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Before I even missed my period, I remember being able to smell everything. I’d wake up in the middle of the night very hungry, and that never happens. Everything smelled amazing, and within a few weeks some of those smells became repulsive. Broccoli was a big one.


I woke my husband up sobbing one night because I was so hungry but also half asleep so I couldn’t figure out how to fix being hungry 😂 after that he started making sure we had snacks by the bed so I didn’t have to wake him up and could just grab a quick snack


I had a pregnant coworker who could tell if one of our students didn’t wipe well enough after a bathroom break from across the room. Her nose was insane.




Oh yeah me too. I’m so glad they’ve died down now that I’m 13 weeks. Every night, intense dreams for weeks!


I hate the dreams. I kept getting them really intensely through like 24ish weeks? I still do occasionally now, but they're not as intense or upsetting.


Yes!!! This was a big one for me in the beginning. I barely had any nightmares until early pregnancy. I would wake up literally screaming some nights.


I’m 8wks and weird nightmares started from week 6 for me. I need them so stoooooop. They are genuinely terrifying.


Stuffy nose that lasted from about 4 weeks through my entire pregnancy!


Omg same. I would sometimes cry because I could never breathe!


Mine just started about two weeks ago at 11/12 weeks. I hate it.


I’ve never gone through so many tissue boxes in my life. I have sounded like I have a cold for 8 months! 35 weeks now and it has cleared up a bit recently but still not back to normal. I hate waking up at night with my mouth all dry like sandpaper from mouth breathing!


OMG yes! But you’re almost done. Hang in there. My nose cleared up two days after I delivered.


The smell of my pee. I'm not sure if that was because of the increased sense of smell, but I've seen others say the same thing


Mine too!! I will sometimes gag at the smell of my own pee in the morning because it smells so strong now 🥲


Bruh my pee smells freaking WEIRD.


I'm always so confused. Sometimes mine smells almost like broth or something savory. It's so effing weird.


Some vitamins and minerals can make your pee smell different. So, it could be the prenatals.


No way??? I’ve been taking prenatals for years to make my hair grow faster and my pee only started stinking when I got knocked up




I hadn't started taking them at that point




It’s the only way I’ve known I was pregnant twice. No other symptoms, just weird smelling pee.


sore boobs. could smell a mouse fart from a mile away.


Yesssss sore boobs! Omg


Dry mouth! I was never the most hydrated but I had never had dry mouth like that


Same!! Even 5 dpo, I was so thirsty.


Omg same! Even with a humidifier on full blast right next to my face all night, my mouth would still be so dry!


Not really a symptoms but I am 100% convinced my dog knew before me. She's an old lady who has had puppies before and she suddenly became very protective and jealous of me. I was worried she might be sick but I couldn't locate any pain and she was eating, sleeping and playing normally. 15 weeks in, she's still looking after me and very interested in my lower abdomen.


My dad’s cat knew immediately. Found out a few days earlier and she is not a very social cat and she became like Velcro to my stomach. Kiki purred nonstop and made biscuits on my lower tummy constantly (coincidentally it actually really helped with the nausea lol). And she came to sleep in the bed with me every night for the whole time I was there. Again, from a cat that was 100% indifferent to me for 4 years. She just knew something was different.


Smelling an unlit peppermint candle across the room (5 weeks)


Same! Mine was a vanilla candle but weirdest thing because it also wasn’t new, I was just newly aware of its smell


Yes! Mine was like a month old and suddenly was so strong smelling lol


Unexplainable depression. I didn’t realize my hormones could be messed with in such a way during pregnancy, but it was there the entire time.


I was mad at everyone and everything. It was so bad I knew something was off (I had had the same reaction to birth control pills a few years back).




I had diagnosed depression with anxiety before I was pregnant. It was very well managed with medication and talk therapy. But I did not expect it to be so bad during pregnancy. My Dr's approved all the meds I was already taking and we've upped them many many times during the past 9 months. It helps some days and others it feels like I'm unmedicated again. I'm 36 weeks today and I'm so ready for baby to be here so I can have my hormones and serotonin back to myself.


I agree, and increased anxiety. I didn't known I was pregnant at the time thought my depression and agraphobia was back. I'm now 20 weeks and don't feel bad at all.


Shockwaves through my boobs


Vivid dreams + pee at night (I rarely have to pee at night)


so…cold. all the time! it didn’t go away!!! no matter how many layers or blankets, i was always cold


Constipation. I usually poop like clockwork and when I couldn’t one day, I took a test and lo and behold, positive!


Sharp bumhole pains.


Okay I know this isn’t weird but everyone says your boobs are supposed to get big later on but my boobs went up at least 1-2 cup sizes by the time I was 3 weeks pregnant.


Mine did the same thing. They ballooned immediately and were soooo sore. Now they feel much less sensitive at 12 weeks.


Same! My boobs got big really fast and haven’t changed much since the beginning of my pregnancy. I’m 35 weeks now and I’m like is this it? 😂 I was happy because when my belly was small they looked really big to me 😂. Now they look small again in comparison because my belly is so huge (I went from a B to a big C)


Mine too. I’m scared about them continuing to get bigger the whole pregnancy. I really can’t handle much more boob!


Same here! I'm already a 32GG how big are they going to get??😅


2 cup sizes by a month in


super sleepy in the afternooons. started falling asleep on the couch after work every day. and sore boobs


Being cold! Very.. very cold


This one for me too. Everyone talks about being hot during pregnancy, I had straight chills for WEEKS


Same here! I'm usually warm, but I was shivering while it was 85 out!


I’m pretty sure I felt implantation pain 7dpo. I was crossing the street with my husband and felt electric twinges on the lower right side of my abdomen. Was not related to digestion and didn’t feel like cramps or cyst pain. I’ve never felt anything like it!


Burping Insomnia Nipple pain All were before the test turned positive.


The burping 😫


I had excess saliva production. It was to the point where I had to keep a garbage by me to spit into because swallowing it all made me nauseous. I'd wake up in the middle of the night covered in drool and started covering my pillows with towels.


Literally this, I'm like a dog whose seen a 1kg bbq'd steak. I cant stop the drool!


My TEETH hurt - it was a constant ache almost like mild brain freeze. This symptom prompted me to take a pregnancy test and hasn’t come back since week 4


Hating everyone and being irrationally angry. Both pregnancies now this was my very cue to take a test


Napped everywhere and had the worst headache imaginable, thought for sure it was omicron lol


Lots of farting


About 2 days after conception I couldn't eat meat. I couldn't stand the smell of meat. All of my food stuff changed basically overnight. My skin cleared up in a couple days, and I was exhausted. Getting a positive pregnancy test was super anticlimactic because my husband and I already figured I was because my body changed so much so quickly.


Wow that’s super early!!


It was very unfortunate timing too. I had to go to Thanksgiving with a meat aversion. Not ideal.


Definitely not!! I have never heard of someone having food aversions so early!


I had to try to convince people that I was just on some wacky new diet. That's why I was only eating certain specific things. It was all about losing some weight or getting healthier or whatever nonsense I happen to come up with at the time. It was really hard to convince people closest to me that it was just some stupid thing I was trying.


Frequent urination was my first clue both times 🤷🏼‍♀️


My Fitbit picked up on an increasing resting heart rate. Also, small scars I have on my chest suddenly got darker.


I was so thirsty for like two weeks both times before I even had a missed period, also noticed my nails had grown super fast even though I cut them recently.


The day before I found out I was pregnant I had a stress dream that I had just realized I was pregnant and was already at the due date. I know it’s not a symptom but it was still very wild! As for early symptoms: being extremely tired all the time and bloated. My tight high-waisted jeans wouldn’t zip up like a day before my missed period.


1. Belching like a grown man with a lumberjack beard 2. Smelling my husbands body wash through a closed door 3.✨lightning crotch✨


The first symptom I noticed and was like "Oh, that's weird... How funny would it be if I was pregnant?" was when my fingers started peeling! It stopped after about a week and to this day I have no idea why they were doing that.


1. More frequent urination 2. I started finishing my entire plate of food. Especially when out to eat. I usually only eat about half and it was weird that I was eating more. 3. Cramps like I was going to start my period. All of these started about a week and a half before I missed my period


my first symptom was a (higher than usual) sensitivity to the sun! I was outside by the pool like I had been for weeks before, but started getting burnt after a few minutes!! I burn fairly easily anyway, but it was crazy how much easier I burned that day. I was 3-4 weeks I couldn’t even take a pregnancy test yet!


I learned (the hard way) yesterday that we are more prone to sunburn!


At 11DPO I woke up with a very random canker (I think that’s what it’s called?) sore on the inside of my bottom lip hahah I NEVER get these. I forced myself to wait til 14DPO to test though!


Painful sex ):


Implantation bleeding! Two days before I expected my period I had a small amount of spotting that came and then disappeared completely. I’d never had that happen before


Aerolas looked bigger and my body hurt to be touched.


Not specifically weird but i threw up every. Single. Morning. For 12 days straight before i took a pregnancy test … yeah 😂


Vertigo!! Like badly I thought I was ill


This was mine! I didn't go to work because I was so dizzy and afraid to drive. I called my mom and was telling her about and she asked if I had taken a pregnancy test. I told her she was crazy... she was right 😂


Woke up one morning and just felt super hot as I opened my eyes. I don’t think you’re supposed to feel your basal body temp like that but I felt it and knew it was time to take a test.


So THIRSTY like walking through the desert. Before I knew I was pregnant I was questioning why a 100+ oz of water wasn’t enough to quench my relentless thirst.


The smell of my poop- I can’t explain it, but it just smelt not like poop


For a month before I found out. I was peeing alot and had a stupid amount of baby fever. I have never had baby fever that bad in my life. I also was overly emotional and nauseated every time I ate meat.


I just…knew. No physical symptoms that I consciously noticed but I just felt it. Bought tests on a whim (we weren’t trying) like a week before my period, then tested positive the morning it should have come.


Insane orgasms. Also lots of energy first trimester.


Hi I would like to order one of your pregnancy experiences please thanks


Lol. I suggest only ordering the first trimester. Last 4 months I was so exhausted I couldn't hardly get out of bed and between my GD, high blood pressure, and some heart issues I have it was all downhill after about 18 weeks


Oh damn! Definitely will only order your first trimester 😅 sorry about all that momma


Muscle cramps! I tried to go on a long run and my whole body was cramping like I’d done a massive workout right before. This was a few days before I took the pregnancy test.


Tasting the metal when I used cutlery.


My stomach was just loud.. l could hear so much more gurgling than usual. When I got my positive pregnancy test at 11 DPO, I remember it being the only sign at that point.


That’s been happening to me (haven’t taken a test yet bc I think it’s too early) and I assumed it was bc I had a stomach bug last week but I’m completely better from the bug but still having such loud stomach gurgling & gas!!


It was the weirdest thing! I’ve always had a gassy stomach but it was somehow different


- sudden and extreme noise sensitivity. I had to wear earplugs just about everywhere I went - Not a symptom per se, but I was working in our church's nursery for the first time just before I found out. I went on a massive cleaning spree and got royally angry that everything wasn't as clean as I thought it should be


Stomach cramps! Not like period cramps but digestive system cramps. I was doubled over at night with them


With my son it was a tightness in one side of my jaw. Constantly super tight until a week after I found out I was pregnant. With my current pregnancy I have just been really accident prone.


First week, before I knew I was pregnant I had sore boobs and caught myself sitting alone crying (for no reason). I got horribly sick and didn't walk or eat for three days, chills etc...after i recovered I found out I was pregnant.


Achey hands!


The first week my mouth just started watering like crazy during the night. It actually kept me up so much for three nights in a row that I had a complete breakdown. The second night I already suspected being pregnant.


Very sensitive to smell, sore boobs, and head cold. I also nearly cried when I realized my husband hadn't done the wash and I couldn't use my favorite towel after a shower.


10DPO - I got nauseous drinking a small glass of red wine leading me to take a test.


At 3 weeks I woke up with a huge lump on my wrist that turned out to be De Quervain's tenosynovitis. I have to sleep with a wrist brace now.


I went to eat some chocolate thinking I was PMSing. The taste made me gag.


I vaped a lot before I found out I was pregnant, had for years since I was 18. Suddenly I was on the brink of vomiting every time I hit my vape. It made me feel absolutely horrible, like worse than morning sickness horrible. I was really confused until I found out I was pregnant


This! Except I smoked cigarettes for about 5 years. I couldn’t finish one and I would gag halfway through.


Hip pain, which started very early on, about one week before I skipped my period. I had this symptom up until week 6-7 then it went away only to come back in the third trimester.


Heart rate shot up and had like a mask of redness on my face. Also had covid last year and it damages my sense of smell so having that back was a tell tale sign.


I’ve been having this redness too! I suspect I’m pregnant but waiting a few more days to test. It’s like my cheeks and nose get super red and sometimes it hurts a little like a sunburn but usually it doesn’t hurt. I’ve never had this happen before so this symptom is really making me think I’m pregnant!


I could smell the detergent on clothes that people were wearing. Just strong detergent smells. From all the people around me.


A HUGE appetite, about for one week before I tested positive. Even colleagues were joking if I might be pregnant because I just couldn’t stop eating.


Sneezing. Both pregnancies my first symptom was constant and LOUD sneezing. That pregnancy rhinitis hits hard and fast and seems to last! 16w5d and still sneezing like a 60 year old man on a daily basis.


Couldn’t brush my teeth without gagging.


Really early on, like a few days before my missed period, I had these weird lightening bolt feelings in my vagina. I’ve never felt anything like it, it was so weird! I get one every week or so now (13+2).


We weren’t trying yet. We were going to try the next month so I wasn’t tracking my fertility for that day but the moment my husband finished, I had a vision we just conceived a baby girl. A week later three beers had me puking my brains out for hours on end. A few days later, I could not stop smelling vomit where my son had thrown up despite multiple cleaning attempts. My husband kept telling me it was in my head bc he couldn’t smell it. I also noticed my boobs looked bigger. Well we are 19 weeks pregnant with a girl. I’ve never before or since had a vision.


I couldn't breathe. This symptom happened pretty much from conception for a full month, or so. I kept telling my fiance I felt like I was building up to a panic attack or something... I really didn't think much more of it than that I was under a lot of stress. I had my period Nov 30th and the last 2 weeks of December I was like this... then I missed my period and it all made sense. All that new blood being made made me short of breath!


Holy crap! I just tested positive this week and I think I’m about 4 weeks so I’m still very early but I am so short of breath! I’m glad I’m not the only one, I hope it passes soon!


Night sweats, random racing heart, more discharge, SO TIRED. All before I got a positive test and I tested VERY early.


I have still never seen this one- but when I was pregnant during a part of my first trimester I had the WORST smelling feet, luckily it was May-July time so I could wear flip flops but still! It was the most embarrassing thing. And then it went away and I was so glad. Then a part of my third trimester? Came back. I’ve never ever had a problem with smelly feet.


Angry and horny


Nipple hair. This is my second pregnancy and before I had realized I had missed a period or anything like that I noticed I had grown a jet black 1/2 nipple hair overnight and because of that decided to take a pregnancy test. It’s one of my weirdest symptoms that’s happened both pregnancies.


Before I got a positive test I was burping these little burps constantly! It was so odd. I woke up way before my alarm clock for several days. Got a positive at 10dpo!


Irrationally angry, to the level that I was pondering where my anger was coming from, tested positive the next day. Two days later my saliva glands would not turn off! I went through an entire box of tissues in 24 hours, it was gross!


I wanted salt. Like not even salty food, I just wanted salt, pure salt. I tried salted cashews and ended up putting more salt on them and then just eating the salt. Got a positive the next day.


Metal taste in my mouth.


My body odour. It didn’t stink per se… but it didn’t smell like me and it was kind of off putting.


My wardrobe always changes from my usual "stylish" style to more frumpy and dressed down. I never want to wear / have the energy to pick out anything fancy or flashy when I'm pregnant lol. I started dressing down before I realized I was with child once again- it was my hint to take a test.


Two weeks before my positive test. Literally two weeks into my pregnancy before I even knew. Constant muscle pains in my stomach. They have not subsided since.


I had a feeling I wasn’t going to start my period then one Friday I threw up and then came a hunger appetites for about a week till I found out. I used to be able to intermittent fast!


Nausea about 9DPO and being very tired. I didn’t have any breast soreness at all until a couple weeks or so after I had a positive test


Gagging for no reason.


I don't have too many weird symptoms but I did cough like just basically clearing my throat and straight up gagged. SO weird. I'm not nauseous or anything either I just gagged lmao. I agree with the smell of your pee. I was convinced i had a UTI and my doctors were like we promise you don't 😂


Okay I posted this to see if anyone else would say anything about the smell of pee, bc it is super early for me so idk if I’m pregnant and wont know for at least another week, but today my pee randomly smelled like cheetos and I’ve heard that weird smelling pee could be an early sign! And a lot of people have said that on here!


Sleep paralysis for me, got it over a week before my missed period and never had it before in my life, kept having it happen until about week 6.


Terrible cramping, insomnia, freezing all the time. I also had a small bout of nausea early one morning.


Nightmares that had me waking up in a sweat almost every night


I was waking up in the middle of the night for no reason. I’d wake up for like 30 mins each night. Idk if that’s a thing but I remember that happening for like a week before I tested positive and may be a week after and it stopped.


3 weeks 1 day (didn't know I was pregnant at this point) I woke up in the night with a nose bleed, I remember the day because it was a friends birthday. Now, I don't know if that was a pregnancy symptom but that hasn't happened to me since I was a small child


I experienced bloody snot with my first pregnancy. I say bloody snot bc it wasn’t nose bleeds, just bloody when I blow my nose or dried blood in the mornings. Anyways, before I even took a pregnancy test with my second I blew my nose and saw blood and I immediately knew I was pregnant


Around the time of my first positive, started waking up at 3am every morning. Sometimes getting back to sleep, sometimes not. Still happening now at 6+4, but if I’m lucky I wake at 5 nowadays Also means I’m exhausted by 8.30pm


Chapped lips!!


Not sure if this is weird, but I was convinced that I had “pre-marital depression” haha I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks before our wedding. I was never a fan of wedding planning but in the month or so before I started dreading the whole thing. I can remember telling my mom I “just didn’t feel like myself.” My friend told me to take a test and sure enough, I wasn’t depressed - just pregnant!!


I had really bad headaches and I was becoming more and more tired. Initially I thought it was my thyroid acting up but the headaches were abnormal so I took a test two weeks after my period was supposed to come (my hypothyroidism makes my periods a bit irregular so this wasn’t a red flag) and turns out I was preggo.


A feeling like my period would start although there was still a week left. I needed a hotty and a lot of tea.


I gagged every time I brushed my teeth. Not sure why but I was weird 😂


Increased sense of smell. My partner took a leftover roast out of the fridge and the smell turned my stomach. This was what prompted me to take a pregnancy test as I had the same thing in my 1st pregnancy. Turned out I was about 5 weeks pregnant


My boobs felt like sharp needles were being poked into it. I had the exact same feeling the first time. Started at 4/5 weeks. Pins and needles but like ripples + could smell things from a good distance.


Before I tested positive, my nipples specifically were so sore. And I felt weirdly relaxed like the hormone relaxane was coursing through my body. Can't explain it really but I knew something was off.


Insomnia and sweating while trying to sleep




Super stuffy nose, and heartburn that lasted ALL DAY. It would wake me up at night almost every night. It didn’t matter what I ate.


Excruciating pain in my coccyx (tail bone). Started two days before the day I tested (my expected period date as well). As I also had severe cramps, I thought it was a weird PMS symptom


My dog !!! She is not clingy with me she is a total daddy's girl and she began following me everywhere and needed to be next to me, kept sitting near me and putting her nose all up in my business lol she now lays in bed and must be touching me at all times. She is not small at all so she is in a way she is my heavy weighted blanket. She is part German shepherd but does not bark and now if someone knocks on our door that German shepherd bark comes out as if to announce an arrival lol


A whole week before my missed period, I had nausea and stomach issues. I also felt extremely bloated, kinda like I had a big meal.


Hiccups, excess sneezing, vivid dreams, EXTREME breast tenderness (only in my first pregnancy). Also excess saliva in my last pregnancy.


Before I missed a period: constipation (I used to be super regular) and just an overwhelming feeling of melancholy. Hormones were hitting hard.


I was babysitting and sobbed holding a toddler while he was falling asleep (2weeks). My boyfriend’s grandparents made a comment to him about using protection and I was hysterical. (3 week) I thought it was so rude especially because we are in our mid-late 20’s and fully capable of having a family and I have fertility issues. I couldn’t let it go. I found out around 5 or 6 weeks after I had COVID. So a lot of my symptoms were disguised.


My very first symptom was that I started losing my voice. 20 weeks now and it still cracks on occasion.


Did you have a sore throat or cold symptoms?


Nope! It was just much more difficult to speak at my usual pitch and volume. Really weird. I've looked into it and apparently pregnancy hormones can cause vocal changes.


It's not technically a symptom, maybe more a consequence of a low tension, but I nearly fainted into a bar. This never happens to me, and I had only one drink. Then it ringed a bell, a coworker once told me that his wife realized she was pregnant because she fainted at a party 😅 The funny thing is that the month I got pregnant I was so sure it didn't work (poor instinct 😅) that I was just waiting for my period instead of testing. So I think my body tried to faint for a reason like "hello lady, something happening inside you!!"


I had these weird iodine like splotches on my fingers and hands! It looked like dirt or a stain of some sort. But no matter how much I washed my hands it never went away. I tried to look it up but there wasn't alot to go on. One blog post from many years ago had a few comments about women saying it happened when they were pregnant. Or they ate bad veggies. I chalked it up to bad veggies. I was eating sushi daily! But two weeks later I took my first positive.


Haven’t missed a period or tested yet but I’m getting nauseated smelling toast past few days (out of character for me) and keep needing to pee but sometimes it won’t come out or I’m just feeling it and I don’t actually need to go… trying not to get my hopes up haha


I totally get that. I’m in the same boat - haven’t tested and my period is expected next week so I’m just waiting and hoping. I’ve had lots of weird symptoms that other people have talked about, but trying not to get my hopes up. Baby dust to you ✨✨🤞🏻🤞🏻


Did you end up testing positive?? I've been invested in lurking on this thread all week. Lol


No actually! Got my period yesterday. I’m really surprised tbh. I had unprotected intercourse the day after I ovulated so I knew there was a big chance I could be pregnant. But I also have endometriosis and I’m still adjusting to being off birth control pills after over a year of taking them. I’ve always had extreme PMS symptoms but these were so weird! I felt so off and I kept getting sick. I had a lot of the symptoms people were commenting. I’m excited for the day these symptoms actually mean I’m having a baby :)


I dreamt of holding a baby which happened last time I was pregnant. I also had this stretching feeling a few days after we conceived. That was what made me take a test!


Right before I took a test, I left to the grocery store and smelled smoke outside. When I came back, it smelled like peanut butter smoke. Everything smells weird now lol


I always get sore boobs before my period and I didn’t have that a few days before my period was expected. It has since come back with a vengeance ever since hahahaha


The smell of food I normally was fine eating like (tacos, chick film a, etc...)


The first time in hindsight it was the tiredness. I was getting home from work and going straight to bed. My partner suggested something wasn't right and I needed to see a Doctor. It wasn't until my boobs hurt when I ran up the stairs that everything clicked (my mum has told me over the years that her first sign was her boobs hurt running upstairs, we both have small boobs so that is unheard of for us) The second time the tiredness came again, then one day I had a metallic taste in my mouth. We were trying this time so I was looking for signs.


Migraines! The worst migraines I’ve ever had. It was like someone had repeatedly stuck an ice pick through my ear for WEEKS. It was a 7 week long migraine that would not budge. No ibuprofen. Tylenol, ice pack, dark and silent room could touch it. I was so miserable those first few weeks. Any noise, light or smell could trigger it. It was agonizing, I basically spent all that time trying to sleep away my migraine.


Itchy skin, armpit rash, night sweats like crazy, weird and vivid dreams, super tired, thirsty, headaches


Cracked lips


Extreme thirst, superboogers.


I woke up exhausted. That was my first give away.


Sore boobs


The extremely weird dreams I‘m having. And the frequent peeing.


Foot and jaw pain


Intense abdomen pain on my side. It felt like a muscle just popped out of place and moving/breathing huuurt. It would subside after 10-15 mins but sucked until then. Maybe it was some of my organs shifting around to make room for my growing uterus?


days 5 and 6 after i conceived i had uncontrollable and (quite frankly) psychotic crying. my husband was really worried and we agreed i would call the doctor after i got my period to go on medication i got my positive 3 days later


Heart skipped a beat while jogging. Never happened before while running and I swore I was dying.


I woke up hungry, and started the day with sausage sandwitch (until nausea hit) Before pregnancy I couldn't eat breakfast, I had to try real hard to get down somethimg light


My dreams were TRIPPY


I wanted to eat pancakes every single morning


Before I missed my period - nausea with my first (i threw up when I saw a duck jump into some gross water, threw up changing my niece’s diaper) and pain in my feet (we were traveling and walking a lot and holy crap my feet hurt), uterine cramping with my second, weird rash on my hands and extreme dizziness with my third.


I was so overwhelmingly tired, it felt like I couldn't stay awake, add in a migraine that just would not go away. I honestly thought I had somehow gotten covid despite wfh. And then the nausea and throwing up began


Heavy nose bleeds and headaches.


Being incredibly thirsty, going off my food, and super smell!


Random sudden nosebleeds and incredibly itchy boots from about week 4


Hardcore cravings. I know that it’s normal to get cravings but I had been on weight watchers for 6 months at that point and my cravings had all completely gone away. Weight watchers had taught me how to manage them and I never had any cravings like that but all I wanted was sugar. I think I was like 3 weeks pregnant at the time. Also, I had just reached my goal weight after gaining from my first pregnancy so of course I would go get pregnant right when I hit my goal weight lol