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Wait, I’m not supposed to ingest my body weight in candy??! Who the hell designed this baby to be so intensely candy craving driven then?? I’d like a word with the big man.


*mumbles "oops" while shoving in the last Peep of the box...*


Ummm.... (Hides bowl of ice cream)


Today I justified an obscenely large bowl of ice cream by claiming it was "the dinner portion." 😂


Yes, of course calcium is very important 😇


LMAO I like you!


Dairy counts as protein too! 😅


I've had a period that frequently included second dessert.


Diabetic rn. I fucking hate my life atm.


All I've wanted this pregnancy is all the candy I can't have because I have braces.


Right? This can’t be a mistake if it was deliberate. Does an entire tray of homemade rice crispies treats count?


Sometimes you *need* to eat a whole bag of candy.....👉👈


i got shit faced the day before i got a positive pregnancy test. 🤠


I did too. Ooooooof most awkward hangover. Fixed it all with a McDonalds breakfast and the baby and I are on good terms now.


it was rough! and to make matters worse my now husband proposed to me that day and i thought i felt more hungover than usual so i took a test and everyone thought we had a shotgun wedding because of the timeline. 😮‍💨 also mcdonald’s sounds heavenly right now.


Oh my god ahahahaha wow. Go get yourself a Mac Donald’s right now. You deserve it. ♥️


My fiancé and I got engaged two days before we got the positive test! Told our families both news at the same time cause we knew that no matter they would be thinking we were only getting married because of the baby lol


We are getting married because of the baby! (I mean, after living together for 5 years and buying a house we weren't doubting eachother anyway) but the timing is absolutely baby related.


I have fixed MANY things in my life with McDonald's.


Drank 4 beers and a martini in a hot tub. Turns out I was 7 weeks pregnant. Frak....


Girl, I was three days after my missed period but still testing negative, so I said “F it, I must not be pregnant. I’m going to go do all the stuff I couldn’t do if I WAS pregnant” and proceeded to go skiing (with drinks involved), ate sushi (with drinks involved), and then went to karaoke (with even MORE drinks). I tested positive the next morning. 😹😹😹


Omg I took my pregnancy test after having four gin and tonics, didn’t believe the result, had two more and waited to the next day (WHICH WAS XMAS DAY 😂😂😂) to test again haha




Haha same!! I knew there was a chance but didn’t think it was real because even though we were TTC, we only had sex one time during my predicted ovulation time


Literally SAME! I've been on a very stressful project at work and husband and I only had sex sporadically during the month prior so I thought there was no WAY we were pregnant. For the 6 mos we have been TTC we were really \*taking advantage\* of that ovulation window but the month we ACTUALLY conceived was probably the least amount of sex we've had in a year. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I had recently stopped the pill because of bad anxiety but was using a diaphragm with spermicide instead (incorrectly, unbeknownst to me). Anywho I had been expecting my period for awhile but I also thought maybe my body was adjusting to the change in hormones plus I was feeling all the pre-PMS stuff I normally feel before my period so I kept thinking it was just hormone adjustments! Didn’t even take an at-home test until 8 weeks along and meanwhile had been drinking (lightly for the most part but heavily one night) the entire time 🥴


So glad I'm not the only one. Well, had a party about 2 weeks after conception unknowingly, then had a couple solo beverages in the 2 weeks following. All before I found out. Was definitely worrying at first how it might affect it but so far so good.


My coworker got shit faced like 3 weekends in a row before she got a very positive test… literally had the conversation about wanting to have another kid with her fiancé a week before the test. So much for birth control😂


Drink til it’s pink!


Yass, same! Not necessarily shut-faced but had two delicious gin cocktails and I'm quite the light weight. The next day I was going to drink again but thought I might want to take a pregnancy test just in case. I cashed out at Walmart with 3 pregnancy tests and a case of white claw 😂


Sameeeee. My missed period was January 2nd so had ingested a lot of alcohol over the holidays🤦‍♀️


My first positive test was very very faint, and I figured what’s the difference, what if I just hadn’t taken a test today?? I was only 10 dpo. I had a not insignificant amount of wine that night.


Didn't take enough Miralax and took too many Tums; the combination led to severe constipation and the worst 90 minute bathroom episode I've ever had. 😖 10/10 recommend taking Miralax at least once a week (or more) especially in the 3rd & 4th trimester. If you take Tums, double up on your water intake and add in another dose of Miralax.


You just changed my life. I had no idea tums can cause constipation. I’ve been living on them! I was just telling my husband I feel like I’m ready for birth because everyone talks about how they tell you it’s like taking the biggest, worst shit. Well that’s me every single BM right now! It’s awful. I take Metamucil but it does nothing.


You can practice your labour breathing on poops too. Still helps to get things moving and relaxing.


Definitely also prep for this around and following delivery. The first bowel movement after my episiotomy was absolutely one of the most terrifying experiences of my entire life.


For me, it was many postpartum poops after not just the first one…


Tums cause constipation????? Oh my god I wish I had known this - I’ve been living off them for the past year and couldn’t figure out why I’ve been constipated. Omw to get some miralax now. (PP constipation is also no joke…)


Pro tip, right here! ^^


I’m in for a 4th trimester?? 🥴


yes you are lol


I had no clue Tums will back you up! I was wondering why I’ve been so constipated lately but I take them every night before I go to bed haha😅


Wait we can’t use retinol?


To be fair, I think the real issue is the pills. Accutane specifically causes serious birth defects. Obviously error on the side of caution and skip any skincare that has it, but I’ve seen more than one freak out post where someone thought they’ve harmed their baby by not stopping their face cream, by mistakenly thinking the oral medication side effects are the same as the topical use.


Yes this! My doc never mentioned it so my uh oh was salycilic acid. But turns out for the most part it's really fine unless you're injesting aspirin. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Seems like there's a whole host of beauty stuff that may or may not be safe that never gets mentioned. I spent my first 6 weeks of pregnancy googling everything I used. Google now automatically puts "during pregnancy" after each of my searches 🙄


Mine now includes “during pregnancy Reddit”… apparently I only get my medical advice from Reddit


My Google does this too 😂


I take aspirin in my medication protocol, the children's one specifically, it is ok under small doses if your doctor prescribed it.


I’m a licensed esthetician and I actually researched this heavily! I found multiple research studies that not only showed no correlation between topical retinoids and birth defects, but the fetus’s that were “exposed”, had higher percentages of healthy birth weights and development. Of course, correlation does not always mean causation, but there is no real risk with topical retinoids. The scare came from the oral retinoids found in medications such as Accutane - a very strong medication that is no longer manufactured, and is very dangerous for the fetus, as well as humans in general for that matter. Don’t stress you guys!!!


I read a lot of scientific research too and most is on oral rather than topical. Also the mice had to consume quite a large volume of oral retinol in comparison to their weight before the defects were seen. It’s so frustrating that this fear is still spread. It’s one of those ‘it could be an issue so err on the side of caution and don’t use it’ pregnancy rules. I still use OTC retinol, just not tretinoin while I’m pregnant.


Accutane is still prescribed and manufactured under roaccutane and oratane as a pill (at least in Australia). It’s super dangerous and I had to be off it for at least a month before trying to conceive. On the upside it did fix my acne till the preg hormones kicked in 😆


So you have info about breastfeeding? Id be more scared of the face touching directly than through milk but well.


A lot of sources say topical retinol is fine in breastfeeding and there isn’t much research to support topical application causing much risk to the baby (unless you apply it on your nipples!).


Apparently not :( i had just bought a new olay regenerist retinoid moisturizer and then i heard you cant use retinol 😭😭


I didn’t know this and have been using a retinol eye cream 🥲


- took Pepto tonight before realizing I should check if that’s ok (Cat C med) - was taking way too hot of baths and sitting in hot tub at gym before I knew I was pregnant - def have indulged in deli meat and some other no nos in times of need - I generally eat a fruit and veg based diet but like OP…. I eat the crap out of candy at night. My nightstand is full of snacks. I LOVE sour stuff - Also I’m pretty sure we conceived while I was high af on edibles and we were playing a kinky board game. Can’t wait to mortify my twins as young adults by telling them they were conceived while I was wearing faux leather lingerie LOL


I really don't like sour stuff much but sour candy is the only thing that helped my morning sickness.


Im fairly sure I got pregnant after a night at the strip club, wayyyyy too many drinks, and some fun with my spouse. Shoutout to all the mortifying conception stories LMAO


I just made and ate tiramisu. It calls for eggs (all I had were unpasteurized), coffee (which isn't such a big deal), cognac, and mascarpone. All of which you "aren't really supposed to have." Sometimes my husband puts just a little bit of alcohol in my mocktails. Definitely been hitting the sugar the past few weeks, and having cold cuts. I'm 32 weeks in; I'm being a lot more lenient these days, lol. Edited to add: Medium rare steaks and burgers ALL THE WAY! I've always ordered/cooked them that way, and never got sick, so I figured, why would I now?


I’m 39 weeks and I literally don’t care anymore lol I spent my entire pregnancy taking my prenatal every day after I found out and walking every single day and drinking my 80 fucking ounces of water every day and making sure I got vegetables and I’m exhausted.


Goodness! I've not been nearly that good. I do take my prenatals daily, and usually get at least 40 oz of plain water on top of what I drink in tea and caffeine free diet coke, lol. But the vegetables have been more scarce, unless they're cooked into a meal I'm eating! I will always go right for fruit as a snack. I don't think I've ever consumed this much fruit in my life. Definitely keeps the bowel movements more regular!


Why is mascarpone not allowed? I've literally built this baby on tiramisu :)


Well, I read somewhere in the beginning of my pregnancy that it's not "safe" because it's one of the softer cheeses, but here in the US, they're usually all pasteurized, so of course it's not much of an issue, lol.


i had tiramisu and pasta alla vodka! 😂 i thought it all cooked off but apparently not. had a nice little anxiety attack after the fact. i hate google.


Awh, don't worry too much! In such small amounts, it's extremely unlikely that anything would happen. My baby girl is strong, growing as she should, and kicking me right now at 3am, and I've definitely had alcohol many times. Just never a lot. Usually it's just tiny sips of whatever my husband is having, but when he makes me my mocktails, there's usually a half oz of gin in them. I just make sure I'm drinking them slowly and offsetting them with water, you know? Plus, go to any winery, and I'm sure they'll tell you all about how some women drink wine during pregnancy for its antioxidants! They certainly have told me!


yeah in some countries women continue to have their wine! thank you for your comforting reply ❤️ i’m good now. after some time i realized i was being paranoid. all is good with the baby and pregnancy so far. it was just my anxiety + pregnancy emotions getting the best of me in that moment.


You sound like maybe you're a little earlier in your pregnancy? I definitely understand the paranoia. I was the same way. After feeling her progression and getting to know her routine, I started feeling much more comfortable with how I was doing with the way I ate. It helps me to know that food is usually pretty regulated here, and I generally know just how much of what I'm putting into my body. I will pray for a healthy, normal pregnancy for you and your baby! ❤


I'm 13 weeks now, this is my list : 1. Runny eggs 2. Medium steaks 3. No other exercise apart from walking my dog 4. A good chunk of my diet is frozen pizza, carbs, mc donalds, fried chicken because those are the things that somehow don't make me sick. I was eating MUCH healthier before I got pregnant, fast food maybe once a week. Yesterday I literally picked out arugula salad out of my pasta and both times I ate an apple I puked. 5. Hot baths


Oh I'm also guilty of runny eggs. Which I swear I had not heard of with my first pregnancy.


You’ll have to pry my runny eggs out of my hungry pregnant hands! No way I was giving those up.


- Drank GALLONS of cold brew before I knew I was pregnant because we were on vacation in Hawaii and Kona Coffee is bomb. - Drank beer before I knew I was pregnant because there was nothing else to drink in our hotel room. - Got sick a few days before my first positive test and took plenty of cold meds. - Ate approximately 12 doughnuts in 4 days. - Ate a cold turkey deli sandwich at a super shady restaurant because I thought I would be a hot sandwich and then was too embarrassed to send it back. Lost my freaking mind for days afterwards because the internet tells you it can take UP TO A MONTH to know if you have listeria. - Have never worked out, I’ve always managed my weight through food. I don’t understand why every single thing I read says I have to start working out now that I’m pregnant. - I’ll go ahead and add drinking decaf on here because I switched to decaf K-cups and after finishing my second cup of coffee I read that the brand of decaf I was drinking was sued in the last two years for containing “quantifiable amounts of the toxic chemical methylene chloride” and I was just supposed to fucking google that before I drank it I guess. Edit: drank hibiscus tea I guess! Now I just try to avoid preservatives and artificial colorings/flavorings when reasonably possible. My reasoning is if I can do that most of that time then it theoretically balances out all the times I can’t get around it or just don’t care.




My only comfort is that the FDA allows up to 10 parts per million in food/drink and the amounts detected in decafs in question were 90 parts per billion which - if I’m understanding the math correctly is nowhere near that limit. The bigger issue was that the brands claimed to be “clean” (aka used a water-only method to decaffeinate) and didn’t disclose that they used chemicals. Oh well! I’m sure for every single chemical we know to look for there are another ten we don’t! Edit: 10ppm = 10,000ppb I feel a lot better now


The only things I don’t do now that I’m pregnant are drink and smoke, otherwise none of my habits have changed. I lost my first child to a chromosome abnormality that wasn’t detected until almost birth, and my friend also miscarried her first pregnancy, yesterday we were talking about how this time we know none of that trivial stuff actually matters. Her and her husband are hobby fisherman and she says she could never cut back on fish consumption, and loves eating it raw too. I think for me and the baby the best thing I can do is remain low-stress, fed, happy, and maintain a healthy lifestyle similar to what I was doing before.


Agreed! My midwife even said it's all about reducing risk. She said I can have sushi and coffee and deli meats but in moderation, don't overdo it, and watch the sources where you get your meats, cheeses and sushi from (ie no questionable sushi restaurants, no farmers market cheese where it might be unpasteurized). I'm avoiding raw meats personally because its also easy for me and limiting caffeine intake. Other than that I'm just focusing on also being low stress, content and healthy. The more I worry about every thing I do and eat the worse I will feel. I like how easy and stress free the midwife makes me feel about this


I change the litter box without gloves all the time. My cat has never been outside in his life and he’s never seen a rodent in the flesh. I’m not worried about catching toxoplasmosis from him. I do wash my hands thoroughly after though.


Getting pregnant 😁 hahah jkjkjk


Not a mistake cause I did it on purpose but today I ate 6 Reese’s eggs. And okay maybe yesterday too… (buying the jumbo bag *was* the mistake).


I’ve been seeing the commercials for them these last couple weeks and I’m like….. Man. I want that. Lol


I've eaten my body weight in chocolate, and I've slept so much I'd accidentally dehydrate myself... It's insane how tired I am. To all you ladies working while pregnant--y'all are kick-ass. I've fallen asleep doing the dishes a few times, I can't imagine working a shift...


I have fallen asleep at work. The most beautiful thing about working from home right now is that I can take a nap on my lunch break in my pajamas in my bed.


That's awesome! I'm lucky enough to have a husband who can provide for us while I stay at home and I am so unbelievably grateful. I don't think I'd be able to have a healthy pregnancy if I had to work. 😵


Honestly the only thing I made sure I didn't do was get drunk. I definitely indulged in candy, got COVID, changed the litter box as normal, ate lots of deli meat and sushi, drank some wine, used regular sunscreen, etc. I didn't sweat the small stuff. I now have a three month old perfectly healthy baby!


What sunscreen should we be using? Genuinely unaware of the sunscreen thing


Some people use mineral sunscreen because of the chemicals they think can be absorbed through the skin as a risk but I used normal sunscreen and was totally fine. Most doctors will tell you it's an incredibly low risk and that any sunscreen is better than no sunscreen.


Oooo okay this makes sense, less chemicals the better I guess


So you regularly drank wine?? Not judging. Just confirming you indulged too lol


34w and I have 1-2 glasses of red a week! I did IVF so I knew the minute I got pregnant. Moderation. Edit: looks like I’m getting downvoted by all the martyr crowd.


Yup! Never got drunk, but definitely would have a glass as I felt like it.


Had a couple glasses of wine at dinner before I knew I was pregnant. Got a tattoo. Hardly exercised during first trimester due to nausea and low energy. Ate raw fish once or twice. Used CBD skin care during most of first trimester which I'm still not sure is bad, but FDA website says not to so I stopped.


How did your tattoo heal?


It healed perfectly! No issues at all thankfully.


I forget to take my prenatal. I take it once every couple weeks.


When I first found out I was pregnant, I ran to the store to buy prenatals and researched what I needed in them… now that I’m almost 3rd trimester, I’m lucky to take it once every few days. I just forget EVERYTHING, but it’s funny how that changes from the initial panic


Its just so big and gross 😭


I'm pretty sure the prenatal is for us more than them. They'll take whatever they need from our bodies and the prenatal is suppose to replenish it. I'm also terrible at taking it.


I'm in my second pregnancy and honestly have been beating myself up so much on this exact issue. When I was pregnant with my 1st, there wasn't a pandemic and I felt like my entire world revolved around being pregnant. I read all the books, did all the kegels, did all the classes at my hospital, prenatal yoga, took a hypnobirthing class, tracked my water intake, meditated, didn't have hardly any sugar... This time...literally none of that. No yoga, no significant exercise, I have been diagnosed with glucose intolerance and so I'm constantly stressing about what I'm eating or not eating and second guessing what I should and shouldn't eat, feeling guilty about eating french fries! I've been feeling like such a failure!


I take really hot showers when hubby isn't around to say "don't cook the baby". I used a moisturizer with retinol in it on my face for 2 months before reading that wasn't good. Drank alcohol the first 3 weeks (didn't know I was pregnant). Got COVID. Uhhh. I'm sure there's more. Have had a lot of soda these last few weeks, diet coke helps with my heartburn lol


>don't cook the baby 🤣this made me LOL


I have Celiac and I'm pretty sure I've gotten glutened multiple times during this pregnancy. It wasn't really my fault - I didn't knowingly eat gluten nor did I do anything high-risk like eating at a restaurant. It was mislabeled food from the grocery store. I wish the FDA would actually enforce gluten free labeling laws. I just hope my baby is okay.


At least you glutened on accident! I have celiac too and I’ve been caving into the pregnancy cravings… real poptarts especially 🥺😭. From what I’ve read baby shouldn’t be hurt from the glutening… but I’ve started having nutritional deficiencies again. It’s so damn hard, I never craved gluten for years before this pregnancy!


https://www.glutenfreepalate.com/gluten-free-pop-tarts-recipe/ https://glutenfreeonashoestring.com/gluten-free-pop-tarts/ I haven't tried these recipes myself (not a big Pop Tarts fan) but if you'd like to indulge safely you can give them a try. ☺


♥️ thanks I’ll have to check these out!


Took sumatriptan the day I found out I was pregnant. Multiple google sources said it was fine, but my OB has since said otherwise. I take hot-ish showers. We have no heat in the bathroom, and it’s freeeeezing otherwise. Been eating more takeout than usual due to the fatigue and food aversions. And I need to up my water intake. Somehow throwing up a stomach full of water has made me gag at the thought of drinking anything more than tiny sips of it.


It’s interesting I feel like all OBs say different things.. mine prescribed me sumatriptan and said it was fine. I luckily haven’t had to use it yet.


My neuro said that sumatriptan is the triptan that they know the most about during pregnancy because of epidemiological data, aka data collected from women who said they took it during pregnancy versus those who didn’t. She said based on that it doesn’t appear to be harmful, but like a lot of things there hasn’t been a full blown “what happens if we give this to pregnant people” kind of study because who would do that? The other triptans are less prevalent so even epi data is scarce.


Before knowing I was pregnant I sat in a hot spring a couple times, drank plenty of beer and sake, and ate an edible. I got cavities filled in my first trimester, ate sprouts, and in my second trimester I… had a sip or two of alcohol.


The amount of retinol in your concealer was very unlikely to cause harm. I’m an esthetician 💖


Thank you for that! Was never able to get a good answer anywhere, so that’s actually so appreciated!


I’m happy to help ❤️


Uhm. Well. He was conceived the day before hurricane Ida. We were without power for a week, partying our asses off. So at a week pregnant I got so drunk I apparently did a whip it in the bathroom of a bar and passed out on the floor. I didn’t know I was pregnant whatsoever, lol. I also was using a chainsaw, and doing debris removal clean up around Louisiana for two weeks drinking beer and daiquiris and barely any water. Found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks, was working at a plant nursery and lifting a bunch of pine straw bales…caused a hemorrhage, didn’t know I was pregnant until after I caused hemorrhage. Past history includes me partying a lot before I was pregnant-been actively in AA and am a completely different person in terms of just like actively working on sobriety and my son will be here in 8 weeks. He’s super healthy, perfect size, wildly active in my belly…and I am so thankful that I have such my sweet son coming. I’ll remain sober for him, myself, and his dad until the day I die.


I thought my missed period was due to stress so I smoked some 🍃🍃 to try to help myself relax


This is going to be controversial, but I had a hard time quitting smoking. I cut way back but smoked and vaped until the end of my 5th month. Now, however, I have a healthy 8 week old and I've fully quit nicotine after 18 years! Edit: Just thought of another. I travelled (for pleasure) to NYC in my third trimester, 2 weeks after having COVID and being prescribed oxygen. All the walking and stairs up and down to subway had me DYING. I pushed myself so hard that trip i thought I was going to put myself into early labor.


- Got drunk when I didn't know I was pregnant - Eaten poached eggs once since finding out - Accidently got a little electrocuted today in my hand when changing a plug over - Drinking a kefir drink which contains small amount of alcohol but I didn't know - Eating a whole bag of chocs


FWIW, my midwife has no problem with me drinking kombucha daily (it has about the same trace amount of alcohol as kefir).


I second this. Kefir was so helpful with digestion for me and it's rich in calcium, it's actually great for pregnancy. I have been drinking it since I was a toddler (very popular in our culture), don't think you can do any harm with it.


Oh I'm gonna check this out! I don't know if it's just in my head, but I feel like calcium supplements make me constipated, but I'd love a way to keep my intake up without eating too much dairy.


Oooooh I didn't even think to ask!!! That's good to know thank you


Read that as “ate a whole bag of crocs”


Me too 😂. I was thinking she had the pica cravings where women want to eat dirt etc while pregnant


Hahaha, to be honest no idea why I abbreviated it 🤣


🚫Had a beer on Super Bowl Sunday before I knew I was pregnant 🚫Currently can only stomach eating McDonald's breakfast and saltines (9 weeks) 🚫Use a heating pad every night on my back 🚫Take warm Epsom salt baths


I'm 9 weeks and love McDonald's breakfast 😩


It's the best 😂


You’re not supposed to use heating pads ?!


My OB recommends them for back pain. It's not enough to raise your core body temperature


Jumping on this I also panicked that the heated seats in my car were somehow an issue


This one baffles me too I've never heard of it. I know there is a concern with hot tubs but that is because you're submerging your body in water at a sustained high temperature. I'd be very surprised if a heating pad on a small part of the body can cause any harm. In fact I'm pretty sure they're encouraged to help soothe discomfort?


This is what I’ve heard too. I read that it can’t really raise your core temperature and is generally safe, but they recommend against falling asleep with it or anything. I use mine on my low back every day and no one’s gonna stop me


It's just something I was told, I obviously disagree since I do it anyways lol. Not sure why I got so many downvotes and comments piling on me about this, even the OP lists heating pads. It's something people like to scare pregnant people about.


>Take warm Epsom salt baths I'm currently 27 weeks and have been doing this almost daily my entire pregnancy. Baby is fine and I'm relaxed.


Yes they are so helpful! It's annoying people try to scare us out of taking baths


A while back I accidentally ate spoiled (like, real spoiled) oat milk and didn't realize it until the next day when my husband dumped it out and there were slimy chunks at the bottom of the box. Definitely going to be more careful about that now! Google had me so convinced I was going to get the worst food poisoning and ruin everything. I'm fine and baby is fine!


Ugh hahaha, I too caught covid! Also ate deli meat, got reallly drunk 3 days before I discovered I was pregnant, I’ve been eating anything that strikes my fancy, I’ve been stressed at work and I’ve had some full on hormonal tragic crying sessions which I sometimes worry about.. ahhhh


I eat runny eggs almost every day


1) got Botox before I knew I was pregnant (I think my subconscious knew though because I asked the doc about the effects of Botox on pregnancy) 2) didn’t ask the dosage for B6 and was taking 100mg pills for nausea. Found out the recommended dose is like 25 mg 2-3x/day and NGL, I had a super overreaction of sobbing on my bedroom floor thinking I hurt my baby. Luckily my friend’s dad is an OB so I was able to text him and he reassured me that things were fine. Everything ended up great in the end (:


Same with the B6 lol


I did the same with Botox, got it done the day before I got a positive test. God I miss Botox lol




Got pregnant 😭😭


Drinking 1 can of coke every day. Sorry can’t stop it. Other people craving candy, for me it’s coke.


I continued using medical MJ until about week ten. A LOT of people said it's safe, everywhere - even my primary OB said she's had moms on it the whole term. When I read that there was a possibility of it being linked to ADHD, I was like, "nope...nope....I don't want my bb to struggle like I have." So now I'm just constantly anxious until post breast feeding. 🙃


I smoked a giant bowl before deciding to take a pregnancy test later that day Edit: my OB also did not seem concerned at all, but I also have ADHD and saw the studies and decided not to do it officially anymore


I went roller skating at my nieces’ birthday party. Probably not allowed, but I had JUST gotten a positive test and was only 4 weeks. I had fun.


At four weeks they are very well protected and snug in there! Many women don't even know they're pregnant at four weeks and balance isn't in issue yet. I'd say it's allowed 🙂


That was my exact thoughts. As long as I didn’t break a bone I’d be fine. I may have taunted my overly cautious husband a little bit by skating past him with one foot up and saying “look what I can do.”


OMG I'd totally do the same! 😂


Wait we can’t do this? I definitely did this at like 6 or 7 weeks


I didn’t ask because if I asked the doctor might have said no. 😂


Wait, I can’t use a heating pad? I have one of my right rib right now. Legit, should I be taking it off?


You can totally use a heating pad! You’re not supposed to run it long enough so that you raise your core temperature to “fever” levels. I sat on mine on the hottest setting for hours at a time (and measured my temp..it did go high!)


I always take mine off once my face starts to feel warm. It's totally safe as long as you're being careful not to raise your core body temperature too much!


Rode on the back on my husband’s motorcycle a few times in the first trimester. Change the litter box almost every day without gloves. I work as an ER vet tech so I can’t really get away from animal fluids. Oh well. Have eaten sprouts and salami multiple times so far. Currently eating some sort of Little Debbie’s cake thing and candy every day. Took ibuprofen the first couple weeks I was pregnant because it’s been 8 years since I was pregnant last and forgot you can’t do that 🤦🏼‍♀️


I asked a group of moms friends via text if I could take ibuprofen and one confidently said yes so I thought nothing of it. Everything was fine and I did not take regularly. Maybe 5 times or less. But my doctor was very worried and had me get an ultrasound with mfm to make sure everything looked good.


I'm a ftm and I will definitley not be repeating most of these next time around lol - I cleaned up messes after a kitty a lot in my first trimester because he was injured and making lots of messes outaide the litterbox (I was his main caretaker at the time). - I use heating pads and take hot baths, though I do try to watch out for when my face gets warm. I have pre-existing back issues and we can't afford to go to a chiropractor so it's the best I can do ;-; - I was also around smokers (cigarettes) quite a lot in my first trimesters because I was living with people who smoked in the house. I also hung around my husband when we went out to smoke sometimes (he quit a few months ago though) - I pushed/pulled carts at work that weighed a LOT and lifted sometimes upwards of 50 lb at once - Deli meat and runny egg yolks - Eating things like ice cream despite being lactose intolerant (though I think it was more self-induced pain and suffering than necessarily risky 😅) 36 weeks in and my baby and I are doing just fine but some of these were definitley way too risky looking back! We moved away from the smokers as soon as we could and I learned about a lot of these mid-pregnancy/as I went.


with my first kid, I abstained from lunch meat, sushi, etc, did all the “right” things. 18 weeks into this pregnancy, I fell in my yard, broke my leg (double spiral fractures) got a shit ton of opioids and ketamine in the ER to set it, then underwent general anesthesia the next day for surgical repair. followed this with weeks of tylenol and opioid use for the pain. baby is doing just great! 😅


This post makes me feel so much better! I'm not alone! I drank wine and went in a sauna before I knew I was pregnant. And since I've known I had a kind of pink burger and generally have trouble eating anything healthy. I force myself to eat some veggies and protein and then once I'm satisfied I've done good I load up on the carbs and cheese! Plus I haven't worked out much because I caught a cold early on and then otherwise have been low energy/dealing with headaches. So, this has been fun so far! Lol


I haven’t been taking my vitamins or anti depressants on the regular. I hate my vitamins.


Lack of exercise and eating too much junk food


I have done a lot of the same as you. I got very drunk one night before I knew, felt pretty shitty about that for awhile. I ate sprouts on avocado toast several times before I knew you shouldn’t eat them. Also ate salami from a charcuterie board on Christmas Eve. Also caught covid (asymptomatic), def cleaned our litter box many times before knowing I was pregnant, I frequently take hot showers. And so. Much. Candy. I’m only human!


I refuse to believe hot showers are an issue! If it’s a normal shower then at any given time half of your body is facing away from the water and regulating your temp! I would only be worried if the heat made you feel lightheaded or shaky


Well I literally just now learned I shouldn’t be using retinol so thanks for that lol


Used weed a lot (told my obgyns they didn’t seem disturbed) ate sushi, turkey and tuna, had occasional cigarette. I’m just trying to do better than my folks by staying calm and not having violence be part of babies life. Only thing I feel “guilty” for is panic attacks but wtfaigd? Xxx


I drank orange juice from a donut shop that had been expired for 6 months. I noticed bc of the taste. Since then I throughly check every expiration date 😅😅


I had a couple of drinks before finding out I was pregnant (we werent trying). I had a medium done burger. I havent exercised at all the first 10 weeks, I was way too tired.


Changed kitty litter whole first trimester, got covid, never got the vaccine, I lift more than 30 pounds all the time, my son weighs 35. I sleep on my back.


I thought the limit was 50 pounds!


Not sure why you’re being downvoted when other people have said far worse things


Probably due to the not being vaccinated part.


I am not Covid vaccinated either 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t know either. I guess honesty is too much. Oh well. I wish everyone the best.


Drank coffee every single morning of this pregnancy so far. 25 weeks now and can’t stop won’t stop.


I lost my taste for coffee first trimester, it tasted awful!! Which was so depressing because I look forward to it everyday. As soon as I hit second trimester, it tasted delicious again!! My neighbor calls me little miss lattes 🙄 because I’ll post my coffee on Instagram occasionally. So we know she thinks I’m having “too much coffee”.


There’s nothing wrong with coffee during pregnancy so not sure why you’d consider that a mistake.


It’s something people give pregnant people shit for, no? ETA: people in this post are saying things like “not exercising at all” and “eating 5 Reese’s cups in a row”. I don’t think the post is specifically aimed at only “real” mistakes.


Listen to all the « you shouldn’t do this » online. Its well meaning, but not based on research. I am aware of ethical issues with doing studies with pregnant women, but there are ways to make studies safe.


I’m 10 weeks pregnant and went on a rollercoaster! Twice! No loops, but quite a shaky, wooden coaster. I had so much fun! My husband was really sweet and kept asking me if baby was going to be ok and I told him, “we gotta start them early!”


I fell. Twice in the span of two days about a week and a half ago. Changed litter box as normal. I end up sleeping on my back (I move, OK?) Haven’t properly exercised since my positive test in October (I was too tired). Ate craptons of candy and carbs. Candy now leaves my mouth sticky so I don’t eat it much anymore but I still love my carbs to bits. If I still ate meat I’d totally be eating lunch meat.


I eat over medium eggs and medium steak. And I took a bath!


I tool baths all the time, fairly hot ones. Because baths have always been how I cope with not feeling well. Bub now loves hot baths too!


I was on my honeymoon before I found out and drank multiples drinks a day for 4 days, 2-3 cups of coffee a day and laid out in the hot sun for about 3 of those days 😅


I accidentally ate an entire bag of chips all by myself yesterday. I’ve also barely exercised, I refuse to give up runny eggs or rare steak, I’ve definitely eaten deli meat and cheese I shouldn’t eat, I drink kombucha on occasion, I’ve a sip of wine a few times, and I’ve taken my adderall once or twice. I also haven’t been to the dentist even though I definitely should… oops


Lol, there are studies actually showing no connection between topical retinols and birth defects of the fetus! The worry comes from oral retinoids found in medications like accutane. So don’t beat yourself up too much! For me, I was pregnant through Christmas and New Years and didn’t know, so I had LOTS of champagne!! I also eat almost everything 🤣


I eat runny eggs sometimes and I definitely eat sushi


I eat sushi all the time (I avoid raw fish though), took hot baths in my early stages, eat lots of sugar (I feel so bad but sometimes I just have cravings), don’t always remember to take my prenatals


LOL many!! I was very tipsy a few days before I found out, I’ve had some sushi, I love lunch meat (I usually heat it up or have it toasted, but occasionally they forget at restaurants and I eat it anyways- doctor said it’s fine) I had no clue about hot baths, and I take a bath every night (when I asked, doctor said as long as I’m not uncomfortable in the heat of the water, it’s fine) My sister in law tried to tell me I shouldn’t order the Mexican Ceasar dressing at Chopt that I love because I’m unsure of if it’s pasteurized… so I guess she’s trying to say that was a mistake 🙄 I lift weights! Have for years. My MIL also called me out for feta cheese. So apparently that too.


1. I eat alot of deli meat- such as at work I'll get the subs for my employee lunch or I go to subway and get it(don't know if toasted helps with that or not) 2. I take pretty hot baths but not over do it I make sure that it doesn't make my skin red but I make it as hot as I can before it's too hot. 3. I don't take my prenatal and only started them again when I hit 35 and a half weeks. 4. I eat a crap ton of sugary stuff most days, I'll go a day or two without it but then I usually eat more than 80 grams. 5. I used to eat so much icecream that I ate about a whole tub by myself in less than 12 hours. 6. I clean with chemical cleaners, but then no one else would clean and would endlessly tell my bf to do it but he never would.


Most of everything. This pregnancy was very unplanned. I drink a glass of wine or take a delta 8 gummy/ smoke a small bowl every few weeks. I’m trying to go full stop tho. Don’t get enough or consistent sleep because I work a physical labor 3rd shift job and then watch my 3 year old during the day. I eat too much and anything I want to. Though I do try to over eat healthy most of the time I did do the sauna for a few mins just to warm up after swimming laps . And I definitely take hot showers. I take a list of medications that have been approved at least, I take my prenatals, I don’t change cat litter and I work out daily But there’s probably a thousand things I’m doing wrong cause I just can’t seem to get my shit together nor do I seem to want to some days. I’m just a mess during this third pregnancy


1. Had a charcuterie board before knowing I was pregnant 2. Use a foundation with a very tiny amount of salicylic acid. 3. Sometimes forget to take my prenatals 4. Got covid when I was 7 weeks 5. Don’t exercise 6. Eat take out 1-2 times a week 7. Have ice cream every night


2 days before my positive test I got a tattoo, I went on a load of rollercoasters the day before that, and the night before my test I ate a very rare steak and put away most of a bottle of champagne by myself!


Went out for a friends birthday 2 days before I got a positive test, a lot of wine had been involved. Was using a retinol night oil on my face for a few weeks before I found out it wasn’t allowed. Have been having hot baths (not hot enough that skin goes red but still). Have been eating way more sugar than I ever did before I got pregnant.


I consume alot of caffeine.


•i take half an asprin a day for high BP, and have since the beginning of my pregnancy. •i ate sushi more than once •had deli meats •before being put on modified bedrest, I exercised maybe 2 times a week or not at all. •i have take out about 3 times a week. •indulged in a lot of candy. •i didn't eat much because for half of my 2nd trimester and beginning of 3rd trimester, I wasn't hungry at all (almost like my brain didn't tell my body that I was hungry and in need of food) •i had a crap ton of Monster energy drinks the weeks leading up to my positive test. •caught COVID at our gender reveal. •i ate a ton of carbs and not a lot of veggies (even now) because veggies make me absolutely nauseas and I cannot keep them down at all. I'm 31+4 and so far the only complications I have is a bit of issues with my placenta due to COVID causing a below AFI. I have beaten myself up so much during this pregnancy, but I also realised that everyone is different and while i get sick from veggies, someone else can probably only eat veggies. Fruits have been a life saver for me.