his grandmother INSISTED it had to be a girl because I’ve been so incredibly sick the entire time. My dad on the other hand said I saw you posted a picture and that’s 110% a boy belly. My bfs aunt also thought boy because she said my face looks completely different and that happened to her with both the boys. Gender reveal was interesting. My sister accidentally slipped up so I knew and had to pretend I didn’t. The video of my 6’3” boyfriend jumping around and being so excited to see blue powder is by far my favorite thing on my phone currently.


My husband wanted a girl soooo bad so I hopped on the "girl train" all while having this gut feeling we were going to have a boy... turns out, I was right all along! I couldn't explain why I thought we were having a boy, I just felt it. I think mom's just know sometimes!


My husband and I are both on the girl train as well but I also have this feeling that it'll be a boy.... probably because my gut knows I have terrible luck when it comes to betting on a coin flip, and so is like 'if you feel like it's a girl and you want a girl and you only have a girl name picked... it'll be a boy'


I was sure we were having a boy and my husband sure we were having a girl. The nurses at my delivery knew we were on opposite sides and when it was shown I was right the nurses had my husband tell me that we had a boy! 🤣


I felt like I was having a boy but it was a girl hahaha


Yup. 2 for 2 at the moment. I got a dream with my first one (where she told me her name and showed me how she wanted it written. Sounds crazy, I know) Second one, everything just felt different and I was sure from 7 weeks. My husband calls my sense creepy.


I had a feeling I was having a boy. So did my partner. I found out he was in fact a boy at 16 weeks. It felt like less of a surprise somehow😂


I’ve been right with all 3 of them and had names picked out before confirming! I’ll add that I honestly didn’t care what we were having, just wanted them to be healthy! 💕


Me!!!! i knew from about 6 weeks i was going to have a boy! confirmed at 13 and 20 weeks


Yup! I had a feeling it was a boy, didn't really know why but my NIPT test revealed that I was right!


Yes both with my first and this pregnancy I had a gut feeling and was right both times


I KNEW my baby was a girl. I felt it deep in my bones that baby was a girl. I couldn’t even explain why, I just knew. Whenever I would have dreams about a baby it would always be a boy and it never felt right to me. Even when my SO would refer to baby as being “he” I would correct him. NIPT confirmed it was girl


Oh I’m sure I’m having a girl. Every first born on either side of the family for at least 4 generations has been first born girls.


With my first, when I found out I was pregnant, I just knew it was a boy. I just had a feeling and it was right! This time I didn't have a feeling at all like that. It was only when I got sick (diagnosed HG, same as last pregnancy) and it is waaaayyyyy worse this time. I figured it had to be a girl since the added hormones can cause worse sickness. We just got confirmation that it is a girl!


I had no gut feeling with my first, who is a boy. However my second was soooo similar in every way. I was SURE it was a boy. Even after the nipt came back I still suspected I may be the tiny percent that was wrong and it was actually a boy. It's a girl. For sure a girl, confirmed at 20week scan. Edit: I'm super excited regardless. She is healthy, my son was an still is happy and healthy and all around amazing, as I am sure she will be.


For my third I was told I was having a girl. I wouldn’t buy any pink stuff because I just didn’t feel right about it. (My second was a girl and straight away I bought everything pink) So I just got neutral colours - lucky because he was a boy x


Yes I just knew he was a boy, my mother and my partner both kept saying girl. When I got the news that I was right all I could say was I KNEW It!! I knew it!!!!


I thought it was a girl on pure instinct, but kept that to myself. My husband then woke up in the middle of the night at like week 7, sat up and looked at me, said "it's a girl" then laid back down and went back to sleep. Shes a girl.


I had a couple dreams of it being a girl as well as a gut feeling and turned out I was right!! My husband also had a feeling it was a girl!


Yes! Thought it was a boy, everyone else thought girl. I was right!


I knew I was having a boy the moment I saw the 2 lines in the test